Category Archives: Loving Others


Yeshua is the LIGHT of my life!

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep your righteous judgments. Ps. 119: 105-106

The noun form of the word will according to Webster’s dictionary means the mutual ability to decide to choose for oneself; strong desire or determination; a legal document stating how one’s property is to be distributed after death. The verb form of the word will, according to Webster’s dictionary, means to bring about by an act, bound to, to decide as by decree, to give or bequeath (to hand down) something in a will. Thus, when we say to ABBA (Father) of all creation that “I will follow”, we are in essence not only speaking an action concerning our choice to obey by decree or decision, but we are declaring our “death” i.e., death to our desires and determinations based on our self-idolatrous nature and desires.

Let me elaborate.

A will, a legal document exercised at someone’s physical death, is the distribution of personal properties and/or possessions. Therefore, as believers in the Most High G-D, once we have accepted the Master, Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ); we are to die to our flesh and will all of our earthly possessions to him including our loved ones and enemies. Consequently, with the confession of our lips and the belief in our hearts, we have entered into a “legal” relationship with G-D through the blood of Yeshua and sealed by the Holy Spirit. However, legal and binding, covenant is a better term, because covenant means doing your part irrespective of the other person’s behavior. This is very comforting for those of us who know the L-RD, because unlike ourselves, He will never fail or leave us. And, with our best and most loving intentions towards G-D and others, it is impossible for us to walk in G-D’s type of love 24 hours each day. Thus, why we need a Savior!

Dying to the flesh is a conscious moment by moment endeavor and is accomplished via the magnificent inward and outward working of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). [1 Corinthians 6:19; Ephesians 1:13; Titus 3:5] As believers we need the power, guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit because we are weak, frail and our hearts are desperately wicked when we seek to live apart from G-D’s teachings. Therefore, when we will to do G-D’s will, we must ask the Ruach HaKodesh to assist us in being willing vessels for His purposes. We must have a strong determination to follow the Master regardless of the cost. We must decree to choose Him and entrust ourselves to Him. When we choose to join ourselves with the Master, Yeshua, we will experience Shalom and joy. [Philippians 4:7; Isaiah 35:10; 1 Peter 1:8&9] When we choose the Master, we will never thirst again in a spiritual sense, because we are created to innately know Him. [Matthew 5:6; John 4:14] Instead, we will begin to bask in His presence in this life and more so in the life to come.

G-D chooses to operate through willing believers to accomplish His will on earth. However, we must remember that doing His WILL is an act of our wills. It is a conscious commitment with maximum effort. If we seriously consider the Scripture in Matthew 7:21, Not everyone who says to me ‘L-RD, L-RD’ will enter in the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven; this should propel us to live as obedient servants for our heavenly Father. 

Let us remember to willingly lift our hearts and our voices in worship, praise and prayer to the One who has created us. In addition, let our wills exemplify our daily death and burial with the Master, and let us run in the newness of our life in Him. And, when we fail and we will, quickly run to the Father in prayer and ask for forgiveness through our Savior and L-RD, Yeshua.

PRAYER: ABBA, Father lead me up the path of righteousness and I will follow. Father, I join my will, heart, flesh and mind to your will and desires as I walk in the salvation bestowed on me through Yeshua. When I fail, help me to quickly repent and turn from my self-idolatrous ways and focus my will, heart, flesh and mind on You. Help me to walk circumvent before you and others, so that I might please you with my life. I love you L-RD. In Yeshua, I pray.

In Him and Much Love!

Dr. Dee

Be Not Afraid…

War and Rumors of Wars…but the end is not yet. (Matthew 24:3)

In light of the current events between Ukraine and Russia the times we are living in are continually changing and becoming extremely darker. Evil lurks on every corner, every door post and everywhere people are positioned. And, as hard as it is not to be afraid, that is exactly what we must strive to be and do because of WHO we belong to. 

