Daily Archives: April 8, 2016

Today is Now!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! If I heard this saying once, I have heard it a bunch of times!  This saying, though true, requires fierce mental transformation. The saying is lovely and encouraging, but requires a ferocious determination to believe and execute starting anew without carrying yester-years, yesterday’s negativity into the newness of each new day!

Hmmm, so what can I say? This is a tall order, but a necessary requirement to living each day fully alive and fully present.  The spiritual principle, if embraced frees us from the shame and guilt of past mistakes. This principle assists us in appreciating joyous and happy memories and purposing to create new ones.

Many of us allow our past to dictate our future. We often times drag our regrets, mistakes, shame and failure into our very present or get stuck in a drama and/or loss. We allow the negative things to strangle our souls, and we frequently forget the great things of the past as well as the present.  What we often spew, yet fail to practice is that the past is gone! We must remember: We can’t do ANYTHING about the past! So, we must forgive others, self and keep it moving!  Each day, we literally grow brand new brain cells, according to Dr. Caroline Leaf.  Therefore, with these new brain cells we are truly given the practical opportunity to implement the mercies of our Creator each and every day!

Today, is the first day of the rest of your life, my life! Today, literally right now is all we have. How will you choose to move forward in your daily/life activities? Will you forge ahead in gratitude, determination, kindness, productivity, love, forgiveness and the like? Or will you drag grudges, regret, shame, hatred, bitterness, dread, loss and more into your NOW?

The choice is always ours! For me, I choose life…to the fullest! Join me in making this place called earth just a little brighter with a ferocious determination to live a life of love, joy and kindness. Refuse to haul yester-years’ drama into today’s sunshine!  Choose to love yourself enough to give yourself the best chance to experience each day as a new beginning.

Just Musing….

Dr. Dee