Tag Archives: mlm

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To Your Success…

Dr. Dee

How to outsell a girl scout

I’d like to take a moment to introduce to you the best salespeople in the world:

The Girl Scouts.

Sure, I could break down the global success of Girl Scout cookies any number of ways, but it really boils down to a few points:

1. Proven product that people love
2. Powerful global branding

And one that gets these first two off the ground:

3. Persistent direct sales

The Girl Scouts are a little army of salespeople who’ve quietly netted over $700 million in just 16 years…

While the rest of us have been on your couch packing away Thin Mints.

Maybe neither you nor I could walk around with a little blue-green sash full of sewn-on achievement patches…

But you can become a persistent direct salesman who makes commissions in the $1000s, $3000s, $5000s, $9000s or more!

Find out how, here.

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Dr. Dee

If you found this information helpful, share it with others. Thank you!

Don’t Allow Negativity Ruin Your Online Business With These Easy Steps


Why throwing the football to yourself doesn’t work.

On October 12, 1997, Brad Johnson completed the only quarterback-to-quarterback touchdown pass in NFL history.  In other words – Brad threw the ball, the ball got blocked, Brad re-caught it, and then Brad proceeded to make a touchdown. Truly a one-man-show. But over his career, he threw 165 more touchdown passes – and all of them were to other people.

TAMPA, FL - SEPTEMBER 14: Quarterback Brad Johnson #14 of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers looks to pass against the Carolina Panthers defense on September 14, 2003 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. The Panthers defeated the Buccaneers 12-9. (Photo by Craig Jones/Getty Images)
Brad Johnson taken from Google Images

Here’s my no-brain-er takeaway: Pitch the pigskin, dummy!

One-man-shows rarely work. https://fred139.clickfunnels.com/copy-of-vida-divinap9rw0ekv

And yet most small business owners are trying to throw themselves touchdown passes. They try to do everything themselves:

  • Website and landing page design
  • Product development
  • Closing sales
  • Constructing a high-converting sales funnel

When what they really need is a high-performing team to help them score big. But where do you find a team when you’re just starting out? That’s where I come in.

It’s your offensive line, backfield, and receiving team that makes the difference.johnson_brad2

When you sign up, you get:

  • domestic team support
  • international team support
  • free sign-up
  • awesome product
  • impressive comp plan

…all working FOR you. A high performance team that will help you score big commissions online. You’ve got the ball, and they’re dancing in the end zone. Try to throw yourself the touchdown pass, and you’ve got a 1 in 165 chance. Throw it to them, and you’re bound to score.  So what’s it gonna be?



Dr. Dee

How to Improve Your Inbound Marketing to Increase Sales Leads

marketing adsInbound marketing is an essential component of modern marketing practices. As you’re probably aware, when it comes to lead generation, quality is generally more important than quantity. By focusing your efforts on improving your inbound marketing techniques, you can increase the quality of traffic you receive.

The way to obtain the best sales leads is to attract the right consumers. While PPC ads and other forms of advertising will draw traffic to your site, you want to ensure that these visitors are actually looking for the services or products that you provide.

You’ll find that gathering quality leads is more beneficial than gaining a lot of leads. The following tips will help you improve your inbound marketing in order to increase sales leads.

Create Customer Personas

Creating a buyer persona is an effective method of targeting a specific demographic. What is a buyer persona? It is essentially a detailed description of your typical customer. It includes factors such as age, sex, income level, education, geographic location, shopping habits, and website browsing habits.

You can research the demographics of your visitors and customers and develop multiple buyer personas to cover your entire spectrum of customers. You will use these buyer personas when developing content or creating a marketing campaign.

Whenever you write content, imagine you are writing specifically to one of your buyer personas. This applies to social media posts, blogs, advertisements, and landing pages.

Learn More About Your Customers

In order to create detailed buyer personas, you’ll need to learn more about your customers. There are multiple ways to do this. First, you could send out a survey to your subscriber list. Ask general questions about their preferences and interests.

Another way to learn more about your customers is to look at their social media profiles. Perform a little bit of research on some of the customers that follow you on Facebook or Twitter. Find out what other companies or businesses they follow.

You can use the information that you gather when creating your buyer personas. The goal of a buyer persona is to make your content more personable and directed at a specific individual.

Perform Long-Tail Keyword Research

Before you begin an ad campaign, you need to perform detailed, long-tail keyword research. By using keywords that are more specific to a particular interest, you’re more likely to generate higher conversion rates.

When you’re vague with your keywords, you’ll find that you attract a wide range of visitors, many of whom may have no interest in your product or service.

Run Multiple Targeted Campaigns

After developing your buyer personas, you should begin running multiple targeted campaigns. You should develop landing pages and ads that focus on one individual buyer persona at a time.

For example, you could create a landing page and ad that targets your younger demographic. Then, create another target campaign for your older demographic. Each landing page is written specifically with one person in mind. You should notice a natural increase in conversion rates.

