Tag Archives: home based business

Money Matters

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Fighting due to financial challenges is all too common in many marriages! Fighting or disagreements about money is normal in most marriages or relationships.  However, excessive fighting about money can lead to tremendous strain, tension, abuse and/or divorce. It’s not just about a lack of finances, but the lack of compatibility in the money arena.

We all know the old adage that “opposites attract”, but when two people have opposite and opposing views about money, divorce can occur.  Imagine for a moment a couple where one spends money all the time, and the other wants to save for the future. Or one person is very generous, and the other is a miser. One has no problem using credit cards, and the other believes in saving up for an item.  These differing ideas can cause tremendous problems in a relationship if there is no amicable solution.


Unfortunately, many couples do not discuss financial matters thoroughly before getting married, or they get married and think they can change the other person, or that LOVE will take care of it. Phooey! Love is the main and sustaining reason, and I believe people should be in-love, devoted and committed to each upon entering into a covenant agreement. However, money matters should be discussed prior to the marriage with complete transparency, so each person knows exactly each other’s spending habits and beliefs about financial management. Here are a few tips to discuss before marriage:

  • Discuss if both partners are going to work. If debt is involved decide how you are going to pay off debts.  Ideally, live on one income (mortgage/rent, utilities, food, gas, clothing) and use the other income for savings, investments, vacations, education, etc.
  • Make sure you have emergency cash funds. Dave Ramsey suggest $1,000.00 cash for emergencies. I think this is a good start, but ideally you should have 3 – 6 months living expenses available for emergencies, and quickly replace any used funds. There should be no limit to emergency funds.
  • Decide on how you are going to give, save and invest your money as a couple. Seek counsel from a reputable financial company, pastor, rabbi or counselor to help you make decisions and plan for short and long range financial goals.
  • Create a reasonable monthly budget which includes spending money for each partner and leisure.
  • Decide who is going to pay the bills each month or will paying the bills be a joint effort? I suggest reviewing your budget/finances each month together and celebrate financial victories, like paying off a bill, or saving enough money for a vacation. If a financial goal is not met, calmly discuss what went wrong and how to make improvements. Be accountable to each other and your goals.
  • Attack the money issue and not each other. Remember, if an argument should develop, tackle the problem of excessive spending, high debt, etc., and try not to belittle and curse each other.
  • Seek counseling if you are unable to settle your money woes together. Often times the extremely generous or conversely, the miser has issues related to childhood in regards to money. A trained professional might help you discover any root issues that are hindering successful financial goals.  Discovery is vital in order to live a balanced life.


I believe if two people truly love each other, any money woes can be handled through commitment, understanding, communication, hard work and sacrifice.  After all, it is just money, and though a major part of one’s commitment, it is just a part!  Imagine yourself without your spouse. Is that the choice you would prefer, because you cannot resolve your financial issues?  Marital issues over finances can be resolved and you can live a happy life together, if you are willing to work together as ONE to resolve financial woes. The choice is always ours. 

Just Musing,

Dr. Dee

Failure Is Not An Option


Everything that happens to us happens for a purpose.  We can choose to lock ourselves in a cage of fears, weep over past heartaches, breakups, embarrassments and failures, or we can treat these various ills as our tools for both self-development and success. In my last post, I encouraged you to forget about the evils or dramas of yester-years and to focus on the joys of then and NOW. It’s a clique we have all heard…but it really is the truth. All we have is now…the past is gone and tomorrow is not yet here!

Success concept.Today, I want us to answer the following questions: When does self-  development become synonymous with success and where do we start? Let’s consider the following points:

*Refuse to continue to think about your failures and internalize yourself as a failure.  We all make mistakes, but instead of allowing the mistakes to fester in our souls, we must forgive ourselves and keep it moving.    Love yourself.

*Walk in gratitude at all times and focus on seeing and/or finding the silver lining in every situation.                                                                      Love yourself.

*Recognize that each day is new for new and exciting opportunities. Wasting time on regrets is a WASTE OF TIME! Focus on moving forward and purpose to put forth more effort on your goals.                               Love yourself.

*Set realistic and achievable goals and work on them. Set personal goals based on your unique identity and desires.  Your purposes and hopes are for an improved and better YOU.                                                                                        Love yourself.

*Get up and put feet (actions) to accomplish your goals in order to reach the success you desire.                               Love yourself.

*Choose to smile each day and greet/treat others with kindness. Remember in order to be successful you need to build relationships. Building relationships begins with a smile.                                                                                                                       Love yourself and others.

*Self-development is just that…SELF-development. Others may or may not appreciate your efforts to improve in all areas or your life. However, in order to succeed, sometimes we have to stand alone in our beliefs and continue to move forward to accomplish our goals.

Self-development which can be synonymous with success is a process.  The decision and the efforts to improve can be an enjoyable decision, if we choose to embrace the journey even when detours threaten or take us off on side excursions.  When we choose to open the doors of self-development through forgiveness, grit, and consistent actions, we exponentially increase our chances for success in all areas of our lives.                                                                                             Choose to love yourself, others and embrace the journey!

