Monthly Archives: March 2019

2 Adams

A message by Alan H Johnson

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Shalom! Dr. Dee

Truth Vs Unity

The older I get the more I am shocked about the idiocy of society and its hell-bent ideas on truth.  Recently I was watching a video which spoke to Truth Vs Unity and the narrator’s comment suggested that the two cannot coexist. Truth in his opinion cannot coexist with unity, because truth is relative which leads to separatism. But is truth relative?  What is truth? Whose truth?

Truth from a biblical perspective is based on what G-D has declared. And… I realize there are certain tenets that various folks choose to disagree on as it pertains to what G-D said and/or meant. But, at the end of the day, G-D’s Word still stands as true today, as it did when He first spoke His decrees to Moses. So, the problem in my opinion is not about truth versus unity, the problem is in defining truth and defining unity in order to understand the correlation between the two or the “unity” between the two. But again, this is even relative… each person must decide where their standard of truth stems.

Truth according to some is relative. Truth varies from person to person, from situation to situation, circumstances to circumstances. Truth is selective, and inclusive according to some and may originate from experiences, philosophy, psychology, astrology, various spiritual writings and more. Truth bubbles from the depths of religious ideologies or the lack there of.

Unity according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means the quality or state of not being multiple: oneness; a condition of harmony. But, what does that mean? Has unity also become a relative term in our society?  Can we be united and yet think differently or independently? Should my thinking impose my truth on another or can I still live in unity with others, live the truth of my convictions?

I certainly don’t have a pleasing universal answer, because society has aggressively moved away from biblical teachings; and many march to the beat of their own reasoning and thinking. Unfortunately, the Body of Messiah has divergent beliefs on truth and unity as well. Therefore, my beliefs, opinions, dogma is and will be frowned upon by those whose beliefs are contrary and/or just plain argumentative.

I believe the truth is spelled out for us in G-D’s word with some room for freedom such as a choice between chicken or beef within Kosher laws (minor choice for some, tremendous choice for others). The point, I believe we have to first believe that G-D’s teachings are valid and from the One true and living G-D and are applicable for our navigation through this life. Then we have to decide, if it is THE universal truth which guides our lives. If we believe that His Word is the one universal truth, and our handbook (the Bible) is for holy living, then we have to choose to practically live out His design for our lives. We have to believe that the Bible is G-D’s inspired Word and that He sent Yeshua (Jesus) to atone for our wickedness. Living our lives in such a manner draws others to HIS TRUTH, HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE. Living for G-D does not glorify ourselves, but glorifies and pleases Him. I believe that is our utmost purpose – to please our heavenly Father. Are we always successful and do as required? You know that obvious answer!

If we differ on the biblical principles of who G-D is, His love, His provision for His people, then our truth is relative and our foundation fluid if we are believers of His Way. Again, my belief, my canon. So, how can there be unity, if truth is fluid?

If unity means the state of not being multiple or oneness…how is this possible on a small scale, no less a societal scale? Seems impossible! But is it impossible?  And does unity mean thinking the same? Can I think independently and still be united to my husband, friend, or neighbor? How about on a less personal scale, politically, socially, etc.? But, then again…I guess it is all personal as it all affects our lives. Each of us must figure out how we will walk in unity with others as we embrace the truth of G-D’s Word.

Again, I don’t have the answers to satisfy everyone, only my own personal beliefs which direct my living and love for the One who created me. My beliefs allow me to function in the truth of G-D’s Word as I understand and experience His love. Living for G-d supports my attempts at Shalom (peace) with those around me. Am I perfect? Anyone reading this blog again, knows the obvious answer!

My challenge to us, seek truth in love for the One true living G-D, and then each other….thus fulfilling the two greatest commandments. Truth is not relative as it pertains to the teachings of Adonai (L-RD). And, unity in love is possible if we are willing to respect others right to believe what they choose.

The decision is always personal.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

G-D’S Toolbox

Message by: Alan H Johnson

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Dr. Dee