Tag Archives: School Shootings

Can’t do FEAR…

In response to the shooting at STEM School in CO, May 7, 2019.

Yesterday a friend from CA asked if I was afraid to go to work everyday. Did I worry about shooters at my school? My response… No! Occasionally the thought may come across my mind, but I do not wake up and asked myself, “Will I be shot today or will one of my students, co-workers, etc. be a victim or a perpetrator? No! At the end of the day, my coming, going and/or staying is in the protection of G-D.

I can’t and will not carry the burden of worrying about someone viciously attacking me or my students, or (my children or grandchildren) each day! If I did this, I would not be an effective teacher. I would go crazy without a ticket back to sanity!

Needless to say, I am extremely sadden by the attack on our youth. I am grieved by yet… another shooting… another fatal victim… other victims who have endured physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological trauma. Each school shooting shatters our community in negatively immeasurable ways… nationwide with a long road to some semblance of recovery. As an educator my heart aches, my heart doesn’t comprehend.

As a mom and grandma, I can’t imagine the horrific grief of his parents, grandparents and others who loved and will miss him. My prayers and sincere condolences go out to them! He was a Superhero … no greater love than a man who would lay his life down for another. Someone else did this for us! Someone greater and waiting for all to call upon Him.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee