Tag Archives: Growing in Faith

July 3, 2024

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Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ (Messiah Yeshua) hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Is that a trend or something? I don’t know what it is but I’ve heard that phrase said quite a bit. We were even walking down the Wal-Mart aisle to pick up a few things and my wife showed me a T-shirt with “I have issues” written across the front! I guess the world is coming to the sad reality that we really do have some issues.

It’s always good to realize this kind of thing — but realizing is only half the battle. It looks like the world has gone and just left it at that. What they’re really saying is “We have issues and we’re just going to let you know that up front — we’ll even be wearing a T-shirt to remind you so that you won’t be expecting much from us!”

Well guess what? We, as believers, don’t need to fall for that baloney! Yes, we all acquire issues in this sinful, painful world we live in — but it is possible to be free from those issues in Messiah! It’s not only possible — it’s crucial! We need to be wearing a T-shirt that says “We had issues, but the L-RD delivered us and now we’re free — and hey — you too can be free!”

Believers, we are the ones who need to be leading the way to Freedom, wouldn’t you agree? This Independence Week, let’s take a moment to celebrate our freedom in the L-RD! Take all those issues, write them down on a scrap piece of paper and burn them to ashes! If we’ll be serious about getting free, G-D will be serious about setting us free!

Your family in the L-RD with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Missouri)

Reproduced with permission…Dr. Dee


8 Ways Praise Delivers You from Evil

The state of affairs in the United States of America is beyond anything that I could have imagined. Violent eruptions seem commonplace…mayhem, hatred, bitterness, discontent, sickness, loneliness and more. People very close to me are depressed and distraught about the election, the pandemic, isolation, loss of income, loss of life and so much more. On some days, it just seems like life can’t get any worse. 

And, on and on goes the world. What can we do? We are helpless in this evil world without the help of Yeshua. We can pretend, cry, fight, shout and even die hopeless and helpless, if we believe the lie; we can overcome anything without our Savior. We must depend on Him for our strength, protection through His love and goodness. 

If you haven’t noticed, this world is extremely dark. It is easy to become wrapped up in the ungodly affairs spread via the media. It is easy to worry and fret and forget about living purposefully. It is so easy to focus on the diabolical and forget that in spite of the wretchedness which surrounds us, G-D is still on the throne, and very aware of all that has attempted to imprison our minds. He knows and understands better than we do, though we question His thinking…at least I do.

However, regardless of my thoughts as inaccurate as they may be, I still trust and love the L-RD and desire to please Him. I get scared, worried and depressed about the state of this world like many others. But, I attempt to keep my focus on His promises and not on the lies and the monstrous happenings in this country, which are trying to kill, steal and destroy us. Is it easy…you know it isn’t! It is a process…an arduous process!

Now there are folks much greater than me who are praying for this country and the leaders we find ourselves stuck with. We all must join in praying and repenting, as we seek a miracle and a life-stay from our Creator.  We cannot entertain the thought that we can continue to submerse ourselves in national odious behaviors or personal vileness, and think that G-D will be down with that! I think not!

G-D, Yeshua, I truly believe loves us more than our limited brains and hearts can even fathom. Yet, He is just and His patience with our foul living cannot/will not be tolerated indefinitely by Him…remember the epic about Noah and the Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah?

So, what is the answer…keep our eyes on the L-RD and listen to Him. Be sensitive to His leading and instruction and know that evil has already failed. G-D is our Ruler King and His WILL will prevail. Stand in faith and when all else fails, STAND… STAND FIRM…Ephesians 6:13.

Much Love,

Dr. Dee

It's Time To Take A Stand! | Anne Graham Lotz - Angel Ministries

Book Review


It’s been a while since I have written, but life has been great, not without challenges, but all is well! I am currently rereading the End-Time Devotional Kiss Me Again, by Jamie Lash. This is one of the most powerful devotionals I have read in sometime, and each day’s reading is a life-giving and life-changing “KISS” from our L-RD!

This book is birthed from 40 years of being kissed by G-d, ministering His love and truth to millions via television, speaking engagements, newsletters and books according to author Jamie Lash. Her interpretation of G-D’s message of love to His Bridegroom is HE is the divine covering for His bride in these last days. Lash’s book explores various verses from the Song of Solomon, and reveals what she believes the L-RD is speaking to His people during these End-Times.

This book is rich with insights, encouragement, and truths in a transparent and realistic way, in order to point the believer to Yeshua in all things; and to ignite and/or reignite  our dependence and devotion to Him.  Lash has decided to use the analogy of an umbrella to demonstrate how G-D covers us with His love, protection and so much more through His Son, Yeshua.

Listed below are the first 5 Umbrellas from Lash’s book.

  1. G-D is present even in the dark times.
  2. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) love is your umbrella.
  3. Yeshua will meet you in the secret place.
  4. Rest. Wait. Trust.
  5. G-D’s watchmen will point you to Him.

Read the book! It is worth the read and each “Umbrella” is deeply explored.  Each day you will be renewed, encouraged and compelled to trust in Adonai (L-RD) with all your heart, to do good, and feed on His faithfulness.

My prayer for us:  Abba, (Father) teach us how to embrace You fully in our lives and to turn our faces, hearts and attention towards You. Help us to remember and walk in Your love and salvation through our Savior, Yeshua all the days of our lives, and keep us close to you. Thank you for being the G-D of love and trustworthiness!


Dr. Dee