Tag Archives: Guarantee

Ways to Recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

Looking to join an online business? Confused about what to look for? If you read my blog on Net…WORK, I laid out a few points to consider when looking to join any business.  Here are some additional key points for your consideration.  As you know, not all clear stones that glisten are diamonds. Below are a few ways to recognize suspect businesses.

Some Ways to recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

  1. No product. You just drive traffic to their site, which signs up more people to drive traffic to their site. Make sure the company has real products, services, events, programs, etc.
  2. Who is in charge and can they be contacted? Make sure there is a “real” person involved. Only do business with someone willing to risk their reputation. Do your research to find out the success or failures of others involved with that particular business.
  3. Listen to the testimonials and ensure there are last names. Look at the videos to see if they are real human beings.
  4. Does the company provide a money back guarantee for satisfaction? Look for “performance based promises” that ensures results.
  5. Support? Does the company provide online and personal coaching? Only a business with a real program, a real product and a real comp plan will offer human to human coaching.
  6. Note: Take your time when considering a new company. Fast talkers, high pressuring techniques may signal duplicity. (www.mybailoutoption.com)

There are no guarantees with anything in life.  However, if we do our best to research a company before joining and listen to our gut impulses, I believe we have a greater opportunity in avoiding fraudulent or shady companies.

Our company is one of those companies that attempts to fill all of the above positive principles and then some.  As one of the leaders in the company, I strive to be the kind of leader people can trust.  Challenge:  Examine my site and then give me a call if you have further questions. www.mybailoutoption.com 

pic of me for powtoon

To Your Success!

Dr. Dee

To Your Health