My beloved son, Aaron Nathanael Thompson June 15, 1989 to October 19, 2024
It is 1:53 AM in Central Europe where I am currently staying, and I am particularly sad and missing my son, Aaron. There are so many things I miss about him, but I think the greatest thing I miss is his authenticity.
He was flawed like the rest of us, but he admitted his mistakes and attempted to grow and get better. He was extremely intelligent and would often send me texts or videos about something he learned or found interesting. Aaron was a deep thinker and did not take things at face value. He challenged the status quo and desired to make a creative difference.
It has been a little over two months since his death and oftentimes it still seems unreal. Lately, I I have felt lonely in addition to sadness because he isn’t on this side of Heaven. Sometimes the silence of his absence is deafening and my soul silently weeps even when surrounded by others.
Someone sent me a song which speaks to my mood at this moment, and the lyrics contain the phrases, I wish heaven had visiting hours…If I could visit, I would ask if I could bring you home, but I know the answer and it would be best for you to stay. This is my heart right now. I appreciate the time G-D allowed me to serve as his mom and the time He allowed Aaron to spend with his family, especially his teenage son.
Learn from death…to love people while you can and tell them that you love them, even when they act in unlovable ways. I wish I had told my son every single day or at least every single time we spoke or texted that I loved him.
Today, November 28, 2024 is my first Thanksgiving Holiday living in a different country and not spending it with family, especially my son, Aaron. Aaron suddenly passed away a little over a month ago at the time of this writing and there have been major changes in my life. To say that his death has been a major shift in my entire being is a tragic understatement. I am experiencing so many emotions all at once that many moments throughout the day I do not recognize myself, feel G-D or even care about the things and events around me.
Yet, on the other hand, planned before he died, I am engaged and living in Europe. I am elated about my new life’s adventure and realize this is the path G-D has for me, but I am very sad about my son’s passing and life’s journey without him. Very sad and very happy all at once…go figure!
My son was so many things; very intelligent, complex, deep-thinker, athletic, fearless, creative and bold. However, like all of us, he wasn’t perfect, but he worked on being his best self. He had a relationship with ABBA and I learned many things from Him. I cherish his memory and again, I am grateful to have served as his mom.
His sudden death took all of us by surprise. Yet, I had a knowing when I moved back to GA and purchased a home large enough for him and his family to live with me. Since, his death, I have disposed of all of my things and put my home up for sale without thought or regret.
There are so many things I would like to share with you, but for now, the most important thoughts I have are centered around how grateful I am to have been his mom and a couple of blessings that were realized after his death.
First of all, he indicated on his driver’s license that he wanted to be an organ donor. I had no idea, and as I toiled with honoring his wishes, I was counseled that his desires were an act of kindness. Aaron had been a recipient from an organ donor as a baby and in his death he could give back. I chose to honor his wishes.
Our family had been estranged for a few years and in his death there was reconciliation, harmony and joy. People stepped up in many ways to provide comfort, support, financial gifts, help and more. All the love shown during my son’s passing was very much appreciated.
So even during my pain of grief, I can be grateful for the time G-D allowed Aaron to grace my/our lives and I can rejoice in the memories we shared. So much more…but for now, Shalom.
In Him,
Too well loved to be forgotten… My beloved son, Aaron Nathanael Thompson – June 15, 1989 to October 19, 2024
Human beings are animals, not like dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc., instead, we are uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of the living G-D. All of G-D’s creation was made with His wisdom, His creativity and His unique incomparable touches which are visible for all to see and embrace. However, humans have not only been made through His wisdom, but have been created to house and acquire a portion (a very small portion) of His wisdom, knowledge and understanding in addition to all of the other cognitive properties we possess. Animals are not on the same level as human beings and though they should be treated responsibly, to hoist an animal over another human and/or a relationship is a violation of G-D’s design.
We have been so beautifully created by the Master Creator. Many of us fail to embrace our beauty within the framework G-D has designed to intensify our relationship with Him. He has created us to be vessels of His love, wisdom and understanding. He has created us to be His “tangible” presence in the lives of others. He has created us to worship and adore Him. If we love G-D, we love others and treat both accordingly as the Word directs in Deuteronomy 6:1-9.
