Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.

A few years ago, I was in a debate with an atheist who had a legal background, and the Lord gave me a revelation about the tactics of the enemy. At Yeshua’s first coming, his tactic was to destroy the infant before He could grow up; [Revelation 12:4-5]. After the Lord’s death and resurrection, Satan continued his direct assault by attacking the church through persecution, which lasted through the first three centuries. The tactics of the enemy were to destroy any “eyewitnesses” of God’s goodness.

However, the faith continued to spread all the more in spite of the bloodshed of the saints, and when the devil realized he could not destroy the move of God physically, he switched his tactics to — “If you can’t beat them, join them!” His hatred achieved less success by direct murderous violence, so he adopted the tactics of a lawyer to win his objective.

Now, when a lawyer is confronted with damning evidence against his case, he seeks to get that evidence cast out in a pretrial procedure called “discovery.” The enemy applied this principle during the dark ages. Having placed his servants into the highest offices in the church, Satan substantially removed the best evidence for the truth by suppressing the Word of God, not allowing it to be read or translated into a common language which the people could understand for themselves.

Finally, in the late 14th century the Bible was translated into a common language, by John Wycliffe, and through a handful of Christian pioneers and the invention of the printing press over the next 100 years, the Scriptures became available in the vernacular of the common people during the Reformation. Then the enemy reverted to his original tactics, destroying the saints in the “Inquisition,” where anyone found with the Word of God was deemed a heretic and killed.

But in legal proceedings there is yet another tactic: when a lawyer realizes the evidence against his case cannot be suppressed in “discovery,” he seeks to introduce a mountain of new information in an attempt to overwhelm the juridical process and obscure the truth by hiding it in thousands of documents. Doesn’t this seem like exactly what has happened in our “Information Age”? We need to understand how Satan is working in our own time, and especially in our own culture.

There’s a saying I heard repeatedly growing up, with the acronym “KISS” — “Keep It Simple, Sweetheart!” As we enter into the climax of the ages, the world is being flooded with exponentially more information, let’s stay focused on the simple truth of the Gospel. Let’s not allow our lives to be overwhelmed with too much information, but rather, “KISS” the message of the gospel to the world in need of His love!

Copyright 1999-2024 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.

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