Category Archives: Loving Self

Skin Color Shouldn’t Matter

As the flowers of the fields are created differently thus are we.

June 12 of each year is called Happy Loving Day in the US. This day is about spreading love, but particularly honors the fight of Mildred and Richard Loving, who fought against the laws confining them and everyone else from marrying interracially. Mildred was black and Richard white.

 ‘The freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the state.’ Supreme Court Decision 1967. []

As a baby boomer, it is difficult to imagine a time when folks could not marry their lover based on skin color. And though I was 11 when the Supreme Court decision was rendered in 1967, it is extremely perplexing to imagine that such a law even existed. [Read more about the Lovings at the link above.]

Today, interracial couples are almost common place in various parts of the country/world as well as seen in various advertisements on TV, movies, social media, etc. However, though some people may stare and/or speak with admiration, envy or disdain, people of different races, religions, and/or ethnic groups, fall in love and decide to marry. Dating and/or marrying someone outside your race can be based on a mutual attraction of love, preference, social environment and more. Yet, couples who choose to date/marry someone of a different ethnic persuasion should not be a concern to anyone. People are free to choose their mates for reasons, which make sense to them at least in some cultures.

My point, our current societal climate seems to pit people of color against white people, particularly white men. In addition, many  see “color” in every nook and cranny from the schoolhouse to the jail house; from the Church and to the Synagogue, etc. This playing of the race-card, victimization or just attempting to keep racism at the forefront in America fails to honor the plight, determination and courage of many people who have systematically and personally made a conscious effort to embrace the mantra of Dr. Martin Luther King – “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Instead, some continue to serve up strife and division to perpetuate an anti-love motif. 

In some ways it feels like we are traveling backwards to a time of hatred when skin color mattered for many. Skin color is not up for discussion in the womb and nor should it be when the miracle of birth occurs. You enter into this world based on the genetics of your biological parents, but ultimately G-D decides. If we are not annoyed, to put it mildly by our own skin color or the color of someone else, then we find other forms of hatred to masturbate or satisfy our wicked desires to be better or superior to others and this ought not to be. Many times we are unwilling to have conversations about differences under the guise of mutual honor and respect. In my opinion, we should just accept others for who they are and have the courage to discuss differences and/or biases as opportunities avail themselves with a growth mindset. But many times we fail to do this. And, why is this?

Is our society so narcissistic that we fail or refuse to provide for others that which we personally demand? Are we so blinded by our own ideologies that any other opinion is foolishness to our sensibilities? Are we just straight up afraid that the other person may actually be right? Whatever it is that keeps us from truly loving and respecting each other as ourselves needs to go… irrespective of our spiritual beliefs. [Lev. 19:18] We cannot continue to function as a society in a bloodbath of hatred and disdain, strife and division. Otherwise, we sprint to our demise as a society.

Yet, how do we move past our dysfunction of hate and negativity? Our only answer is in the Savior of the world and thus the individual Savior of our souls. Yeshua is willing and able to assist us, if we choose to allow ourselves to be touched by His love and grace. In Yeshua (Jesus) all that we need is met and sustained by Him, even our ability to believe and have faith is a gift from the Heavenly Father through Yeshua. [Ephesians 2:8ff]. The question – are we willing to submit ourselves to His love and authority? Are we willing to love our neighbors?

So, let me circle back to my original thoughts…We celebrated Happy Loving Day on June 12, but how many people really embrace “loving” each other? There are three types of love. We have eros – erotic love; philo – brotherly love; and agape – the love of ABBA (the Father) which is completely unconditional love. [John 3:16-18] Love is a word which requires action and is evident by a product or production with a receiver. One cannot say they love with lacking evidence. One cannot say they love with lack of effort. Love brings about joy, happiness, is not rude, does not rejoice in troubles, is not easily angered, does not keep track of wrongs and does not care about the skin color of a fellow human being. [I Corn. 13: 1-13] 

It is my belief that as humans we can never reach the level of agape love and function accordingly. We are imperfect beings who imperfectly represent the image of G-D. However, we can always strive towards brotherly love and be willing to love our neighbors as ourselves; (neighbors include everyone, spouses, ex-spouses and  even enemies) and treat each other accordingly. Is this an easy feat…of course not! But in Yeshua all things are possible, starting with our motives and willingness to love and serve G-D as well as others. 

