Tag Archives: home based business

Free Gifts of Love

Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.– Tony Robbins

Interesting fact – wealth is not linked to happiness according to the latest research. After accounting for basic needs (food, shelter, and money for the basics), wealth has a relatively small effect on well-being, though many would disagree, the fact remains.

However, in a study undertaken at the University of British Columbia, Professor Elizabeth Dunn observed a much stronger correlation between positive emotions from giving money away than spending it. Interestingly, people with less money derived more happiness from giving money to charity. This fact is exemplified by many people such as the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and is the foundation for many who practice a life of faith. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and the Savior, Himself are most admired for their altruistic nature.

Giving money, giving one’s time and helping others creates feelings of love and happiness for both the giver and the recipient. Data from published documents suggests … volunteers have a lower risk of death than non-volunteers, as well as lower levels of depression and increased life satisfaction and enhanced well-being.

Now, I realize that some of you are skeptical and think this is rubbish. However, giving of money, time and/or resources is an exceptionally spiritual and powerful act which benefits the receiver and the giver.  It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

Myriad numbers of people have made a lasting impression through giving, and in turn, received reciprocation of their love and kindness. In this blog, listed below are gifts of love more precious than momentary gifts and available to everyone who wants to make a positive difference in the life of others.

The Gift of a Smile

A warm smile is the universal language for kindness. William Arthur Ward

Smiling is a universal language of warmth, friendliness and invitation. A genuine smile can literally change the attitude of a downcast person or change a negative situation into a positive one. Smiling costs nothing, but impacts lives beyond the value of dollars and cents. Have you shared a genuine smile today?

The Gift of Actively Listening

Cell phones are like a third hand, an appendage that is attached and constantly monitored for our immediate response. Technology has its advantage to say the least, but technology has also rendered active listening null and void in many situations. Next time you are out, notice couples at dinner, or folks on the bus, train, plane, people standing in line for coffee, or wherever you find people; and notice…what are they doing? Checking their phones, talking on their phones, texting on their phones.

Yet, when we sit down, silence our phones, and look someone in the eyes giving them our complete attention, we are providing a gift of love. We are providing a gift of time, respect, care, and demonstrating that we are a good listener. When was the last time you silenced your phone, and actively listened to the person sitting across from you?

The Gift of Time

Flying time or time flies is a fleeting resource we can never get back. Some of the most rewarding professions are spent giving time to help others, such as doctors, teachers, fire fighters, etc. However, routinely volunteering, conversing with someone who needs counsel or just needs company; spouses spending quality time together outside of arguing and doing the routine things, benefits the giver and the receiver. Giving of one’s time is a vital gift and a gift that will always be remembered. When was the last time you spent quality time with your spouse, child, parent or friend where your time together was the priority and not your cell phone?

The Gift of Sincerity

Insincerity is rampant in our homes, communities and everywhere we find ourselves. Many people have agendas, which only masturbate their narcissistic desires. However, modeling and displaying genuine honor, honesty and strong character is a gift of love to those in your inner circle and beyond. Knowing and being with someone who is sincere is truly a gift of love that makes lasting impressions. How sincere are you, and are you known for being a sincere person of character?

The Gift of True Love

I believe we have been created to love and be loved. It is our highest calling to first love G-d, then others and ourselves. Sensitivity, compassion, and understanding towards others are wonderful gifts of true love. However, tough love is also necessary. Tough love from someone who recognizes a pattern of apathy, failure, especially from a g-dly parent or teacher, etc. requires some constructive feedback in order to grow and change. Someone who has the courage to lovely admonish, truly loves or cares for us and our growth.

Tough love is about seeing the greatness in someone, and encouraging them to reach for their highest potential, instead of wallowing in mediocrity. Tough love requires a response – courage from the giver, and humility from the receiver with a willingness to consider the constructive feedback. Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed. Faithful are the wounds of a friend…Proverbs 27:5-6

We are all capable of giving gifts of love if we choose to walk in kindness and love. We make choices every day as to how we are going to treat others, and thus how others will perceive us based on the gifts of love we display. Let me urge you to share the above gifts on a regular basis and make a difference in the life of the giver and the receiver. Remember, the greatest gift of love is to change oneself. Choose to generously give gifts of love.


Dr. Dee

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To Your Success…

Dr. Dee

How to outsell a girl scout

I’d like to take a moment to introduce to you the best salespeople in the world:

The Girl Scouts.

