Twisted Tongues…

Currently, I am reading a book called Chofetz Chaim. I have only read the first few pages and, yet, I am overwhelmed and blessed by the profundity of the laws of proper speech according to some Rabbis in order to please HaShem and live at peace with others.

As a believer in Yeshua, for the last year or so, I have been working on proper G-DLY speech and what that sounds like. Most of us realize that gossip, criticism, and negative speech is harmful to both ourselves and to the hearers of our words as well as violates Torah. However, there is a much deeper issue according to the Torah commentaries and the authors of this particular book.

Many know the story of Miriam who was struck with leprosy due to evil speech about her brother Moses. Traditionally in Christian circles, her condition has been named leprosy but is really a different condition based on Judaic thought. This in-depth analysis of biblical leprosy is not the focus of this blog. I just want to highlight the overall theme.

Musing: One of the most amazing things in this book is the idea of the creation of the tongue…partially hidden and partially revealed. The tongue though not seen is heard…just like the heart is not seen, but what comes out of the heart is displayed and/or heard. Further, out of the heart comes rivers of life and/or death depending on the individual speaking.

LaShon Hara or evil speech has planted seeds of destruction in marriages, relationships, and every human interaction we can think of. The twisted tongue if not aligned with G-D’s good pleasure will kill, lie, and destroy. And, why? Because as human beings we are inclined to judge and criticize others though we are much more deserving of criticism and judgement. We are all guilty of evil speech (even complaining) and unless we are actively aware of this and allow the Spirit of G-D to transform us, we speak evil constantly of others … even unaware.

If we could envision that each person has a drop of the image of G-D planted within them, then evil, derogatory, damaging speech would be eliminated at least some of the time. We would use our words to build up others instead of tear each other down in order to falsely build ourselves up. What a better world we might live in if people did not complain, criticize, humiliate, demonize, belittle, shame, curse, etc., etc. each other! Can you imagine?

As believers in HaShem, it is our responsibility to live according to His Torah (teachings) and be the light and salt of this world as commanded by our Savior Yeshua. Our speech, whether good or bad, reflects our heart’s condition. All manner of wickedness is bound in our hearts and profusely expounds daily in our lives unless we allow ourselves to be controlled by G-D’s Holy Spirit in order to demonstrate the abundant life He has bestowed upon us.

Is this easy? You know the answer. But all things are possible for those of us who love the L-RD and seek to be His eyes, arms and feet in this earthly realm. And, when we fail, as we will, we can run to Him for forgiveness and continue to allow Him to grow and transform us. We can grow away from the negativity that has been ingrained in us and become beacons of light in order to honor our King Yeshua.

How about it? Join the movement of love according to G-D’s directive. Each moment consider your speech. Is it beneficial and glorying HaShem? Are you building up the community in which you live and serve? Or is your speech part of the problem which proliferates in our contemporary culture of divisiveness? You choose…a twisted tongue of evil or an edifying tongue of blessings?


Dr. Dee


Dear ABBA,

Help us to speak words of life as you create clean and pure hearts within us that pant after you. Help others to hear your love as we speak wherever we find ourselves, and help us to model our speech after our Master Yeshua. Please transform us and be pleased with our serve. To YOU be all the glory! Amen

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