Tag Archives: happiness

Ready to call it quits?

Ready and eager to call it quits on your marriage? Ready to throw in the towel, because everything isn’t perfect and does not meet your fantastical expectations? Then consider the following.

Lifelong commitment or a covenant marriage is not what most people think! It isn’t waking up every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It isn’t cuddling in bed until both of you fall asleep, peacefully every night after making wild passionate love. It’s not a clean home filled with the sounds of laughter each moment or the joyful sounds of children/teens serenely communicating.

Marriage includes but is not limited to someone who steals all the covers and snores! Marriage sometimes includes slammed doors, yelling, and harsh words.  Marriage at least between humans is stubbornly disagreeing, and giving each other the silent treatment, until someone decides to relinquish with hopefully a tender heart.  A tender heart which has healed and desires forgiveness both ways, but also where each person is accountable for their actions.

Marriage is coming home to the same person every day. Yet, coming home to that same person should not be boring or dreaded, but coming home to someone you know loves and cares about you. Loving as I have said so many times, means loving what we hate about the person, because it makes up the whole person. Folks, loving means dying to self and doing your part all the time. Marriage is laughing about all the great and stupid things you did together.

Marriage is about dirty laundry, unmade beds, messing garages, burnt meals and boring sex. Marriage is about the great times and difficult times, sickness and death. A marriage that desires to please G-D is about helping each other with the hard work of life! Marriage is sometimes sacrifice and selflessness. Marriage is about shutting your mouth sometimes, instead of spewing nagging and contentious words! Marriage is about cuddling with your lover when life is crazy and only tears flow, because words cannot express the anguish. Marriage is about making time for each other no matter what and much more.

When the honeymoon is over, sometimes marriage can be challenging. This person you love so much, chooses to make you feel loony tuned, insane, crazy and thoughtless all at once. Loving someone is not easy! But loving someone is worth the energy and time invested. I beseech you, bar abuse; do not give up on your marriage and loving the person you decided to make your lifelong partner. Again, it is well worth the effort and pleases our Father.

Yeshua calls us His bride. He put in love, mercy, forgiveness, sacrifice, effort, time and death, so we may have life in Him. Consider your spouse, if Yeshua delivered so we can have life and steadfastness in Him; certainly, we can extend love, time and effort to our spouses as children of the Most High G-D.

Covenantal marriage means upholding your vow even when you are ready to quit! Think about it. Yeah, you may be ready to quit, but don’t! Seek counsel if needed, but at least attempt to do your part to uphold your vow.


Dr. Dee

Today, I will be grateful!

The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less competent, reduces feelings of relatedness and gratitude, reduces their ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self-centered. (Author Unknown)

In a 2015 HUFFPOST article by Lindsay Holmes, she penned there were 100 things we could be grateful for. I suggest there are 1000’s of things we can be grateful for if we consider all that life has shown us currently and in our previous years. 

Materialism is a tendency to consider physical comfort and material possessions more important than spiritual values. Thus, if a person believes that things are more important than spiritual values or having a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus); can a person ever truly be grateful or content in the moment?

Regardless of where you find yourself in life as of right now…happy, sad, rich, poor, broke, sick, single, married, homeless, etc., there is ALWAYS something to appreciate about today! Today is all we have – yesterday is gone and who knows about tomorrow. So, why are you thankful?

Here are just some of the reasons I am grateful: 

1. Messianic Believer and saved by the redemptive work of Yeshua (Jesus). I could end       my list here and that would be MORE than enough.
2. Health
3. Sanity of mind – at least on most days!
4. Family
5. Friends
6. Enemies…they help me practice kindness
7. Strangers…not friends yet
8. Employment
9. Food
10. Clothes
11. Housing
12. Transportation
13. Place of Worship
14. Weather
15. Living in America
16. Living in the neighborhood of my choice
17. Freedom of speech
18. Entertainment
19. Challenges
20. Wonderings
21. Opportunities
22. Etc.

There are many things I can be grateful for under each category listed above and more. There are many things in your life you can be grateful for as well, and give G-d praise for His overwhelming love.

Let me challenge you/us to consistently thank G-d for His goodness and His provisions with a heart of love and gratitude. Today, I will be grateful for this day! How about you?


Dr. Dee

Note: Photos – No copyright infringement is intended

It’s All New…

So many new and exciting things have happened in my life, which have kept me very busy and distracted from writing.

I moved to Denver, Colorado in mid-July, (2017), so needless to say, I was quite occupied with moving preparations and settling into a new place and job. I am still settling in and getting use to the new area.

