Category Archives: Loving Self

2017 Spring Break

Arrived at the Atlanta airport on Thursday, March 30th with every intention on catching a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. I arrived at the airport at 4:15 PM and left the ATL airport at 10:30 PM and returned to my home. All flights were full and I was left behind. Yes, I was a little disappointed, but not discouraged.

Saturday, April 1st arrived at Atlanta airport at 6:00 AM with every intention and desire to catch a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. All flights were full up to 2:00 PM, but I was still hopeful and met someone. We spent the next four hours chatting. It was a very nice meeting and certainly a G-d thing!

At 6:05 PM the flight leaving for Denver, CO as well as the remaining flights until 9:45 PM were full, and again, I was left behind. Yes, a little disappointed, but not discouraged. I called Uber and had a very nice driver. I sat in the front, and we chatted and exchanged cell numbers. It was very pleasant. Secretly, I was a little nervous, because it was my first Uber ride. But, G-d, as always has a way of showing me who is truly in control.

All flights were booked, and only my luggage had a spring break in Denver. So, even though I had every intention and desire to fly out on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, I decided to have my bags flown back to Atlanta on Monday.

On Monday, April 3rd, my mom and I drove to the airport to pick up my bags. Again, on Monday the 3rd I was looking forward to flying to Denver, and a great friend of mine was going to drive me to the airport at 5:00 AM on Tuesday, April 4th.

Monday evening, I received a text that all flights were booked, and there was little chance I would get to Denver on a buddy pass  for the rest of the week. So, I decided to look for a ticket, for the remaining time I would have in Denver.  However, for the amount of the fare, it just did not seem practical for just three days. So, with a positive attitude, I realized that this Spring Break of 2017, Denver would not be graced with my presence. Yet, all was/is not lost.

Many positives came out of this experience as well as some lessons.

Lesson One – forget a buddy pass especially during a high-flying season.  Buy a ticket!

Lesson Two – focus on the positives and look for all the blessings in the midst of what could be very frustrating. (Yet again, a little sad, but never irate or discouraged.) I was determined to be led by G-d, and to focus on where He was leading. I can’t claim to be led by G-d, and then scream at Him when things look opposite of what I desire. Easy? What do you think? I digress…some encouraging things I realized.


  1. Ride to the airport – Thursday afternoon (friend from work)
  2. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM during a horrible thunder storm (son)
  3. Taken back to the airport the next day at 5:15 AM (son) – I live about 45 minutes away from the airport without traffic and bad weather.
  4. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM (Very nice Uber driver)
  5. Met someone at the airport and spent 4 hours together, exchanged information, promised to stay in-touch.
  6. Helped by someone else who lives in Denver when I got confused about travel gate
  7. Chatted with a very nice person as we waited for the next flight
  8. Saw a co-worker in the women’s restroom on her way to Florida
  9. Full refund on my buddy pass
  10. All luggage returned from Denver with excellent customer service
  11. Nice outing with my mom when we went to pick up my luggage and glorious weather
  12. Safety
  13. Family/friends checking on me to make sure I was fine

My point, I am going to Colorado, but apparently, this spring break was not the appointed time. So, for the rest of my stay-vacation, fun and rest was on the menu.

And, fun and rest it was!



Dr. Dee

Don’t Worry Be Happy!

Don’t Worry Be Happy!

Do you remember Bob’s Marley song – Don’t Worry Be Happy? The point in the song, regardless of life’s challenges, don’t worry be happy! Yet, how can I be happy without faking it?

Happiness is based on what is happening in our lives and joy is the sense that all things are working for our good, because of the salvation we have in Messiah. So, inward and outward happiness is coupled with joy, and in order to walk in happiness, I/we have to practice many things. Listed below are just five notions I believe will help us be happy.

Be Grateful

True gratefulness exudes from a heart full of thanksgiving for all things in our lives from the smallest of things to the unexpected miracles in our lives. Just the fact that you can read this post is something to shout about and be grateful for! Have a grateful heart and mediate on all the wonderful blessings which surround you each day.

Be Light

We are called to be light to others; to share the GREAT NEWS of love and salvation, and to model love and kindness. Make someone happy by being kind to them. Pay forward in love and generosity in someone’s life in ways which demonstrate the love of G-d.

