Understand Jerusalem!

Psalms 122:5-7 For thrones are set there for judgment, The thrones of the house of David. 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. 7 Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.”

Last week, we discussed the significance of Jerusalem in the culmination of the age. Here, we’ll continue to scratch that surface. The word “Jerusalem” is so rich with meaning that a single devotion will only begin to unpack it; there are so many etymological approaches. But most agree that the root letters at the end, שלם (shalem) spell a Hebrew word requiring numerous English words to fully comprehend including, “perfect”, “complete”, “sound”, “whole”, “harmony”, “peace”, etc. In addition, the concept of payment is present, as לשלם (leshalem), “to pay”, also suggests “reward”.

There are two options of meaning for the letters at the beginning of the name, Yerushalayim, “ירה” (yara, with the letter “hey” ה at the end), means “to throw, cast, or shoot; to cause (cast) a particular effect or result by means of many small elements or impulses”, (e.g. arrows, words, instructions, raindrops, etc.)”. From this, we infer that Jerusalem is a place where peace, wholeness, fulfillment, and completion (shalom) are cast or released (yara) through a patient, repetitive process of instruction, a softening produced by a “rainfall” of God’s word, or a piercing of sin and ignorance by “arrows” (of truth), etc. These processes describe the spiritual history and unique identity of Jerusalem, a central place of God’s self-revelation. Also, this name testifies that the first appearance of the Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom) there was preceded by an extended process of patient and repeated prophetic revelation cast over centuries.

An alternative root beginning the name “Yerushalayim”, ירא (yara’ with “aleph”, (א) instead of “hey” (ה), means “to revere”, “to give heed”, “to be in awe”, or “to fear”. In this case, the name “Jerusalem” carries an exhortation to heed, revere, or be in awe of (Yara) perfection, wholeness, and peace (shalom) and, therefore, God Himself, who is the Author of all these. Both of these beginning roots express true characteristics of the “Holy City”.

Additionally, within “Yerushalayim”, we find the Hebrew word “Yerusha”, meaning “inheritance”, the legal transfer of property across generations. This makes reference to the verses above concerning judgment and prosperity. In Jerusalem, there are thrones of judgment set in the house of David [Ps. 122:5]. Here, we see a prophetic reference to the judgment seat of Christ, David’s royal successor, Yeshua (Jesus). At His throne, all the works of men will be judged, assessed, and rewarded with an inheritance in the age to come [Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10]. Yerushalayim thus holds a promise for prospering as believers who, understanding its significance, serve faithfully and endure to become co-heirs with Messiah and reign with Him [Romans 8:172 Timothy 2:12 ]. Finally, “May they prosper who love you”, [verse 6], reaffirms the prosperous reward for all who love and appreciate YHVH’s Holy City and its purpose in history and eternity.

So much of the Gospel message of Messiah is found in the name of the city where it happened, Jerusalem. Here, the raindrops, the water of God’s Word, repeatedly and patiently fell onto both the fertile and fallow soil of men’s hearts. Here YHVH’s prophetic “arrows” repeatedly pierced both the tender and hardened hearts of men, in the hope of repentance for acceptance in God’s Kingdom. Here, the awesome nature of God Himself was revealed in His Word and Personal Image, Yeshua the Messiah. Finally, in Yerushalayim, perfect redemption and peace with humankind were fulfilled and completed by the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Yet, before this took place, Yeshua gave a final word to His beloved Jerusalem; “You shall see me no more until you say, ‘Baruch haba b’shem Adonai’, (‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD’) [Matthew 23:37-39], a most serious word of warning and hope in light of His rejection by Israel. In this light, praying for the peace of Jerusalem takes on a dimension of significance that includes Israel’s final redemption and acceptance of their Messiah and becomes a “last days” participation in the Lord’s eternal purposes, with the expectation of rejoicing with Him for Israel’s salvation and the fulfillment of Jerusalem’s eternal destiny.

Copyright 1999-2024 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.

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