Tag Archives: friends

Friend or Foe?

We normally think of blood being thicker than water, especially when it comes to family. We hear the adage that family is the most important investment; they are the main ones we can depend on though we know this is not always the case. In Proverbs 18:24 it teaches that Some “friends” pretend to be friends, but a true friend sticks closer than a brother. (CJB) Another translation: Friends can destroy one another, but a loving friend can stick closer than family. (GW)

This Scripture emphasizes the devastation of a fake friend  and the profundity of being the type of friend that exemplifies stick-to-it-ness. This brief blog attempts to look at the latter portion of Proverbs 18:24 in relation to those we call “friends”. We all have folks in our lives we consider friends. What is your definition of a friend? Let’s consider…

Some of us have virtual friends…FaceBook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter or whatever other social media platforms you might find entertaining and/or fulfilling. Some of our friends are work-buddies, gym-buddies, synagogue-buddies, church-buddies, bar-buddies, shopping-buddies, neighbor-buddies, and the list goes on. Some people have folks around them as the Scripture suggests that just want to be with others for the sake of stroking their egotistical cravings and/or maybe to receive some tangible rewards. However, what is a true friend? I described types of friends, but what are the characteristics of a true friend? This Scripture brings up jarring points. One, some friends just want to destroy others or are not true friends…posers; and two, there is a loving friend who is more loyal than family.

He has called us to be fishers of men.

How many people can stand and say, I have a friend who is more loyal than my family, my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother? Who can truly say this about any human being, other than Messiah, Himself? I know folks who claim this to be true. They have people in their lives who are closer and more loyal than their “blood” family members or their spouses for that matter. And, though I find this commentary astonishing and disheartening, I am not surprised. Assuming this statement is true, practically speaking as believers we are called to be friends to others. Therefore, what should our response include?

Obviously, as followers of Messiah, we live the best we can to be loyal family members as well as loyal friends. There is no competition between the two. We can be loving moms, dads, sisters, brothers, etc. and at the same time be loving friends to those we love who are not related to us by blood. Call me crazy, but I am a staunch believer that our hearts are big enough to love a lot of folks at various times in our lives, and then all at once, and into the future. There is room to love all, not necessarily loyal to all for obvious reasons, but the ability to love and care for others, and then to be the friend you want others to be to you…this is a worthy possible feat. This is the biblical principle of the golden rule.

 I just finished reading the letter to the Colossians and it is one of the richest letters in the Bible which exhorts us to practice our faith. The depth of this letter from Shaul to the Messianic Community in Colosse is beyond this blog. However, the following verses summarize the practical application of our faith, the kind of friend/person we should be and more.

Colossians 1:9–11 — G-D’S WORD Translation (GW)

9 For this reason we have not stopped praying for you since the day we heard about you. We ask ⸤G-D⸥ to fill you with the knowledge of his will through every kind of spiritual wisdom and insight. 10 We ask this so that you will live the kind of lives that prove you belong to the L-RD. Then you will want to please him in every way as you grow in producing every kind of good work by this knowledge about G-D. 11 We ask him to strengthen you by his glorious might with all the power you need to patiently endure everything with joy.

The richness of these verses are slathered with practical application on how we should live as a friend, family member and/or responsible g-dly person. We should be praying, filled with the knowledge of His will, live lives pleasing to the Father in order to prove we belong to Him and strengthened by Him to endure with joy all that this life has for us. Our lives must be bathed in Him so that we can be a true and righteous friend. In addition, as we allow ourselves to be filled with His Will, we fulfill the commandment to love others as we love ourselves practicing forgiveness, honesty, bearing great fruit, exemplifying who we are in Messiah as G-D’s Holy Spirit directs. 

So, let me challenge you (me as well), as 2023 is fast approaching to examine yourself, your loyalties to others and your growth in the Messiah. Ask yourself, where are your commitments to your friends on the Richter scale so to speak? What harmony and g-dly-gifts do you bring to the table of being a fantastic friend? Are you an example of a possible worthy feat? Are you the friend you would want someone else to be to you? Can folks see and hear G-D’s heart emanating from you?

Figure it out, do what is required to show your heart to those you claim you love; but more importantly, be the example of who you claim to serve. Do it unto the glory of G-D and be that loyal friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister. 

That’s all I’ve got!

In Him,

Dr. Dee

Never Oblige Want…NOW

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the fall colors, crisp cool breeze and the roar of burning wood crackling in the fireplace. I enjoy gatherings with family, friends and the laughter we share. The beauty of this season is a blessing; but, today, I miss my mom. 

Thanksgiving was always about spending time with family and friends. As a kid, we had huge traditional turkey meals, laughter and fun! Thanksgiving was a time when we expressed how grateful we were for all the L-RD had done for us; and it was time to relish in those blessings and squash family squabbles. Yet, as time went on, holidays with family and friends changed. Life experiences either interfered or destroyed some of the precious times as the years progressed.

