Monthly Archives: May 2019

Can’t do FEAR…

In response to the shooting at STEM School in CO, May 7, 2019.

Yesterday a friend from CA asked if I was afraid to go to work everyday. Did I worry about shooters at my school? My response… No! Occasionally the thought may come across my mind, but I do not wake up and asked myself, “Will I be shot today or will one of my students, co-workers, etc. be a victim or a perpetrator? No! At the end of the day, my coming, going and/or staying is in the protection of G-D.

I can’t and will not carry the burden of worrying about someone viciously attacking me or my students, or (my children or grandchildren) each day! If I did this, I would not be an effective teacher. I would go crazy without a ticket back to sanity!

Needless to say, I am extremely sadden by the attack on our youth. I am grieved by yet… another shooting… another fatal victim… other victims who have endured physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological trauma. Each school shooting shatters our community in negatively immeasurable ways… nationwide with a long road to some semblance of recovery. As an educator my heart aches, my heart doesn’t comprehend.

As a mom and grandma, I can’t imagine the horrific grief of his parents, grandparents and others who loved and will miss him. My prayers and sincere condolences go out to them! He was a Superhero … no greater love than a man who would lay his life down for another. Someone else did this for us! Someone greater and waiting for all to call upon Him.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

The Crazy One

Recently, I spoke with someone I occasionally see in the lobby of my school. We began talking and before the end of the conversation, she announced to me eyeball to eyeball, “I was crazy!” Let me explain…

This woman, let’s call her Mary asked me what sign (astrological) I was born under…I hesitated and gave her nothing and then she asked when was my birthday. I told her. She proceeded to tell me essentially, I was a horrible person based solely on my birthday. I attempted to try and explain to her that she didn’t even know me, and that was not true… to no avail.  Mary explained why she thought I WAS horrible based on my zodiac sign. Supposedly, some man she was involved with had left her after she spent over $2000.00 on him; and committed all sorts of atrocities against her. As I was “listening” and walking away, she proceeded to announce in the office of my school that “I was crazy!” Wow…I thought! This woman doesn’t even know me, and yet I am being judged by my birthday according to astrological explanations; and by what some old boyfriend did to her! Hum…needless to say…I was baffled and amazed at this woman’s brazen attitude and commentary without cause.

This is my crazy look day! See those eyebrows?

So, after doing some personal reflection, I concluded that she is probably the crazy one and truly has the problem. Yet, on a very serious note, her attitude towards me, a stranger to her was a vivid reminder of the biases, hatred, and “isms” we have towards one another based purely on some superficial and/or supposed demonic belief system. Not to mention, that the Bible is clear on consulting mediums (witchcraft, astrology, etc.) as the source of our knowledge, forecasting the future and/or navigating through this life.

Therefore, let me encourage all of us to take time to get to know others, basing our beliefs about them on their character, and not the superficial matters which divide and conquer. Our society is so hell-bent on keeping us divided that we sometimes blindly judge others based on stereotypes or lies we read according to the zodiac system, fake news media or some other medium. If you get a chance, follow the link for a short and excellent read on the subject of astrology,

G-D has called us to love Him, others and ourselves; and when we judge, ridicule, condemn, and hate on others, we miss the mark of loving others by leaps and bounds.

Just saying!

Dr. Dee

Need make-up: