Tag Archives: finances

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To Your Success…

Dr. Dee

How to outsell a girl scout

I’d like to take a moment to introduce to you the best salespeople in the world:

The Girl Scouts.

Sure, I could break down the global success of Girl Scout cookies any number of ways, but it really boils down to a few points:

1. Proven product that people love
2. Powerful global branding

And one that gets these first two off the ground:

3. Persistent direct sales

The Girl Scouts are a little army of salespeople who’ve quietly netted over $700 million in just 16 years…

While the rest of us have been on your couch packing away Thin Mints.

Maybe neither you nor I could walk around with a little blue-green sash full of sewn-on achievement patches…

But you can become a persistent direct salesman who makes commissions in the $1000s, $3000s, $5000s, $9000s or more!

Find out how, here.

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Dr. Dee

If you found this information helpful, share it with others. Thank you!

Helping Hands

Some preacher once said, that in order to get past your own hurt, we need to help others in an effort to become less SELF-focused and more OTHER-focused. Well, last week, I had an opportunity to work with many people who were OTHER-focused, and I was truly blessed! My experience benefited me, more than my efforts benefited those I was helping. WHY? Because I had an opportunity to stop thinking about mySELF and think and do for OTHERS, along with a bunch of great people! two-peoplw-helping-hands

I am really amazed at how many New Year’s resolutions (including mine) rarely include helping others! Many of the resolutions I hear or read about speak to losing weight, spending more time with family and friends, stop smoking, get out of debt, and/or saving money, stop drinking, etc. However, how many New Year’s resolutions revolve around giving up personal time and money to help those who are destitute, lonely, broke and hopeless, maybe even homeless? I don’t know about you, but I am guilty as charged! And, unless the Spirit of G-d moves us to STOP thinking about ourSELF, we will continue to perpetuate self-focus and me-Me-ME! This is not G-d’s best, for we are a community inside and outside of the church walls.


Prior to moving to this infamous peach state, I volunteered off and on in California during my teenage years and as an adult. I found my experiences extremely rewarding and loved the opportunities to help others and meet new people. However, since moving to Georgia, my interests, twisted by life circumstances hindered my desires to volunteer. Yet, due to G-d’s nudging, one of my goals for this year is to be more OTHER-focused by getting more involved in community projects.

So, what does this have to do with you? I want to urge you to find an organization and donate your time, money and talents to help others, especially if you find yourself depressed and sad. Helping others as a wounded healer is the best way to recognize G-d’s gifting and blessings in your life and the life of others! It is the best way to stop focusing on yourself, the drama and/or drudgery of this life. It is a fantastic way to give away love and help heal another.

Be a blessing to others! Love your neighbor as you love yourself! Spread joy and happiness! Be the salt and light by giving first to G-d and then to others!


Dr. Dee

Don’t Allow Negativity Ruin Your Online Business With These Easy Steps


Why throwing the football to yourself doesn’t work.

On October 12, 1997, Brad Johnson completed the only quarterback-to-quarterback touchdown pass in NFL history.  In other words – Brad threw the ball, the ball got blocked, Brad re-caught it, and then Brad proceeded to make a touchdown. Truly a one-man-show. But over his career, he threw 165 more touchdown passes – and all of them were to other people.

TAMPA, FL - SEPTEMBER 14: Quarterback Brad Johnson #14 of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers looks to pass against the Carolina Panthers defense on September 14, 2003 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. The Panthers defeated the Buccaneers 12-9. (Photo by Craig Jones/Getty Images)
Brad Johnson taken from Google Images

Here’s my no-brain-er takeaway: Pitch the pigskin, dummy!

One-man-shows rarely work. https://fred139.clickfunnels.com/copy-of-vida-divinap9rw0ekv

And yet most small business owners are trying to throw themselves touchdown passes. They try to do everything themselves:

  • Website and landing page design
  • Product development
  • Closing sales
  • Constructing a high-converting sales funnel

When what they really need is a high-performing team to help them score big. But where do you find a team when you’re just starting out? That’s where I come in.