Be Free

Sometimes I feel strangled by my past horrendous mistakes, and I have to really look within and question my faith system! If I continue to allow my mistakes to imprison me, then do I really believe I am forgiven? We have to let go of the past, forgive ourselves and believe we are forgiven. The past is really gone and there is no way to change it, NO WAY! So, why do we keep torturing ourselves with re-living past blunders AND relishing in the ancient hurts? The choice is ours – keep sinking in the horrors of yester-year or walk in freedom and newness of today?

Beautiful is Creation

When was the last time you sat on the beach and savored G-d’s handiwork? When was the last time you hiked through the park, or gazed at the stars, or listened to the melody of birds? G-d’s artwork glorifies His name and reminds us of the lovely home HE provided for us. Get out and spend time listening and observing nature. Relish in the creation G-d has made.

True Friends

One of the many things I love about my mother, is that she spends time with her friends on a weekly basis. They do all sorts of things together and often times she will fly to different parts of the country just to spend time with her friends. True friends are very hard to come by. But when you find a friend, spend time with them doing some fun things that will ensure happy times.

 There are more things to come on what can make us happy, but ultimately, being happy is a choice. We choose to be depressed, sad and miserable or we choose to seek life, love, gratitude and wholeness.

What will you choose today?


Dr. Dee

If you found value in this post then share with your family and friends. Thank you in advance.Be


Crumbs of Love~Crumbs of Hope

Have you ever loved someone who only throws crumbs of love your way, giving you crumbs of hope? I have, and what a waste of living! Too often as women, we set our sights on a particular man, and our hearts soar with anticipation and expectations. Our hopes and fantasies sometimes blinds our vision and dulls our hearing in the hopes that our love desire will somehow be who and what we think we need, and yearn for in our lives. That’s a mouth full!

We sit by the phone incessantly waiting for a call, text or some other message. We scour our emails to ensure we haven’t missed a note, or we peruse social media. Sometimes, we find excuses to call our love interest, or be available at their beck and call. And, my on my…. when we are finally privileged with their presence, our hearts throb, and we think a piece of heaven has stepped on the scene. And, the scenario repeats over and over. Until…duh, we realize that doing the same thing again and again, i.e., loving someone who chooses not to love us back or has no desire to commit is futile; if not just plain insanity.

The movie “The Holiday” epitomizes a woman who loved someone for several years to finally realize that he did not love her, but wanted to keep her in his life for his purposes. But, when Iris (the character in the movie) takes a holiday vacation, she realizes that she has essentially been the dog eating the crumbs from her imagined committed partner. As the story evolves, she realizes she is designed to be the leading lady and finally breaks up with her love interest.

Many women want to be the leading lady in their relationship to no avail. So, instead, many of us settle for crumbs of love, which leads to imagined crumbs of hope. These crumbs often lead to a deeper sense of loneliness and despair. We settle for being the best friend at best, or just a tool in someone’s hand. And, so again, the cycle repeats, until we are redeemed from ourselves.

Redeemed from ourselves? Now that is a thought! This feat of redemption is attempted by some through mediation, yoga, spirituality, humanness, religion, hardness of heart, etc. But, others, like myself, look to the One true and only Redeemer who consistently reminds us that He is our TRUE love and He prepares the “Boaz” of our dreams. (Read about Boaz in the Bible, Ruth 2)

Ladies, there is never a short cut when true love is at stake. And, settling for less than G-d’s best, usually spells disaster and emotional violence. I know this from personal experience, and from conversations with many women who have experienced crumbs of love.

Loneliness is a (fill in the blank)! Believe me, when I tell you, I know and I’ve got the first-place award! However, living with g-dly principles, and choosing G-d’s way is so worth the adventure. Has the “right one” found me…not yet. But, he’s headed my way. Can’t wait. But, in the meantime, I’m growing from G-d’s transformative lessons and hoping to encourage others in their relationships.

I’m living life and doing my best to serve G-d, family and friends. If you find yourself settling for second place in the life of a man you are dating, or befriending, and he is not interested in a commitment; stop wasting your time wishing and hoping in a fantasy. Stop settling for crumbs of hope or crumbs of love. Instead, drop and pray! Seek G-d’s comfort, counsel, and ask G-d to send His best.

What are crumbs of love or crumbs of hope? Crumbs…being involved with someone who gives you hints that there might be a future; or he does nice things, and your inference – he’s into me. Maybe he comments that you are so like the type of woman, he would like to spend the rest of his life withyou know the innuendos that men will say in order to either manipulate, or keep you in the loop to serve their purposes. Let’s be real! Men or women will do and say manipulative things to serve their narcissistic appetites, if they are not people who pant after the One and True Living G-d.

