Tag Archives: hello

Who Will Be The Next President Of The United States?

The political campaign for the new president of the United States is far from ordinary to say the least. Both candidates are flawed, and neither candidate is a supreme choice for this country. However, when you consider the evidence of each of the candidates, there is clearly one who is better for this country, but you have to decide which one. My choice is clear, but unfortunately, it is the lesser of two evils. Hum, the perils of living on earth. Honestly, I don’t like either candidate, Republican or Democrat. But, my choice is clear based on the evidence displayed for the world to see, and the information, which has been filtered through the news. world blue black

Yet, regardless of who becomes the new president of the United States in November of 2016, the subjection of this country is still under the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, those who believe in the power of prayer need not only vote, but more importantly pray for the leaders in this country, the police system, the educational system, the religious system, the medical system, the societal structure, the disenfranchised, the impoverished, the racial injustices and more!

Now, is not the time to apathetically sit around and wait for someone else to intercede for this country and the world. Now is not the time to lethargically live life, and let someone else fulfill your G-d given purpose. And, now is not the time to be weary in well doing! Each one of us called by G-d to walk in His purposes, in the earth, have been summoned to make a difference, wherever we find ourselves on a daily basis. We have not been called to idly watch, complain, and gossip about the state of affairs, but to make a difference and be the difference.

This is my difference, at least one of them. I implore, plead with each of you reading this blog to pray for this great nation, and to critically examine what each candidate is proposing. Consider their platforms, their words or sarcasm, their tweets, the evidence of political and/or social experiences, and weigh their pros versus their cons. Carefully consider recent events, and the tragic loss of lives, and political volleying with international countries, and the ostracizing of various groups in our society. Carefully categorize the content of their speeches, experiences and their implications for not just this country, but their international relationships with other countries, and their call for unity or their call for order.

images prayers hands in the airAgain, now is not the time to idly just sit. Now is the time to pray, vote and encourage others to do the same. Prayer is the path where no other path can make a difference. Prayer is about beseeching the ONE who can make the difference. If you just boo and not vote, then do not complain when your choice isn’t the new president of the United States.

As always…the choice is yours!


Dr. Dee

By Design – Hello World!

Just Musing!

Well, hello to you! I am ready to dazzle, impress and/or bore you with my musings about whatever I feel like expressing! There are so many bloggers out there you could be reading right now, but know, I am so glad you decided to rest your eyes on my blog and open your mind and heart with me. I enjoy writing and spent most of my college career writing (most students do); and I continue to journal on a consistent basis.  Blogging is another way for me to express myself, share some exciting news with you, make some new friends, and have some fun doing one of the things I enjoy.

I guess you are wondering by now, who is this and why should I care? My name is DD, short for Dr. Dee. I was born in Oakland, California and grew up in the Berkeley/Oakland area. I lived there for many years until I went to college in San Jose, California and finally settled in San Jose with my family. I moved around living in various places in northern California, Colorado Springs and I moved to Georgia in 1999 in an area about 20 miles east of Atlanta. Once I moved to Georgia, (talk about culture shock), I finished obtaining my graduate degrees as a full educator raising a family.  I am the mother of 3 adult children with 3 grandsons, and currently, I am still an Educator, Entrepreneur, and hopefully retiring soon as a successful blogger! LOL…no seriously!

I came from humble beginnings and the first in my family to obtain a doctorate degree.  And, though, I have several letters behind my name, which impresses many, if not most people, these letters really indicate that I am a doer…one who completes tasks! I am truly a hard worker, fiercely loyal which has proven detrimental at times, but I love being who I am as I continue to grow.  I am grateful for my family and friends who find me adorable, and support my efforts. But, most of all, I am grateful to our Creator who gives me life, and life abundantly!

So, why am I writing this blog? I write to each of you who finds a nugget of truth, challenge, encouragement and/or love to help you travel this path we call life.   Let me challenge you this week to look for good in someone who grates your soul and then challenge yourself to get over it!

Just Musing!
