All posts by Dee

About Dee

Dr. Dee Jackson was born and raised in Oakland/Berkeley, California and attended private schools. She is an educator with over 25 years of experience working as a Classroom Teacher, Literacy Coach, Reading Recovery Teacher, Biblical Studies Instructor and ELD Teacher. She is also an Entrepreneur (home based business), Marriage Coach and Blogger. She has been the keynote speaker at various churches sharing the Gospel. Dr. Jackson was a co-producer of a Christian Radio program out of Florida. Dr. Jackson’s blogs are focused on a variety of subjects. Her challenges and experiences in life have produced in her the character and strength to persevere in spite of challenges. She has a passion for helping couples and family live out their covenant commitment. She shares her experiences in order to encourage, motive and remind others that each day is a new opportunity to fulfill one’s purposes and to be someone’s smile.

Today, I will be grateful!

The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less competent, reduces feelings of relatedness and gratitude, reduces their ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self-centered. (Author Unknown)

In a 2015 HUFFPOST article by Lindsay Holmes, she penned there were 100 things we could be grateful for. I suggest there are 1000’s of things we can be grateful for if we consider all that life has shown us currently and in our previous years. 

Materialism is a tendency to consider physical comfort and material possessions more important than spiritual values. Thus, if a person believes that things are more important than spiritual values or having a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus); can a person ever truly be grateful or content in the moment?

Regardless of where you find yourself in life as of right now…happy, sad, rich, poor, broke, sick, single, married, homeless, etc., there is ALWAYS something to appreciate about today! Today is all we have – yesterday is gone and who knows about tomorrow. So, why are you thankful?

Here are just some of the reasons I am grateful: 

1. Messianic Believer and saved by the redemptive work of Yeshua (Jesus). I could end       my list here and that would be MORE than enough.
2. Health
3. Sanity of mind – at least on most days!
4. Family
5. Friends
6. Enemies…they help me practice kindness
7. Strangers…not friends yet
8. Employment
9. Food
10. Clothes
11. Housing
12. Transportation
13. Place of Worship
14. Weather
15. Living in America
16. Living in the neighborhood of my choice
17. Freedom of speech
18. Entertainment
19. Challenges
20. Wonderings
21. Opportunities
22. Etc.

There are many things I can be grateful for under each category listed above and more. There are many things in your life you can be grateful for as well, and give G-d praise for His overwhelming love.

Let me challenge you/us to consistently thank G-d for His goodness and His provisions with a heart of love and gratitude. Today, I will be grateful for this day! How about you?


Dr. Dee

Note: Photos – No copyright infringement is intended

First Year …

Well, I finished my first teaching school year in Denver, and approaching my first year living in the Rockies. They call it the Rockies for a reason!  

No…but really, I have enjoyed living in the beautiful state of Colorado for the most part. I have desperately missed family and friends from Georgia, but life in Colorado has been pretty good for me!

My baptism into the school system challenged me to rise above the obvious and explore below the surface. There were days I thought I was going to pack my two dresses and return to Georgia; or just lose my mind at the very least! Many nights my king-size sleigh bed embraced me by 5:30 PM until dawn, and upon waking – realizing …off to work I go!

Many days, I cried, complained, whined and prayed, only to wonder, why I moved to Denver? Teaching was extremely hard! But, thank G-d for friends and family who will put up with the same complaints over and over again. Yet, without the help of Adonai, and His assurance that the move to Denver was His will, I would have lost my mind, my health, my job and anything else in the path of attempting to destroy me.

So, this blog is dedicated to the very Savior, (Yeshua, Jesus) of my soul in this life and the life to come. Adonai, again has shown up and showed out in my life in marvelous ways, and I am truly grateful! He helped and is helping me to get settled in a Shul (Synagogue, Messianic) with wonderful people who embrace a Torah-life style committed to loving G-d, each other, and embracing the salvation of Yeshua as prescribed in the Word of G-d. The love and companionship of those who have accepted me has been life-giving. G-d always knows best…even when we think we know better; and His anticipatory love is surprisingly overwhelming and wonderful!

Yet again, work was extremely challenging at best, as well as tolerable. G-D brought me to the right place to grow as a professional and as a person. My hat is off to the leadership, my teaching partner, and other colleagues. Their support and encouragement helped to make each day a little brighter in the midst of mayhem, rebellion, pain, hurt, good, growth, and noticeable positive accomplishments by the end of the  school year.

This school year’s life lessons have cemented once again the resilience and endurance available to us when we lean on and into G-d’s grace. I am excited that the year is over, but I am grateful for the experience and G-d’s management in my situation and the lives of my students. I could not have done it without Him, and the love from family and friends.

