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Today’s Prayer

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Dearest Abba,

May your Name be kept holy among your people and your instructions fulfilled without grumbling and whining. May your people who are called by your name cherish you, respect you, obey you and honor you with all their hearts, minds and souls. May your people be the salt and light in the earth as you have demanded; and may you be pleased with the service of your  people…for YOU are holy and worthy of all praise, honor and prestige. You are love and there is no one else who touches our hearts, provides and sustains like YOU. You are the G-D of mercy – not giving us what we deserve; and the G-D of grace offering us the gift of forgiveness in Yeshua.

Today, I lift up families, friends and our nation, the USA…please according to your tender mercies…bless, protect,and squash the evil which is seeking to kill, destroy and steal our very existence! In the name of Yeshua I praise you and humbly ask.