All posts by Dee

About Dee

Dr. Dee Jackson was born and raised in Oakland/Berkeley, California and attended private schools. She is an educator with over 25 years of experience working as a Classroom Teacher, Literacy Coach, Reading Recovery Teacher, Biblical Studies Instructor and ELD Teacher. She is also an Entrepreneur (home based business), Marriage Coach and Blogger. She has been the keynote speaker at various churches sharing the Gospel. Dr. Jackson was a co-producer of a Christian Radio program out of Florida. Dr. Jackson’s blogs are focused on a variety of subjects. Her challenges and experiences in life have produced in her the character and strength to persevere in spite of challenges. She has a passion for helping couples and family live out their covenant commitment. She shares her experiences in order to encourage, motive and remind others that each day is a new opportunity to fulfill one’s purposes and to be someone’s smile.

Happy 2017!!! My prayer for you!

Happy 2017!!!! May G-d bless you and keep you and my His face shine upon you , your family and your friends!

Much Love,

Dr. Dee

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Happy Holidays!

Dr. Dee

4 Steps to Getting People to Share Your Content and Drive Traffic

Do you live with a jerk?

I thought this was interesting.

Do not be deceived; G-d is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. Galatians 6:7-10

Reflection by Lillian Daniel

I have always heard the expression “You reap what you sow.” But, I am not sure I really believe it. I see jerks get ahead in life. I see good people who work hard end up without fame or fortune. Do you really reap what you sow?

If all you look at is material gain in this world, then you would have to be an idiot to think you reap what you sow. Just think about the television show, “Celebrity Apprentice.” A guy who built his fortune on his father’s money, and wears the worst comb-over ever, gets to host a television show offering advice on business to celebrities who have no business running one. Clearly, we do not reap what we sow.

But if you look at this from the spiritual angle, it is actually true. Spiritually, I really do believe we get back what we put in.

The jerk who gets ahead by being a jerk still has to live with himself. And that means living with a jerk, twenty-four/seven. house

The person who treats others kindly, who offers respect to everyone, who spreads love in the midst of nastiness, that person gets to live with himself, too.

So, who has the better roommate? What do you think?


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Actions Speak

actions-speak It has often been said that actions speak louder than words. However, is this always the case? I wonder.

Sometimes words speak louder in the form of an email or a letter, yelling, screaming, exhortation, even silence. Sometimes the author’s purpose is lost in the reader’s or listener’s comprehension. Sometimes messages are read with such disdain that the true intent of the author’s purpose is lost. Then again, sometimes words can be used to hide pretentious actions. Hmm– not really sure. Sometimes words seem to speak louder than actions. What do you think?

What I do know, is that if we want others to think we are different or that we have been transformed by the Holy Spirit, then our actions have to look different and gracious, and our words whether written or spoken have to drip with G-dly honey. In other words, if we want others to think we are loving, then we have to act and speak lovingly. If we want others to think we have a pleasant and inviting personality, then we must display this as well. We cannot expect others to see or hear transformation within us, when we act in the very way their criticism suggests.

We all see things fuzzy, even though our pride suggests otherwise, and our arrogance allows us to build walls of self-sustenance. Yet, if we embrace a faith of love and grace, then it is my prayer that G-d shows us our pride and arrogance, and that we have the walk-the-talkcourage to change if need be. Then, maybe, our words, as well as our actions will be steeped in G-dly honey, love, and all the precious goodness as modeled by our Messiah.

As always, it’s our choice.


Dr. Dee

Helping Hands

Some preacher once said, that in order to get past your own hurt, we need to help others in an effort to become less SELF-focused and more OTHER-focused. Well, last week, I had an opportunity to work with many people who were OTHER-focused, and I was truly blessed! My experience benefited me, more than my efforts benefited those I was helping. WHY? Because I had an opportunity to stop thinking about mySELF and think and do for OTHERS, along with a bunch of great people! two-peoplw-helping-hands

I am really amazed at how many New Year’s resolutions (including mine) rarely include helping others! Many of the resolutions I hear or read about speak to losing weight, spending more time with family and friends, stop smoking, get out of debt, and/or saving money, stop drinking, etc. However, how many New Year’s resolutions revolve around giving up personal time and money to help those who are destitute, lonely, broke and hopeless, maybe even homeless? I don’t know about you, but I am guilty as charged! And, unless the Spirit of G-d moves us to STOP thinking about ourSELF, we will continue to perpetuate self-focus and me-Me-ME! This is not G-d’s best, for we are a community inside and outside of the church walls.