Yet, for those of us who desire to live within a covenant marriage; games, lies, manipulations, innuendos, etc. are taboo, and have no place in any loving relationship. Our Savior gave His very best…Himself for His people. This is our example! This is our true love interest!

Start 2017 loving G-d and self, and leave all crumbs for the vacuum.


Dr. Dee

Do you live with a jerk?

I thought this was interesting.

Do not be deceived; G-d is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. Galatians 6:7-10

Reflection by Lillian Daniel

I have always heard the expression “You reap what you sow.” But, I am not sure I really believe it. I see jerks get ahead in life. I see good people who work hard end up without fame or fortune. Do you really reap what you sow?

If all you look at is material gain in this world, then you would have to be an idiot to think you reap what you sow. Just think about the television show, “Celebrity Apprentice.” A guy who built his fortune on his father’s money, and wears the worst comb-over ever, gets to host a television show offering advice on business to celebrities who have no business running one. Clearly, we do not reap what we sow.

But if you look at this from the spiritual angle, it is actually true. Spiritually, I really do believe we get back what we put in.

The jerk who gets ahead by being a jerk still has to live with himself. And that means living with a jerk, twenty-four/seven. house

The person who treats others kindly, who offers respect to everyone, who spreads love in the midst of nastiness, that person gets to live with himself, too.

So, who has the better roommate? What do you think?


Helping Hands

Some preacher once said, that in order to get past your own hurt, we need to help others in an effort to become less SELF-focused and more OTHER-focused. Well, last week, I had an opportunity to work with many people who were OTHER-focused, and I was truly blessed! My experience benefited me, more than my efforts benefited those I was helping. WHY? Because I had an opportunity to stop thinking about mySELF and think and do for OTHERS, along with a bunch of great people! two-peoplw-helping-hands

I am really amazed at how many New Year’s resolutions (including mine) rarely include helping others! Many of the resolutions I hear or read about speak to losing weight, spending more time with family and friends, stop smoking, get out of debt, and/or saving money, stop drinking, etc. However, how many New Year’s resolutions revolve around giving up personal time and money to help those who are destitute, lonely, broke and hopeless, maybe even homeless? I don’t know about you, but I am guilty as charged! And, unless the Spirit of G-d moves us to STOP thinking about ourSELF, we will continue to perpetuate self-focus and me-Me-ME! This is not G-d’s best, for we are a community inside and outside of the church walls.


Prior to moving to this infamous peach state, I volunteered off and on in California during my teenage years and as an adult. I found my experiences extremely rewarding and loved the opportunities to help others and meet new people. However, since moving to Georgia, my interests, twisted by life circumstances hindered my desires to volunteer. Yet, due to G-d’s nudging, one of my goals for this year is to be more OTHER-focused by getting more involved in community projects.

So, what does this have to do with you? I want to urge you to find an organization and donate your time, money and talents to help others, especially if you find yourself depressed and sad. Helping others as a wounded healer is the best way to recognize G-d’s gifting and blessings in your life and the life of others! It is the best way to stop focusing on yourself, the drama and/or drudgery of this life. It is a fantastic way to give away love and help heal another.

Be a blessing to others! Love your neighbor as you love yourself! Spread joy and happiness! Be the salt and light by giving first to G-d and then to others!


Dr. Dee

They say love is blind, but I’ve seen Your face over a hundred times, and each time I walk out the door Your story fills my soul.

I heard these words in a song that I just love to listen to over and over again. We’ve all heard it said that love is blind, and I guess we all have been blinded by what we call love. But, true love sees, and continues to love, and even loves when love is not returned. My eyes are wide open to You!

There are two kinds of love, and maybe more depending on who’s talking. Human love some say comes for the Creator, which I won’t argue.  Yet, human love is so infected with narcissism that it is often hard to see any inkling of a kind, loving Creator. We live in a world where self, self-interest, self-love, self-hopes, self-funds, self-career objectives, self-needs, self-goals, self-business, self-spirituality, self-desires, etc., truly reign supreme over everyone and often, if not even G-d! I am constantly amazed at the selfishness we all seem to possess; some extraordinarily more than others. Yet, many claim to love G-d, an unselfish Savior as His disciple; nevertheless, the depravity of human selfishness within their being radiates like an armored shield.  My eyes and heart are wide open to You!only-love-can-heal-poster

Human love takes us on all kinds of adventures…some great, some disastrous; some thrilling, some boring! Still, we all need to feel some kind of love, connection, togetherness. We were created out of love to love.  The question, love that hurts or love that is based on fantasy or selfishness, is this really love? Hum, I think not!