My point… without G-d, the One, True and Living G-d – I am nothing, weak, frail and afraid, and at times – enraged! With G-D all things are possible when we trust in Him, even when I/We are blinded by what seems to be the obvious.


Dr. Dee

Book Review


It’s been a while since I have written, but life has been great, not without challenges, but all is well! I am currently rereading the End-Time Devotional Kiss Me Again, by Jamie Lash. This is one of the most powerful devotionals I have read in sometime, and each day’s reading is a life-giving and life-changing “KISS” from our L-RD!

This book is birthed from 40 years of being kissed by G-d, ministering His love and truth to millions via television, speaking engagements, newsletters and books according to author Jamie Lash. Her interpretation of G-D’s message of love to His Bridegroom is HE is the divine covering for His bride in these last days. Lash’s book explores various verses from the Song of Solomon, and reveals what she believes the L-RD is speaking to His people during these End-Times.

This book is rich with insights, encouragement, and truths in a transparent and realistic way, in order to point the believer to Yeshua in all things; and to ignite and/or reignite  our dependence and devotion to Him.  Lash has decided to use the analogy of an umbrella to demonstrate how G-D covers us with His love, protection and so much more through His Son, Yeshua.

Listed below are the first 5 Umbrellas from Lash’s book.

  1. G-D is present even in the dark times.
  2. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) love is your umbrella.
  3. Yeshua will meet you in the secret place.
  4. Rest. Wait. Trust.
  5. G-D’s watchmen will point you to Him.

Read the book! It is worth the read and each “Umbrella” is deeply explored.  Each day you will be renewed, encouraged and compelled to trust in Adonai (L-RD) with all your heart, to do good, and feed on His faithfulness.

My prayer for us:  Abba, (Father) teach us how to embrace You fully in our lives and to turn our faces, hearts and attention towards You. Help us to remember and walk in Your love and salvation through our Savior, Yeshua all the days of our lives, and keep us close to you. Thank you for being the G-D of love and trustworthiness!


Dr. Dee

Holidays in the Rockies

My first holidays in Denver, CO…High Holy Days, Thanksgiving, and Christmas has been bittersweet, but I am grateful for the experiences and the people I have met, the fun and laughter!

This past Christmas (2017) though I was feeling somewhat lonely, my daughter and her husband made the day so extremely pleasant. I don’t celebrate Christmas in the tradition sense as I celebrate my faith through Messianic Judaism. However, I always enjoy family and friends, and we usually get together on Christmas and celebrate being together. Anyway, it was just the three of us, and we talked, laughed, ate and enjoyed the fruit of the vine. The day was beautiful both spiritually and physically as it had snowed the day before. We enjoyed a “white” Christmas day. My two sons “faced timed” me, so I got to see them and my grandchildren. All in all, the day was very lovely, and I am extremely appreciative for the love of family.

Today, it is still snowing in Denver, and as I sit here writing by my fireplace and gazing out of the window, I am enthralled by the beauty of my surroundings. Denver is a very unique and crowded city, but the beauty of the mountains, the weather, and for the most part, the people makes Denver a great lay-over spot. Why lay-over? Because, I am not sure I want to stay here “forever.” But, for now, my move here has been very beneficial.

Since July of this year, I have gone more places and done more things than I have done in years when I lived in Georgia. I like the Shul where I attend. I have met many pleasant people, and have enjoyed their company. I have found most people to be very friendly and helpful, and I really like welcoming people.

During the Thanksgiving break, my family (mom, nieces, son and grandson) came out for a visit and that was wonderful! I miss them all very much, especially my grandson. While my family was here, we did some sightseeing, and we managed to get up to Red Rocks…totally loved that place and can’t wait to go to a concert there. We ate at a few of my favorite places, shopped , and walked the city of Denver. Again, we had a ball and I can’t wait to see them in the summer!

That’s all I’ve got for now! Have an awesome Holiday and remember to tell someone you love them, while you have a chance.

Just Musing!

Dr. Dee



It’s All New…

So many new and exciting things have happened in my life, which have kept me very busy and distracted from writing.

I moved to Denver, Colorado in mid-July, (2017), so needless to say, I was quite occupied with moving preparations and settling into a new place and job. I am still settling in and getting use to the new area.

So far, I really like most things about Denver, especially the people and the healthy lifestyle. I am excited to see so many families out riding their bikes, walking, running and enjoying all the free events. I also really like the friendliness and helpfulness of the folks I have encountered. I am amazed at so many things to do, and at how many people seem to always be outside. I had the privileged of hiking at Mt. Falcon with the staff at the new school where I will be teaching Literacy. It was the first time in all my career that I have been involved with such a team building activity. It was exhilarating and tiring! I absolutely loved the experience and getting to know the fellow teachers!