Target the Fears and Interests of Your Customers

When creating an effective call to action, you should target the fears or the interests of your customers. Consider your buyer personas. Think about their primary fears or interests and how your products or services can help. Come up with a way to express that you have the solution for their needs.

You can start using these tips today to improve the ability of your inbound marketing practices to generate quality sales leads. If you’re interested in additional advice and solutions for improving your internet marketing techniques, then click on the following link to learn more about my done-for-you system.

To Your Success,

Dr. Dee


Advertising word in tag cloud
Advertising word in tag cloud

Failure Is Not An Option


Everything that happens to us happens for a purpose.  We can choose to lock ourselves in a cage of fears, weep over past heartaches, breakups, embarrassments and failures, or we can treat these various ills as our tools for both self-development and success. In my last post, I encouraged you to forget about the evils or dramas of yester-years and to focus on the joys of then and NOW. It’s a clique we have all heard…but it really is the truth. All we have is now…the past is gone and tomorrow is not yet here!

Success concept.Today, I want us to answer the following questions: When does self-  development become synonymous with success and where do we start? Let’s consider the following points:

*Refuse to continue to think about your failures and internalize yourself as a failure.  We all make mistakes, but instead of allowing the mistakes to fester in our souls, we must forgive ourselves and keep it moving.    Love yourself.

*Walk in gratitude at all times and focus on seeing and/or finding the silver lining in every situation.                                                                      Love yourself.

*Recognize that each day is new for new and exciting opportunities. Wasting time on regrets is a WASTE OF TIME! Focus on moving forward and purpose to put forth more effort on your goals.                               Love yourself.

*Set realistic and achievable goals and work on them. Set personal goals based on your unique identity and desires.  Your purposes and hopes are for an improved and better YOU.                                                                                        Love yourself.

*Get up and put feet (actions) to accomplish your goals in order to reach the success you desire.                               Love yourself.

*Choose to smile each day and greet/treat others with kindness. Remember in order to be successful you need to build relationships. Building relationships begins with a smile.                                                                                                                       Love yourself and others.

*Self-development is just that…SELF-development. Others may or may not appreciate your efforts to improve in all areas or your life. However, in order to succeed, sometimes we have to stand alone in our beliefs and continue to move forward to accomplish our goals.

Self-development which can be synonymous with success is a process.  The decision and the efforts to improve can be an enjoyable decision, if we choose to embrace the journey even when detours threaten or take us off on side excursions.  When we choose to open the doors of self-development through forgiveness, grit, and consistent actions, we exponentially increase our chances for success in all areas of our lives.                                                                                             Choose to love yourself, others and embrace the journey!

Decide today and begin.

To your success,

Dr. Dee

5 Tips to Financial Success


success-secret.jpgSuccess is defined in many ways and applies to various aspects of our lives.  I believe there are some tips that are universal when it comes to financial success. Here are just 5 tips for your consideration.  However, even if your goals involve financial success as defined by your aspirations, let me caution you to enjoy the process. Striving for money without love, family, friends and living life might prove an extremely lonely and empty path.  

To Your Success!

Dr. Dee


5 tips to Financial Freedom

Biztoons – Interested in getting a customized tune? Email me at drdeejackson@drdeejackso.com

Ways to Recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

Looking to join an online business? Confused about what to look for? If you read my blog on Net…WORK, I laid out a few points to consider when looking to join any business.  Here are some additional key points for your consideration.  As you know, not all clear stones that glisten are diamonds. Below are a few ways to recognize suspect businesses.

Some Ways to recognize Fraudulent Online Businesses

  1. No product. You just drive traffic to their site, which signs up more people to drive traffic to their site. Make sure the company has real products, services, events, programs, etc.
  2. Who is in charge and can they be contacted? Make sure there is a “real” person involved. Only do business with someone willing to risk their reputation. Do your research to find out the success or failures of others involved with that particular business.
  3. Listen to the testimonials and ensure there are last names. Look at the videos to see if they are real human beings.
  4. Does the company provide a money back guarantee for satisfaction? Look for “performance based promises” that ensures results.
  5. Support? Does the company provide online and personal coaching? Only a business with a real program, a real product and a real comp plan will offer human to human coaching.
  6. Note: Take your time when considering a new company. Fast talkers, high pressuring techniques may signal duplicity. (www.mybailoutoption.com)

There are no guarantees with anything in life.  However, if we do our best to research a company before joining and listen to our gut impulses, I believe we have a greater opportunity in avoiding fraudulent or shady companies.

Our company is one of those companies that attempts to fill all of the above positive principles and then some.  As one of the leaders in the company, I strive to be the kind of leader people can trust.  Challenge:  Examine my site and then give me a call if you have further questions. www.mybailoutoption.com 

pic of me for powtoon

To Your Success!

