Tag Archives: health


wherewithmanWhen you get to the fork in the road take it! (Tessin)

When I first heard this statement, I was confused on its meaning. However, the more I pondered this saying, the more the meaning began to unfold. I believe it means to choose to go to the left or the right, but do not stand stagnant or stationary considering which way to go. Make a decision! Now, you might have a different idea about the meaning, but for me, the central point of the saying is to avoid procrastination.

How many times do we put off for tomorrow, something we could do today? How many of us begin a new diet on Monday, then fall off the diet on Tuesday? How many of us put off saving money, pursuing our passions for tomorrow, instead of working today to meet our goals. It’s easy to put off doing things for tomorrow, but, for many, tomorrow never comes.

Today, now, as you are reading this blog is all the time you/I have promised. Tomorrow is not promised is a popular saying. However, not even the next moment is promised; life is one breath, one second, one step at a time. As we hear the news about the tragedies rampantly destroying the lives of many of our neighbors, none, at least most, I would dare to say, received a text message letting them know of their imminent demise.   Many fathers, moms, children, sisters, brothers, uncles and aunts leave in the morning as part of their daily routine; yet, many do not return home. Police officers, firefighters, victims of police brutality,  others forms of violence, teachers, doctors, etc. are literally called daily to stand before their Maker. On a lighter note, many who plan on finishing school, going on a vacation, calling/visiting a love one, starting a new business or hobby, never realize their goals, because their tomorrow never comes.

My point, while you have today…do today.  Tell someone you love them. Start that diet/exercise regimen and stick to it. If you are working an online business, today and each day, work on your business. Contact your team and encourage them to remain faithful in their efforts to change their personal financial landscape and that of others on their team.  Encourage yourself to take charge of your business, and do not wait for your up-line or today is the daydown-line to help you get started. Do it yourself.  If you need to call, email or text those on your list, do it while it is today, instead of putting it off for tomorrow.  Whatever you are putting off for tomorrow and you can do it today…then be encouraged to do it today.

Remember, when you get to the crossroads, pick up the fork and take it. Today is your day!


Dr. Dee

Anger’s Fury

An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins. Proverbs 29:22anger and coffee

Have you ever been angry? I know, it is a silly question, because every human being has experienced anger at some point in their life. Anger is a feeling of great or excessive displeasure, hostility, indignation, exasperation or wrath according to Webster’s Dictionary, but you that. Yet, let me remind you that some folks thrive in their anger and enjoy its comfort. Anger allows some people to express themselves by shouting, yelling, cussing, pouting, hitting, and/or stomping. Still others use anger to express “true” matters of the heart, and use it as a time to put others down through falsely induced courage. Anger allows many to control, dominate, govern and manipulate. Anger’ fury instills fear, unrest, discomfort, nervousness, strife, division.  Anger can promote self-idolatry and lowers esteem in others. Anger can be inwardly manifested from very mild as in moodiness, or inwardly violent such as self-hatred, condemnation and more. Anger can be very extreme as in torture, bullying and murder.  Anger affects every cell in the body.

Anger or rage is the womb for past hurts, bitterness, malice, disease, lust, envy, death and destruction. Anger that isn’t of G-D will fester and ooze into every area of life killing victims through unkind words, and/or deeds that destroy and undermine relationships. Anger’s fury justifies self-righteousness, self-delusion, hardness of the heart, hypocrisy alienation and religious fanatical behaviors. Unmanaged and/or ungodly anger kills, steals, destroys and imprisons the soul of the its unsuspecting or suspecting prey and the angry individual. Anger, i.e., uncontrolled, ung-odly behavior is a crippling poisoning emotion. Anger, finally, wreaks havoc in homes, marriages, relationships and most importantly, ung-dly anger thwarts the purposes of G-D in the life of the believer.

The deadly impact of ung-dly anger is too exhaustive for this piece, and the psyche of the angry individual is beyond my expertise. However, the power and destruction of angry individuals is obviously evident in our personal and public lives. The media is littered with violent acts perpetrated on victims daily and literally from all over the world. Social media, emails, text messages, etc., vomits its share of violent acts disseminated on othanger collageers as well.