There is only One true love and only One who will never leave, forsake, lie, use, manipulate, or exude selfishness, and that is the One who knew us before the world was even formed. Teach us to love without selfish motives.

Yep, some say love is blind, and yeah, love can be blinding. Love, human love can take you down dark alleys into dangerous terrain. But, the love of the Creator, who tells His story daily,  who shows His face hundreds of times in various ways, and who longs to spend time with us, is the only love we can depend on.  All else is a wish, a maybe, or a hope. Open our eyes and hearts to experience Your love.


Dr. Dee

happy-rosh-hashanahL’Shana Tova! Blessings for a good and sweet New Year!

May your New Year be filled with the sweetness and prosperity found only in Yeshua’s (Jesus) abundant grace.

Welcome the Jewish Year 5777!

Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets – rings in the Jewish New Year with 100 blasts of the shofar. shofar It begins the High Holy Days and is a time for celebration, as well as reflection.

As Jewish people the world over consider the coming year, they pray for G-d’s forgiveness, and that He will “seal” them in the Book of Life for the year ahead. Year by year, they pray to be acceptable in His sight.

As Believers, in Yeshua, we have been brought near to G-d through the righteousness of Messiah and we are sealed in the Lamb’s Book of Life. (Ephesians 1:13, 2:13, Revelation 13:6) Let us rejoice in the salvation of our King and L-rd, reflect on all His goodness and tender mercies, and let us pray for each other,  for the Shalom (peace) of Jerusalem and the world. black-man-shofar

L’Shana Tova!

Dr. Dee

Hand of G-d

When I was working on my Masters at Luther Rice Seminary, one of my professors insisted we memorize Psalm 139 as one of the requirements for the course. Later, during my quiet time, I was compelled to reread and pray this Psalm. Briefly, let me share one of my impressions.

Psalm 139 is a profound psalm, which speaks to the sovereignty of G-d, i.e., He is all-knowing and ever-present! He is subject over all things and all things are subject unto Him. There are several lessons we can draw from this particular Psalm, but for the purposes of this piece, I want to focus on the hand of G-d. If you read vs. 7-12, you will notice that David’s first response was to flee or run runner-femalefrom G-d. Nevertheless, where could he hide for wherever he went, G-d was there! However, in v 10, David realized that G-d is not trying to entrap Him, but to lead Him into His presence.

So it is with us! Many of us feel whether justified or not, that we are trapped in negative situations and/or conditions irrespective of the source of the negativity. Our first impulse similar to King David is to flee, run, escape, hide, or take flight without consulting or seeking G-d’s will. Often times, we look only at the natural circumstances, and fail to see G-d’s hand in the mix! And, if you are a believer in G-d, with faith in Mashiach, (Messiah), then G-d is in the mix!

Therefore, like David, we need to focus on the hand of G-d ,and follow His directive in whatever situation envelops us, and from there, do what G-d says to do! This is extremely heartdifficult at times, because it means dying to self, and living unto Mashiach. However, if we could only remember that it is G-d’s love, which draws us to Him, and that He will use whatever He feels necessary to get our attention; we would weather pessimistic conditions in our life a lot fairer.

Ultimately, our response is to notice and obey His leading. Living in this world is tough sometimes, but in Mashiach, we can be assured that His hand is leading us and not entrapping us! Therefore, be encouraged, persevere, persist in loving G-d and others, and prove your faith by good works, study His Word, and share the message of our Savior. Finally, know that G-d loves you and desires your/our undivided attention.



Dr. Dee


My L-rd* G-d, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor, do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean I am actually doing so. But, I believe that the desire to please you, does, in fact, please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And, I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore, I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. (Prayer composed by Thomas Merton, a Trappist Monk)

Recently, I was watching an episode of West Wing on Netflix, and I heard one of the characters in the program paraphrase the prayer above. I was captivated by the prayer and decided to find out if the prayer was fiction or if in fact, had someone really composed this prayer. In the Netflix version, the character says, I always don’t know the right thing to do, L-rd, but, I think the fact that I want to please you pleases you.

 ocean-waveThis prayer is very intriguing, because it speaks to our weaknesses and our heart motives as believers in the Most High G-d. I find it very interesting that life is often challenging and difficult at best; and yet, most fulfilling as well. And, still, often times we, at least me, has no idea where I am going. My desires and dreams seem to keep pointing me in a certain direction, but the course and the ultimate goal is an uncertainty.

