Daily Archives: December 4, 2016

Do you live with a jerk?

I thought this was interesting.

Do not be deceived; G-d is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. Galatians 6:7-10

Reflection by Lillian Daniel

I have always heard the expression “You reap what you sow.” But, I am not sure I really believe it. I see jerks get ahead in life. I see good people who work hard end up without fame or fortune. Do you really reap what you sow?

If all you look at is material gain in this world, then you would have to be an idiot to think you reap what you sow. Just think about the television show, “Celebrity Apprentice.” A guy who built his fortune on his father’s money, and wears the worst comb-over ever, gets to host a television show offering advice on business to celebrities who have no business running one. Clearly, we do not reap what we sow.

But if you look at this from the spiritual angle, it is actually true. Spiritually, I really do believe we get back what we put in.

The jerk who gets ahead by being a jerk still has to live with himself. And that means living with a jerk, twenty-four/seven. house

The person who treats others kindly, who offers respect to everyone, who spreads love in the midst of nastiness, that person gets to live with himself, too.

So, who has the better roommate? What do you think?