Life can be very stressful and difficult when we constantly keep our minds and hearts embellished on the mayhem of this world. All areas of our lives will suffer, if we allow the evil of this world to supersede our faith in HaShem. It can be tough, but we cannot allow fear to overtake us as we watch evil, corrupt people attempt to rule and thwart the very liberties G-D has bestowed on us.

My mother recently died and being there to witness her last breath set me on a different trajectory in my approach to life. For many years, I have suffered with abandonment and rejection issues and as a result the one thing I so desired in life has eluded me. However, with her passing and my advanced age, I am realizing more each day that my lack of faith, my fear, and my deep interpersonal issues have hindered my ability to live a fulfilling life as G-D has intended. Ultimately, I am responsible for my response to ABBA and acting on what He has proposed for me. Those whom I have allowed to hurt me were tragic lessons and many years of wasted time wrapped in some happy memories. Now, I still have time to walk in His worth rather than the negative projections of others.

My point, as the adage makes plain, LIFE IS TOO SHORT! We have to stop worrying about all the “things” and choose to live, pray, worship and serve others, because we only have right now.

The families and folks in Ukraine and other war-torn countries or those in areas where extreme weather conditions have devastated their communities did not plan on enduring their current hardships. They are in need of our prayers at the very least. Not to mention the plethora of other calamities, ills, genocides and the list is endless, so it seems.

My encouragement to you, the United States is not exempt from any calamities that could come our way. Therefore, while you have today, prepare spiritually and prepare practically. Enjoy your family, love and forgive them, and put petty matters aside. Folks that have hurt you, choose to forgive them and let go of all bitterness, rage, hatred and malice. These tortuous attitudes only destroy you if you are harboring negative feelings towards others or yourself. I heard Steve Harvey say, holding on to unforgiveness, is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die! Profound – chew on that. 

We are made in the image of G-D and we need to act like it. We need to have an attitude of gratitude and constant worship in our hearts and lips. Live each moment trusting and knowing G-D is our banner and strength. And, if war should come and destroy us all, we will arrive in heaven a little bit sooner.

Be blessed and know WHO you serve. He is the powerful and amazing G-D!

In Him,

Dr. Dee

So What’s Happening

Doc Speaks
My Musings

Mar 5, 2022

So What’s Happening?


It’s been awhile since I have written and life has been full of twists and turns. Yet, by the grace of G-D, I am still here and possibly in my right mind. The pandemic has made all of us  a little or a lot of something and I am no exception. During this pandemic, there was the threat of losing my job – gratefully, I am able to continue working remotely. My mom passed away in December 2021, and  shortly after her death,  my “what I thought” was my forever mate,  abandoned the relationship, which realizing now was best for both of us.  Yet, life keeps moving forward and no time to get stuck in the mud of “woe” is me or sink in self-pity. Yes, healing is vital, but I believe in active healing. More about that in another post.

Most importantly, I have much to be grateful for and this is where I choose to hang my life for G-D to see; and hopefully He will  use me to help others. Today, while it is today, let me encourage you to choose life in ABBA and His way of loving you. Choose forgiveness towards others over bitterness and hatred. Choose goodness and mercy, instead of meanness and pride. Choose humility and meekness, instead of arrogance and domination. Choose agape love, because all roads lead to G-D. We choose either life in Him or separation from Him.

What do you say about what’s happening in your life? Let your heart sing to Him and He will respond. Remember, that which we worship, we become.

In Him,

Dr. Dee

Divisiveness Everywhere

Divisiveness is Destroying America - Renew Democracy Initiative
Photo taken from Google: RDI (Renew Democracy Initiative)

It is everywhere…Look at some of the sporting events and backs are being turned to the flag during the National Anthem while representing the United States of America! Unbelievable! Leaders in this country declaring that African Americans are still in slavery, oppressed, shackled, poor, mentally incompetent and without hope! Really?! White people are the oppressors and should spend the rest of their lives apologizing for the sins of their forefathers and live in shame and regret just for being white! Really?! Critical race theorists… How woke is this?