Many might say this sentiment exudes a lack of faith, determination, a certain grit, if you will. And, though dreams, desires and goals are necessary and a productive force as we travel this life, the end results, prior to the end results are completely unknown with absolute certainty! I propose that if the end were absolutely known, the entire sense of celebration during the process and  at the end, as well as the need for faith would be a waste of time.

G-d, however, did not call us to know exactly how things would turn out in this life with utter cast-iron certainty. goals-picHe did call us to trust Him with our dreams, desires, needs and/or goals. He has called us to love Him with the desire to please Him, even in our uncertainty of what lies ahead.

I believe in G-d and choose to embrace His subjection over me. He has proven His love, provision, protection over and over again in my life, the life of my family, friends and even those I do not know or dislike. The fact that you are reading this blog, proves that you are still here for a reason. Now, you may not believe in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Yeshua, but irrespective of that point, He is subject over all things and all things are subject under Him.

My point, as a G-d fearer, I feel all the things the Word of G-d tells me not to feel at times. Yet, my true heart’s desire is to please G-d and be an imitator of Yeshua (Jesus). My flesh is weak, and though He is greater in me than he who is in the world, more times than not, my weakness rules! And, yet I always desire to please Adonai (L-rd). My desire is to please Him and to do His will.

When Thomas Merton wrote this prayer, supposedly he was in a dark place. I have experienced many dark places, and sometimes darkness still nudges at my soul as I navigate this life. Many of us understand the depths of darkness, and yet, we grapple for light-bridgethe light knowing it is our only hope of salvation in this life, and the life to come. G-d who sees all and does whatever He pleases (Ps. 115:3), I believe, understands us far beyond our ability to understand ourselves – thus our need for a Savior. Merton’s prayer exudes a sense of pure humility and dependence on the Creator for guidance in all matters of life, as well as a plea for understanding his motives.

We sometimes exemplify our false sense of being in control to no avail; and, thus, we are amazed when things go awry in our lives. For those of us calling ourselves believers, whether it is by the name Christian, Messianic, Followers of the Way, G-d Fearers, Believers or some other name, our first response is to love Him and desire to please Him.

So today, as I ramble on and deeply consider the nuances of this prayer, I ask you to do the same. My thoughts and feelings are all over the place this morning, because I don’t know for certain where I’m going, but I do know WHO to put my trust in.


Dr. Dee

Note two things:

  • The “o” is missing for G-d and L-rd as a sign of respect and honor, for He is the Most Holy G-d, the One true One, the Creator, and Sustainer of the universe, and He is the Uncaused Cause. By leaving the “o” out of G-d and/or L-rd, it makes the distinction that I am not speaking of an idol, or any other entity, which uses the name “god”. This writer is referring to the one true G-d who revealed Himself to Moses as the I AM. In addition, it is my belief this is one of the ways, I can fulfill the first commandment. The first commandment commanded believers to honor the L-rd’s name. Therefore, by eliminating the “o”, His name (HaShem, G-d) is honored, if the paper were thrown away, burned or destroyed in some manner, as well as for the benefit of online readers. It is this author’s intention to honor G-d in every area, in traditional and non-traditional ways as directed and led by G-d’s Breath – the Holy Spirit.
  • Photos taken from Fresh Paint and program purchased.





Enjoy The Process


Ever heard the following?

  • Enjoying the process
  • Smelling the roses along the way
  • Comfortable with being uncomfortable
  • Trusting when the end is not near
  • Seeing where only faith leads
  • Prayer were no other path leads
  • Goal achieved now what…

For me, they all mean the same thing…

Recently, I read that achievement seldom produces a sense of lasting happiness as one might think. I can truly attest to this. After receiving my doctorate, I thought I would be so happy, but shortly after graduation, (which by the way, no one could attend), it was really no big deal, and I have considered going back to school, and getting another graduate degree. For me, being in school afforded me a definite sense of purpose, a refuge, a circle of acquaintances, and a goal to work towards. In other words, a sense of direction. I have found, and other experts as well, that once a person finally accomplishes a goal, at least two new goals come along unexpectedly. And, that which we worked so hard to achieve, and chased after for so long, soon becomes the status quo. Yet, our achievement though exhilarating, along with a sense of satisfaction, we are also frustrated and desiring a new adventure or goal. In my case, I had mixed emotions. On the one hand I was excited about earning my degree; yet, I thought and felt…now what? What am I going to do now?

