Tag Archives: blessings

COVID-19 The Blessings…

Praise His Holy Name

Lift Him up and behold the glory of our G-D and King! The head of His family and all the earth. Lift Him up and let His Name reign and be not afraid for He is good and desires to demonstrate His love for each of us.

Why are we so afraid and consumed with the affairs of this world? Oh how we have preoccupied ourselves with the activities of others who hate G-D and His people, especially with the hype and disasters surrounding COVID-19, the election, violence, scandals, and more. 

There are so many commentaries about 2020 that it is hard to keep it all straight, no less who or what to believe. So much more negative than positive to say the least!  Don’t you get tired of the “downers”, “doomers”, “gloomers”, “haters”, “violence-whores” and I’m sure you could add to this list. However, this blog is not about the wretched and the evils which attempt to torment our souls consistently on a daily basis! This blog is about and a reminder of the goodness of our L-RD.

I just want to list some positive personal points about 2020. 

  • If nothing else it has deepened my appreciation for my family and friends. I had the opportunity to see most of them twice this year and that was a true blessing. See, we live in various states and countries, so seeing them was extra special this year.
  • I was blessed to buy a townhouse in the summer and that was a real blessing! I have had lots of homes and lost them all for various reasons. However, G-D blessed me with another home I can call ours…the L-RD’s and mine.
  • I was invited to teach at a middle school after losing my position at an elementary school.  Initially, I was worried and upset about being placed in the right teaching position, but G-D worked things out better than I hoped and prayed for. I am also working at home, so I am grateful that I do not have to commute and I am grateful to work for a principal who believes and honors her staff.
  • Gyms were closed for a while, but they are back open. I put on some “COVID” fat, so I need to exercise. I am so grateful to get out of the house and workout on a regular basis.
  • On Friday nights, friends and myself usually get together for dinner, Torah Study and discussion of social issues. I am grateful that we did not allow COVID-19 to keep us apart and G-D has blessed us and our study for being faithful to Him. We’ve even had several new guests share a meal with us and fellowship.
  • Family Chats have also become part of our norm! We ZOOM from various places in the country in order to stay connected. Seeing family and laughing is so much fun on Zoom. I am grateful for this technology which allows us to interface.
  • My health has been great for the most part this year. I did, however, hurt my knee between the gym and missing the stairs not once but twice. My knee is on the mend, but it has been a process. I am seeing a physical therapist who has really helped me. I appreciate him and the work he is doing. I am grateful.
  • I am also so grateful for more things that I can name including my ability to think, write, read, see, hear, feel, walk upright, laugh, cry and even embrace boredom at times. Also, for all the provisions G-D has afforded me during this past year, including the very special man in my life.

So yeah, just like you I am so OVER COVID-19, but COVID-19 nor the ills of the world will determine my perspective. G-D as always proves He is greater than all the evils and mayhem of this world. We as believers, must believe He is greater and He will be with us always because He loves us.

If you have not received Yeshua (Jesus) as your Savior, L-RD, Redeemer and brother, you are missing out on Salvation and Shalom in this life and the life to come. Asking Yeshua to come into your heart and rule your life does not mean we will not face challenges, but He will always be with us every step of the way listening to our prayers, protecting and guiding us.

Are you ready? Ask Him into your heart today!

Much love,

Dr. Dee

First Year …

Well, I finished my first teaching school year in Denver, and approaching my first year living in the Rockies. They call it the Rockies for a reason!  

No…but really, I have enjoyed living in the beautiful state of Colorado for the most part. I have desperately missed family and friends from Georgia, but life in Colorado has been pretty good for me!

My baptism into the school system challenged me to rise above the obvious and explore below the surface. There were days I thought I was going to pack my two dresses and return to Georgia; or just lose my mind at the very least! Many nights my king-size sleigh bed embraced me by 5:30 PM until dawn, and upon waking – realizing …off to work I go!

