Unique Beginnings…

Innocence of childhood

NOTE: The poem below represents a team building activity. This poem is my personal reflection.

I AM…Unique Beginnings

I am from poor shelves

From bold, brittle wood and absent nails,

Black, red, white and surprisingly loved.

I am from thorny roses scattered sparingly,

Red, yellow, purple, white, hybrid.

I’m from a Christmas Mom and Southern expectations,

From Merle, Joanne, Willie Mae, Pete and Dan.

I’m from strenuous work ethic, loud laughter and frenzied dance,

From being strong, getting educated and standing alone.

I’m from Baptist, Catholic and confused.

I’m from the edge of the ocean kissed by Africa’s sun devouring

Catfish, mud ducks and collard greens galore.

I am from the seed of an unknown soul,

But nurtured by the 3rd grade grad with a heart of gold.

Mementos scattered abroad and lost,

Only blurred memories linger and some still haunt.

I am from these brittle wood fragments

Matured, educated and new,

Only freed by grace to be a redeemed exemplified serf.

Dr. Dee