Let me encourage us: Today, may we make a conscious effort to see others based on their character and not on their skin color or some other biological feature. But, let us implore the Ruach HaKodesh (Spirit of G-D) to help us see others as He sees us, i.e., needing salvation, love, compassion, understanding, a helping hand and more. Making our world a better place begins with the person in the mirror. Commit to reflect on your image in the mirror and determine to be the best version of yourself in Yeshua.

Much Love,

Dr. Dee


Yesterday, I received this from a friend and just wanted to share. I don’t know the source, but I liked it.

Make sure you test positive for FAITH.

Keep your distance from DOUBT!

ISOLATE yourself from FEAR!


In Him,

Dr. Dee

Some Believed in Yeshua

42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: 43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of G-D. John 12:42

We are exactly the same as the leaders of Yeshua’s day. We may call it “PC” (politically correct) or some other nefarious term, but really, we are afraid to speak the truth when it is contrary to the popular belief of others. We, and I mean we, are afraid of ridicule, persecution, rejection not to mention physical harm or even death! Many times, we are afraid to speak up concerning our beliefs in G-D, because we imagine the worst of what man can do to us, rather than trust what G-D will do for us and through us!

Yet, our actions based in fear are the results of our preconceived notions of how the end will materialize. However, we can’t know the “end” until the “end” comes…which may turn out in a way which was beyond our comprehension, good, and yes, possibly bad. Therefore, we must trust in G-D’s best for us and have faith in Him regardless of the outcome.

Fear, unhealthy fear is a debilitating force, which retards our growth and impedes our obedience to G-D’s teachings. The leaders in the above passage were afraid of being ostracized from the synagogue; and, like many of us, we are afraid of being ostracized at work, in our churches/synagogues, among our friends, family, social media, etc. Contrarily interesting, many of us are also afraid of success in our personal and professional relationships even in our marriages. We are frightened of the “good” or “great” that could be within our reach; therefore, we erroneously judge “our today” by “our yesterdays”. We predetermine our outcome by speaking negativity, and thrive in self-fulfilled prophecy and arrogance when things turn out just like “we knew they would”.

Yet, I believe in the Scripture, which suggests that all things work for our good (Romans 8:28) when we love the L-RD. His forgiveness, grace and mercy allow us chances to experience newness as we grow in Him. A common saying, but apropos; each morning is a new opportunity. What are the new opportunities? A plethora of experiences both great, good and not so good, which bring us closer to the Father, forgetting and forgiving our past and pressing forward in Him. Consider these two Scriptures which align with this truth:

Brethren, I count not myself yet to have apprehended: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before… Phil. 3:13

Then Yeshua (Jesus) declared, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back is fit for the kingdom of G-D.” Luke 9:62

Consequently, we cannot walk in newness, if we are hanging onto the horrors of yesteryear and/or the “good ole days”. We must realize that the awful things which happened to us do not determine our final destination in Yeshua. We must choose to forgive ourselves and those who betrayed our trust, so we can freely walk in the newness of being in Messiah. Regardless, of the atrocities, losses, etc., like Yeshua, we must choose to forgive in order to realize true freedom.

I believe, if we view our past as lessons, we would not embrace our negative personal histories and allow them to massage our souls. Yeshua is our story when we trust in Him. He is our Creator, Narrator, Guide, Model and so much more! If we believe His assessment of us as His Beloved, then our lives will always be pressing forward, instead of stuck in the murky or gloomy past of our experiences. Will life always be easy in Messiah? The answer is obvious! Yet, it is better to walk and trust in Him; than wallow in damaging and debilitating past experiences.

I know how difficult it is to let go of hurts, injustices, abuse and terror. But to live festering in all the bad things that others have done or the grievous things we have done to others and/or ourselves… is slavery at its best. Yeshua came to proclaim the Good News of the Coming Kingdom of G-D and to destroy our bondage to the tyranny of sin. (Romans 6:18) Yeshua did His part and continues to do His part. It is up to us to believe in His work on the torture stake, and the work He continues to do in our hearts when we trust in Him. It is our responsibility as His Bride to walk out the faith we claim in Him.