Prior to moving to this infamous peach state, I volunteered off and on in California during my teenage years and as an adult. I found my experiences extremely rewarding and loved the opportunities to help others and meet new people. However, since moving to Georgia, my interests, twisted by life circumstances hindered my desires to volunteer. Yet, due to G-d’s nudging, one of my goals for this year is to be more OTHER-focused by getting more involved in community projects.

So, what does this have to do with you? I want to urge you to find an organization and donate your time, money and talents to help others, especially if you find yourself depressed and sad. Helping others as a wounded healer is the best way to recognize G-d’s gifting and blessings in your life and the life of others! It is the best way to stop focusing on yourself, the drama and/or drudgery of this life. It is a fantastic way to give away love and help heal another.

Be a blessing to others! Love your neighbor as you love yourself! Spread joy and happiness! Be the salt and light by giving first to G-d and then to others!


Dr. Dee

Love Reflections

My son came for a brief visit from Korea. It was great seeing him and spending time with him. As I reflect on our visit, I am amazed at how fast the time has passed and how very little we get to see each other, because of the physical landscape which divides us. However, in reality we are not separated, because of the great love we have for each other. I am grateful for the time we had together.

This reflection mirrors in a very tiny way the love G-d has for His people! Even though we don’t physically see our Heavenly Father, His presence is like the wind – we feel Him, we embrace His love, and we know He is there! (John 3:8)

I am often amazed by the great love G-d has for me in spite of my failures and flaws. His love fills my heart and guides me as I am obedient to His will. Even more special is that G-d’s love is available to all who choose to grab hold of his garment and journey with Him.

I am reading a book which speaks to the fact that our days must be propelled by our view of eschatology as the promise of G-d. In other words, we must base our today knowing that G-d’s promises and love are our horizon and our goal! We might want to consider living in ways, which are pleasing to G-d, since He promised He would be back, as oppose to living our lives independent of Him.

Love is one of those words which we hear – more often than its practices imply! I am encouraged to love G-d and love others, because He first loved me and continues to love me! I am encouraged to love those who abuse me, and mistreat me; even my enemies, because Yeshua  (Jesus) modeled great love for those who hated Him.

Be encouraged to love others and spend time with them while it is today. Let those you love know you love them by your words, actions and deeds. Never be afraid to say, I love and appreciate you.


Dr. Dee


Are there people in your life that you just don’t like and do not trust? Frankly, there are people in my life that I do not like and do not trust! However, because I love G-d and wish to please Him, I am committed to love and respect them, and attempt to understand them and their ways. In other words, I am committed to building bridges of friendship and respect! Why – because, after loving G-d with all of our hearts, souls, minds and bodies, we are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. Who is my neighbor? Everyone outside of myself, including my family and friends.

In my attempts to do right first by G-d and then others, I find myself searching for the reasons why I do not like certain people. In my search, I have found that those who think they are better than I am, or those that ridicule others, or are just plain mean, evil, and those who lack integrity to name a few, just simply get on my nerves. Yet, I am sure I get on the nerves of others, even though I may fail to see why!


Therefore, as a quick reminder as we are visiting our friends, families, in-laws and outlaws, during this season, let us remember that everywhere we go, we prove who we are, and who we belong too. If we belong to the Father of Heaven and Earth, we are obligated to treat others in ways, which draw them to Him. We are obligated to die to ourselves and search for ways to allow the light of HaShem to shine forth. Mostly, we are obligated to pray for our attitudes and ourselves, and to ask G-d to help us see others as He sees them – mainly…needing Him! Then, we must pray for those who grate our souls, and ask G-d to help us be loving and kind towards them! We must remember we are in need of a Savior as well.

If you belong to the living G-d, enjoy your family, friends, outlaws and in-laws, and enjoy all your blessings from Him! Are there people in your life that you just don’t like and do not trust?  Live, laugh, and love and don’t waste time hatin’ on others. Instead, live the best you can being the best  you can.


Dr. Dee

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