Each and every person has experienced feelings of anger mild or otherwise, even Adonai in both the Original and Renewed Covenant (Bible) displayed anger. In the Renewed Covenant, Yeshua (Jesus) got angry with the Pharisees due to their lack of compassion for the man with the crippled hand. Those religious leaders were more concern with the legality of the Shabbat (Sabbath) over the true meaning of the Shabbat, which in this case was the healing of the man, which ultimately gave him (the man with the crippled hand) his Shabbat. Yeshua was also furious with the money changers, who were dishonoring the temple of His Father. Yet, in all of His fury, He was without wickedness. Yeshua never attacked the person, but the debauchery that affected them and the community. His anger was evident, but not at the expense of destroying or attempting to destroy the soul of the person. If you believe in the works He did, then this point should be obvious. Otherwise, why would he come to give His life for our life’s liberty, joy and fulfillment through Him?

We should operate in love, even when we are angry with one another, especially towards our spouses and loved ones. And, yes we all get angry! I get angry! You get angry. Look around, the results of angry individuals hurts our communities.  Sometimes, even living on planet earth can be angry experience. Do I need to list all the evil things which attempt and/or find their way into our lives? Yet, in all our anger, we have to attempt to response in ways, which attack the issue(s) and not the individual(s). We have to find ways to be kind and compassionate to one another and put away any destructive anger. Ung-dly anger is extremely damaging and promotes all kinds of “deaths”.  As Thomas Kepis stated, All men desire peace, but few desire the things that make for peace.

Today, consider your immediate arena, and think about those things which infuriate you. Seek to put away your anger or if expressed try to deal with just the issue(s) and not attack the character of your spouse, friend, child, etc. If you are a believer in Messiah, then seek His counsel through prayer, His Word and others . If you are not a believer, then seek help from someone you trust or through books or counseling if anger consumes you more times than not.

I am a believer and I lived with a very angry person for many years. Unfortunately, the anger and emotional violence destroyed the relationship, and wreaked havoc on our family. In our case, anger’s fury destroyed our relationship. We failed and fell prey to the destructive nature of ung-dly uncontrolled rage. Yet, you do not have to be a victim of your anger or the anger of a loved one. Seek G-D, get help and learn to live a life of love. The effort is worth the Shalom (peace).


Dr. Dee

Sizzling or Soothing… Words Speak

talking megaphoneWe all know how powerfully words affect our world view, our attitude and how we think of others and ourselves. Do you remember the kiddy rhyme: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me? Yeah, right! This is one of the biggest and most destructive lies ever told to children! The intention of the saying may be honorable in an effort to get children to ignore evil, negative and disgusting comments. However, the creative force behind negative words pierce the very soul and spirit of the person on the receiving end.

How many of you can remember being called outside-of-your name? How many can remember being called ugly, fat, loser, poser, bit–, mother f—–? How about n—–, fa—- or bast—? How about someone condemning you to the pit of hell for adultery, an abortion, cheating on a spouse, filing bankruptcy, lying etc.? Have you ever experienced condemnation, hatred, bigotry, put-downs, abuses and other evils, because of that little rudder in someone’s mouth? If you have not experienced any of the above or worst, you are truly either blessed or living outside of the human experience.

Anyone who has been at the receiving end of a bully’s furious spewing knows that negative words are a destructive force like a double-edged sword ripping flesh apart. I would think, many of us know better than to repeat the old adage about sticks and stones, but more importantly, we do not seem to fully grasp the power of  words. So, why do we repeat sayings we know are false? Why do we deceive ourselves with seemingly comforting words, which instead burn unseen scars upon our souls? Why do many of us persist in the deception that words cannot and do not harm?

man speaking pointingThe biblical principle in James 3:1-12 vividly outlines the might and power of words. Words can create positive, encouraging and loving environments or destructive, damaging or negative environments whether spiritual or physical. The reality of destructive language is obvious, yet somehow we continually dismiss the influence of words.

Destructive language reaches beyond being on the receiving end of a bully. We often times bully or torment ourselves based on our circumstances, self-hatred and more. We speak evil of ourselves to ourselves and others. We compare ourselves to others and spew self-destructive thoughts inwardly and outwardly denying the very glory we have been innately given. We listen and believe lies, instead of the truth about how much we are loved and longed for by the Creator.

Whether it is personal, social or political, we are daily bombarded by negative words meant to kill, steal and destroy our very souls. However, we can choose to be part of the negativity, or we can choose to make a positive difference. We can choose to listen to voices of evil, or we can choose to shut the voices down. We can choose to think of ourselves in mediocre or vile ways; or we can choose to love ourselves, and thus inevitably, we will demonstrate love for others. Clearly, words are powerful and affect us. It is our choice to either speak words of love or words of hatred.