Sure, I could break down the global success of Girl Scout cookies any number of ways, but it really boils down to a few points:

1. Proven product that people love
2. Powerful global branding

And one that gets these first two off the ground:

3. Persistent direct sales

The Girl Scouts are a little army of salespeople who’ve quietly netted over $700 million in just 16 years…

While the rest of us have been on your couch packing away Thin Mints.

Maybe neither you nor I could walk around with a little blue-green sash full of sewn-on achievement patches…

But you can become a persistent direct salesman who makes commissions in the $1000s, $3000s, $5000s, $9000s or more!

Find out how, here.

==> http://track.mobetrack.com/aff_c?offer_id=10&aff_id=1602739


Dr. Dee

If you found this information helpful, share it with others. Thank you!

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Website’s User Experience With Internal Linking


If you found value in this video, share with others.

Happy Holidays!

Dr. Dee

Don’t Allow Negativity Ruin Your Online Business With These Easy Steps


Why throwing the football to yourself doesn’t work.

On October 12, 1997, Brad Johnson completed the only quarterback-to-quarterback touchdown pass in NFL history.  In other words – Brad threw the ball, the ball got blocked, Brad re-caught it, and then Brad proceeded to make a touchdown. Truly a one-man-show. But over his career, he threw 165 more touchdown passes – and all of them were to other people.

TAMPA, FL - SEPTEMBER 14: Quarterback Brad Johnson #14 of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers looks to pass against the Carolina Panthers defense on September 14, 2003 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. The Panthers defeated the Buccaneers 12-9. (Photo by Craig Jones/Getty Images)
Brad Johnson taken from Google Images

Here’s my no-brain-er takeaway: Pitch the pigskin, dummy!

One-man-shows rarely work. https://fred139.clickfunnels.com/copy-of-vida-divinap9rw0ekv

And yet most small business owners are trying to throw themselves touchdown passes. They try to do everything themselves:

  • Website and landing page design
  • Product development
  • Closing sales
  • Constructing a high-converting sales funnel

When what they really need is a high-performing team to help them score big. But where do you find a team when you’re just starting out? That’s where I come in.

It’s your offensive line, backfield, and receiving team that makes the difference.johnson_brad2

When you sign up, you get:

  • domestic team support
  • international team support
  • free sign-up
  • awesome product
  • impressive comp plan

…all working FOR you. A high performance team that will help you score big commissions online. You’ve got the ball, and they’re dancing in the end zone. Try to throw yourself the touchdown pass, and you’ve got a 1 in 165 chance. Throw it to them, and you’re bound to score.  So what’s it gonna be?



Dr. Dee

How to Improve Your Inbound Marketing to Increase Sales Leads

marketing adsInbound marketing is an essential component of modern marketing practices. As you’re probably aware, when it comes to lead generation, quality is generally more important than quantity. By focusing your efforts on improving your inbound marketing techniques, you can increase the quality of traffic you receive.

The way to obtain the best sales leads is to attract the right consumers. While PPC ads and other forms of advertising will draw traffic to your site, you want to ensure that these visitors are actually looking for the services or products that you provide.

You’ll find that gathering quality leads is more beneficial than gaining a lot of leads. The following tips will help you improve your inbound marketing in order to increase sales leads.

Create Customer Personas

Creating a buyer persona is an effective method of targeting a specific demographic. What is a buyer persona? It is essentially a detailed description of your typical customer. It includes factors such as age, sex, income level, education, geographic location, shopping habits, and website browsing habits.

You can research the demographics of your visitors and customers and develop multiple buyer personas to cover your entire spectrum of customers. You will use these buyer personas when developing content or creating a marketing campaign.

Whenever you write content, imagine you are writing specifically to one of your buyer personas. This applies to social media posts, blogs, advertisements, and landing pages.

Learn More About Your Customers

In order to create detailed buyer personas, you’ll need to learn more about your customers. There are multiple ways to do this. First, you could send out a survey to your subscriber list. Ask general questions about their preferences and interests.

Another way to learn more about your customers is to look at their social media profiles. Perform a little bit of research on some of the customers that follow you on Facebook or Twitter. Find out what other companies or businesses they follow.

You can use the information that you gather when creating your buyer personas. The goal of a buyer persona is to make your content more personable and directed at a specific individual.

Perform Long-Tail Keyword Research

Before you begin an ad campaign, you need to perform detailed, long-tail keyword research. By using keywords that are more specific to a particular interest, you’re more likely to generate higher conversion rates.