We have been taught that our emotions, wisdom, cognitive abilities and understanding are seated in our brains. But, is this really the case? We have also been taught that the brain controls the mind? Hum, does it? Who or what is truly working within us? Is it self only or a combination of good, evil inclinations, the illumination of G-D’s spirit or the disastrous influences of the evil one and the world? Or are we a cosmological array of atoms evolved from some anonymous collaborative litter floundering through this thing we call living? Are we a hunk of dirt with a spirit or are we a spirit housed in clay traveling through life?
I personally believe we have been created and we are wonderfully designed by an uncaused cause who loves us, desires to fellowship and make Himself known to us. I personally believe that though human effort is involved, wisdom and understanding are gifts from G-D and housed in our hearts. I do believe that it is the mind that controls the brain. (A blog for another day.) I believe we have been specially designed to demonstrate who we love and to love others accordingly. And, yes we have a propensity for evil and oftentimes we struggle between doing what is righteous instead of succumbing to that which is evil.
I did a word study on the word heartand I was surprised to learn that of those who have had heart transplants, a significant percentage report not feeling like themselves with different preferences; and some have even said they have felt like another person was living inside of them. These reports have befuddled medical doctors. Huh? Like near death experiences are these accounts true? Can we believe these accounts since they are the words of the recipients. If the heart is the seat of wisdom, understanding or the lack thereof, as well as emotions, is it conceivable that the organ for pumping blood can also be a spiritual/invisibleworking entity person specific? If we are truly spiritual beings having a human experience, then why wouldn’t this be true? But, I digress…
According to the Bible, wisdom is a gift. (Job 38:36, James 1:5) According to the Bible, understanding is a gift. (Daniel 2:21) and G-D has put wisdom in the innermost being of humans and given understanding to the mind of human beings. (Job 38:36) Further, though wisdom and understanding may be bestowed on us to some degree in our inner beings, we should pray for wisdom and understanding in order to be G-DLY led in all manners of life. (Psalm 119:34)
One of the greatest biblical figures was asked by G-D what he wanted, which was almost like a “wish” from G-D. This particular biblical figure asked for wisdom. King Solomon who asked for wisdom so that he might serve the people of G-D, in order for him to discern good and evil. (1 King 3:9) WOW, what a humble leader to look to G-D in order to serve/govern G-D’s people. Did you get that? King Solomon realized his leadership was over G-D’s people [not subjects of his kingdom] and thus he desired to serve G-D by serving G-D’s people justly. Amazingly awesome!
The wisdom of this world is lunacy and contradictory to the purposes of G-D’s will for those who are called by His name. The depth of G-D’s love alludes us and we oftentimes walk circumvent to the dictates of G-D’s instructions. Instead, we clutch onto our narcissistic impulses and the world’s values in self-idolatry, again counterproductive to G-D’s desire for His beloved. We serve a passionately loving G-D whose patience seems endless and gracious. We are bestowed with an abundance of love, grace and mercy each day from our Father and L-RD. Once we get a glimpse of His love, we ought to do better according to His will in all areas of our lives by obeying His commandments.
Wisdom and understanding are gifts from G-D to humans in order for us to use our free will to serve and love Him, and consequently serve and love others. But in all of our knowledge, we need His wisdom and His understanding in order to serve Him in ways that are pleasing to Him. Our idea of good may not line up with HIS idea of good. And, since He is G-D, we might consider learning and applying behaviors which exemplify His will.
Knowledge without wisdom/understanding can be obtained as a cognitive process. We are created to understand basic and/or complex information; and we have a choice for our proceeding actions. Animals can not think analytically, express, evaluate, synthesize and respond accordingly using free will as G-D has proposed for humans. But wisdom, complete understanding and the practical application of “good” over evil is one of the ways we are set apart from the beast of the air and land. The test for the application of G-DLY wisdom, understanding and knowledge is obedience to our Creator, ABBA through our helper, the Rauch HaKodesh (Breath of G-D) according to His Torah.
My point, we do not in my opinion truly get how wonderfully and uniquely we have been created in G-D’s image. We do not fully comprehend how much He loves us and desires to be the priority in our lives, thus why Yeshua came. Yet, conversely, we do not understand the harshness of His wrath at our denial of Him and all He has to offer. Our Father is both loving and just. My tiny glimmers of His love are my hope in this life and the life to come. He is Echad, One, the TRUE living G-D who has provided access to Himself through the love, mercy and authority of Yeshua (Jesus).
