About Me…

Dr. Dee Jackson was born and raised in Oakland/Berkeley, California and attended private schools. She is an educator with over 20 years of experience working as a Classroom Teacher, Instructional/Literacy Coach, Reading Recovery Teacher, Online English Teacher, and Biblical Studies Instructor. She is also an Entrepreneur (home based business), Marriage Coach and Blogger. She has been the keynote speaker at various churches sharing the Gospel. Dr. Jackson was also a co-producer of a Christian Radio program out of Florida.

Dr. Jackson’s blogs focus on a variety of subjects. Her adventures and experiences in life have produced in her the character and strength to persevere in spite of challenges, refining her in remarkable ways. She has a passion for helping couples and families live out their covenant commitment in ways which are fulfilling. She shares her experiences to encourage, motivate and remind others that each day is a new opportunity to fulfill one’s purposes. 

Happy Reading!