Many days, I cried, complained, whined and prayed, only to wonder, why I moved to Denver? Teaching was extremely hard! But, thank G-d for friends and family who will put up with the same complaints over and over again. Yet, without the help of Adonai, and His assurance that the move to Denver was His will, I would have lost my mind, my health, my job and anything else in the path of attempting to destroy me.

So, this blog is dedicated to the very Savior, (Yeshua, Jesus) of my soul in this life and the life to come. Adonai, again has shown up and showed out in my life in marvelous ways, and I am truly grateful! He helped and is helping me to get settled in a Shul (Synagogue, Messianic) with wonderful people who embrace a Torah-life style committed to loving G-d, each other, and embracing the salvation of Yeshua as prescribed in the Word of G-d. The love and companionship of those who have accepted me has been life-giving. G-d always knows best…even when we think we know better; and His anticipatory love is surprisingly overwhelming and wonderful!

Yet again, work was extremely challenging at best, as well as tolerable. G-D brought me to the right place to grow as a professional and as a person. My hat is off to the leadership, my teaching partner, and other colleagues. Their support and encouragement helped to make each day a little brighter in the midst of mayhem, rebellion, pain, hurt, good, growth, and noticeable positive accomplishments by the end of the  school year.

This school year’s life lessons have cemented once again the resilience and endurance available to us when we lean on and into G-d’s grace. I am excited that the year is over, but I am grateful for the experience and G-d’s management in my situation and the lives of my students. I could not have done it without Him, and the love from family and friends.

My point… without G-d, the One, True and Living G-d – I am nothing, weak, frail and afraid, and at times – enraged! With G-D all things are possible when we trust in Him, even when I/We are blinded by what seems to be the obvious.


Dr. Dee

Holidays in the Rockies

My first holidays in Denver, CO…High Holy Days, Thanksgiving, and Christmas has been bittersweet, but I am grateful for the experiences and the people I have met, the fun and laughter!

This past Christmas (2017) though I was feeling somewhat lonely, my daughter and her husband made the day so extremely pleasant. I don’t celebrate Christmas in the tradition sense as I celebrate my faith through Messianic Judaism. However, I always enjoy family and friends, and we usually get together on Christmas and celebrate being together. Anyway, it was just the three of us, and we talked, laughed, ate and enjoyed the fruit of the vine. The day was beautiful both spiritually and physically as it had snowed the day before. We enjoyed a “white” Christmas day. My two sons “faced timed” me, so I got to see them and my grandchildren. All in all, the day was very lovely, and I am extremely appreciative for the love of family.

Today, it is still snowing in Denver, and as I sit here writing by my fireplace and gazing out of the window, I am enthralled by the beauty of my surroundings. Denver is a very unique and crowded city, but the beauty of the mountains, the weather, and for the most part, the people makes Denver a great lay-over spot. Why lay-over? Because, I am not sure I want to stay here “forever.” But, for now, my move here has been very beneficial.

Since July of this year, I have gone more places and done more things than I have done in years when I lived in Georgia. I like the Shul where I attend. I have met many pleasant people, and have enjoyed their company. I have found most people to be very friendly and helpful, and I really like welcoming people.

During the Thanksgiving break, my family (mom, nieces, son and grandson) came out for a visit and that was wonderful! I miss them all very much, especially my grandson. While my family was here, we did some sightseeing, and we managed to get up to Red Rocks…totally loved that place and can’t wait to go to a concert there. We ate at a few of my favorite places, shopped , and walked the city of Denver. Again, we had a ball and I can’t wait to see them in the summer!

That’s all I’ve got for now! Have an awesome Holiday and remember to tell someone you love them, while you have a chance.

Just Musing!

Dr. Dee



Happy 2017!!! My prayer for you!

Happy 2017!!!! May G-d bless you and keep you and my His face shine upon you , your family and your friends!

Much Love,

Dr. Dee

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