Tag Archives: Society

The Mark of Evil (attempting to alter Creation and more)…

DNA – photo free of royalties

There has and is so much talk among religious groups about the “mark of the beast…666” that one might be completely confused as to the appearance of the anti-Messiah. If you are woke…you know the spirit of the anti-messiah is prevalent in every area of life. Look at the news, check out the behavior of your children, spouses, look at the violent graphics of some video games, human trafficking, drugs, murder, rape and complete mayhem can be found on every corner of this dwelling place, we call earth. These are extremely dark times, and if we are not careful, we can be lulled to sleep by the viciousness of this world via our apathetic attitudes. , We are called in G-D’s word to watch, be diligent, and occupy until He comes! Who comes? Yeshua the Messiah.

Now, I am not an end-time theologian by any means! And, the events which are described in the Bible and teachings from others makes me, and I am sure others afraid of the devastation which is coming upon this sinful world. However, in all that I have read and learned; I do believe that AI (artificial intelligence) is going to play a huge part in the appearance of the anti-messiah.

First of all, in order to buy and sell food, we need some sort of financial system. Right now, we can use cash, credit cards, Bitcoins, etc. However, as we move closer towards the end, a cashless society will become more prevalent. There are some societies that are already cashless. Look at India for example or Canada, United Kingdom, France with the United States not far behind.

Some would suggest that a cashless society provides convenience, but is convenience the most important factor when it comes to managing our finances? Consider this quote from Potential Problems Associated With A Cashless Society according to worldatlas.com:

The move towards a cashless economy is heavily debated and controversy-prone. Several points have been raised about the negative effects of cashless transactions. In a cashless country, the complete control of transactions, individual use of money, information about public monetary assets, and interest rates are with the nation state and third-party providers. An individual’s money is under external control and is subject to external regulations and restrictions. Negative interest rates might become applicable. Also, in a cashless society, individual transactions and incomes become accessible to legitimate parties like police or tax officials, and chances of hacking also increase.

To point is clear. Yet, what about our poorer communities, who depend on cash to buy food and gas? Or those who have credit issues and cannot get a banking account and have to rely on Western Union, Money Grams, etc.  In my opinion, a cashless society could lead to the appearance of the anti-messiah, because the very funds you need to survive would be controlled by an evil dictator.

What about chips and not the eating kind?

We are seeing a rise of people getting chips under their skin in order to open their cars, garage doors and more. Recently, I saw an article where people are having chip parties. Seriously?  Could this lead to the “mark of the beast”? If all of one’s information is stored on those chips, some giant AI god in the sky can constantly monitor one’s behavior. They are already monitoring us. But, anyway, what about the doctor telling a patient, spouse, or parent…well if you put this chip in your loved one’s arm, not only will they be healed, but they will never get sick again or they will be super human? Do you think folks would agree to this? How about working parents inserting chips into their child, so they can be monitored as they work? Consider your cell phones, smart TVs, laptops, Alexis devices…aren’t they already constantly listening and monitoring? And, of course, we can’t forget about Facebook, Google, Twitter. Recent news articles have informed us on their snooping into our lives and violating our PRIVACY rights!  We have NO privacy. But, anyway, the list could go on and on, but I think you get my point.

Finally, what about DNA altering? Could this be the “mark of the beast” in that the DNA is so altered that G-D’s original fingerprint on that individual is destroyed? What about crisper…gene editing? Read for yourself.

My point…the mark of the beast, I believe will be a willingness on the part of the recipients to receive it whether it is inserting a chip into the body, using the cashless method to pay for goods and services or altering some DNA code or all of the above. It is an act of our will to receive and do things contrary to G-D’s design for His people. Those who choose satan over the Creator-G-D, will have to choose his mark in whatever form to their demise.

Therefore, my brothers and sisters, let us be not deceived… in all things ask G-D and hear His voice, least even the elect will be deceived in the end.

Shout Out,

Dr. Dee

Can’t do FEAR…

In response to the shooting at STEM School in CO, May 7, 2019.

Yesterday a friend from CA asked if I was afraid to go to work everyday. Did I worry about shooters at my school? My response… No! Occasionally the thought may come across my mind, but I do not wake up and asked myself, “Will I be shot today or will one of my students, co-workers, etc. be a victim or a perpetrator? No! At the end of the day, my coming, going and/or staying is in the protection of G-D.

I can’t and will not carry the burden of worrying about someone viciously attacking me or my students, or (my children or grandchildren) each day! If I did this, I would not be an effective teacher. I would go crazy without a ticket back to sanity!