Belief in the creation of human beings, our uniqueness and being wonderfully made, as well as living in an aesthetically pleasing environment nullifies the notion that we exploded from a pile of matter. Look around at the beauty and complexity of nature and then consider the beauty and complexity of others and then yourself…we have been undeniably uniquely and wonderfully made. Imagine a world if we truly believed each one of us is uniquely and wonderfully made.
This morning I read the entire book of Colossians, the letter from Yeshua’s Emissary Sha’ul to the Messianic Community in Colossians in the Complete Jewish Bible. As I read through G-D’s words this morning, I was profoundly reminded of the remarkable and incomprehensible love He has for His people. He demonstrated His amazing love through His son Yeshua providing redemption, i.e., the forgiveness of our sins and eternal salvation. Yeshua, who is the visible image of the invisible G-D, is supreme over all creation, and in connection with G-D created all things; those seen and unseen. [Col 1:14-16]
Rabbi Sha’ul wrote an eloquent prayer to the community of faithful believers that is appros for believers in Yeshua today.
Colossians 1:9 Therefore, from the day we heard of it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all the wisdom and understanding which the Spirit gives; 10 so that you may live lives worthy of the Lord and entirely pleasing to him, being fruitful in every good work and multiplying in the full knowledge of God. 11 We pray that you will be continually strengthened with all the power that comes from his glorious might; so that you will be able to persevere and be patient in any situation, joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father for having made you fit to share in the inheritance of his people in the light. [ESB]
Are we praying for each other in the same manner that Sha’ul prayed for the community of Colossians? Are we modeling the profession of our lips in our homes, communities, workplaces, etc.? Do our lives represent fruitfulness and growing in full knowledge of our Master Yeshua? And if not, why?
Prayer, I believe, is one of our spiritual obligations, which draws us closer to the Father, strengthens our resolve, and keeps us focused on WHO is in charge, as well as reminds us of our fragility. I used the word obligations, which might imply a burdensome duty, but really prayer should be a want to, can’t wait to, need to, delightful and fulfilling time of loving and communicating with ABBA.
Prayer is a communication vehicle, which molds and empowers our relationship with HaShem. Prayer is our means of hearing and being equipped by ABBA to do His will. I believe that we must focus on prayer all through the day and night keeping ABBA first and foremost. Yeshua was very clear about prayer prior to His murder on the cross. He told His disciples to always pray to the Father on His merit and authority; and the Father would hear and answer their prayers. [John 16:23-24] Yeshua did not say to pray to Him. We have this same promise as we choose to be faithful to Yeshua and follow His commandments.
I also read an article from the Messiah Magazine, Issue 27, which First Fruits of Zion publishes. In this article which recounted various near-death-experiences, one individual who had an NDE found himself dead and before the throne of judgment. According to the article, the man was surprised by G-D’s mercy towards him. His confusion was resolved when he began hearing the prayers of his community through the angels. After returning to this realm, he related the exact details of the prayers to his community that he never heard before his NDE.
I have read many stories about the experiences of those who have what’s been coined NDE or near-death-experiences, but this was the first one which mentioned the profundity of prayers and actually hearing the prayers of others; and G-D displaying mercy based on the prayers of others for the person unaware. I hope that makes sense? Whether you believe this story or not, I believe our prayers are vital in this life for those we pray for irregardless if they know we are praying for them or not. I believe when we pray according to G-D’s will He answers those prayers according to what He deems is best.
Therefore, as we pray for one another, as well as ourselves, let us pray with eternity in mind, full of love and G-D’s best for each other. Let us pray that we will grow in faith and application as we navigate through this life, and let others see the fruit of our following Yeshua, so they might be drawn to Him.
My prayer for us: May the mediation of our hearts flow from our lips and may others recognize our commitment and love for our Creator and Savior through Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ. May we humbly serve as members of G-D’s Kingdom in ways which please Him. And, when we fail, quickly run to Him with contrite and sincere hearts knowing that He has promised to forgive and restore us. When our faith is weak and the burdens of this life overwhelming, may we ask ABBA for help to walk in the power of our comforter, the Holy Spirit knowing that He will reveal all truth to us and strengthen us. Help us to live demonstrating our love to You, ABBA and others by keeping your commandments. In the name of Yeshua.
Let us not be overwhelmed by fear, but in Him walk in the power of His love and mercy.
June 12 of each year is called Happy Loving Day in the US. This day is about spreading love, but particularly honors the fight of Mildred and Richard Loving, who fought against the laws confining them and everyone else from marrying interracially. Mildred was black and Richard white.
