Tag Archives: Yeshua

Uniquely and Wonderfully Made…

Human beings are animals, not like dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc., instead, we are uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of the living G-D. All of G-D’s creation was made with His wisdom, His creativity and His unique incomparable touches which are visible for all to see and embrace. However, humans have not only been made through His wisdom, but have been created to house and acquire a portion (a very small portion) of His wisdom, knowledge and understanding in addition to all of the other cognitive properties we possess. Animals are not on the same level as human beings and though they should be treated responsibly, to hoist an animal over another human and/or a relationship is a violation of G-D’s design. 

We have been so beautifully created by the Master Creator.  Many of us fail to embrace our beauty within the framework G-D has designed to intensify our relationship with Him. He has created us to be vessels of His love, wisdom and understanding. He has created us to be His “tangible” presence in the lives of others. He has created us to worship and adore Him. If we love G-D, we love others and treat both accordingly as the Word directs in Deuteronomy 6:1-9.

We have been taught that our emotions, wisdom, cognitive abilities and understanding are seated in our brains. But, is this really the case? We have also been taught that the brain controls the mind? Hum, does it? Who or what is truly working within us? Is it self only or a combination of good, evil inclinations, the illumination of G-D’s spirit or the disastrous influences of the evil one and the world? Or are we a cosmological array of atoms evolved from some anonymous collaborative litter floundering through this thing we call living? Are we a hunk of dirt with a spirit or are we a spirit housed in clay traveling through life?

I personally believe we have been created and we are wonderfully designed by an uncaused cause who loves us, desires to fellowship and make Himself known to us. I personally believe that though human effort is involved, wisdom and understanding are gifts from G-D and housed in our hearts. I do believe that it is the mind that controls the brain. (A blog for another day.) I believe we have been specially designed to demonstrate who we love and to love others accordingly. And, yes we have a propensity for evil and oftentimes we struggle between doing what is righteous instead of succumbing to that which is evil.

I did a word study on the word heart and I was surprised to learn that of those who have had heart transplants, a significant percentage report not feeling like themselves with different preferences; and some have even said they have felt like another person was living inside of them. These reports have befuddled medical doctors. Huh? Like near death experiences are these accounts true? Can we believe these accounts since they are the words of the recipients. If the heart is the seat of wisdom, understanding or the lack thereof, as well as emotions, is it conceivable that the organ for pumping blood can also be a spiritual/invisible working entity person specific? If we are truly spiritual beings having a human experience, then why wouldn’t this be true? But, I digress…

Estes Park, CO

According to the Bible, wisdom is a gift. (Job 38:36, James 1:5) According to the Bible, understanding is a gift. (Daniel 2:21) and G-D has put wisdom in the innermost being of humans and given understanding to the mind of human beings. (Job 38:36) Further, though wisdom and understanding may be bestowed on us to some degree in our inner beings, we should pray for wisdom and understanding in order to be G-DLY led in all manners of life. (Psalm 119:34) 

One of the greatest biblical figures was asked by G-D what he wanted, which was almost like a “wish” from G-D. This particular biblical figure asked for wisdom. King Solomon who asked for wisdom so that he might serve the people of G-D, in order for him to discern good and evil. (1 King 3:9) WOW, what a humble leader to look to G-D in order to serve/govern G-D’s people. Did you get that? King Solomon realized his leadership was over G-D’s people [not subjects of his kingdom] and thus he desired to serve G-D by serving G-D’s people justly. Amazingly awesome!

The wisdom of this world is lunacy and contradictory to the purposes of G-D’s will for those who are called by His name. The depth of G-D’s love alludes us and we oftentimes walk circumvent to the dictates of G-D’s instructions. Instead, we clutch onto our narcissistic impulses and the world’s values in self-idolatry, again counterproductive to G-D’s desire for His beloved. We serve a passionately loving G-D whose patience seems endless and gracious. We are bestowed with an abundance of love, grace and mercy each day from our Father and L-RD.  Once we get a glimpse of His love, we ought to do better according to His will in all areas of our lives by obeying His commandments. 