Needless to say, I am extremely sadden by the attack on our youth. I am grieved by yet… another shooting… another fatal victim… other victims who have endured physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological trauma. Each school shooting shatters our community in negatively immeasurable ways… nationwide with a long road to some semblance of recovery. As an educator my heart aches, my heart doesn’t comprehend.

As a mom and grandma, I can’t imagine the horrific grief of his parents, grandparents and others who loved and will miss him. My prayers and sincere condolences go out to them! He was a Superhero … no greater love than a man who would lay his life down for another. Someone else did this for us! Someone greater and waiting for all to call upon Him.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

Helping Hands

Some preacher once said, that in order to get past your own hurt, we need to help others in an effort to become less SELF-focused and more OTHER-focused. Well, last week, I had an opportunity to work with many people who were OTHER-focused, and I was truly blessed! My experience benefited me, more than my efforts benefited those I was helping. WHY? Because I had an opportunity to stop thinking about mySELF and think and do for OTHERS, along with a bunch of great people! two-peoplw-helping-hands

I am really amazed at how many New Year’s resolutions (including mine) rarely include helping others! Many of the resolutions I hear or read about speak to losing weight, spending more time with family and friends, stop smoking, get out of debt, and/or saving money, stop drinking, etc. However, how many New Year’s resolutions revolve around giving up personal time and money to help those who are destitute, lonely, broke and hopeless, maybe even homeless? I don’t know about you, but I am guilty as charged! And, unless the Spirit of G-d moves us to STOP thinking about ourSELF, we will continue to perpetuate self-focus and me-Me-ME! This is not G-d’s best, for we are a community inside and outside of the church walls.


Prior to moving to this infamous peach state, I volunteered off and on in California during my teenage years and as an adult. I found my experiences extremely rewarding and loved the opportunities to help others and meet new people. However, since moving to Georgia, my interests, twisted by life circumstances hindered my desires to volunteer. Yet, due to G-d’s nudging, one of my goals for this year is to be more OTHER-focused by getting more involved in community projects.

So, what does this have to do with you? I want to urge you to find an organization and donate your time, money and talents to help others, especially if you find yourself depressed and sad. Helping others as a wounded healer is the best way to recognize G-d’s gifting and blessings in your life and the life of others! It is the best way to stop focusing on yourself, the drama and/or drudgery of this life. It is a fantastic way to give away love and help heal another.

Be a blessing to others! Love your neighbor as you love yourself! Spread joy and happiness! Be the salt and light by giving first to G-d and then to others!


Dr. Dee

happy-rosh-hashanahL’Shana Tova! Blessings for a good and sweet New Year!

May your New Year be filled with the sweetness and prosperity found only in Yeshua’s (Jesus) abundant grace.

Welcome the Jewish Year 5777!

Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets – rings in the Jewish New Year with 100 blasts of the shofar. shofar It begins the High Holy Days and is a time for celebration, as well as reflection.

As Jewish people the world over consider the coming year, they pray for G-d’s forgiveness, and that He will “seal” them in the Book of Life for the year ahead. Year by year, they pray to be acceptable in His sight.

As Believers, in Yeshua, we have been brought near to G-d through the righteousness of Messiah and we are sealed in the Lamb’s Book of Life. (Ephesians 1:13, 2:13, Revelation 13:6) Let us rejoice in the salvation of our King and L-rd, reflect on all His goodness and tender mercies, and let us pray for each other,  for the Shalom (peace) of Jerusalem and the world. black-man-shofar

L’Shana Tova!

Dr. Dee

Prayer for Us


You, L-rd, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked,
who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race.

Psalm 12: 7-8

Dear Abba,

Your Word is true and You are not like any human that is fearful, lies, full of pride, sin and arrogance. We oftentimes justify our sins, excuse our laziness, and our personal gods are the bedfellows we cuddle up to night after night, day after day.  Unfortunately, we often do that which we know is wrong, and fail to do that which is right. We so many times elevate our needs over others and strut about in self-righteousness as a peacock wooing a mate.  Abba, many of our ways are devoid of purity, and yet, we say we are good, we are decent; at least some of the times, I am guilty of such.  How can we claim goodness and fail to trust, love and act according to the purposes you have laid out for us in your Word?