‘The freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the state.’ Supreme Court Decision 1967. []
As a baby boomer, it is difficult to imagine a time when folks could not marry their lover based on skin color. And though I was 11 when the Supreme Court decision was rendered in 1967, it is extremely perplexing to imagine that such a law even existed. [Read more about the Lovings at the link above.]
Today, interracial couples are almost common place in various parts of the country/world as well as seen in various advertisements on TV, movies, social media, etc. However, though some people may stare and/or speak with admiration, envy or disdain, people of different races, religions, and/or ethnic groups, fall in love and decide to marry. Dating and/or marrying someone outside your race can be based on a mutual attraction of love, preference, social environment and more. Yet, couples who choose to date/marry someone of a different ethnic persuasion should not be a concern to anyone. People are free to choose their mates for reasons, which make sense to them at least in some cultures.
My point, our current societal climate seems to pit people of color against white people, particularly white men. In addition, many see “color” in every nook and cranny from the schoolhouse to the jail house; from the Church and to the Synagogue, etc. This playing of the race-card, victimization or just attempting to keep racism at the forefront in America fails to honor the plight, determination and courage of many people who have systematically and personally made a conscious effort to embrace the mantra of Dr. Martin Luther King – “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Instead, some continue to serve up strife and division to perpetuate an anti-love motif.
In some ways it feels like we are traveling backwards to a time of hatred when skin color mattered for many. Skin color is not up for discussion in the womb and nor should it be when the miracle of birth occurs. You enter into this world based on the genetics of your biological parents, but ultimately G-D decides. If we are not annoyed, to put it mildly by our own skin color or the color of someone else, then we find other forms of hatred to masturbate or satisfy our wicked desires to be better or superior to others and this ought not to be. Many times we are unwilling to have conversations about differences under the guise of mutual honor and respect. In my opinion, we should just accept others for who they are and have the courage to discuss differences and/or biases as opportunities avail themselves with a growth mindset. But many times we fail to do this. And, why is this?
Is our society so narcissistic that we fail or refuse to provide for others that which we personally demand? Are we so blinded by our own ideologies that any other opinion is foolishness to our sensibilities? Are we just straight up afraid that the other person may actually be right? Whatever it is that keeps us from truly loving and respecting each other as ourselves needs to go… irrespective of our spiritual beliefs. [Lev. 19:18] We cannot continue to function as a society in a bloodbath of hatred and disdain, strife and division. Otherwise, we sprint to our demise as a society.
Yet, how do we move past our dysfunction of hate and negativity? Our only answer is in the Savior of the world and thus the individual Savior of our souls. Yeshua is willing and able to assist us, if we choose to allow ourselves to be touched by His love and grace. In Yeshua (Jesus) all that we need is met and sustained by Him, even our ability to believe and have faith is a gift from the Heavenly Father through Yeshua. [Ephesians 2:8ff]. The question – are we willing to submit ourselves to His love and authority? Are we willing to love our neighbors?
So, let me circle back to my original thoughts…We celebrated Happy Loving Day on June 12, but how many people really embrace “loving” each other? There are three types of love. We have eros – erotic love; philo – brotherly love; and agape – the love of ABBA (the Father) which is completely unconditional love. [John 3:16-18] Love is a word which requires action and is evident by a product or production with a receiver. One cannot say they love with lacking evidence. One cannot say they love with lack of effort. Love brings about joy, happiness, is not rude, does not rejoice in troubles, is not easily angered, does not keep track of wrongs and does not care about the skin color of a fellow human being. [I Corn. 13: 1-13]
It is my belief that as humans we can never reach the level of agape love and function accordingly. We are imperfect beings who imperfectly represent the image of G-D. However, we can always strive towards brotherly love and be willing to love our neighbors as ourselves; (neighbors include everyone, spouses, ex-spouses and even enemies) and treat each other accordingly. Is this an easy feat…of course not! But in Yeshua all things are possible, starting with our motives and willingness to love and serve G-D as well as others.
Let me encourage us: Today, may we make a conscious effort to see others based on their character and not on their skin color or some other biological feature. But, let us implore the Ruach HaKodesh (Spirit of G-D) to help us see others as He sees us, i.e., needing salvation, love, compassion, understanding, a helping hand and more. Making our world a better place begins with the person in the mirror. Commit to reflect on your image in the mirror and determine to be the best version of yourself in Yeshua.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep your righteous judgments. Ps. 119: 105-106
The noun form of the wordwillaccording to Webster’s dictionary means the mutual ability to decide to choose for oneself; strong desire or determination; a legal document stating how one’s property is to be distributed after death. The verb form of the wordwill, according to Webster’s dictionary, means to bring about by an act, bound to, to decide as by decree, to give or bequeath (to hand down) something in a will. Thus, when we say to ABBA (Father) of all creation that “I will follow”, we are in essence not only speaking an action concerning our choice to obey by decree or decision, but we are declaring our “death”i.e., death to our desires and determinations based on our self-idolatrous nature and desires.
Let me elaborate.
A will, a legal document exercised at someone’s physical death, is the distribution of personal properties and/or possessions. Therefore, as believers in the Most High G-D, once we have accepted the Master, Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ); we are to die to our flesh andwillall of our earthly possessions to him including our loved ones and enemies. Consequently, with the confession of our lips and the belief in our hearts, we have entered into a “legal” relationship with G-D through the blood of Yeshua and sealed by the Holy Spirit. However, legal and binding, covenant is a better term, because covenant means doing your part irrespective of the other person’s behavior. This is very comforting for those of us who know the L-RD, because unlike ourselves, He will never fail or leave us. And, with our best and most loving intentions towards G-D and others, it is impossible for us to walk in G-D’s type of love 24 hours each day. Thus, why we need a Savior!
Dying to the flesh is a conscious moment by moment endeavor and is accomplished via the magnificent inward and outward working of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). [1 Corinthians 6:19; Ephesians 1:13; Titus 3:5] As believers we need the power, guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit because we are weak, frail and our hearts are desperately wicked when we seek to live apart from G-D’s teachings. Therefore, when wewill to do G-D’s will, we must ask the Ruach HaKodesh to assist us in being willing vessels for His purposes. We must have a strong determination to follow the Master regardless of the cost. We must decree to choose Him and entrust ourselves to Him. When we choose to join ourselves with the Master, Yeshua, we will experience Shalom and joy. [Philippians 4:7; Isaiah 35:10; 1 Peter 1:8&9] When we choose the Master, we will never thirst again in a spiritual sense, because we are created to innately know Him. [Matthew 5:6; John 4:14] Instead, we will begin to bask in His presence in this life and more so in the life to come.
G-D chooses to operate through willing believers to accomplish His will on earth. However, we must remember that doing His WILL is an act of our wills. It is a conscious commitment with maximum effort. If we seriously consider the Scripture in Matthew 7:21, Not everyone who says to me ‘L-RD, L-RD’ will enter in the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven; this should propel us to live as obedient servants for our heavenly Father.
Let us remember to willingly lift our hearts and our voices in worship, praise and prayer to the One who has created us. In addition, let our wills exemplify our daily death and burial with the Master, and let us run in the newness of our life in Him. And, when we fail and we will, quickly run to the Father in prayer and ask for forgiveness through our Savior and L-RD, Yeshua.
PRAYER: ABBA, Father lead me up the path of righteousness and I will follow. Father, I join my will, heart, flesh and mind to your will and desires as I walk in the salvation bestowed on me through Yeshua. When I fail, help me to quickly repent and turn from my self-idolatrous ways and focus my will, heart, flesh and mind on You. Help me to walk circumvent before you and others, so that I might please you with my life. I love you L-RD. In Yeshua, I pray.
It is everywhere…Look at some of the sporting events and backs are being turned to the flag during the National Anthem while representing the United States of America! Unbelievable! Leaders in this country declaring that African Americans are still in slavery, oppressed, shackled, poor, mentally incompetent and without hope! Really?! White people are the oppressors and should spend the rest of their lives apologizing for the sins of their forefathers and live in shame and regret just for being white! Really?! Critical race theorists… How woke is this?
Divisiveness is a glaring flare in our society today! We, Americans are divided across all lines in every single area of our lives. We are divided from the white house to the poor house; from the rich to the poor; from the educated to the uneducated; from family members to enemies; from cultures, race, ethnicity, gender, religious persuasion, political affiliation, and the list goes on! Listening to the news and seeing the debacle of this country under the present leadership is exhausting at best and disheartening to say the least. There are few positive words for what we see in current America. But, with G-D…our hope is not in vain.