Are your words sizzling and negatively destructive or are your words soothing and positively uplifting? Do your words make others laugh, smile, frown or cry?  Do others cringe at the sound of your voice? Or, do others welcome your loving input into their lives and the lives of others?

black woman smiling

You make the choice each time you speak.


Dr. Dee


Just Musing

Just sitting here listening to “Shadows” by Lindsey Stirling sipping on a glass of red wine and thinking about you, my reader. Here in Georgia it is a gorgeous Sunday afternoon with the temperatures around 71 degrees with light winds. A perfect afternoon for writing! I am so blessed that I get to share my thoughts with you.

gratefulToday, I feel grateful for my life, my children, my family, my career, my triumphs, challenges and even failures. This morning I woke up thinking about how unbelievably fast my life has reached this point and how much time I have wasted on whatever. Like so many, I have allowed myself to wallow in the quicksand of regret, and shame sinking to lows I never deemed possible. But, today, as I look out of my study window writing to you, I am reminded of all the beauty that life still holds for me and for you.

It is so easy to whine, complain, and gripe, and so easy to forget about the things in life which are good. Wow, this music is so sweet! It really helps to relax my soul. Let me urge you today, to enjoy each moment of your life and choose to do good and be a blessing to others. As we struggle in the difficulties of life’s drama, there is always someone who has challenges even greater than ourselves. Oftentimes, our thinking perpetuates the negativity of a situation, thus causing us to feel victimized and powerless. Yet, in many situations we can rise above the negativity of our thinking, and begin to grow from dramatic situations and live a healthier life.

Our thoughts are extremely powerful, and unchecked can run rampant causing undesirable behaviors, views, feelings, and even negative physical manifestations in our body. For example, if someone says, I’m stupid and I will never amount to anything, chances are they won’t. Or, I’m so fat, I will never lose weight, then they will never lose weight and they will continue to over eat and stay obese. Finally, a person claims, I will never forgive him/her for what he/she did, and I will never trust another person, then trust will always be a struggle.

Our behavior is directly related to our thoughts. If we have loving thoughts towards ourselves and others, our behavior will be indicative of that. If we have negative or hateful thoughts towards others we will behave likewise. Consider the media and all the violence bombarding society. Clearly, folks do not murder someone because they love them. Terrorist activity, rape, theft, abuse and more is not steeped in love! Our behavior is based on our thoughts. If we love, we demonstrate loving actions towards ourselves and others. The converse is equally true.

Our thoughts stimulate our emotions. Our emotions determine our attitude. Our behavior is based on our attitude. What is attitude? Our approach, belief, thinking, outlook on whatever subject or person we are thinking about. We can choose to think positively or we can choose to think negativity. We can choose to live in regret, shame, remorse or guilt. Or we can choose to forgive ourselves, others and even G-d and learn from the challenges in order to live a healthy and happy life. shadow

Again, I am grateful for all life’s experiences and the freedom to share them with you. Be encouraged today, to enjoy today. Let go of all the negativity which impacts your life and make the decision to control your thinking. Make the decision to relish in the dance of life, which our Creator has bestowed on us. Choose to control your thinking in order to live a life filled with love and gratitude. Choose the light and not the shadow.

Just Musing,

Dr. Dee

Shadows by Lindsay Stirling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGCsyshUU-A


Are you in a healthy relationship?



I do not know anyone who gets in a relationship thinking, I do not want this relationship or marriage to work out. Most people I know marry with the hopes of until death does us part.  However, prior to getting married, there are always signs, red flags or blatant halt posts many of us fail to see or choose to ignore. Consequently, when undesirable situations arise, often times we do things to enable or worsen our relationship, even blaming the other person, instead of doing what is required to enhance the relationship or choosing to exit.

After being in more failed relationships than I choose to reveal, I am an expert on what not to do.  There are so many experts who base their advice on their practical application, work experience or textbook knowledge.  Yet, I know what does not work and here are just five of many things, which DO NOT contribute to a healthy, happy and hearty relationship.