I absolutely hate the congestion in the downtown Denver area. Between the traffic and the construction…it’s just not my cup of tea! Freeways are crazy, but so was the traffic in Atlanta. There is a lot of construction, apartments, townhouses etc. to accommodate all the folks moving to this area, and the rents are extremely expensive! I am not really sure why as the salaries are not that high.   I live in an area where there are mostly apartments, condos and townhouses and to my amazement it is still very quiet! I am so grateful to live in such a very pleasant area.

There are so many positive things which have happened to me since moving to Denver, and to try to name them all, I would leave some vital details out. Most of all, G-d’s hand is evident in this move and for that I am eternally indebted to Him for this new adventure. I am excited about the unknown, those hopes and dreams yet realized, and my contributions to this society.

On the flip side, I miss my family very much! I left my mom, my youngest son, grandson, a niece and a grand-niece as well as friends in Georgia. I miss them very much, but I am committed to staying in touch. I also have a son who lives in another country along with his wife and three children, and I miss them as well. Though there is physical distance I carry them daily in my heart, prayers and thoughts!

Like Abraham, I have left the familiarity…

Just Musing!

Dr. Dee


Spring break of 2017 came and went, and I never got to Denver. (Read my earlier post) But now, I am here and enjoying myself with my family. The weather is amazing, the people are friendly, and I am so happy to be in the mile-high city!

My friend-girl drove me to the airport and I flew out of ATL on Southwest and had a very pleasant flight. I met a nice young man, and we chatted most of the way. I spent my first evening walking around downtown Denver. My family lives in the heart of downtown Denver, so we walked the general area and shopped at a couple of stores.

Day 1: My son-in-law took me to 16th Street. We hopped on the FREE shuttle (city type bus) and then we walked for blocks and blocks looking at the sights and chatting away. Today was an awesome first day in Denver, Colorado!

Just having fun! What a blessing to just have fun!

Dr. Dee


Free Gifts of Love

Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.– Tony Robbins

Interesting fact – wealth is not linked to happiness according to the latest research. After accounting for basic needs (food, shelter, and money for the basics), wealth has a relatively small effect on well-being, though many would disagree, the fact remains.

However, in a study undertaken at the University of British Columbia, Professor Elizabeth Dunn observed a much stronger correlation between positive emotions from giving money away than spending it. Interestingly, people with less money derived more happiness from giving money to charity. This fact is exemplified by many people such as the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and is the foundation for many who practice a life of faith. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and the Savior, Himself are most admired for their altruistic nature.

Giving money, giving one’s time and helping others creates feelings of love and happiness for both the giver and the recipient. Data from published documents suggests … volunteers have a lower risk of death than non-volunteers, as well as lower levels of depression and increased life satisfaction and enhanced well-being.

Now, I realize that some of you are skeptical and think this is rubbish. However, giving of money, time and/or resources is an exceptionally spiritual and powerful act which benefits the receiver and the giver.  It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

Myriad numbers of people have made a lasting impression through giving, and in turn, received reciprocation of their love and kindness. In this blog, listed below are gifts of love more precious than momentary gifts and available to everyone who wants to make a positive difference in the life of others.

The Gift of a Smile

A warm smile is the universal language for kindness. William Arthur Ward

Smiling is a universal language of warmth, friendliness and invitation. A genuine smile can literally change the attitude of a downcast person or change a negative situation into a positive one. Smiling costs nothing, but impacts lives beyond the value of dollars and cents. Have you shared a genuine smile today?

The Gift of Actively Listening

Cell phones are like a third hand, an appendage that is attached and constantly monitored for our immediate response. Technology has its advantage to say the least, but technology has also rendered active listening null and void in many situations. Next time you are out, notice couples at dinner, or folks on the bus, train, plane, people standing in line for coffee, or wherever you find people; and notice…what are they doing? Checking their phones, talking on their phones, texting on their phones.

Yet, when we sit down, silence our phones, and look someone in the eyes giving them our complete attention, we are providing a gift of love. We are providing a gift of time, respect, care, and demonstrating that we are a good listener. When was the last time you silenced your phone, and actively listened to the person sitting across from you?

The Gift of Time

Flying time or time flies is a fleeting resource we can never get back. Some of the most rewarding professions are spent giving time to help others, such as doctors, teachers, fire fighters, etc. However, routinely volunteering, conversing with someone who needs counsel or just needs company; spouses spending quality time together outside of arguing and doing the routine things, benefits the giver and the receiver. Giving of one’s time is a vital gift and a gift that will always be remembered. When was the last time you spent quality time with your spouse, child, parent or friend where your time together was the priority and not your cell phone?

