So What’s Happening

Doc Speaks
My Musings

Mar 5, 2022

So What’s Happening?


It’s been awhile since I have written and life has been full of twists and turns. Yet, by the grace of G-D, I am still here and possibly in my right mind. The pandemic has made all of us  a little or a lot of something and I am no exception. During this pandemic, there was the threat of losing my job – gratefully, I am able to continue working remotely. My mom passed away in December 2021, and  shortly after her death,  my “what I thought” was my forever mate,  abandoned the relationship, which realizing now was best for both of us.  Yet, life keeps moving forward and no time to get stuck in the mud of “woe” is me or sink in self-pity. Yes, healing is vital, but I believe in active healing. More about that in another post.

Most importantly, I have much to be grateful for and this is where I choose to hang my life for G-D to see; and hopefully He will  use me to help others. Today, while it is today, let me encourage you to choose life in ABBA and His way of loving you. Choose forgiveness towards others over bitterness and hatred. Choose goodness and mercy, instead of meanness and pride. Choose humility and meekness, instead of arrogance and domination. Choose agape love, because all roads lead to G-D. We choose either life in Him or separation from Him.

What do you say about what’s happening in your life? Let your heart sing to Him and He will respond. Remember, that which we worship, we become.

In Him,

Dr. Dee

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