As I am writing this blog, my heart is heavy because I am not only missing my mom, but other members of my family who have passed from this life. And, honestly, I am just lonely for them. I spent a good part of this morning just reminiscing about some of our times together both wonderful and not so wonderful. Last year this time, I was with my mom while she was in hospice and though it wasn’t a traditional Thanksgiving, she was still on this side of heaven and we chatted and laughed together. Sometimes, I just wish I could talk to her. 

Yet, even in my sadness today, I am extremely grateful for all ABBA has done for me and my family through Yeshua. He has done more for me than I deserve, and I am humbled by His great love. And, though I do not have any family in the state I am currently living in, I have friends who care about me and that helps tremendously when I am feeling down like today. But more importantly, I do not weep as someone without hope. And, I am grateful for the comfort of the L-RD.

Anyway, the point of this blog, love folks while you can. Hold on to the people who matter. Make time for each other and tell folks how much you love and care for them while they are in your midst. Don’t assume folks know how much you love and appreciate them. You know what they say about assuming.

Let me encourage you…get over yourself and let stupidity and bitterness go. Get over differences because soon and very soon they… and then you will be gone. Enjoy your family and friends like never before as if this is your last day together. 

We only have now. What does your now look like?

Enjoy your holidays!

Dr. Dee

Holidays in the Rockies

My first holidays in Denver, CO…High Holy Days, Thanksgiving, and Christmas has been bittersweet, but I am grateful for the experiences and the people I have met, the fun and laughter!

This past Christmas (2017) though I was feeling somewhat lonely, my daughter and her husband made the day so extremely pleasant. I don’t celebrate Christmas in the tradition sense as I celebrate my faith through Messianic Judaism. However, I always enjoy family and friends, and we usually get together on Christmas and celebrate being together. Anyway, it was just the three of us, and we talked, laughed, ate and enjoyed the fruit of the vine. The day was beautiful both spiritually and physically as it had snowed the day before. We enjoyed a “white” Christmas day. My two sons “faced timed” me, so I got to see them and my grandchildren. All in all, the day was very lovely, and I am extremely appreciative for the love of family.

Today, it is still snowing in Denver, and as I sit here writing by my fireplace and gazing out of the window, I am enthralled by the beauty of my surroundings. Denver is a very unique and crowded city, but the beauty of the mountains, the weather, and for the most part, the people makes Denver a great lay-over spot. Why lay-over? Because, I am not sure I want to stay here “forever.” But, for now, my move here has been very beneficial.

Since July of this year, I have gone more places and done more things than I have done in years when I lived in Georgia. I like the Shul where I attend. I have met many pleasant people, and have enjoyed their company. I have found most people to be very friendly and helpful, and I really like welcoming people.

During the Thanksgiving break, my family (mom, nieces, son and grandson) came out for a visit and that was wonderful! I miss them all very much, especially my grandson. While my family was here, we did some sightseeing, and we managed to get up to Red Rocks…totally loved that place and can’t wait to go to a concert there. We ate at a few of my favorite places, shopped , and walked the city of Denver. Again, we had a ball and I can’t wait to see them in the summer!

That’s all I’ve got for now! Have an awesome Holiday and remember to tell someone you love them, while you have a chance.

Just Musing!

Dr. Dee



It’s All New…

So many new and exciting things have happened in my life, which have kept me very busy and distracted from writing.

I moved to Denver, Colorado in mid-July, (2017), so needless to say, I was quite occupied with moving preparations and settling into a new place and job. I am still settling in and getting use to the new area.

So far, I really like most things about Denver, especially the people and the healthy lifestyle. I am excited to see so many families out riding their bikes, walking, running and enjoying all the free events. I also really like the friendliness and helpfulness of the folks I have encountered. I am amazed at so many things to do, and at how many people seem to always be outside. I had the privileged of hiking at Mt. Falcon with the staff at the new school where I will be teaching Literacy. It was the first time in all my career that I have been involved with such a team building activity. It was exhilarating and tiring! I absolutely loved the experience and getting to know the fellow teachers!

I absolutely hate the congestion in the downtown Denver area. Between the traffic and the construction…it’s just not my cup of tea! Freeways are crazy, but so was the traffic in Atlanta. There is a lot of construction, apartments, townhouses etc. to accommodate all the folks moving to this area, and the rents are extremely expensive! I am not really sure why as the salaries are not that high.   I live in an area where there are mostly apartments, condos and townhouses and to my amazement it is still very quiet! I am so grateful to live in such a very pleasant area.

There are so many positive things which have happened to me since moving to Denver, and to try to name them all, I would leave some vital details out. Most of all, G-d’s hand is evident in this move and for that I am eternally indebted to Him for this new adventure. I am excited about the unknown, those hopes and dreams yet realized, and my contributions to this society.

On the flip side, I miss my family very much! I left my mom, my youngest son, grandson, a niece and a grand-niece as well as friends in Georgia. I miss them very much, but I am committed to staying in touch. I also have a son who lives in another country along with his wife and three children, and I miss them as well. Though there is physical distance I carry them daily in my heart, prayers and thoughts!

Like Abraham, I have left the familiarity…

Just Musing!

Dr. Dee