Tag Archives: Thankful

Prayer for Us


You, L-rd, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked,
who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race.

Psalm 12: 7-8

Dear Abba,

Your Word is true and You are not like any human that is fearful, lies, full of pride, sin and arrogance. We oftentimes justify our sins, excuse our laziness, and our personal gods are the bedfellows we cuddle up to night after night, day after day.  Unfortunately, we often do that which we know is wrong, and fail to do that which is right. We so many times elevate our needs over others and strut about in self-righteousness as a peacock wooing a mate.  Abba, many of our ways are devoid of purity, and yet, we say we are good, we are decent; at least some of the times, I am guilty of such.  How can we claim goodness and fail to trust, love and act according to the purposes you have laid out for us in your Word?

We delude ourselves and thus, we strive in a fog of self-idolatry and misconception! We esteem personal needs, goals and desires over You and for that we are surrounded by the vileness of that reality.  Yet, You have provided the light of Yourself, which is the bridge from emptiness, vileness, deceit and more, into the purity of You!  You are the only true hope for our longing souls.

The local and the world news is littered with the depravity of humanities’ failures and preferences for evil.  Our society is infected with violence and confusion which gnaws at the depths of our souls, and attempts to confuse and darken our journey. These are my musings, Abba; but, again, You are there…always there!  You beckon us into Your perfect peace through Your perfect patience, and Your perfect love to return to You and receive the ultimate gift of prosperity…. You and YOU alone!

prayer-with-rootsHelp us, help me, my family, my friends, my enemies, those reading this blog to see, hear and respond to Your calling, Your wooing.  Let Your voice thunderously permeate our souls turning us from darkness and despair… to YOU, the perfect protector, and lover of our souls. Profoundly help us to see, and hear, and respond in ways which provide You pleasure. Help us to remember, we were created for Your glory!

The days are extremely dark with violence, wickedness and mayhem continuously nipping at us and for some of us, dulling our senses! Yet, YOU are greater than the oppression, depression, destruction and mayhem plaguing our society.  Aid us in truly believing in Your greatness and love for us, and Your desire for us to live an abundant life in You!

Thank you for Your Word, Your Faithfulness, Your love, Your Son, Your Spirit, Your Protection, Your Provision, Your Providence, Your forgiveness! Thank you for being You!

I love you, Abba,