Will you believe in Him today and His ability to help you press forward in His newness? Will you ask Him to help you practically live out your faith? It is a daily-process, but worth the effort when we love the L-RD!

#DocsMusings In Him,

Dr. Dee

Still Growing…

Note: I was looking at some of my old posts and felt this one was worth posting again with some new additions. If you find this post worthy of sharing, please share.

Recently, I found a 2009 journal of mine as I was watching my grandson.  As I began reading “my-history”, I was amazed at how far G-D has brought me!  Those of you, who know me very well, have some sense of the horrific pain, I endured because of a martial separation and eventual divorce, which began to unfold from many years prior, with the official separation on July 25, 2009.

However, this blog is not to bring up the past in any negative way!  The purpose of this writing is to praise G-D for how far He has brought me, and to thank Him for His healing love!  As I read my thoughts from the past, truly emotional vomit, I am astonished at how depressed and miserable I was at that time in my life.  Some of my entries seemed as though I was reading about a strange woman I had never met. Some of the entries of events were of things I do not even remember!  Imagine that! When G-d does a trans-formative work in our hearts, we truly will forget some of the horrific things we may have endured.

My heart was so very broken during that period in my life, I could not see the new beginning and the new life G-D had waiting for me!  All I saw was misery, pain, sadness, gloom and doom!  When I became single again, I was so scared, and worried about everything that my head, heart and body ached what seemed like all of the time.  Yet, few knew of the great agony oozing in my soul for so many months, because I hid behind my smiles, laughs, my false exterior.  There was no need to carry my hurt for the world to see….because the world could not help me nor did the world care.  Nor did I want to be the topic of gossip, so I appeared okay as my heart bled living my shattered world again.

Then, as time progressed, I sensed G-d telling me to get it together, lose weight, prepare for the husband He was sending and prepare for ministry.  So slowing, I began to date, work on my weight, and spend time in prayer and writing in my journal. Now, I feel great, still working on my weight, and I am ready for G-D’s choice (husband) to step into my life.  I am also ready for ministry, as G-D has concretely demonstrated to me that He has made me that Proverbs 31 woman by His Spirit in spite of my many sins and errors!  Am I perfect, far from it…but I am ready to be what He has destined for me to be.

In closing, I read a quote from David Bryant’s book, Messengers of Hope…. to hope in G-D is not to escape from reality; rather it is to have the courage to look reality straight in the eyes.  The MOMENT we hold is not our final in Mashiach (Messiah)!  This quote is so profound, because no hurt or situation is greater than the healing, restorative and redemptive work of our Almighty… There is healing, newness and wholeness in our Savior, if we hold onto Him during our times of difficulty, and remember Him when as we are holding unto His promises for those who trust in Him.

Please know and believe that G-D will be with you as you go through whatever it is that may be weighting heavy on your heart as you read this blog.  He will see you through. He does hear our prayers.  I am so happy that I serve the Living G-D whose arms are not too short to save His people or His ear deaf to our cries!

Be encouraged today and know that this moment is not your final destination in Messiah, nor are you defined by your circumstances. This truly will pass. However, you decide if you will BETTER or BITTER on the other side of your drama. Did you notice one “letter” determines your heart-condition!

The choice is always ours.


Dr. Dee

Can’t do FEAR…

In response to the shooting at STEM School in CO, May 7, 2019.

Yesterday a friend from CA asked if I was afraid to go to work everyday. Did I worry about shooters at my school? My response… No! Occasionally the thought may come across my mind, but I do not wake up and asked myself, “Will I be shot today or will one of my students, co-workers, etc. be a victim or a perpetrator? No! At the end of the day, my coming, going and/or staying is in the protection of G-D.

I can’t and will not carry the burden of worrying about someone viciously attacking me or my students, or (my children or grandchildren) each day! If I did this, I would not be an effective teacher. I would go crazy without a ticket back to sanity!

