Never Oblige Want…NOW

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the fall colors, crisp cool breeze and the roar of burning wood crackling in the fireplace. I enjoy gatherings with family, friends and the laughter we share. The beauty of this season is a blessing; but, today, I miss my mom. 

Thanksgiving was always about spending time with family and friends. As a kid, we had huge traditional turkey meals, laughter and fun! Thanksgiving was a time when we expressed how grateful we were for all the L-RD had done for us; and it was time to relish in those blessings and squash family squabbles. Yet, as time went on, holidays with family and friends changed. Life experiences either interfered or destroyed some of the precious times as the years progressed.

As I am writing this blog, my heart is heavy because I am not only missing my mom, but other members of my family who have passed from this life. And, honestly, I am just lonely for them. I spent a good part of this morning just reminiscing about some of our times together both wonderful and not so wonderful. Last year this time, I was with my mom while she was in hospice and though it wasn’t a traditional Thanksgiving, she was still on this side of heaven and we chatted and laughed together. Sometimes, I just wish I could talk to her. 

Yet, even in my sadness today, I am extremely grateful for all ABBA has done for me and my family through Yeshua. He has done more for me than I deserve, and I am humbled by His great love. And, though I do not have any family in the state I am currently living in, I have friends who care about me and that helps tremendously when I am feeling down like today. But more importantly, I do not weep as someone without hope. And, I am grateful for the comfort of the L-RD.

Anyway, the point of this blog, love folks while you can. Hold on to the people who matter. Make time for each other and tell folks how much you love and care for them while they are in your midst. Don’t assume folks know how much you love and appreciate them. You know what they say about assuming.

Let me encourage you…get over yourself and let stupidity and bitterness go. Get over differences because soon and very soon they… and then you will be gone. Enjoy your family and friends like never before as if this is your last day together. 

We only have now. What does your now look like?

Enjoy your holidays!

Dr. Dee

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