When you’re vague with your keywords, you’ll find that you attract a wide range of visitors, many of whom may have no interest in your product or service.

Run Multiple Targeted Campaigns

After developing your buyer personas, you should begin running multiple targeted campaigns. You should develop landing pages and ads that focus on one individual buyer persona at a time.

For example, you could create a landing page and ad that targets your younger demographic. Then, create another target campaign for your older demographic. Each landing page is written specifically with one person in mind. You should notice a natural increase in conversion rates.

Target the Fears and Interests of Your Customers

When creating an effective call to action, you should target the fears or the interests of your customers. Consider your buyer personas. Think about their primary fears or interests and how your products or services can help. Come up with a way to express that you have the solution for their needs.

You can start using these tips today to improve the ability of your inbound marketing practices to generate quality sales leads. If you’re interested in additional advice and solutions for improving your internet marketing techniques, then click on the following link to learn more about my done-for-you system.

To Your Success,

Dr. Dee


Advertising word in tag cloud
Advertising word in tag cloud

Internet Marketing Isn’t Rocket Science

FreshPaintsuccessWhen it comes down to it, making money with Internet marketing isn’t rocket science. All you have to do is use paid or free methods that lead visitors to your offers, then use techniques within your content that maximize conversion rates.Without a doubt, paying for traffic is the easiest way to build your online business. You can sometimes get results within a few hours or even a few minutes – of launching your paid traffic campaigns. But as soon as the money runs out, usually so does the traffic.

The paid platform most marketers use is Google AdWords. It’s the biggest and most popular. But, there lies the problem: Google AdWords is so big that it’s often really hard to get your offers noticed by consumers. It’s simply so filled with competitors that you either have to spend a fortune bidding on the best keywords or risk getting little return for your marketing dollar.

Plus, Google has one of the worst support structures you are going to find anywhere. It also has built a reputation for being hostile toward affiliate marketers. Google has been known to ban accounts suddenly and without explanation. And they are so big, they can get away with it!

Alternatives to Google AdWords

But Google isn’t the only game in town. For many marketers, Bing and Yahoo offer better alternatives.

While between the two, Bing and Yahoo only account for 29.2% of the search engine marketplace, that’s 29% of billions of online users; and both are not only affiliate friendly, but offer better service as well.Best of all, while your competitors are spending a fortune bidding on the best keywords on Google, you can quietly, but effectively promote your offers on Bing and Yahoo without overspending on the best keywords.

Less Expensive Paid Methods

Two other little-used, but highly effective paid methods are Facebook Ads and solo ads.

Even though Facebook seems to share Google’s contempt for affiliate marketers, its ad program is worth considering, because of its ability to provide extremely targeted demographic and psycho-graphic information, so you can tailor your offers not only on things like age, gender and geographic location, but also on likes and dislikes, interests and preferences.

The biggest benefit of solo ads is the price. Your budget goes farther using solo ads as compared to working with a bigger, more expensive marketing platform. And, your ads are seen only by people who already have proven to be passionate about your niche.FreshPaintdare

Secret Free Traffic Methods

Right now, social approval signals are the top measure of site ranking. But creating back links to your web pages from high authority sites still can influence your page’s rankings.

Search engines consider authority sites to be anyplace web users go when they are searching for answers to niche-related questions. They include such site as Wikipedia.com, About.com, eHow.com, Yahoo Answers, and so on. Sites with the suffix .gov and .edu also are considered authority sites by the search engines.

Creating Links from Authoritative Sites

Here’s a fast, easy way to create links to your pages from authoritative sites:

  1. Go to any of these sites
  2. Create an article or comment on an existing post
  3. Leave a link to your pages in the About the Author box

When readers follow that link back to your page, you have a new high-target prospect and your page ranking will improve at the same time.

When you use these traffic generating secrets, you don’t have to spend a fortune promoting your offers or attracting new visitors to your web pages.

If you’d like more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about http://track.mobetrack.com/aff_c?offer_id=42&aff_id=1602739

To You,

Dr. Dee

Brick and Mortar vs Virtual Business


Travel with me for a moment down this imagined scenario. You own the brick and mortar store on the corner of 23rd Street and Big Bird Boulevard. Your products are valuable, priced reasonably and your store is aesthetically pleasing. You are extremely excited about your new business and you are expecting to experience great success. You tell all  your friends and family about your new store, and hope the folks traveling by your store will stop in and shop. At first, all your friends and family members are visiting and purchasing items from your store and everyone is happy, especially you. People walking or driving by occasionally stop in and purchase products as well. However, after six months, you find that your sales have considerably slowed down, and consequently, so has your cash flow. Yet, your expenses continue as normal. So what do you do?