Needless to say, I am extremely sadden by the attack on our youth. I am grieved by yet… another shooting… another fatal victim… other victims who have endured physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological trauma. Each school shooting shatters our community in negatively immeasurable ways… nationwide with a long road to some semblance of recovery. As an educator my heart aches, my heart doesn’t comprehend.

As a mom and grandma, I can’t imagine the horrific grief of his parents, grandparents and others who loved and will miss him. My prayers and sincere condolences go out to them! He was a Superhero … no greater love than a man who would lay his life down for another. Someone else did this for us! Someone greater and waiting for all to call upon Him.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

The Crazy One

Recently, I spoke with someone I occasionally see in the lobby of my school. We began talking and before the end of the conversation, she announced to me eyeball to eyeball, “I was crazy!” Let me explain…

This woman, let’s call her Mary asked me what sign (astrological) I was born under…I hesitated and gave her nothing and then she asked when was my birthday. I told her. She proceeded to tell me essentially, I was a horrible person based solely on my birthday. I attempted to try and explain to her that she didn’t even know me, and that was not true… to no avail.  Mary explained why she thought I WAS horrible based on my zodiac sign. Supposedly, some man she was involved with had left her after she spent over $2000.00 on him; and committed all sorts of atrocities against her. As I was “listening” and walking away, she proceeded to announce in the office of my school that “I was crazy!” Wow…I thought! This woman doesn’t even know me, and yet I am being judged by my birthday according to astrological explanations; and by what some old boyfriend did to her! Hum…needless to say…I was baffled and amazed at this woman’s brazen attitude and commentary without cause.

This is my crazy look day! See those eyebrows?

So, after doing some personal reflection, I concluded that she is probably the crazy one and truly has the problem. Yet, on a very serious note, her attitude towards me, a stranger to her was a vivid reminder of the biases, hatred, and “isms” we have towards one another based purely on some superficial and/or supposed demonic belief system. Not to mention, that the Bible is clear on consulting mediums (witchcraft, astrology, etc.) as the source of our knowledge, forecasting the future and/or navigating through this life.

Therefore, let me encourage all of us to take time to get to know others, basing our beliefs about them on their character, and not the superficial matters which divide and conquer. Our society is so hell-bent on keeping us divided that we sometimes blindly judge others based on stereotypes or lies we read according to the zodiac system, fake news media or some other medium. If you get a chance, follow the link for a short and excellent read on the subject of astrology,

G-D has called us to love Him, others and ourselves; and when we judge, ridicule, condemn, and hate on others, we miss the mark of loving others by leaps and bounds.

Just saying!

Dr. Dee

Need make-up:

Truth Vs Unity

The older I get the more I am shocked about the idiocy of society and its hell-bent ideas on truth.  Recently I was watching a video which spoke to Truth Vs Unity and the narrator’s comment suggested that the two cannot coexist. Truth in his opinion cannot coexist with unity, because truth is relative which leads to separatism. But is truth relative?  What is truth? Whose truth?

Truth from a biblical perspective is based on what G-D has declared. And… I realize there are certain tenets that various folks choose to disagree on as it pertains to what G-D said and/or meant. But, at the end of the day, G-D’s Word still stands as true today, as it did when He first spoke His decrees to Moses. So, the problem in my opinion is not about truth versus unity, the problem is in defining truth and defining unity in order to understand the correlation between the two or the “unity” between the two. But again, this is even relative… each person must decide where their standard of truth stems.

Truth according to some is relative. Truth varies from person to person, from situation to situation, circumstances to circumstances. Truth is selective, and inclusive according to some and may originate from experiences, philosophy, psychology, astrology, various spiritual writings and more. Truth bubbles from the depths of religious ideologies or the lack there of.

Unity according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means the quality or state of not being multiple: oneness; a condition of harmony. But, what does that mean? Has unity also become a relative term in our society?  Can we be united and yet think differently or independently? Should my thinking impose my truth on another or can I still live in unity with others, live the truth of my convictions?