We delude ourselves and thus, we strive in a fog of self-idolatry and misconception! We esteem personal needs, goals and desires over You and for that we are surrounded by the vileness of that reality.  Yet, You have provided the light of Yourself, which is the bridge from emptiness, vileness, deceit and more, into the purity of You!  You are the only true hope for our longing souls.

The local and the world news is littered with the depravity of humanities’ failures and preferences for evil.  Our society is infected with violence and confusion which gnaws at the depths of our souls, and attempts to confuse and darken our journey. These are my musings, Abba; but, again, You are there…always there!  You beckon us into Your perfect peace through Your perfect patience, and Your perfect love to return to You and receive the ultimate gift of prosperity…. You and YOU alone!

prayer-with-rootsHelp us, help me, my family, my friends, my enemies, those reading this blog to see, hear and respond to Your calling, Your wooing.  Let Your voice thunderously permeate our souls turning us from darkness and despair… to YOU, the perfect protector, and lover of our souls. Profoundly help us to see, and hear, and respond in ways which provide You pleasure. Help us to remember, we were created for Your glory!

The days are extremely dark with violence, wickedness and mayhem continuously nipping at us and for some of us, dulling our senses! Yet, YOU are greater than the oppression, depression, destruction and mayhem plaguing our society.  Aid us in truly believing in Your greatness and love for us, and Your desire for us to live an abundant life in You!

Thank you for Your Word, Your Faithfulness, Your love, Your Son, Your Spirit, Your Protection, Your Provision, Your Providence, Your forgiveness! Thank you for being You!

I love you, Abba,


Who Will Be The Next President Of The United States?

The political campaign for the new president of the United States is far from ordinary to say the least. Both candidates are flawed, and neither candidate is a supreme choice for this country. However, when you consider the evidence of each of the candidates, there is clearly one who is better for this country, but you have to decide which one. My choice is clear, but unfortunately, it is the lesser of two evils. Hum, the perils of living on earth. Honestly, I don’t like either candidate, Republican or Democrat. But, my choice is clear based on the evidence displayed for the world to see, and the information, which has been filtered through the news. world blue black

Yet, regardless of who becomes the new president of the United States in November of 2016, the subjection of this country is still under the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, those who believe in the power of prayer need not only vote, but more importantly pray for the leaders in this country, the police system, the educational system, the religious system, the medical system, the societal structure, the disenfranchised, the impoverished, the racial injustices and more!

Now, is not the time to apathetically sit around and wait for someone else to intercede for this country and the world. Now is not the time to lethargically live life, and let someone else fulfill your G-d given purpose. And, now is not the time to be weary in well doing! Each one of us called by G-d to walk in His purposes, in the earth, have been summoned to make a difference, wherever we find ourselves on a daily basis. We have not been called to idly watch, complain, and gossip about the state of affairs, but to make a difference and be the difference.

This is my difference, at least one of them. I implore, plead with each of you reading this blog to pray for this great nation, and to critically examine what each candidate is proposing. Consider their platforms, their words or sarcasm, their tweets, the evidence of political and/or social experiences, and weigh their pros versus their cons. Carefully consider recent events, and the tragic loss of lives, and political volleying with international countries, and the ostracizing of various groups in our society. Carefully categorize the content of their speeches, experiences and their implications for not just this country, but their international relationships with other countries, and their call for unity or their call for order.

images prayers hands in the airAgain, now is not the time to idly just sit. Now is the time to pray, vote and encourage others to do the same. Prayer is the path where no other path can make a difference. Prayer is about beseeching the ONE who can make the difference. If you just boo and not vote, then do not complain when your choice isn’t the new president of the United States.

As always…the choice is yours!


Dr. Dee

Called to Action

What, however, can the man of good will do to combat this deeply rooted prejudice? He must have the courage to set an example by word and deed, and must watch lest his children become influenced by this racial bias. (http://www.onbeing.org/program/albert-einstein-the-negro-question-1946)

Albert Einstein, as many of you already know was a brilliant Scientist who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 for his general theory of relativity.  However, he was also very passionate about nuclear disarmament, and he actively spoke out against racism in this country. In 1946, he spoke on the ill effects of hatred and contributed financially and in other positive ways to make a difference in the lives of various African-Americans such as W. E. Dubois, Marian Anderson, and Paul Robeson. Yet, these additional remarkable humanitarian efforts, in my experiences, have not been taught in our history books.  Admittedly, I did not know this about Albert Einstein until recently.  This information was posted on social media during turbulent times in America at the writing of this post.

