Tag Archives: Mud Bugs

SHOUT OUT TO… Hospitality Graced with Generosity!

Flying into Buda, Texas

What an exciting weekend we had on the fourth of July 2022. I am grateful for the freedom and the ability to celebrate July 4th in the United States of America. We decided back in February 2022 to visit a dear friend who moved to Buda, Texas for his birthday on July 3rd and stay a couple of extra days until July 5th.  [Names of friends have been left out of this blog for privacy purposes.]

The entire trip was smooth and uneventful, beginning with our air travel from Denver, CO. The weather was pleasant, the flight was smooth, the airline was comfortable and accommodating. Our travel was wonderful to Buda as well as our return home to Denver.

Once we arrived at our friend’s new home, the accommodations were quite cozy and very lovely. Our host turned over his home to us, (a couple and myself); and stayed at a different location. Who does that? Give up their bed, their home, provide food/refreshments, and stays at a different location, so we could be comfortable and have privacy. This is very fine hospitality. 

We met two awesome families who are friends of our host. They provided us with food, fellowship and made us genuinely feel welcomed. We received gifts, we laughed, played games and shared some personal stories. In addition, we had a tour of Buda and Austin and we were treated to a charming dinner at a restaurant in Buda called Mud Bugs. The following day we had a birthday dinner for our host at the famous Oasis restaurant in Austin. The hospitality was graced with generosity. Shout out to the folks who made our trip very memorable.

We went on a beautiful boat tour after our dinner at the Oasis on Lake Travis. We admired the beautiful homes and the breathtaking scenery as the boat captain entertained us. As many of you know, it is extremely hot in Texas during the month of July. But, our time on the lake was relaxing and comfortable during our evening ride. Our host paid for the boat tour as his “birthday gift” to us, and the captain of the boat refused to take a tip as his gift to our host. He asked for a positive review on FaceBook. Again, hospitality graced with generosity.

Our trip to Buda was a vivid reminder of the importance of love, friendship and the connection of “strangers” when we are interrelated by the same spirit of the living G-D! It was comforting to know and visit with like-minded people who are living their faith in an unique way filled with laughter, joy, gratitude and faithfulness. I was further inspired by their gracious acceptance of us and long to visit again.

I was also blessed to hear about some of their trials and tribulations; yet, I witnessed their steadfastness in the L-RD.   Finally, I was surrounded by three wonderful married couples who seemed to be joyfully in sync with each other. This was awesome to witness, especially when divorce is so prevalent in our society. 

All in all it was a very wonderful excursion away from home, and I am extremely grateful for safe travels as well as the all the exciting interactions. Thank you to everyone who helped make our trip so very enjoyable! Shout out and much love to you all!

Grateful Musings,

Dr. Dee

If you ever decide to take a tour on Lake Travis – ask for Chris. He was our boat tour captain.
Good Time Tours: 512-924-2911.

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