I certainly don’t have a pleasing universal answer, because society has aggressively moved away from biblical teachings; and many march to the beat of their own reasoning and thinking. Unfortunately, the Body of Messiah has divergent beliefs on truth and unity as well. Therefore, my beliefs, opinions, dogma is and will be frowned upon by those whose beliefs are contrary and/or just plain argumentative.

I believe the truth is spelled out for us in G-D’s word with some room for freedom such as a choice between chicken or beef within Kosher laws (minor choice for some, tremendous choice for others). The point, I believe we have to first believe that G-D’s teachings are valid and from the One true and living G-D and are applicable for our navigation through this life. Then we have to decide, if it is THE universal truth which guides our lives. If we believe that His Word is the one universal truth, and our handbook (the Bible) is for holy living, then we have to choose to practically live out His design for our lives. We have to believe that the Bible is G-D’s inspired Word and that He sent Yeshua (Jesus) to atone for our wickedness. Living our lives in such a manner draws others to HIS TRUTH, HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE. Living for G-D does not glorify ourselves, but glorifies and pleases Him. I believe that is our utmost purpose – to please our heavenly Father. Are we always successful and do as required? You know that obvious answer!

If we differ on the biblical principles of who G-D is, His love, His provision for His people, then our truth is relative and our foundation fluid if we are believers of His Way. Again, my belief, my canon. So, how can there be unity, if truth is fluid?

If unity means the state of not being multiple or oneness…how is this possible on a small scale, no less a societal scale? Seems impossible! But is it impossible?  And does unity mean thinking the same? Can I think independently and still be united to my husband, friend, or neighbor? How about on a less personal scale, politically, socially, etc.? But, then again…I guess it is all personal as it all affects our lives. Each of us must figure out how we will walk in unity with others as we embrace the truth of G-D’s Word.

Again, I don’t have the answers to satisfy everyone, only my own personal beliefs which direct my living and love for the One who created me. My beliefs allow me to function in the truth of G-D’s Word as I understand and experience His love. Living for G-d supports my attempts at Shalom (peace) with those around me. Am I perfect? Anyone reading this blog again, knows the obvious answer!

My challenge to us, seek truth in love for the One true living G-D, and then each other….thus fulfilling the two greatest commandments. Truth is not relative as it pertains to the teachings of Adonai (L-RD). And, unity in love is possible if we are willing to respect others right to believe what they choose.

The decision is always personal.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

Today, I will be grateful!

The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less competent, reduces feelings of relatedness and gratitude, reduces their ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self-centered. (Author Unknown)

In a 2015 HUFFPOST article by Lindsay Holmes, she penned there were 100 things we could be grateful for. I suggest there are 1000’s of things we can be grateful for if we consider all that life has shown us currently and in our previous years. 

Materialism is a tendency to consider physical comfort and material possessions more important than spiritual values. Thus, if a person believes that things are more important than spiritual values or having a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus); can a person ever truly be grateful or content in the moment?

Regardless of where you find yourself in life as of right now…happy, sad, rich, poor, broke, sick, single, married, homeless, etc., there is ALWAYS something to appreciate about today! Today is all we have – yesterday is gone and who knows about tomorrow. So, why are you thankful?

Here are just some of the reasons I am grateful: 

1. Messianic Believer and saved by the redemptive work of Yeshua (Jesus). I could end       my list here and that would be MORE than enough.
2. Health
3. Sanity of mind – at least on most days!
4. Family
5. Friends
6. Enemies…they help me practice kindness
7. Strangers…not friends yet
8. Employment
9. Food
10. Clothes
11. Housing
12. Transportation
13. Place of Worship
14. Weather
15. Living in America
16. Living in the neighborhood of my choice
17. Freedom of speech
18. Entertainment
19. Challenges
20. Wonderings
21. Opportunities
22. Etc.

There are many things I can be grateful for under each category listed above and more. There are many things in your life you can be grateful for as well, and give G-d praise for His overwhelming love.

Let me challenge you/us to consistently thank G-d for His goodness and His provisions with a heart of love and gratitude. Today, I will be grateful for this day! How about you?


