Monthly Archives: November 2019

The Mark of Evil (attempting to alter Creation and more)…

DNA – photo free of royalties

There has and is so much talk among religious groups about the “mark of the beast…666” that one might be completely confused as to the appearance of the anti-Messiah. If you are woke…you know the spirit of the anti-messiah is prevalent in every area of life. Look at the news, check out the behavior of your children, spouses, look at the violent graphics of some video games, human trafficking, drugs, murder, rape and complete mayhem can be found on every corner of this dwelling place, we call earth. These are extremely dark times, and if we are not careful, we can be lulled to sleep by the viciousness of this world via our apathetic attitudes. , We are called in G-D’s word to watch, be diligent, and occupy until He comes! Who comes? Yeshua the Messiah.

Now, I am not an end-time theologian by any means! And, the events which are described in the Bible and teachings from others makes me, and I am sure others afraid of the devastation which is coming upon this sinful world. However, in all that I have read and learned; I do believe that AI (artificial intelligence) is going to play a huge part in the appearance of the anti-messiah.

First of all, in order to buy and sell food, we need some sort of financial system. Right now, we can use cash, credit cards, Bitcoins, etc. However, as we move closer towards the end, a cashless society will become more prevalent. There are some societies that are already cashless. Look at India for example or Canada, United Kingdom, France with the United States not far behind.

Some would suggest that a cashless society provides convenience, but is convenience the most important factor when it comes to managing our finances? Consider this quote from Potential Problems Associated With A Cashless Society according to

The move towards a cashless economy is heavily debated and controversy-prone. Several points have been raised about the negative effects of cashless transactions. In a cashless country, the complete control of transactions, individual use of money, information about public monetary assets, and interest rates are with the nation state and third-party providers. An individual’s money is under external control and is subject to external regulations and restrictions. Negative interest rates might become applicable. Also, in a cashless society, individual transactions and incomes become accessible to legitimate parties like police or tax officials, and chances of hacking also increase.

To point is clear. Yet, what about our poorer communities, who depend on cash to buy food and gas? Or those who have credit issues and cannot get a banking account and have to rely on Western Union, Money Grams, etc.  In my opinion, a cashless society could lead to the appearance of the anti-messiah, because the very funds you need to survive would be controlled by an evil dictator.

What about chips and not the eating kind?

We are seeing a rise of people getting chips under their skin in order to open their cars, garage doors and more. Recently, I saw an article where people are having chip parties. Seriously?  Could this lead to the “mark of the beast”? If all of one’s information is stored on those chips, some giant AI god in the sky can constantly monitor one’s behavior. They are already monitoring us. But, anyway, what about the doctor telling a patient, spouse, or parent…well if you put this chip in your loved one’s arm, not only will they be healed, but they will never get sick again or they will be super human? Do you think folks would agree to this? How about working parents inserting chips into their child, so they can be monitored as they work? Consider your cell phones, smart TVs, laptops, Alexis devices…aren’t they already constantly listening and monitoring? And, of course, we can’t forget about Facebook, Google, Twitter. Recent news articles have informed us on their snooping into our lives and violating our PRIVACY rights!  We have NO privacy. But, anyway, the list could go on and on, but I think you get my point.

Finally, what about DNA altering? Could this be the “mark of the beast” in that the DNA is so altered that G-D’s original fingerprint on that individual is destroyed? What about crisper…gene editing? Read for yourself.

My point…the mark of the beast, I believe will be a willingness on the part of the recipients to receive it whether it is inserting a chip into the body, using the cashless method to pay for goods and services or altering some DNA code or all of the above. It is an act of our will to receive and do things contrary to G-D’s design for His people. Those who choose satan over the Creator-G-D, will have to choose his mark in whatever form to their demise.

Therefore, my brothers and sisters, let us be not deceived… in all things ask G-D and hear His voice, least even the elect will be deceived in the end.

Shout Out,

Dr. Dee

My New Book!

I am so very grateful to all those who helped me to publish this book. It was written in the hopes that people who say they love G-D, would love their spouses, and choose to stay in their relationship. My prayer…you find some word or phrase in this work of love that will bless your heart and then share that with others.

May HaShem richly bless you!

Dr. Dee

Available on Barnes and Noble and Amazon


Mighty Wave – G-D’s Handiwork

Without water we all would perish…humans, animals, plants, trees…every single organic thing, which needs water to thrive would die. Pretty basic biology and quite profoundly necessary!

G-D, the living G-D and Creator of the universe by the way, thinks water is pretty profound and vital in both the physical and spiritual word according to the Bible. If you look at the very first book in the Bible, the very first chapter and the second verse…the word water shows up.  Now according to my study, water or the reference to water is mentioned around 722 times in the Bible. Some suggests half of that, but my point…water is mentioned many times in G-D’s word, so thus it must be important to Him and therefore, should be important to us.

I started thinking about this because last week’s parashah reading is based on the flood that destroyed the earth during Noach, Noah’s times. (Genesis 6:9ff). The flood of G-D destroyed the known world at that time, but also delivered 8 people, as well as pairs of all the living creatures.  This suggests that G-D’s destruction can also be seen not only as His righteous judgment, but also as His cleansing and deliverance of His people. In other words, the waters of the flood are a prefigure of the baptism we need in order to be cleansed of our sins and vile ways. (2 Peter 3:18-22)

Let’s consider some of the ways in which water is used in the Word.

  • Water speaks of life, the giving of life, physical life: Genesis 1:20
  • Water speaks to us of the Word of G-D: Ephesians 5:26, Ps. 119:9
  • Water is referenced as a form of purification: Ez. 36:25
  • Water refers to spiritual renewal, cleansing, refreshing: Jer. 2:13, Jn 4:14

There are so many more examples in Scripture, but hopefully you get the point of the profundity of water in the word, and its importance to the Father from Genesis to Revelation.

Water’s pervasiveness is seen in humans. The average amount of water in a human being is between 50% to 75% depending on gender and age with babies having the most water at around 75% and greater.  The earth is covered by approximately 72-75% of which approximately 97% of that water is oceanic. What about animals, say dogs? A female dog is made up of approximately 55% water, and it varies for other non-human animals. Plants have a large composition of water and can have up to 95%.

Water is the major composition of the human body, feeds the body physically, sustains animals and plant life, is used for cleaning, cooking, swimming and many other things. Without water, life would not exist. How long can a person survive without water? It varies, but somewhere between 2 -7 days. Again, water not only nourishes the body, but it cleanses the body of toxins. Babies in the womb are housed in water. According to Genesis, we are housed between water. Water, water and more water.

So, what is my point? Water in and of itself is pure…what’s in the water… defiles it! When G-D originally created man, He intended for man to remain pure. But as we know the story, man was defiled and thus death became a reality, and our need for a Redeemer.

The flood of Noah’s day was a result of G-D’s displeasure with man. Yet, G-D provided a way of escape for the righteous Noah and his family. What made Noah righteous, not perfect, was his trust in G-D. The same principle is applicable for us today. We are righteous, not perfect through Yeshua, if we believe and trust in Him. Therefore, let us be encouraged to live as pure as possible unto the L-RD!

Just saying,

Dr. Dee