You Fail To Speak Your Mind

Relationships flourish when couples freely and honestly express themselves without fear of repercussions. Therefore, no topic is off-limits and each person feels heard and honored even if there is respectful disagreement, i.e., agree to disagree. Consistent, respectful, honest communication is vital to building a lasting, healthy, happy and hearty relationship.  Each person must feel safe to express their thoughts. Speak your mind with respect and listen with respect.

You Lack Personal Space

Being in-love is glorious to say the least, and spending time with you mate is second to none, especially when things are going well.  Yet, taking time to pursue your own interests within the confines of a faithful relationship, keeps your relationship fresh, and gives you an opportunity to grow as a person, while growing as a couple. Time apart is vital for reflection, prayer, mediation, exercise, reading, shopping, etc. Personal space is not a weapon to segregate yourself from your partner or to punish them.  Personal space is a gift to yourself and your mate when used as a time of growth.  Personal space is vital.

You Fight Dirty

Two people decide to marry. Disagreements are inevitable and normal. However, couples in a healthy, happy, and hearty relationship fight about the issue to reach an amicable solution, as oppose to attacking each other.  Attacking each other as if I need to explain, means absolutely no violence, name-calling, put downs or even bringing up a pass incident to use as a weapon against your mate. You must agree to disagree, and you must respect each other’s right to disagree.  If you find yourself needing to apologize, apologize and do it quickly.  Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Fighting Dirty is not an option.

You Expect Your Partner To Change

Keep your eyes wide open when you are dating and see the reality of the individual standing on the opposite side of your relationship.  You must reconcile within yourself that those things you hate or dislike about the other person are ALSO part of what you adore about that person. Please, do not base a marriage on the hope that the other person will change or that some circumstance will change them.  You must come to the realization that the person is perfect for you, (or not) but not a perfect person.  Therefore, accept each other’s great, good, and not-so-good, and value them for who that are right now. You can only change you.

You Do Not Enjoy Each Other

Healthy, happy and hearty relationships are full of laughter and fun. Relationships filled with laughter, humor, fun, doing things together in large and simple ways is fundamental for the well-being of one’s relationship.  Obviously, happiness and giddiness will not be the menu every moment of everyday. However, the converse is true as well. Relationships full of strife, tension, and rigidity are damaging indications, which suggest you are with a negative person.  Take my counsel… flee, run and do not look back, because only continual misery will find you in the mist of relationship possibly never meant to be. Find joy in each other.

Most importantly, if you truly love each other, you will do what is required to find health, happiness and maintain a hearty relationship.  All relationships equipped in true love, faithfulness, honesty and transparency are destined until death does them part. Still, being mindful, watchful and prayerful prior to a commitment will help put couples on a positive trajectory considering the few points mentioned. The choice is always ours, choose wisely. Feast on these points and look for more ways that do not make for a health, happy and hearty relationship.

Doc’s Musings,

Dr. Dee

Easily Distracted

The other day I heard a preacher say, we are not human beings having a spiritual 
experience, but instead we are spiritual beings having a human experience!

Many of us are easily distracted along our journey of life by all the things, which attempt to strangle us each day! When we look around us, the dread, gloom, devastation, darkness, sadness and destruction within this world and our lives can easily cloud our vision and hinder our thinking and doing. Many of us are stuck regretting our past mistakes and choices. Yet, for those of us who realize our time is limited on planet earth, and that we are ONLY passing through, our focus is or should be on the hope we have in Messiah’s love as spiritual beings and the restoration He provides.

In 2009, my heart and dreams were shattered once again. At the apex of this drama, I literally felt as if I would never heal and would grow into an old wither spinster.  Even today, remnants of this past ordeal attempt to torture my soul. Nevertheless, as G-d continues to put the pieces of my life back together, in spite of the worldly stresses, life is great! My blessings outweigh the things of my past, as well as any current negativity, which surrounds me daily. G-d is bringing new people and new experiences in my life; and my faithful family members and friends are still there filling my days with much love and joy! Each day I choose to grow and not wallow in past blunders or catastrophes. Each day I attempt to remember I am a spiritual being having a human experience and subject to faults and mistakes.

Therefore, my encouragement to you as you read this message, stop whining and complaining, about days long gone, release and let it go.  Praise G-d for what He has done, for what He will do, and just because HE IS G-D! If we could really believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, then maybe our perspective would have a higher focus and our lives directed toward love and goodness. Is this a lofty goal? Totally! Yet, what is the alternative? To worry about tomorrow, regret the past, and be miserable in the present? I have been there, done that, and have the T-shirt with the logo!

