Daily Archives: June 9, 2016

86 Loving Ways to Care

love goggleHappy and loving marriages require loving and positive actions. Most woman, I would imagine want to enjoy their husbands! Who want to toil in an arduous relationship? The answer is obvious! In relationships, especially marriages, there are many ways to encourage your husband, which will build him up and contribute to a happier life together. It is my contention that a loving wife can easily encourage her husband. A wife’s approval is powerfully vital, and applying the following steps consistently will make a positive difference in your marriage. Listed below are just 86 ways to inspire and encourage your spouse.

  1. Communicate with him respectfully
  2. Respond to him gently
  3. Let him know how important he is to you
  4. Try to understand his reasons, even when you disagree
  5. Let go of the small stuff
  6. Ask for his help
  7. Let him help and protect you
  8. Tell him you love him
  9. Tell him you like him
  10. Tell him you respect him
  11. Tell him he is the greatest person in your life
  12. Give him space for hobbies or quiet time
  13. Let him know how much you appreciate him
  14. Show him that your respect him and trust him
  15. When you go out on dates, do not bring up negative issues or problems
  16. Focus your attention on the great things he does right
  17. Show interest in what he feels is important in life
  18. Show him that you enjoy spending time alone
  19. Be happy and positive when he comes home
  20. Do not allow any family member or friend to treat him disrespectfully
  21. Defend him to any family member who attempts to dishonor him
  22. Compliment his efforts above his performance
  23. Seek his advice when you seek challenges
  24. Set and work on goals together
  25. Respect his leadership in the home
  26. Be forgiving when he offends you
  27. Find ways to show him you need him. Men need to be needed.
  28. Do not bombard him with “honey-dos”
  29. Quickly admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness
  30. Rub his feet, neck, and shoulders when he is stressed
  31. When he wants to talk, actively listen and ask questions
  32. Tell him you are proud of him
  33. Give advice in a loving manner and do not nag
  34. Reserve energy for intimacy
  35. Praise him for being a good man
  36. Text him love notes during the day
  37. Leave him a sweet voice mail
  38. Brag about him to others even if he is not there
  39. Share your feelings in a concise way
  40. Tell him 3 things you appreciate about him and why
  41. Honor him and show respect in front of others
  42. Help him accomplish his family and personal goals
  43. Give him space if he is in a bad mood or doesn’t want to talk
  44. Don’t compare him to others, especially in a negative way
  45. Tell him thank you for the special things his does
  46. Write “I love you” across the bathroom mirror
  47. Leave love notes for him to find
  48. Work to get rid of the negative things he does not like about you
  49. Do not expect him to notice everything you do
  50. Consult him before making important plans
  51. Let him sleep in when possible
  52. Do not criticize his intelligence
  53. Initiate sex sometimes
  54. Get to the point during discussions
  55. Wink at him when you are across the room in public
  56. Smile at him often
  57. Give him the benefit of the doubt in all situations
  58. Try not to quarrel over words
  59. Do not call him out of his name during arguments
  60. Attack the issue(s) not him
  61. Be kind and polite to him
  62. Stick to financial goals and do not sneak purchases behind his back
  63. Do not blame him for everything that goes wrong
  64. When he blows it, don’t throw it back up in his face
  65. Be understanding
  66. Never argue over money – figure it out in a respectful way
  67. Hold his hand when out in public
  68. Snuggle close when possible
  69. Don’t expect him to read your mind – tell him what you need, think and/or want
  70. Check with him before you throw anything of his away
  71. Work to stay in shape
  72. When you are angry, do not give him the silent treatment
  73. Look your best, especially when out in public
  74. Be his best cheer leader
  75. Acknowledge his successes in everyday situations
  76. Focus on his positives
  77. Patiently show how you need him to love you
  78. Encourage healthy eating
  79. Thank him for being who he is
  80. Enjoy all the time you have with him
  81. Remember to keep humor alive in the relationship
  82. Do things he likes sometimes without grumbling
  83. Plan a romantic dinner or trip for the two of you to a place he loves
  84. Cook his favorite meal and serve him while he sits
  85. Treat him like a king – royal, special and beloved
  86. If you believe in prayer, pray for him consistently


Dr. Dee