The Gift of Sincerity

Insincerity is rampant in our homes, communities and everywhere we find ourselves. Many people have agendas, which only masturbate their narcissistic desires. However, modeling and displaying genuine honor, honesty and strong character is a gift of love to those in your inner circle and beyond. Knowing and being with someone who is sincere is truly a gift of love that makes lasting impressions. How sincere are you, and are you known for being a sincere person of character?

The Gift of True Love

I believe we have been created to love and be loved. It is our highest calling to first love G-d, then others and ourselves. Sensitivity, compassion, and understanding towards others are wonderful gifts of true love. However, tough love is also necessary. Tough love from someone who recognizes a pattern of apathy, failure, especially from a g-dly parent or teacher, etc. requires some constructive feedback in order to grow and change. Someone who has the courage to lovely admonish, truly loves or cares for us and our growth.

Tough love is about seeing the greatness in someone, and encouraging them to reach for their highest potential, instead of wallowing in mediocrity. Tough love requires a response – courage from the giver, and humility from the receiver with a willingness to consider the constructive feedback. Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed. Faithful are the wounds of a friend…Proverbs 27:5-6

We are all capable of giving gifts of love if we choose to walk in kindness and love. We make choices every day as to how we are going to treat others, and thus how others will perceive us based on the gifts of love we display. Let me urge you to share the above gifts on a regular basis and make a difference in the life of the giver and the receiver. Remember, the greatest gift of love is to change oneself. Choose to generously give gifts of love.


Dr. Dee

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2017 Spring Break

Arrived at the Atlanta airport on Thursday, March 30th with every intention on catching a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. I arrived at the airport at 4:15 PM and left the ATL airport at 10:30 PM and returned to my home. All flights were full and I was left behind. Yes, I was a little disappointed, but not discouraged.

Saturday, April 1st arrived at Atlanta airport at 6:00 AM with every intention and desire to catch a flight to Denver, CO on a buddy pass. All flights were full up to 2:00 PM, but I was still hopeful and met someone. We spent the next four hours chatting. It was a very nice meeting and certainly a G-d thing!

At 6:05 PM the flight leaving for Denver, CO as well as the remaining flights until 9:45 PM were full, and again, I was left behind. Yes, a little disappointed, but not discouraged. I called Uber and had a very nice driver. I sat in the front, and we chatted and exchanged cell numbers. It was very pleasant. Secretly, I was a little nervous, because it was my first Uber ride. But, G-d, as always has a way of showing me who is truly in control.

All flights were booked, and only my luggage had a spring break in Denver. So, even though I had every intention and desire to fly out on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, I decided to have my bags flown back to Atlanta on Monday.

On Monday, April 3rd, my mom and I drove to the airport to pick up my bags. Again, on Monday the 3rd I was looking forward to flying to Denver, and a great friend of mine was going to drive me to the airport at 5:00 AM on Tuesday, April 4th.

Monday evening, I received a text that all flights were booked, and there was little chance I would get to Denver on a buddy pass  for the rest of the week. So, I decided to look for a ticket, for the remaining time I would have in Denver.  However, for the amount of the fare, it just did not seem practical for just three days. So, with a positive attitude, I realized that this Spring Break of 2017, Denver would not be graced with my presence. Yet, all was/is not lost.

Many positives came out of this experience as well as some lessons.

Lesson One – forget a buddy pass especially during a high-flying season.  Buy a ticket!

Lesson Two – focus on the positives and look for all the blessings in the midst of what could be very frustrating. (Yet again, a little sad, but never irate or discouraged.) I was determined to be led by G-d, and to focus on where He was leading. I can’t claim to be led by G-d, and then scream at Him when things look opposite of what I desire. Easy? What do you think? I digress…some encouraging things I realized.


  1. Ride to the airport – Thursday afternoon (friend from work)
  2. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM during a horrible thunder storm (son)
  3. Taken back to the airport the next day at 5:15 AM (son) – I live about 45 minutes away from the airport without traffic and bad weather.
  4. Picked up from the airport at 10:30 PM (Very nice Uber driver)
  5. Met someone at the airport and spent 4 hours together, exchanged information, promised to stay in-touch.
  6. Helped by someone else who lives in Denver when I got confused about travel gate
  7. Chatted with a very nice person as we waited for the next flight
  8. Saw a co-worker in the women’s restroom on her way to Florida
  9. Full refund on my buddy pass
  10. All luggage returned from Denver with excellent customer service
  11. Nice outing with my mom when we went to pick up my luggage and glorious weather
  12. Safety
  13. Family/friends checking on me to make sure I was fine

My point, I am going to Colorado, but apparently, this spring break was not the appointed time. So, for the rest of my stay-vacation, fun and rest was on the menu.

And, fun and rest it was!



Dr. Dee

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Dr. Dee