Dr. Dee

To Your Health







How many of you are trying to grow a business working from home using the Internet? How many of us are frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck?  How many of us are actually very successful making the thousands of dollars we read about from guru marketers?  If you are not having the kind of success you would like, and you ready to quit , continue reading.

Online marketing, network marketing, big or small business enterprises, getting a degree, raising a family, and marriage are all marathons and not designed for the faint of heart.  Anyone who thinks they are going to jump into a new business and become an overnight success is delusional. Network marketing is just that – net…WORK! Growing a customer base and business partners requires building relationships, providing value, time and a simple and effective plan to success. Network marketing like any worthy endeavor requires commitment, training, fortitude and effort.  Ultimately, if our business fails, we have to look at the “man” in the mirror, but we also have to put forth every effort to select the right business which suits our personality and work ethic.   www.mybailoutoption.com

I have been in several home based businesses over the past 10 years, and just within the past year after joining another MLM (Multi-level Marketing), I am seeing team building and financial success. The success I am experiencing is directly related to my efforts and selecting the right company.  The right company, I believe must have the right leadership, products, compensation plan, team support, and a business model which is easy to understand and easy to duplicate.

There are many businesses with excellent products, compensation plans and fantastic leadership where success is realized.  Yet, before joining any company you might consider the following points:

Leadership – I believe leaders should be:

  1. Visionaries with a firm plan and the tenacity to see the plan through
  2. Honest, transparent, and have a heart for the success of all
  3. Understands and sees the end goal without mishandling the details
  4. Surrounds themselves with other like-minded leaders
  5. Invests in personal development, teachable and consistently revisits the plan, tweaks as needed for the good of the entire company
  6. Worthy of honor
  7. Role Model
  8. Stays abreast and in touch with the field
  9. A proven positive track record

Company Product:

  1. Quality ingredients
  2. Quality facilities for production
  3. Fills a need within the community, (ex. energy, weight loss,etc.)
  4. Health benefits
  5. Affordability
  6. Convenience
  7. Positive usage, no side effects
  8. Testimonials

Compensation Plan:

  1. Simple instead of Complex
  2. Multiple ways to earn income
  3. Commission Model

Business Model:

  1. Tools for Success
  2. Projections for growth
  3. Training, support
  4. Start- up costs
  5. Monthly Financial Investment
  6. Financial stability

These points helped me in my business selection, and in my decisions to continue with a particular company or part ways.  However, in addition to the considerations above, discuss your plans with a trusted friend or mentor, especially someone who has successful experience in the industry. If for some reason, you do not know anyone who has experienced success in a network marketing company, please email me and I will send you the names and/or links of some trusted marketers.  Indicate in the subject: Trusted Names. Email me at: drdeejackson@drdeejackson.com

We all have various financial needs. Some of us really need more income to support our families, pay off debt, send children to college and/or plan for our retirement. Others would like to have additional income to support some of their favorite charities or just have extra money to travel. Others possess an entrepreneurial mindset and  would rather work for themselves.

Regardless, if your day job does not meet your financial needs and/or goals, consider creating more income doing some sort of home based business which also provides tax benefits.  There are many choices, a plethora of businesses available to consider, so choose wisely. www.mybailoutoption.com

To Your Success,

Dr. Dee



Today is Now!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! If I heard this saying once, I have heard it a bunch of times!  This saying, though true, requires fierce mental transformation. The saying is lovely and encouraging, but requires a ferocious determination to believe and execute starting anew without carrying yester-years, yesterday’s negativity into the newness of each new day!

Hmmm, so what can I say? This is a tall order, but a necessary requirement to living each day fully alive and fully present.  The spiritual principle, if embraced frees us from the shame and guilt of past mistakes. This principle assists us in appreciating joyous and happy memories and purposing to create new ones.

Many of us allow our past to dictate our future. We often times drag our regrets, mistakes, shame and failure into our very present or get stuck in a drama and/or loss. We allow the negative things to strangle our souls, and we frequently forget the great things of the past as well as the present.  What we often spew, yet fail to practice is that the past is gone! We must remember: We can’t do ANYTHING about the past! So, we must forgive others, self and keep it moving!  Each day, we literally grow brand new brain cells, according to Dr. Caroline Leaf.  Therefore, with these new brain cells we are truly given the practical opportunity to implement the mercies of our Creator each and every day!

Today, is the first day of the rest of your life, my life! Today, literally right now is all we have. How will you choose to move forward in your daily/life activities? Will you forge ahead in gratitude, determination, kindness, productivity, love, forgiveness and the like? Or will you drag grudges, regret, shame, hatred, bitterness, dread, loss and more into your NOW?

The choice is always ours! For me, I choose life…to the fullest! Join me in making this place called earth just a little brighter with a ferocious determination to live a life of love, joy and kindness. Refuse to haul yester-years’ drama into today’s sunshine!  Choose to love yourself enough to give yourself the best chance to experience each day as a new beginning.

Just Musing….

Dr. Dee