Understand the events taking place!

As we approach the end of the age we are overwhelmed with the amount of evidence of the reliability and accuracy of the Bible. In the last century, archaeological discoveries have significantly reinforced the Bible’s credibility. A pivotal moment was in 1947 with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, an event whose significance was underscored with the timing of the reestablishment of the nation of Israel.

Let me take you back to 1947: a Bedouin named Mohammed ed-dib discovers ancient scrolls in a cave near Qumran. After this initial find, even more scrolls are discovered and in November of 1947, some of the scrolls are sold to Professor Eliezer Sukenik, a professor of archaeology at Hebrew University. The significance of the timing of these events should not be overlooked. Professor Sukenik writes in his journal:

“While I was examining these precious documents in my study, the late news on the radio announced that the United Nations would be voting on the resolution that night—whether or not Israel would be allowed to become a nation… It was past midnight when the decision was announced while I was engrossed in a particularly absorbing passage in one of the scrolls, and my son rushed in with the shout that the vote on the Jewish State had passed. This great event in Jewish history was thus combined in my home in Jerusalem with another event, no less historic, the one political, and the other cultural.”

The very day the first Dead Sea scrolls were purchased and the 2000-year-old parchments containing prophecies of Israel’s restoration to the Land were being read, the UN General Assembly was casting votes to decide whether Israel would become a modern nation, and decided in its favor. As God providentially unveiled the documentation of Israel’s ancient history through the discovery of the scrolls, the very words of those scriptures were being fulfilled concerning the nation’s future rebirth!

The Isaiah scroll, now the earliest known copy of this ancient prophetic book, contains numerous predictions of the regathering of the Jewish people to the Land and the restoration of their nation:

Isaiah 11:11-12 In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that remains of his people, from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea. He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

This prophetic fulfillment, evident to everyone, is a clear and powerful sign of God’s sovereignty over History, and of the reliability of our Scriptures!

Are you in doubt that God is in control? Have no doubt, nor fear of the enemy who is plotting to “rob, kill, and destroy” … for just as the scriptures proclaim the restoration of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland … they proclaim the Kingdom of God is coming that shall never pass away!

Copyright 1999-2024 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.

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