Tag Archives: money

How to outsell a girl scout

I’d like to take a moment to introduce to you the best salespeople in the world:

The Girl Scouts.

Sure, I could break down the global success of Girl Scout cookies any number of ways, but it really boils down to a few points:

1. Proven product that people love
2. Powerful global branding

And one that gets these first two off the ground:

3. Persistent direct sales

The Girl Scouts are a little army of salespeople who’ve quietly netted over $700 million in just 16 years…

While the rest of us have been on your couch packing away Thin Mints.

Maybe neither you nor I could walk around with a little blue-green sash full of sewn-on achievement patches…

But you can become a persistent direct salesman who makes commissions in the $1000s, $3000s, $5000s, $9000s or more!

Find out how, here.

==> http://track.mobetrack.com/aff_c?offer_id=10&aff_id=1602739


Dr. Dee

If you found this information helpful, share it with others. Thank you!

Don’t Allow Negativity Ruin Your Online Business With These Easy Steps


How to Improve Your Inbound Marketing to Increase Sales Leads

marketing adsInbound marketing is an essential component of modern marketing practices. As you’re probably aware, when it comes to lead generation, quality is generally more important than quantity. By focusing your efforts on improving your inbound marketing techniques, you can increase the quality of traffic you receive.

The way to obtain the best sales leads is to attract the right consumers. While PPC ads and other forms of advertising will draw traffic to your site, you want to ensure that these visitors are actually looking for the services or products that you provide.

You’ll find that gathering quality leads is more beneficial than gaining a lot of leads. The following tips will help you improve your inbound marketing in order to increase sales leads.

Create Customer Personas

Creating a buyer persona is an effective method of targeting a specific demographic. What is a buyer persona? It is essentially a detailed description of your typical customer. It includes factors such as age, sex, income level, education, geographic location, shopping habits, and website browsing habits.

You can research the demographics of your visitors and customers and develop multiple buyer personas to cover your entire spectrum of customers. You will use these buyer personas when developing content or creating a marketing campaign.

Whenever you write content, imagine you are writing specifically to one of your buyer personas. This applies to social media posts, blogs, advertisements, and landing pages.

Learn More About Your Customers

In order to create detailed buyer personas, you’ll need to learn more about your customers. There are multiple ways to do this. First, you could send out a survey to your subscriber list. Ask general questions about their preferences and interests.

Another way to learn more about your customers is to look at their social media profiles. Perform a little bit of research on some of the customers that follow you on Facebook or Twitter. Find out what other companies or businesses they follow.

You can use the information that you gather when creating your buyer personas. The goal of a buyer persona is to make your content more personable and directed at a specific individual.

Perform Long-Tail Keyword Research

Before you begin an ad campaign, you need to perform detailed, long-tail keyword research. By using keywords that are more specific to a particular interest, you’re more likely to generate higher conversion rates.

When you’re vague with your keywords, you’ll find that you attract a wide range of visitors, many of whom may have no interest in your product or service.

Run Multiple Targeted Campaigns

After developing your buyer personas, you should begin running multiple targeted campaigns. You should develop landing pages and ads that focus on one individual buyer persona at a time.

For example, you could create a landing page and ad that targets your younger demographic. Then, create another target campaign for your older demographic. Each landing page is written specifically with one person in mind. You should notice a natural increase in conversion rates.

Target the Fears and Interests of Your Customers

When creating an effective call to action, you should target the fears or the interests of your customers. Consider your buyer personas. Think about their primary fears or interests and how your products or services can help. Come up with a way to express that you have the solution for their needs.

You can start using these tips today to improve the ability of your inbound marketing practices to generate quality sales leads. If you’re interested in additional advice and solutions for improving your internet marketing techniques, then click on the following link to learn more about my done-for-you system.

To Your Success,

Dr. Dee


Advertising word in tag cloud
Advertising word in tag cloud

Brick and Mortar vs Virtual Business


Travel with me for a moment down this imagined scenario. You own the brick and mortar store on the corner of 23rd Street and Big Bird Boulevard. Your products are valuable, priced reasonably and your store is aesthetically pleasing. You are extremely excited about your new business and you are expecting to experience great success. You tell all  your friends and family about your new store, and hope the folks traveling by your store will stop in and shop. At first, all your friends and family members are visiting and purchasing items from your store and everyone is happy, especially you. People walking or driving by occasionally stop in and purchase products as well. However, after six months, you find that your sales have considerably slowed down, and consequently, so has your cash flow. Yet, your expenses continue as normal. So what do you do?