After considerable thought you get an epiphany… advertise! And so, you purchase radio spots, TV spots and you hire the teenager next door to pass out fliers. Results, you notice more people come to your store, and once again sales are up and you are very happy. So, not only does your business begin to thrive, but it begins to flourish. Thus for your brick and mortar business, advertising becomes extremely important.effective-advertising1

What you have just learned is that your little store on 23rd street and Big Bird Boulevard is just a small building occupying a little space in a huge country, and unless people know you are there you cannot and will not be successful.

Now let’s switch this to your online business. You go through all the expense and time to develop a beautiful interactive website with fantastic products, pay portal, opt-in box, valuable information, links, tools, etc., and you tell your friends and family about your online business. But remember, you only have a limited amount of friends and family. Initially, you receive some traffic from the folks you know and maybe their friends. But, very soon, you notice the traffic to your website has either slowed down or stopped. Why? In order for people to visit your website, they must know your business exist. Cyber- land is vast and wide, advertising is your window for others to view.

Think about the thousands, possibly millions of businesses which occupy Cyberland (cyberspace) globally! The only way to make your presence known is by calling attention to your website. How do you call attention to your site? You must advertise. Stay tune for the next blog on ways to advertise online.


Dr. Dee

(Note: Photos courtesy of Goggle Images)


Is yours a …Healthy, Happy, and Hearty Relationship? Part Two


If you are on the road to nowhere, find another road. Ashanti proverb

It is worth repeating… I do not know anyone who gets in a relationship thinking, I do not want this relationship or marriage to work out. Most people I know marry with the hopes of until death does us part. However, before getting married, there are always signs, red flags or blatant halt posts many of us fail to see or choose to ignore.

In my first post, I listed five things not to do if you are interested in a healthy, happy and hearty relationship. Following are some more considerations worth eliminating from your interactions with your mate, if you want to work towards happiness.

You Fail to Treat Each Other with Kindness

One of the greatest commandments is loving your neighbor as you love yourself. Often times, we think of a neighbor as someone outside of our home. However, your spouse is your neighbor and there is nothing more important than treating the person you love with care, consideration, compassion, and appreciation. So, if you find yourself showing more kindness to people you hardly know, coworkers, and others more than you show kindness to your partner, take a step back and revisit your priorities. Treat your mate with the utmost kindness.

You Mistrust Each Other

Healthy relationships are built on trust and a commitment to communication, as well as actions without deceptive intentions. Trust is something earned, given and cultivated within a relationship. Actions which even suggest some sort of impropriety ought not have a sit within a healthy, happy and hearty relationship. Trust your mate as their actions warrant, and be worthy of their trust.

You Harbor Wrongs

Your partner will infuriate and sometimes disgust you as you well know. Your partner will sometimes be disgusted by you or your actions, and will be completely annoyed with you as well. So what. Get over it. Communicate, work out the issues at hand and do not let issues fester and infect the relationship. You choose to let wrongs go, or you choose to harbor wrongs and embrace negativity. Let it go…forgive and know that you both are perfect for each other, but imperfect people. Free yourself from hateful and unforgiving, begrudging feelings.

You Do Not Respect Each Other

Aretha Franklin, Gospel and R&B singer came out with a song in 1967 called R.E.S.P.ECT.  In Aretha Franklin’s song, she tells her Boo (man) to find out what it (respect) means to her. Respect, needless to say is vital in a relationship. Respect synonymous for admiration, esteem, deference, high regard for, in awe of, amazement, and wonderment are essential to a happy relationship. If you desire to have a happy and harmonious relationship, you must respect each other. A relationship without respect is doomed for tragic results. Respect your mate as you would love to be respected.

If you are on the road to nowhere, find another road. (Ashanti proverb) In other words, if your relationship is drowning in negativity due to harboring wrongs, disrespect, unkindness, mistrust, lack of communication, lack of intimacy, violence, etc., then ask yourself, do I really want a healthy, happy and hearty relationship? If your answer is no, then you have wasted your time reading this post. If you want to have a healthy, happy and hearty relationship, then the change you desire begins with you. Decide if you love your mate enough to do what is required to live a healthy life together. Otherwise, if you find that you do not want the relationship, love yourself and each other enough to call it a day.

Just DocsMusings,

Dr. Dee