So far, I really like most things about Denver, especially the people and the healthy lifestyle. I am excited to see so many families out riding their bikes, walking, running and enjoying all the free events. I also really like the friendliness and helpfulness of the folks I have encountered. I am amazed at so many things to do, and at how many people seem to always be outside. I had the privileged of hiking at Mt. Falcon with the staff at the new school where I will be teaching Literacy. It was the first time in all my career that I have been involved with such a team building activity. It was exhilarating and tiring! I absolutely loved the experience and getting to know the fellow teachers!

I absolutely hate the congestion in the downtown Denver area. Between the traffic and the construction…it’s just not my cup of tea! Freeways are crazy, but so was the traffic in Atlanta. There is a lot of construction, apartments, townhouses etc. to accommodate all the folks moving to this area, and the rents are extremely expensive! I am not really sure why as the salaries are not that high.   I live in an area where there are mostly apartments, condos and townhouses and to my amazement it is still very quiet! I am so grateful to live in such a very pleasant area.

There are so many positive things which have happened to me since moving to Denver, and to try to name them all, I would leave some vital details out. Most of all, G-d’s hand is evident in this move and for that I am eternally indebted to Him for this new adventure. I am excited about the unknown, those hopes and dreams yet realized, and my contributions to this society.

On the flip side, I miss my family very much! I left my mom, my youngest son, grandson, a niece and a grand-niece as well as friends in Georgia. I miss them very much, but I am committed to staying in touch. I also have a son who lives in another country along with his wife and three children, and I miss them as well. Though there is physical distance I carry them daily in my heart, prayers and thoughts!

Like Abraham, I have left the familiarity…

Just Musing!

Dr. Dee

2017 Spring Break

Arrived at the Atlanta airport on Thursday, March 30th with every intention on catching a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. I arrived at the airport at 4:15 PM and left the ATL airport at 10:30 PM and returned to my home. All flights were full and I was left behind. Yes, I was a little disappointed, but not discouraged.

Saturday, April 1st arrived at Atlanta airport at 6:00 AM with every intention and desire to catch a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. All flights were full up to 2:00 PM, but I was still hopeful and met someone. We spent the next four hours chatting. It was a very nice meeting and certainly a G-d thing!

At 6:05 PM the flight leaving for Denver, CO as well as the remaining flights until 9:45 PM were full, and again, I was left behind. Yes, a little disappointed, but not discouraged. I called Uber and had a very nice driver. I sat in the front, and we chatted and exchanged cell numbers. It was very pleasant. Secretly, I was a little nervous, because it was my first Uber ride. But, G-d, as always has a way of showing me who is truly in control.

All flights were booked, and only my luggage had a spring break in Denver. So, even though I had every intention and desire to fly out on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, I decided to have my bags flown back to Atlanta on Monday.

On Monday, April 3rd, my mom and I drove to the airport to pick up my bags. Again, on Monday the 3rd I was looking forward to flying to Denver, and a great friend of mine was going to drive me to the airport at 5:00 AM on Tuesday, April 4th.

Monday evening, I received a text that all flights were booked, and there was little chance I would get to Denver on a buddy pass  for the rest of the week. So, I decided to look for a ticket, for the remaining time I would have in Denver.  However, for the amount of the fare, it just did not seem practical for just three days. So, with a positive attitude, I realized that this Spring Break of 2017, Denver would not be graced with my presence. Yet, all was/is not lost.

Many positives came out of this experience as well as some lessons.

Lesson One – forget a buddy pass especially during a high-flying season.  Buy a ticket!

Lesson Two – focus on the positives and look for all the blessings in the midst of what could be very frustrating. (Yet again, a little sad, but never irate or discouraged.) I was determined to be led by G-d, and to focus on where He was leading. I can’t claim to be led by G-d, and then scream at Him when things look opposite of what I desire. Easy? What do you think? I digress…some encouraging things I realized.


  1. Ride to the airport – Thursday afternoon (friend from work)
  2. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM during a horrible thunder storm (son)
  3. Taken back to the airport the next day at 5:15 AM (son) – I live about 45 minutes away from the airport without traffic and bad weather.
  4. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM (Very nice Uber driver)
  5. Met someone at the airport and spent 4 hours together, exchanged information, promised to stay in-touch.
  6. Helped by someone else who lives in Denver when I got confused about travel gate
  7. Chatted with a very nice person as we waited for the next flight
  8. Saw a co-worker in the women’s restroom on her way to Florida
  9. Full refund on my buddy pass
  10. All luggage returned from Denver with excellent customer service
  11. Nice outing with my mom when we went to pick up my luggage and glorious weather
  12. Safety
  13. Family/friends checking on me to make sure I was fine

My point, I am going to Colorado, but apparently, this spring break was not the appointed time. So, for the rest of my stay-vacation, fun and rest was on the menu.