Wisdom and understanding are gifts from G-D to humans in order for us to use our free will to serve and love Him, and consequently serve and love others. But in all of our knowledge, we need His wisdom and His understanding in order to serve Him in ways that are pleasing to Him. Our idea of good may not line up with HIS idea of good. And, since He is G-D, we might consider learning and applying behaviors which exemplify His will. 

Knowledge without wisdom/understanding can be obtained as a cognitive process.  We are created to understand basic and/or complex information; and we have a choice for our proceeding actions. Animals can not think analytically, express, evaluate, synthesize and respond accordingly using free will as G-D has proposed for humans. But wisdom, complete understanding and the practical application of “good” over evil is one of the ways we are set apart from the beast of the air and land. The test for the application of G-DLY wisdom, understanding and knowledge is obedience to our Creator, ABBA through our helper, the Rauch HaKodesh (Breath of G-D) according to His Torah.

My point, we do not in my opinion truly get how wonderfully and uniquely we have been created in G-D’s image.  We do not fully comprehend how much He loves us and desires to be the priority in our lives, thus why Yeshua came. Yet, conversely, we do not understand the harshness of His wrath at our denial of Him and all He has to offer. Our Father is both loving and just. My tiny glimmers of His love are my hope in this life and the life to come. He is Echad, One, the TRUE living G-D who has provided access to Himself through the love, mercy and authority of Yeshua (Jesus).

Belief in the creation of human beings, our uniqueness and being wonderfully made, as well as living in an aesthetically pleasing environment nullifies the notion that we exploded from a pile of matter. Look around at the beauty and complexity of nature and then consider the beauty and complexity of others and then yourself…we have been undeniably uniquely and wonderfully made. Imagine a world if we truly believed each one of us is uniquely and wonderfully made.

Musings in Him,

Dr. Dee

My New Book!

I am so very grateful to all those who helped me to publish this book. It was written in the hopes that people who say they love G-D, would love their spouses, and choose to stay in their relationship. My prayer…you find some word or phrase in this work of love that will bless your heart and then share that with others.

May HaShem richly bless you!

Dr. Dee

Available on Barnes and Noble and Amazon

Book Review


It’s been a while since I have written, but life has been great, not without challenges, but all is well! I am currently rereading the End-Time Devotional Kiss Me Again, by Jamie Lash. This is one of the most powerful devotionals I have read in sometime, and each day’s reading is a life-giving and life-changing “KISS” from our L-RD!

This book is birthed from 40 years of being kissed by G-d, ministering His love and truth to millions via television, speaking engagements, newsletters and books according to author Jamie Lash. Her interpretation of G-D’s message of love to His Bridegroom is HE is the divine covering for His bride in these last days. Lash’s book explores various verses from the Song of Solomon, and reveals what she believes the L-RD is speaking to His people during these End-Times.

This book is rich with insights, encouragement, and truths in a transparent and realistic way, in order to point the believer to Yeshua in all things; and to ignite and/or reignite  our dependence and devotion to Him.  Lash has decided to use the analogy of an umbrella to demonstrate how G-D covers us with His love, protection and so much more through His Son, Yeshua.

Listed below are the first 5 Umbrellas from Lash’s book.

  1. G-D is present even in the dark times.
  2. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) love is your umbrella.
  3. Yeshua will meet you in the secret place.
  4. Rest. Wait. Trust.
  5. G-D’s watchmen will point you to Him.

Read the book! It is worth the read and each “Umbrella” is deeply explored.  Each day you will be renewed, encouraged and compelled to trust in Adonai (L-RD) with all your heart, to do good, and feed on His faithfulness.

My prayer for us:  Abba, (Father) teach us how to embrace You fully in our lives and to turn our faces, hearts and attention towards You. Help us to remember and walk in Your love and salvation through our Savior, Yeshua all the days of our lives, and keep us close to you. Thank you for being the G-D of love and trustworthiness!


Dr. Dee