Some Believed in Yeshua

42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: 43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of G-D. John 12:42

We are exactly the same as the leaders of Yeshua’s day. We may call it “PC” (politically correct) or some other nefarious term, but really, we are afraid to speak the truth when it is contrary to the popular belief of others. We, and I mean we, are afraid of ridicule, persecution, rejection not to mention physical harm or even death! Many times, we are afraid to speak up concerning our beliefs in G-D, because we imagine the worst of what man can do to us, rather than trust what G-D will do for us and through us!

Yet, our actions based in fear are the results of our preconceived notions of how the end will materialize. However, we can’t know the “end” until the “end” comes…which may turn out in a way which was beyond our comprehension, good, and yes, possibly bad. Therefore, we must trust in G-D’s best for us and have faith in Him regardless of the outcome.

Fear, unhealthy fear is a debilitating force, which retards our growth and impedes our obedience to G-D’s teachings. The leaders in the above passage were afraid of being ostracized from the synagogue; and, like many of us, we are afraid of being ostracized at work, in our churches/synagogues, among our friends, family, social media, etc. Contrarily interesting, many of us are also afraid of success in our personal and professional relationships even in our marriages. We are frightened of the “good” or “great” that could be within our reach; therefore, we erroneously judge “our today” by “our yesterdays”. We predetermine our outcome by speaking negativity, and thrive in self-fulfilled prophecy and arrogance when things turn out just like “we knew they would”.

Yet, I believe in the Scripture, which suggests that all things work for our good (Romans 8:28) when we love the L-RD. His forgiveness, grace and mercy allow us chances to experience newness as we grow in Him. A common saying, but apropos; each morning is a new opportunity. What are the new opportunities? A plethora of experiences both great, good and not so good, which bring us closer to the Father, forgetting and forgiving our past and pressing forward in Him. Consider these two Scriptures which align with this truth:

Brethren, I count not myself yet to have apprehended: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before… Phil. 3:13

Then Yeshua (Jesus) declared, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back is fit for the kingdom of G-D.” Luke 9:62

Consequently, we cannot walk in newness, if we are hanging onto the horrors of yesteryear and/or the “good ole days”. We must realize that the awful things which happened to us do not determine our final destination in Yeshua. We must choose to forgive ourselves and those who betrayed our trust, so we can freely walk in the newness of being in Messiah. Regardless, of the atrocities, losses, etc., like Yeshua, we must choose to forgive in order to realize true freedom.

I believe, if we view our past as lessons, we would not embrace our negative personal histories and allow them to massage our souls. Yeshua is our story when we trust in Him. He is our Creator, Narrator, Guide, Model and so much more! If we believe His assessment of us as His Beloved, then our lives will always be pressing forward, instead of stuck in the murky or gloomy past of our experiences. Will life always be easy in Messiah? The answer is obvious! Yet, it is better to walk and trust in Him; than wallow in damaging and debilitating past experiences.

I know how difficult it is to let go of hurts, injustices, abuse and terror. But to live festering in all the bad things that others have done or the grievous things we have done to others and/or ourselves… is slavery at its best. Yeshua came to proclaim the Good News of the Coming Kingdom of G-D and to destroy our bondage to the tyranny of sin. (Romans 6:18) Yeshua did His part and continues to do His part. It is up to us to believe in His work on the torture stake, and the work He continues to do in our hearts when we trust in Him. It is our responsibility as His Bride to walk out the faith we claim in Him.

Will you believe in Him today and His ability to help you press forward in His newness? Will you ask Him to help you practically live out your faith? It is a daily-process, but worth the effort when we love the L-RD!

#DocsMusings In Him,

Dr. Dee

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