Tag Archives: Today’s Society

Trusting…It’s Hard!

G-D’s Doing

Last week schools were shut down in the Denver area, because a woman threaten schools with violence. I was livid at the insanity of this threat, and how it affected our students who live in a world saturated with violence. I was also sadden by her avoidable death. However, our children are the targets of senseless destructive activities; and on all days, it is difficult to hear and see the results of viciousness on our youth – all people.

I remember a time when school shootings were unheard of and the violence within schools was due to scuffles between students and/or teachers; and maybe some carnage from an outside force due to racial disparity. 

Yet, in today’s society, violence, shootings, and mayhem seem par for the course. I am overwhelmed with the evil and sickness in the hearts of those who choose to wreak havoc on others. I am convinced that we are living in extremely dark times, because of the wretchedness which we see and hear over the air-ways constantly. However, even though I seethed with anger and my heart is broken over the pandemonium in today’s society; I attempt to embrace G-D’s Word that He is completely and totally in charge. Honestly, I struggle with that notion…and I’m surprised that He has not wiped us all out!

Still, the Bible is clear…G-D’s thoughts, ways, and love are beyond our human understanding, and in spite of my limited perspective, I am not in charge, and I lack the clarity on the various situations throughout society. If one espouses the Bible, then we have to believe that G-D has this, and will soon redeem his people from the madness of this world. We have to believe in our FAITH (Yeshua, Jesus), even when we do not feel, understand or get angry about those things we can’t change or perceive. We have to endorse the notion that G-D’s love, mercy and grace are depended on His design for His purposes. He uses ALL things for His glory.

Above all things, I believe in G-D the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and I desire with all my heart to have a place in His Kingdom, now and in the life to come. Yet, as a temporal human being, my heart is troubled by the violence and dooms-day activities we all see and experience on a daily basis. I just don’t get why people act the way they do, and treat others with contempt. Now, I know the source of evil, but people always have a choice to do good or to do evil. We have been given so much by our Creator. Yet, many of us act like spoiled, contemptuous, ungrateful brats! Actually, we are all guilty of acting like brats at one time or another! We are without excuse for G-D has created us to innately know Him and to choose Him over all others.

Nonetheless, we fail in many ways, overtly and covertly! Why? Because we are limited, frail and sinful people. We need a Savior! And, G-D in His love and wisdom…sent Yeshua, so that we might receive His bloody sacrifice in our place, and live according to His commandments. So, though I don’t get G-D’s plans most of the times, my job is to trust and realize that even though I feel anger by the saturation of evil in our society; I have to trust and believe He truly does have the WHOLE WORLD in HIS HANDS and He’s got this! My job as His daughter-servant is to believe, trust and obey…I’m always working on all three.

Just saying!

Dr. Dee

Note: Pray for the believers who are being slaughtered throughout this world because of their faith. Pray that the evil will be snuffed out and that there will be Shalom in Israel, America and the world. 

G-D Bless!