They say love is blind, but I’ve seen Your face over a hundred times, and each time I walk out the door Your story fills my soul.

I heard these words in a song that I just love to listen to over and over again. We’ve all heard it said that love is blind, and I guess we all have been blinded by what we call love. But, true love sees, and continues to love, and even loves when love is not returned. My eyes are wide open to You!

There are two kinds of love, and maybe more depending on who’s talking. Human love some say comes for the Creator, which I won’t argue.  Yet, human love is so infected with narcissism that it is often hard to see any inkling of a kind, loving Creator. We live in a world where self, self-interest, self-love, self-hopes, self-funds, self-career objectives, self-needs, self-goals, self-business, self-spirituality, self-desires, etc., truly reign supreme over everyone and often, if not even G-d! I am constantly amazed at the selfishness we all seem to possess; some extraordinarily more than others. Yet, many claim to love G-d, an unselfish Savior as His disciple; nevertheless, the depravity of human selfishness within their being radiates like an armored shield.  My eyes and heart are wide open to You!only-love-can-heal-poster

Human love takes us on all kinds of adventures…some great, some disastrous; some thrilling, some boring! Still, we all need to feel some kind of love, connection, togetherness. We were created out of love to love.  The question, love that hurts or love that is based on fantasy or selfishness, is this really love? Hum, I think not!

There is only One true love and only One who will never leave, forsake, lie, use, manipulate, or exude selfishness, and that is the One who knew us before the world was even formed. Teach us to love without selfish motives.

Yep, some say love is blind, and yeah, love can be blinding. Love, human love can take you down dark alleys into dangerous terrain. But, the love of the Creator, who tells His story daily,  who shows His face hundreds of times in various ways, and who longs to spend time with us, is the only love we can depend on.  All else is a wish, a maybe, or a hope. Open our eyes and hearts to experience Your love.


Dr. Dee

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