
There are many articles and blogs on the 2020 COVID 19 pandemic. This pandemic has brought out the best and the worst in folks. People have learned a lot about each other because of the stay-at-home orders; life has changed and some of us have handled the changed well and others miserably.

The world has changed drastically right before our eyes; and at times, I have felt hopelessly consumed by the negativity which blankets the news, and sometimes friends and family. Recently, some of us watched the movie, American Gospel. The documentary detailed the heretical messages being perpetuated in some of the churches in America and abroad. After watching the movie, my mind considered many points I believe pertinent to COVID 19. However, I just want to mention the main focus which is Yeshua (Jesus) – WHO is more than enough in all matters…COVID or not!

Many times, we find ourselves consumed with our own narcissistic desires and/or fears that we fail to see that Yeshua is the cornerstone not just in the Bible and the Universe, but He is or should be the cornerstone to all those who claim to believe and trust in Him. What is the meaning of “cornerstone” anyway?

A cornerstone of a building is an important part of construction as it is the first stone to be set and determines the position of all the pieces to be laid afterwards. Cornerstones have been part of building since the Great Pyramids. (Link: Based on my research, cornerstone is an architectural term which is used twice in the Renewed Covenant of the exalted Yeshua.

Ephesians 2:20…  being built on the foundation of the emissaries and prophets, Messiah Yeshua himself being the chief cornerstone…World Messianic Bible

I Peter 2:6… Because it is contained in Scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, chosen and precious…World Messianic Bible

So, to those of us who are putting our faith in Yeshua, we realize that He is the cornerstone of our community of believers, our very lives on which our hopes of salvation in this life and the life to come depend. However, to those who do not believe and deny the saving mercy of Yeshua the cornerstone…He is their stumbling block and foolishness to them.

This pandemic has taken us by surprise and has made all of us vulnerable, some of us afraid and has reminded us that life is uncertain. All we have and need is in Yeshua! There is no one greater than Him or who can help us in our times of trouble.

Therefore, my family in the Body of Yeshua, be not dismayed, discouraged, depressed or downtrodden! But rejoice in the L-RD who is sufficient and let not your heart be troubled;(John 14:1) for in this life we will have troubles. But in Yeshua we have Shalom, protection, love, mercy, grace and so much more. Share the Great News of salvation in Yeshua so that others will rejoice in Him regardless of their plight in this life.

Much Love,

Dr. Dee

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