Life has taught me that our horrible situations can be the greatest lessons for our growth and productivity.  Our greatest life lessons put us in a position to help others.  Ultimately, whether you believe in G-d the Creator, or not, the choice is always ours.  We can either wallow in self-regret, self-destruction and shame, or we can walk in forgiveness of ourselves and others embracing life’s new adventures and opportunities. How will you choose to live?

Life is way too short! And, if you have gotten to this point in my blog, you still have time to enjoy whatever time you have left! Please, don’t waste time looking back and wishing things could have been different.  You are not going backwards. You are going forward. However, you must actively choose how you will live or exist.  Be encouraged in the L-rd! Love Him with all your heart, soul and mind, and then love your neighbor, with a determination and commitment to do those things, which are pleasing to Him! If G-d is not your focus, figure out a way to let go of all negativity from your past/present and embrace a more upbeat positive attitude.

Honestly, many of us love to wallow, complain and whine about our past and we refuse to let go of hurts.  Today, I challenge you to let go of any hurts, drama, trauma from yester-year and look for the positive, excellent, spectacular in the small and the large things in your life.  Choose to live healthier and happier for the rest of your life. Believe you are a spiritual being having a human experience and with the help of G-d you can get beyond being easily distracted by previous blunders. 


Failure Is Not An Option


Everything that happens to us happens for a purpose.  We can choose to lock ourselves in a cage of fears, weep over past heartaches, breakups, embarrassments and failures, or we can treat these various ills as our tools for both self-development and success. In my last post, I encouraged you to forget about the evils or dramas of yester-years and to focus on the joys of then and NOW. It’s a clique we have all heard…but it really is the truth. All we have is now…the past is gone and tomorrow is not yet here!

Success concept.Today, I want us to answer the following questions: When does self-  development become synonymous with success and where do we start? Let’s consider the following points:

*Refuse to continue to think about your failures and internalize yourself as a failure.  We all make mistakes, but instead of allowing the mistakes to fester in our souls, we must forgive ourselves and keep it moving.    Love yourself.

*Walk in gratitude at all times and focus on seeing and/or finding the silver lining in every situation.                                                                      Love yourself.

*Recognize that each day is new for new and exciting opportunities. Wasting time on regrets is a WASTE OF TIME! Focus on moving forward and purpose to put forth more effort on your goals.                               Love yourself.

*Set realistic and achievable goals and work on them. Set personal goals based on your unique identity and desires.  Your purposes and hopes are for an improved and better YOU.                                                                                        Love yourself.

*Get up and put feet (actions) to accomplish your goals in order to reach the success you desire.                               Love yourself.

*Choose to smile each day and greet/treat others with kindness. Remember in order to be successful you need to build relationships. Building relationships begins with a smile.                                                                                                                       Love yourself and others.

*Self-development is just that…SELF-development. Others may or may not appreciate your efforts to improve in all areas or your life. However, in order to succeed, sometimes we have to stand alone in our beliefs and continue to move forward to accomplish our goals.

Self-development which can be synonymous with success is a process.  The decision and the efforts to improve can be an enjoyable decision, if we choose to embrace the journey even when detours threaten or take us off on side excursions.  When we choose to open the doors of self-development through forgiveness, grit, and consistent actions, we exponentially increase our chances for success in all areas of our lives.                                                                                             Choose to love yourself, others and embrace the journey!

Decide today and begin.

To your success,

Dr. Dee

Healthiest 96-year-old Man Ever

I found this clip and thought it was very interesting.  So many of us younger folks fail to take care of our bodies.  Dr. Eugster is an inspiration.  Check him out on YouTube and get motivated to eat right and exercise.  Find an eating plan that is right for you. I believe we can age gracefully and stay healthy until our number is up. If you agree, then join me in living a healthy life.

Just Musing,

Dr. Dee

Ways to Recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

Looking to join an online business? Confused about what to look for? If you read my blog on Net…WORK, I laid out a few points to consider when looking to join any business.  Here are some additional key points for your consideration.  As you know, not all clear stones that glisten are diamonds. Below are a few ways to recognize suspect businesses.