And, fun and rest it was!



Dr. Dee

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Dr. Dee

Don’t Worry Be Happy!

Don’t Worry Be Happy!

Do you remember Bob’s Marley song – Don’t Worry Be Happy? The point in the song, regardless of life’s challenges, don’t worry be happy! Yet, how can I be happy without faking it?


Happiness is based on what is happening in our lives and joy is the sense that all things are working for our good, because of the salvation we have in Messiah. So, inward and outward happiness is coupled with joy, and in order to walk in happiness, I/we have to practice many things. Listed below are just five notions I believe will help us be happy.

Be Grateful

True gratefulness exudes from a heart full of thanksgiving for all things in our lives from the smallest of things to the unexpected miracles in our lives. Just the fact that you can read this post is something to shout about and be grateful for! Have a grateful heart and mediate on all the wonderful blessings which surround you each day.

Be Light

We are called to be light to others; to share the GREAT NEWS of love and salvation, and to model love and kindness. Make someone happy by being kind to them. Pay forward in love and generosity in someone’s life in ways which demonstrate the love of G-d.

Be Free

Sometimes I feel strangled by my past horrendous mistakes, and I have to really look within and question my faith system! If I continue to allow my mistakes to imprison me, then do I really believe I am forgiven? We have to let go of the past, forgive ourselves and believe we are forgiven. The past is really gone and there is no way to change it, NO WAY! So, why do we keep torturing ourselves with re-living past blunders AND relishing in the ancient hurts? The choice is ours – keep sinking in the horrors of yester-year or walk in freedom and newness of today?


Beautiful is Creation

When was the last time you sat on the beach and savored G-d’s handiwork? When was the last time you hiked through the park, or gazed at the stars, or listened to the melody of birds? G-d’s artwork glorifies His name and reminds us of the lovely home HE provided for us. Get out and spend time listening and observing nature. Relish in the creation G-d has made.

True Friends

One of the many things I love about my mother, is that she spends time with her friends on a weekly basis. They do all sorts of things together and often times she will fly to different parts of the country just to spend time with her friends. True friends are very hard to come by. But when you find a friend, spend time with them doing some fun things that will ensure happy times.

 There are more things to come on what can make us happy, but ultimately, being happy is a choice. We choose to be depressed, sad and miserable or we choose to seek life, love, gratitude and wholeness.

What will you choose today?


Dr. Dee

If you found value in this post then share with your family and friends. Thank you in advance.Be



Are there people in your life that you just don’t like and do not trust? Frankly, there are people in my life that I do not like and do not trust! However, because I love G-d and wish to please Him, I am committed to love and respect them, and attempt to understand them and their ways. In other words, I am committed to building bridges of friendship and respect! Why – because, after loving G-d with all of our hearts, souls, minds and bodies, we are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. Who is my neighbor? Everyone outside of myself, including my family and friends.

In my attempts to do right first by G-d and then others, I find myself searching for the reasons why I do not like certain people. In my search, I have found that those who think they are better than I am, or those that ridicule others, or are just plain mean, evil, and those who lack integrity to name a few, just simply get on my nerves. Yet, I am sure I get on the nerves of others, even though I may fail to see why!


Therefore, as a quick reminder as we are visiting our friends, families, in-laws and outlaws, during this season, let us remember that everywhere we go, we prove who we are, and who we belong too. If we belong to the Father of Heaven and Earth, we are obligated to treat others in ways, which draw them to Him. We are obligated to die to ourselves and search for ways to allow the light of HaShem to shine forth. Mostly, we are obligated to pray for our attitudes and ourselves, and to ask G-d to help us see others as He sees them – mainly…needing Him! Then, we must pray for those who grate our souls, and ask G-d to help us be loving and kind towards them! We must remember we are in need of a Savior as well.

If you belong to the living G-d, enjoy your family, friends, outlaws and in-laws, and enjoy all your blessings from Him! Are there people in your life that you just don’t like and do not trust?  Live, laugh, and love and don’t waste time hatin’ on others. Instead, live the best you can being the best  you can.


Dr. Dee