Good Husbands…

Sometimes we feel …

Recently, I read an article titled Why are all the good husbands already taken? The article was pretty interesting and thought worthy for all the single ladies out there who might be asking themselves the same question. 

As the article stated there is a dating paradox: Why are all the good guys taken? Why are my friend’s husbands such amazing people and the guys a lot of us meet/date all seem to be missing something? What is that something? 

According to the article, all the good guys are not taken. Being in love, loving someone and being loved by someone brings the best out in us. Have you ever noticed that especially in the beginning of a relationship? The individuals have a certain glow and even look better. I have noticed this glow or radiance in men who are loved and giving love. Their countenance is beautifully transformed. So, according to the article a guy in a loving relationship does have something that available guys do not have… and that is someone to love.

G-D created us to be in loving and harmonious relationships with each other, but especially our spouses. G-D stated in Genesis, it is not good for man to be alone. (Gen. 2:18) Therefore until our hearts are massaged by true love, first by G-D and then a loving mate, it can appear as if all the good husbands or men are taken. The human soul is meant to open up and connect with someone else. And, yet the human soul has to desire to live and love another.

Loving someone brings out the best in us. We feel alive, more vivid and our personalities blossom. It feels amazing to be loved and in a relationship that is mutually satisfying. In a loving relationship, especially a g-dly one, we feel free, more confident, content, beautiful and complete. On most days, the world seems wonderful and our marriage is our home. Remember, a harmonious, g-dly, loving relationship is the focus of this blog. 

Obviously, we can share love with family and friends, even our enemies; but until we find that special someone, we are incomplete. When a biological male and a biological woman come together in the wisdom of the Creator, it is then they can begin the process of reflecting the image of G-D to each other and those around them.  It is imperative to remember that we are created in the image of G-D. Loving each other is a form of loving Him.

Remember, you can’t shop for a vehicle in someone else’s garage or shop for a dining set in someone else’s dining room. Nor can you expect someone to allow you to use their debit card to pay your monthly bills and expenses. (Exodus 20:17) And, you can’t compare the guys you date to your friend’s husbands, i.e., g-dly husbands. 

Instead, be your best self and recognize some single men are incomplete without someone to love, just like you might feel incomplete without someone to love. In the meantime, set your standards high and stick to them; and live life to the fullest as you wait and desire a mate. Give your loneliness to the L-RD and prayerfully, your wait won’t be too long.


Dr. Dee

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