Dr. Dee

Note: Photos – No copyright infringement is intended

First Year …

Well, I finished my first teaching school year in Denver, and approaching my first year living in the Rockies. They call it the Rockies for a reason!  

No…but really, I have enjoyed living in the beautiful state of Colorado for the most part. I have desperately missed family and friends from Georgia, but life in Colorado has been pretty good for me!

My baptism into the school system challenged me to rise above the obvious and explore below the surface. There were days I thought I was going to pack my two dresses and return to Georgia; or just lose my mind at the very least! Many nights my king-size sleigh bed embraced me by 5:30 PM until dawn, and upon waking – realizing …off to work I go!

Many days, I cried, complained, whined and prayed, only to wonder, why I moved to Denver? Teaching was extremely hard! But, thank G-d for friends and family who will put up with the same complaints over and over again. Yet, without the help of Adonai, and His assurance that the move to Denver was His will, I would have lost my mind, my health, my job and anything else in the path of attempting to destroy me.

So, this blog is dedicated to the very Savior, (Yeshua, Jesus) of my soul in this life and the life to come. Adonai, again has shown up and showed out in my life in marvelous ways, and I am truly grateful! He helped and is helping me to get settled in a Shul (Synagogue, Messianic) with wonderful people who embrace a Torah-life style committed to loving G-d, each other, and embracing the salvation of Yeshua as prescribed in the Word of G-d. The love and companionship of those who have accepted me has been life-giving. G-d always knows best…even when we think we know better; and His anticipatory love is surprisingly overwhelming and wonderful!

Yet again, work was extremely challenging at best, as well as tolerable. G-D brought me to the right place to grow as a professional and as a person. My hat is off to the leadership, my teaching partner, and other colleagues. Their support and encouragement helped to make each day a little brighter in the midst of mayhem, rebellion, pain, hurt, good, growth, and noticeable positive accomplishments by the end of the  school year.

This school year’s life lessons have cemented once again the resilience and endurance available to us when we lean on and into G-d’s grace. I am excited that the year is over, but I am grateful for the experience and G-d’s management in my situation and the lives of my students. I could not have done it without Him, and the love from family and friends.

My point… without G-d, the One, True and Living G-d – I am nothing, weak, frail and afraid, and at times – enraged! With G-D all things are possible when we trust in Him, even when I/We are blinded by what seems to be the obvious.


Dr. Dee

Book Review


It’s been a while since I have written, but life has been great, not without challenges, but all is well! I am currently rereading the End-Time Devotional Kiss Me Again, by Jamie Lash. This is one of the most powerful devotionals I have read in sometime, and each day’s reading is a life-giving and life-changing “KISS” from our L-RD!

This book is birthed from 40 years of being kissed by G-d, ministering His love and truth to millions via television, speaking engagements, newsletters and books according to author Jamie Lash. Her interpretation of G-D’s message of love to His Bridegroom is HE is the divine covering for His bride in these last days. Lash’s book explores various verses from the Song of Solomon, and reveals what she believes the L-RD is speaking to His people during these End-Times.

This book is rich with insights, encouragement, and truths in a transparent and realistic way, in order to point the believer to Yeshua in all things; and to ignite and/or reignite  our dependence and devotion to Him.  Lash has decided to use the analogy of an umbrella to demonstrate how G-D covers us with His love, protection and so much more through His Son, Yeshua.

Listed below are the first 5 Umbrellas from Lash’s book.

  1. G-D is present even in the dark times.
  2. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) love is your umbrella.
  3. Yeshua will meet you in the secret place.
  4. Rest. Wait. Trust.
  5. G-D’s watchmen will point you to Him.

Read the book! It is worth the read and each “Umbrella” is deeply explored.  Each day you will be renewed, encouraged and compelled to trust in Adonai (L-RD) with all your heart, to do good, and feed on His faithfulness.

My prayer for us:  Abba, (Father) teach us how to embrace You fully in our lives and to turn our faces, hearts and attention towards You. Help us to remember and walk in Your love and salvation through our Savior, Yeshua all the days of our lives, and keep us close to you. Thank you for being the G-D of love and trustworthiness!


Dr. Dee