Daily Archives: April 11, 2017

2017 Spring Break

Arrived at the Atlanta airport on Thursday, March 30th with every intention on catching a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. I arrived at the airport at 4:15 PM and left the ATL airport at 10:30 PM and returned to my home. All flights were full and I was left behind. Yes, I was a little disappointed, but not discouraged.

Saturday, April 1st arrived at Atlanta airport at 6:00 AM with every intention and desire to catch a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. All flights were full up to 2:00 PM, but I was still hopeful and met someone. We spent the next four hours chatting. It was a very nice meeting and certainly a G-d thing!

At 6:05 PM the flight leaving for Denver, CO as well as the remaining flights until 9:45 PM were full, and again, I was left behind. Yes, a little disappointed, but not discouraged. I called Uber and had a very nice driver. I sat in the front, and we chatted and exchanged cell numbers. It was very pleasant. Secretly, I was a little nervous, because it was my first Uber ride. But, G-d, as always has a way of showing me who is truly in control.

All flights were booked, and only my luggage had a spring break in Denver. So, even though I had every intention and desire to fly out on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, I decided to have my bags flown back to Atlanta on Monday.

On Monday, April 3rd, my mom and I drove to the airport to pick up my bags. Again, on Monday the 3rd I was looking forward to flying to Denver, and a great friend of mine was going to drive me to the airport at 5:00 AM on Tuesday, April 4th.

Monday evening, I received a text that all flights were booked, and there was little chance I would get to Denver on a buddy pass  for the rest of the week. So, I decided to look for a ticket, for the remaining time I would have in Denver.  However, for the amount of the fare, it just did not seem practical for just three days. So, with a positive attitude, I realized that this Spring Break of 2017, Denver would not be graced with my presence. Yet, all was/is not lost.

Many positives came out of this experience as well as some lessons.

Lesson One – forget a buddy pass especially during a high-flying season.  Buy a ticket!

Lesson Two – focus on the positives and look for all the blessings in the midst of what could be very frustrating. (Yet again, a little sad, but never irate or discouraged.) I was determined to be led by G-d, and to focus on where He was leading. I can’t claim to be led by G-d, and then scream at Him when things look opposite of what I desire. Easy? What do you think? I digress…some encouraging things I realized.


  1. Ride to the airport – Thursday afternoon (friend from work)
  2. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM during a horrible thunder storm (son)
  3. Taken back to the airport the next day at 5:15 AM (son) – I live about 45 minutes away from the airport without traffic and bad weather.
  4. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM (Very nice Uber driver)
  5. Met someone at the airport and spent 4 hours together, exchanged information, promised to stay in-touch.
  6. Helped by someone else who lives in Denver when I got confused about travel gate
  7. Chatted with a very nice person as we waited for the next flight
  8. Saw a co-worker in the women’s restroom on her way to Florida
  9. Full refund on my buddy pass
  10. All luggage returned from Denver with excellent customer service
  11. Nice outing with my mom when we went to pick up my luggage and glorious weather
  12. Safety
  13. Family/friends checking on me to make sure I was fine

My point, I am going to Colorado, but apparently, this spring break was not the appointed time. So, for the rest of my stay-vacation, fun and rest was on the menu.

And, fun and rest it was!



Dr. Dee