If you turn away from following Him, He will once more abandon them in the wilderness, and you will destroy all these people” (Numbers 32:15)
Is this verse not apropos for what is happening in America today? As a nation, have we obeyed the teachings of our G-D? Have we not turned away from Him? Have we obeyed Him (the One true and living G-D) from the depth of our souls to our outward appearance displayed to others? What are we doing to show our love and worship to our Creator, Abba? Are we doing anything or are we sitting waiting to be slaughtered like stupid sheep? Do we believe in the verse “…occupy until I come.” (Luke 19:13) Do we even care?
Each of us has to answer the aforementioned questions and more for ourselves. No one can make anyone do anything. However, our apathy for our community/country and others affects each of us. Now, I completely understand biblical prophecy and the things to come in terms of destruction and eventual newness. Biblical prophecy is not the point of this blog.
My premise, we are to do the work of Abba as if He will never return; AND as if he is returning in the next few minutes. Henceforth, when He does return; He is pleased with our service. At the end of the day all that we see around us…political mayhem, death, destruction, poverty, murder, theft, terrorism, human trafficking, etc. are all byproducts of evil. Our job as believers in the most HIGH G-D is to be the salt and light in a dying world and to be actively involved in making a positive difference.
What is our job? (No particular order and a partial list)
Repent and seek the grace, wisdom, direction of the Father
Build a relationship with Abba (Father, G-D) in order to grow spiritually
Speak the truth of G-D’s Word
Get involved…financially, volunteer, write letters, share your gifts
Look and act like you believe in the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
Cast down ungodly fear
Cast down hatred, bitterness, anger and malice – ask for forgiveness
Seek G-D daily and constantly
Do it all again each and every day.
Romans 16:17–18 (ESV): I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our L0rd Christ, (Yeshua the Messiah) but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
Let us not be deceived, lazy, apathetic or walk in self-idolatry. Let us be mindful of the divisiveness nipping at us each day, which attempts to silence our voices and snuff out our witness. Let us choose to walk in the faith and boldness which only comes from belonging to Yeshua (Jesus) and doing G-D’s will. Let us distance ourselves from those who desire to deceive, kill and destroy, but remember to pray for them. (Matt. 5:43)
Prayer: Abba, we worship and adore You because You are worthy of all the praise, glory, honor and more. Thank you for giving us access to You through Your Son, Yeshua and our Savior. Forgive us our transgressions please, and teach us how to live in ways which honor You. Then boldly lead us to accomplish Your purposes for Your glory. As You commanded we lift up our enemies and ask that you destroy their works.
Much love and gratitude towards You Abba for all things. In Yeshua, I pray. Amen.
Today, I lift up Israel because you said in your word to pray for the peace of Israel. (Psalm 122:6) I pray for your Shalom to surround them and keep them safe during their various trials and tribulations as they war with their neighbors. I pray that peace would be their mantra and that they will learn to get along for better living conditions for all.
You are the G-D who sees and knows all things. Move across the land of Israel in a way which defines who YOU are and impacts the communities for YOUR glory. Thank you for listening to my prayer. I love you L-RD!
May your Name be kept holy among your people and your instructions fulfilled without grumbling and whining. May your people who are called by your name cherish you, respect you, obey you and honor you with all their hearts, minds and souls. May your people be the salt and light in the earth as you have demanded; and may you be pleased with the service of your people…for YOU are holy and worthy of all praise, honor and prestige. You are love and there is no one else who touches our hearts, provides and sustains like YOU. You are the G-D of mercy – not giving us what we deserve; and the G-D of grace offering us the gift of forgiveness in Yeshua.
Today, I lift up families, friends and our nation, the USA…please according to your tender mercies…bless, protect,and squash the evil which is seeking to kill, destroy and steal our very existence! In the name of Yeshua I praise you and humbly ask.
Today is National and Global Day of Prayer, September 26, 2020.
Let us pray for our nation today and every day; repent from our wickedness as a nation and individually, which grieves the heart of our Creator, G-D, and Savior of this United States of America and this world.
Let us love one another in spite of our diverse differences!
Let us know and respond accordingly that peace will NEVER come about through violence, but only through repentance and our love first for our G-D and King and then for one another!
Let us look to ABBA (Father, G-D) for all that we need for HIS LOVE IS RUNNING AFTER US TO RETURN TO HIM.