It’s your offensive line, backfield, and receiving team that makes the difference.johnson_brad2

When you sign up, you get:

  • domestic team support
  • international team support
  • free sign-up
  • awesome product
  • impressive comp plan

…all working FOR you. A high performance team that will help you score big commissions online. You’ve got the ball, and they’re dancing in the end zone. Try to throw yourself the touchdown pass, and you’ve got a 1 in 165 chance. Throw it to them, and you’re bound to score.  So what’s it gonna be?



Dr. Dee

Money Matters

broke 3

Fighting due to financial challenges is all too common in many marriages! Fighting or disagreements about money is normal in most marriages or relationships.  However, excessive fighting about money can lead to tremendous strain, tension, abuse and/or divorce. It’s not just about a lack of finances, but the lack of compatibility in the money arena.

We all know the old adage that “opposites attract”, but when two people have opposite and opposing views about money, divorce can occur.  Imagine for a moment a couple where one spends money all the time, and the other wants to save for the future. Or one person is very generous, and the other is a miser. One has no problem using credit cards, and the other believes in saving up for an item.  These differing ideas can cause tremendous problems in a relationship if there is no amicable solution.


Unfortunately, many couples do not discuss financial matters thoroughly before getting married, or they get married and think they can change the other person, or that LOVE will take care of it. Phooey! Love is the main and sustaining reason, and I believe people should be in-love, devoted and committed to each upon entering into a covenant agreement. However, money matters should be discussed prior to the marriage with complete transparency, so each person knows exactly each other’s spending habits and beliefs about financial management. Here are a few tips to discuss before marriage:

  • Discuss if both partners are going to work. If debt is involved decide how you are going to pay off debts.  Ideally, live on one income (mortgage/rent, utilities, food, gas, clothing) and use the other income for savings, investments, vacations, education, etc.
  • Make sure you have emergency cash funds. Dave Ramsey suggest $1,000.00 cash for emergencies. I think this is a good start, but ideally you should have 3 – 6 months living expenses available for emergencies, and quickly replace any used funds. There should be no limit to emergency funds.
  • Decide on how you are going to give, save and invest your money as a couple. Seek counsel from a reputable financial company, pastor, rabbi or counselor to help you make decisions and plan for short and long range financial goals.
  • Create a reasonable monthly budget which includes spending money for each partner and leisure.
  • Decide who is going to pay the bills each month or will paying the bills be a joint effort? I suggest reviewing your budget/finances each month together and celebrate financial victories, like paying off a bill, or saving enough money for a vacation. If a financial goal is not met, calmly discuss what went wrong and how to make improvements. Be accountable to each other and your goals.
  • Attack the money issue and not each other. Remember, if an argument should develop, tackle the problem of excessive spending, high debt, etc., and try not to belittle and curse each other.
  • Seek counseling if you are unable to settle your money woes together. Often times the extremely generous or conversely, the miser has issues related to childhood in regards to money. A trained professional might help you discover any root issues that are hindering successful financial goals.  Discovery is vital in order to live a balanced life.


I believe if two people truly love each other, any money woes can be handled through commitment, understanding, communication, hard work and sacrifice.  After all, it is just money, and though a major part of one’s commitment, it is just a part!  Imagine yourself without your spouse. Is that the choice you would prefer, because you cannot resolve your financial issues?  Marital issues over finances can be resolved and you can live a happy life together, if you are willing to work together as ONE to resolve financial woes. The choice is always ours. 

Just Musing,

Dr. Dee

5 Tips to Financial Success


success-secret.jpgSuccess is defined in many ways and applies to various aspects of our lives.  I believe there are some tips that are universal when it comes to financial success. Here are just 5 tips for your consideration.  However, even if your goals involve financial success as defined by your aspirations, let me caution you to enjoy the process. Striving for money without love, family, friends and living life might prove an extremely lonely and empty path.  

To Your Success!

Dr. Dee


5 tips to Financial Freedom

Biztoons – Interested in getting a customized tune? Email me at drdeejackson@drdeejackso.com

Mission Possible

The mission is possible with the right team, the right comp plan and the right work ethic! Interested in getting a free sample or learning more about the program…Email today – drdeejackson@drdeejackson.com