After considerable thought you get an epiphany… advertise! And so, you purchase radio spots, TV spots and you hire the teenager next door to pass out fliers. Results, you notice more people come to your store, and once again sales are up and you are very happy. So, not only does your business begin to thrive, but it begins to flourish. Thus for your brick and mortar business, advertising becomes extremely important.effective-advertising1

What you have just learned is that your little store on 23rd street and Big Bird Boulevard is just a small building occupying a little space in a huge country, and unless people know you are there you cannot and will not be successful.

Now let’s switch this to your online business. You go through all the expense and time to develop a beautiful interactive website with fantastic products, pay portal, opt-in box, valuable information, links, tools, etc., and you tell your friends and family about your online business. But remember, you only have a limited amount of friends and family. Initially, you receive some traffic from the folks you know and maybe their friends. But, very soon, you notice the traffic to your website has either slowed down or stopped. Why? In order for people to visit your website, they must know your business exist. Cyber- land is vast and wide, advertising is your window for others to view.

Think about the thousands, possibly millions of businesses which occupy Cyberland (cyberspace) globally! The only way to make your presence known is by calling attention to your website. How do you call attention to your site? You must advertise. Stay tune for the next blog on ways to advertise online.


Dr. Dee

(Note: Photos courtesy of Goggle Images)


Money Matters

broke 3

Fighting due to financial challenges is all too common in many marriages! Fighting or disagreements about money is normal in most marriages or relationships.  However, excessive fighting about money can lead to tremendous strain, tension, abuse and/or divorce. It’s not just about a lack of finances, but the lack of compatibility in the money arena.

We all know the old adage that “opposites attract”, but when two people have opposite and opposing views about money, divorce can occur.  Imagine for a moment a couple where one spends money all the time, and the other wants to save for the future. Or one person is very generous, and the other is a miser. One has no problem using credit cards, and the other believes in saving up for an item.  These differing ideas can cause tremendous problems in a relationship if there is no amicable solution.


Unfortunately, many couples do not discuss financial matters thoroughly before getting married, or they get married and think they can change the other person, or that LOVE will take care of it. Phooey! Love is the main and sustaining reason, and I believe people should be in-love, devoted and committed to each upon entering into a covenant agreement. However, money matters should be discussed prior to the marriage with complete transparency, so each person knows exactly each other’s spending habits and beliefs about financial management. Here are a few tips to discuss before marriage:

  • Discuss if both partners are going to work. If debt is involved decide how you are going to pay off debts.  Ideally, live on one income (mortgage/rent, utilities, food, gas, clothing) and use the other income for savings, investments, vacations, education, etc.
  • Make sure you have emergency cash funds. Dave Ramsey suggest $1,000.00 cash for emergencies. I think this is a good start, but ideally you should have 3 – 6 months living expenses available for emergencies, and quickly replace any used funds. There should be no limit to emergency funds.
  • Decide on how you are going to give, save and invest your money as a couple. Seek counsel from a reputable financial company, pastor, rabbi or counselor to help you make decisions and plan for short and long range financial goals.
  • Create a reasonable monthly budget which includes spending money for each partner and leisure.
  • Decide who is going to pay the bills each month or will paying the bills be a joint effort? I suggest reviewing your budget/finances each month together and celebrate financial victories, like paying off a bill, or saving enough money for a vacation. If a financial goal is not met, calmly discuss what went wrong and how to make improvements. Be accountable to each other and your goals.
  • Attack the money issue and not each other. Remember, if an argument should develop, tackle the problem of excessive spending, high debt, etc., and try not to belittle and curse each other.
  • Seek counseling if you are unable to settle your money woes together. Often times the extremely generous or conversely, the miser has issues related to childhood in regards to money. A trained professional might help you discover any root issues that are hindering successful financial goals.  Discovery is vital in order to live a balanced life.


I believe if two people truly love each other, any money woes can be handled through commitment, understanding, communication, hard work and sacrifice.  After all, it is just money, and though a major part of one’s commitment, it is just a part!  Imagine yourself without your spouse. Is that the choice you would prefer, because you cannot resolve your financial issues?  Marital issues over finances can be resolved and you can live a happy life together, if you are willing to work together as ONE to resolve financial woes. The choice is always ours. 

Just Musing,

Dr. Dee

Mission Possible

The mission is possible with the right team, the right comp plan and the right work ethic! Interested in getting a free sample or learning more about the program…Email today – drdeejackson@drdeejackson.com