Decide today and begin.

To your success,

Dr. Dee

Ways to Recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

Looking to join an online business? Confused about what to look for? If you read my blog on Net…WORK, I laid out a few points to consider when looking to join any business.  Here are some additional key points for your consideration.  As you know, not all clear stones that glisten are diamonds. Below are a few ways to recognize suspect businesses.

Some Ways to recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

  1. No product. You just drive traffic to their site, which signs up more people to drive traffic to their site. Make sure the company has real products, services, events, programs, etc.
  2. Who is in charge and can they be contacted? Make sure there is a “real” person involved. Only do business with someone willing to risk their reputation. Do your research to find out the success or failures of others involved with that particular business.
  3. Listen to the testimonials and ensure there are last names. Look at the videos to see if they are real human beings.
  4. Does the company provide a money back guarantee for satisfaction? Look for “performance based promises” that ensures results.
  5. Support? Does the company provide online and personal coaching? Only a business with a real program, a real product and a real comp plan will offer human to human coaching.
  6. Note: Take your time when considering a new company. Fast talkers, high pressuring techniques may signal duplicity. (www.mybailoutoption.com)

There are no guarantees with anything in life.  However, if we do our best to research a company before joining and listen to our gut impulses, I believe we have a greater opportunity in avoiding fraudulent or shady companies.

Our company is one of those companies that attempts to fill all of the above positive principles and then some.  As one of the leaders in the company, I strive to be the kind of leader people can trust.  Challenge:  Examine my site and then give me a call if you have further questions. www.mybailoutoption.com 

pic of me for powtoon

To Your Success!

Dr. Dee

To Your Health







How many of you are trying to grow a business working from home using the Internet? How many of us are frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck?  How many of us are actually very successful making the thousands of dollars we read about from guru marketers?  If you are not having the kind of success you would like, and you ready to quit , continue reading.

Online marketing, network marketing, big or small business enterprises, getting a degree, raising a family, and marriage are all marathons and not designed for the faint of heart.  Anyone who thinks they are going to jump into a new business and become an overnight success is delusional. Network marketing is just that – net…WORK! Growing a customer base and business partners requires building relationships, providing value, time and a simple and effective plan to success. Network marketing like any worthy endeavor requires commitment, training, fortitude and effort.  Ultimately, if our business fails, we have to look at the “man” in the mirror, but we also have to put forth every effort to select the right business which suits our personality and work ethic.   www.mybailoutoption.com

I have been in several home based businesses over the past 10 years, and just within the past year after joining another MLM (Multi-level Marketing), I am seeing team building and financial success. The success I am experiencing is directly related to my efforts and selecting the right company.  The right company, I believe must have the right leadership, products, compensation plan, team support, and a business model which is easy to understand and easy to duplicate.

There are many businesses with excellent products, compensation plans and fantastic leadership where success is realized.  Yet, before joining any company you might consider the following points:

Leadership – I believe leaders should be:

  1. Visionaries with a firm plan and the tenacity to see the plan through
  2. Honest, transparent, and have a heart for the success of all
  3. Understands and sees the end goal without mishandling the details
  4. Surrounds themselves with other like-minded leaders
  5. Invests in personal development, teachable and consistently revisits the plan, tweaks as needed for the good of the entire company
  6. Worthy of honor
  7. Role Model
  8. Stays abreast and in touch with the field
  9. A proven positive track record

Company Product:

  1. Quality ingredients
  2. Quality facilities for production
  3. Fills a need within the community, (ex. energy, weight loss,etc.)
  4. Health benefits
  5. Affordability
  6. Convenience
  7. Positive usage, no side effects
  8. Testimonials

Compensation Plan:

  1. Simple instead of Complex
  2. Multiple ways to earn income
  3. Commission Model

Business Model:

  1. Tools for Success
  2. Projections for growth
  3. Training, support
  4. Start- up costs
  5. Monthly Financial Investment
  6. Financial stability

These points helped me in my business selection, and in my decisions to continue with a particular company or part ways.  However, in addition to the considerations above, discuss your plans with a trusted friend or mentor, especially someone who has successful experience in the industry. If for some reason, you do not know anyone who has experienced success in a network marketing company, please email me and I will send you the names and/or links of some trusted marketers.  Indicate in the subject: Trusted Names. Email me at: drdeejackson@drdeejackson.com

We all have various financial needs. Some of us really need more income to support our families, pay off debt, send children to college and/or plan for our retirement. Others would like to have additional income to support some of their favorite charities or just have extra money to travel. Others possess an entrepreneurial mindset and  would rather work for themselves.

Regardless, if your day job does not meet your financial needs and/or goals, consider creating more income doing some sort of home based business which also provides tax benefits.  There are many choices, a plethora of businesses available to consider, so choose wisely. www.mybailoutoption.com

To Your Success,

Dr. Dee