I checked several sources to confirm the aforementioned. Most references do not even mention his involvement in the civil rights activities of his day, and mainly discussed his legacy as a Scientist, his personal life and his flight from Germany. Yet, he was a man who believed in the fair treatment of all people and within his arena, he chose to speak on the ills of racism as he spoke about the theory of relativity. Albert Einstein had the courage to speak on the evils of racism in our country, and unfortunately, racism is still prevalent today.  Racism is a form of hatred, but all hatred, regardless of its forms wreaks havoc at every juncture, on every person. My point…

As I am writing this blog, in recent weeks, here in the United States of America, we have witnessed two African-American men killed by police officers, one of which was shot in front of his girlfriend and their four-year-old daughter; 5 white police officers gunned down in alleged retaliation, as well as 7 other police officers wounded; several unarmed Latino men killed by police officers; two bailiffs killed by an inmate during the transportation of that inmate; 49 people slaughtered in Orlando, and this is just a few murderous incidences monopolizing the current local news stations. The violence endured by these victims, their families, and their friends is incomprehensible. Few of us can truly relate to the horror of a loved one being killed within the confines of horrific hatred! At least I can’t imagine, but my/our hearts still ache for those who are subjected to acts of violence and loathing. So the question becomes, what can we do?

For me as a believer in the Highest G-d, I am thoroughly convinced that our first line of defense is humbling before our Creator in sincere and fervent prayer; believing, knowing and expecting Him to respond to our prayers. Our praying must be heartfelt and without ceasing. Second, I believe, we have to realize we are in a war, a spiritual war, and that the horrors of hatred are heart matters. G-d is on the only One equipped to move and change hearts, but He uses those of us willing to be His Messengers of Love. Once we realize that the battle is the L-rd’s, and we diligently plead for Him to move in our communities, our country, then we have to get up off our knees, and actively become involved in making a difference in the lives of others.

How can we make a difference? There are many obvious ways to make a difference, such as mentoring others, volunteering with various organizations, which seek to help end FreshPaint-quotethe violence, become more politically astute, and seek to work within the governmental system to get laws changed, etc., and vote for the candidates you believe will best help this country. Also, put your money in organizations that are positively serving the community. Stop spending your money with companies that exploit their workers and buy their goods from others who exploit their employees. In addition, begin to make a difference and show love to others, just by smiling, speaking to people, showing respect, being courteous, and like-wise teaching your children/grandchildren to do the same. Finally, speak up on behalf of those who are victims of societal ills, and take a positive stand for justice and righteousness.

If you are a believer in Judeo-Christian principles and live by the Word of G-d, then you know there is no color, gender, religious persuasion or other diversionary groupings in Yeshua (Jesus). We have been called to be One in Him, the only HOPE for our salvation in this life and the life to come. In our calling to be, means our calling to do. We are called to be people of actions. We are called to be G-d’s salt and light in the earth.

We must speak, live and take a stand for each other. Albert Einstein and countless others used their platforms to emphatically speak on manners contrary to the liberty of others. If something is wrong, we need to speak out and say it is wrong. We just can’t go along to get along. As people of the Most High G-d, we have to be willing to demonstrate what His love looks like in practical ways in our homes, work places, and everywhere we find ourselves in our daily lives.

Let me urge you to figure out how you can best show love towards your neighbor in order to bring about change; in order to chip away at the violence drowning us; in order to end bigotry, racism, or any other kind of ism. Again, Albert Einstein says it best: What, however, can the man of good will do to combat this deeply rooted prejudice? He must have the courage to set an example by word and deed, and must watch lest his children become influenced by this racial bias.

It’s your call to action…


Dr. Dee

Note:  The “o” is missing for G-d and L-rd as a sign of love, respect and honor, for He is the Most Holy G-d, the One true One, the Creator, and Sustain-er of the Universe. He is the Uncaused Cause. By leaving the “o” out of G-d and/or L-rd, it makes the distinction that I am not speaking of an idol, or any other entity, which uses the name “god”. This writer is referring to the one true G-d who revealed Himself to Moses as the I AM. In addition, it is my belief this is one of the ways, I can fulfill the first commandment.  The first commandment commanded believers to honor the L-rd’s name. Therefore, by eliminating the “o”, His name (HaShem, G-d) is honored, if the paper were thrown away, burned or destroyed in some manner, as well as for the benefit of online readers to understand my position. It is this author’s intention to honor G-d in every area, in traditional and non-traditional ways as directed and led by G-d’s Breath – the Holy Spirit.