Consider other goals, whether losing weight, getting a promotion, some business venture, exotic vacation or even considering marriage. If you have ever been in love, then, you know about those special moments of euphoria and the fluttering of your heart when you think about that special someone, hear their voice and/or lay your eyes on them! Remember when you couldn’t wait to see them or hear their voice, or how much you hated to say goodbye? Then something began to change, especially after the honeymoon for at least 50% of marriages in this country.

How many of you longed, even ached to get married? Many people who have anxiously anticipated being married to their lover, soul mate, and/or best friend of choice in a blissful ever after scenario, have been devastated by the nightmare they felt trapped in. Once married, they were disillusioned by the difficulties of living with this special someone, and often times fled the relationship. Again, at least 50% of married folks in this country choose to flee their marriages, though some need to flee, many of us are afraid or unwilling to die to self and be a loving spouse. Yet, those who endure to the end tend to thrive through the challenges, and happily live their lives with their mate.

Our goals in life whether reached or not gives us a sense of purpose or at least helps us to feel worthy of this opportunity called life. However, I have found that often times, people are so focused on the goal, that they fail to enjoy the process, or give up when matters get difficult. I have been guilty of this.

Many of us get so focused on the goal, that we fail to enjoy the process or we flee from our purpose in hopes of escaping whatever we find problematic. Yet, in my many years on planet earth, I have come to realize that we/I must enjoy the process in all areas of my life, or life is just existing; or in many cases just working to survive and going through the motions.Health500

Now, when it comes to work, I can hang with the best of them. As a matter of information, all the letters behind my name were earned as an adult, raising children, while unemployed, during an extremely challenging marriage(s), during a divorce(s), working full time, deaths of family members, and/or working full time. I know about working, multi-tasking and the like. I mean intimately acquainted with trying to do it all! Even now, as a mature woman working full-time, building a business, co-producing a radio program, writing a book, this blog, etc., more often than not, I feel like the absent-minded professor running around doing it all, yet doing nothing or at least not getting it all accomplished in the manner most effective without sleep deprivation, irritability, stress and the like!

Still, in spite of the challenges or the goals we aim for, I have learned that we must enjoy life along the way. I have found that doing the following things on a consistent basis are extremely helpful for enjoying the process of life as you reach for your goals, after achieving your goals; and then reaching for new or higher goals. We should always strive for higher and worthy goals! This is a biblical principle handed down from Heaven. Therefore, I live by the following and I encourage you to embrace many if not all as well:

  • Daily prayer, reading G-d’s Word, and interaction with like-minded people
  • Sleep/Rest: G-d created the Shabbat (Sabbath) for a reason. He knew many of us would work ourselves into the grave as a result of unbalanced or an obsession to achieve our goals or dreams. Our insistence on embracing sleep-deprivation and lack of rest causes chronic tiredness, illness, irritability, stress and premature death. We need a weekly Shabbat for a reason. Really and truly, sleep will find us whether we like it or not.
  • sabbathHealthy Choices: Sleep/rest is a healthy choice, but also the foods we eat. Choose clean foods, minimize fast foods, processed foods, soda and sugar. You will feel different and be more energetic with mental clarity.
  • Exercise is vital for weight loss, flexibility, stress reduction and more. We need to exercise our bodies to optimally perform each day. Our bodies are the only place we have to live.
  • Celebrate and love others.
  • Be grateful for all things in your life. Celebrate the great and good. Learn from the not-so-good.
  • Help others achieve and grow. Be an example of determination, persistence and generosity.
  • Try to see the good and have a positive attitude.
  • Spend time doing things you enjoy and spend time with family and friends.
  • Laugh, have fun and enjoy being you. Laughter does do the heart, mind, soul good!

live in bodyWorthy goals, dreams, and desires, as well as working towards them have their place. Yet, on the way to success, remember to enjoy life throughout the process. Once you achieve whatever goal(s) you are longing for, enjoy that process and the new goals soon to follow. Again, enjoy wherever you find yourself in life, otherwise, what awaits you on the other side, may be more disappointing than you imagined.


Dr. Dee