Some Ways to recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

  1. No product. You just drive traffic to their site, which signs up more people to drive traffic to their site. Make sure the company has real products, services, events, programs, etc.
  2. Who is in charge and can they be contacted? Make sure there is a “real” person involved. Only do business with someone willing to risk their reputation. Do your research to find out the success or failures of others involved with that particular business.
  3. Listen to the testimonials and ensure there are last names. Look at the videos to see if they are real human beings.
  4. Does the company provide a money back guarantee for satisfaction? Look for “performance based promises” that ensures results.
  5. Support? Does the company provide online and personal coaching? Only a business with a real program, a real product and a real comp plan will offer human to human coaching.
  6. Note: Take your time when considering a new company. Fast talkers, high pressuring techniques may signal duplicity. (www.mybailoutoption.com)

There are no guarantees with anything in life.  However, if we do our best to research a company before joining and listen to our gut impulses, I believe we have a greater opportunity in avoiding fraudulent or shady companies.

Our company is one of those companies that attempts to fill all of the above positive principles and then some.  As one of the leaders in the company, I strive to be the kind of leader people can trust.  Challenge:  Examine my site and then give me a call if you have further questions. www.mybailoutoption.com 

pic of me for powtoon

To Your Success!

Dr. Dee

To Your Health







How many of you are trying to grow a business working from home using the Internet? How many of us are frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck?  How many of us are actually very successful making the thousands of dollars we read about from guru marketers?  If you are not having the kind of success you would like, and you ready to quit , continue reading.

Online marketing, network marketing, big or small business enterprises, getting a degree, raising a family, and marriage are all marathons and not designed for the faint of heart.  Anyone who thinks they are going to jump into a new business and become an overnight success is delusional. Network marketing is just that – net…WORK! Growing a customer base and business partners requires building relationships, providing value, time and a simple and effective plan to success. Network marketing like any worthy endeavor requires commitment, training, fortitude and effort.  Ultimately, if our business fails, we have to look at the “man” in the mirror, but we also have to put forth every effort to select the right business which suits our personality and work ethic.   www.mybailoutoption.com

I have been in several home based businesses over the past 10 years, and just within the past year after joining another MLM (Multi-level Marketing), I am seeing team building and financial success. The success I am experiencing is directly related to my efforts and selecting the right company.  The right company, I believe must have the right leadership, products, compensation plan, team support, and a business model which is easy to understand and easy to duplicate.

There are many businesses with excellent products, compensation plans and fantastic leadership where success is realized.  Yet, before joining any company you might consider the following points:

Leadership – I believe leaders should be:

  1. Visionaries with a firm plan and the tenacity to see the plan through
  2. Honest, transparent, and have a heart for the success of all
  3. Understands and sees the end goal without mishandling the details
  4. Surrounds themselves with other like-minded leaders
  5. Invests in personal development, teachable and consistently revisits the plan, tweaks as needed for the good of the entire company
  6. Worthy of honor
  7. Role Model
  8. Stays abreast and in touch with the field
  9. A proven positive track record

Company Product:

  1. Quality ingredients
  2. Quality facilities for production
  3. Fills a need within the community, (ex. energy, weight loss,etc.)
  4. Health benefits
  5. Affordability
  6. Convenience
  7. Positive usage, no side effects
  8. Testimonials

Compensation Plan:

  1. Simple instead of Complex
  2. Multiple ways to earn income
  3. Commission Model

Business Model:

  1. Tools for Success
  2. Projections for growth
  3. Training, support
  4. Start- up costs
  5. Monthly Financial Investment
  6. Financial stability

These points helped me in my business selection, and in my decisions to continue with a particular company or part ways.  However, in addition to the considerations above, discuss your plans with a trusted friend or mentor, especially someone who has successful experience in the industry. If for some reason, you do not know anyone who has experienced success in a network marketing company, please email me and I will send you the names and/or links of some trusted marketers.  Indicate in the subject: Trusted Names. Email me at: drdeejackson@drdeejackson.com

We all have various financial needs. Some of us really need more income to support our families, pay off debt, send children to college and/or plan for our retirement. Others would like to have additional income to support some of their favorite charities or just have extra money to travel. Others possess an entrepreneurial mindset and  would rather work for themselves.

Regardless, if your day job does not meet your financial needs and/or goals, consider creating more income doing some sort of home based business which also provides tax benefits.  There are many choices, a plethora of businesses available to consider, so choose wisely. www.mybailoutoption.com

To Your Success,

Dr. Dee