Divisiveness is a glaring flare in our society today! We, Americans are divided across all lines in every single area of our lives. We are divided from the white house to the poor house; from the rich to the poor; from the educated to the uneducated; from family members to enemies; from cultures, race, ethnicity, gender, religious persuasion, political affiliation, and the list goes on! Listening to the news and seeing the debacle of this country under the present leadership is exhausting at best and disheartening to say the least. There are few positive words for what we see in current America. But, with G-D…our hope is not in vain.

If you turn away from following Him, He will once more abandon them in the wilderness, and you will destroy all these people” (Numbers 32:15)

Is this verse not apropos for what is happening in America today? As a nation, have we obeyed the teachings of our G-D? Have we not turned away from Him? Have we obeyed Him (the One true and living G-D) from the depth of our souls to our outward appearance displayed to others? What are we doing to show our love and worship to our Creator, Abba? Are we doing anything or are we sitting waiting to be slaughtered like stupid sheep? Do we believe in the verse “…occupy until I come.” (Luke 19:13) Do we even care?

Pin on 5 things that define me
Pinterest Pic

Each of us has to answer the aforementioned questions and more for ourselves. No one can make anyone do anything. However, our apathy for our community/country and others affects each of us. Now, I completely understand biblical prophecy and the things to come in terms of destruction and eventual newness. Biblical prophecy is not the point of this blog.

My premise, we are to do the work of Abba as if He will never return; AND  as if he is returning in the next few minutes. Henceforth, when He does return; He is pleased with our service. At the end of the day all that we see around us…political mayhem, death, destruction, poverty, murder, theft, terrorism, human trafficking, etc. are all byproducts of evil. Our job as believers in the most HIGH G-D is to be the salt and light in a dying world and to be actively involved in making a positive difference. 

What is our job? (No particular order and a partial list)

  • Prayers…our families, our country, our friends, our co-workers, our enemies
  • Read G-D’s Word and Believe it
  • Repent and seek the grace, wisdom, direction of the Father
  • Build a relationship with Abba (Father, G-D) in order to grow spiritually
  • Speak the truth of G-D’s Word
  • Get involved…financially, volunteer, write letters, share your gifts
  • Look and act like you believe in the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
  • Cast down ungodly fear
  • Cast down hatred, bitterness, anger and malice – ask for forgiveness
  • Seek G-D daily and constantly
  • Do it all again each and every day.

Romans 16:17–18 (ESV): I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.  For such persons do not serve our L0rd Christ, (Yeshua the Messiah)  but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

Let us not be deceived, lazy, apathetic or walk in self-idolatry. Let us be mindful of the divisiveness nipping at us each day, which attempts to silence our voices and snuff out our witness. Let us choose to walk in the faith and boldness which only comes from belonging to Yeshua (Jesus) and doing G-D’s will. Let us distance ourselves from those who desire to deceive, kill and destroy, but remember to pray for them. (Matt. 5:43)

Prayer: Abba, we worship and adore You because You are worthy of all the praise, glory, honor and more. Thank you for giving us access to You through Your Son, Yeshua and our Savior. Forgive us our transgressions please, and teach us how to live in ways which honor  You. Then boldly lead us to accomplish Your purposes for Your glory. As You commanded we lift up our enemies and ask that you destroy their works.

Much love and gratitude towards You Abba for all things. In Yeshua,  I pray. Amen.


Dr. Dee

Today’s Prayer

Kitchen garden ideas: ways to get started | Homes & Gardens

Dearest Abba,

May your Name be kept holy among your people and your instructions fulfilled without grumbling and whining. May your people who are called by your name cherish you, respect you, obey you and honor you with all their hearts, minds and souls. May your people be the salt and light in the earth as you have demanded; and may you be pleased with the service of your  people…for YOU are holy and worthy of all praise, honor and prestige. You are love and there is no one else who touches our hearts, provides and sustains like YOU. You are the G-D of mercy – not giving us what we deserve; and the G-D of grace offering us the gift of forgiveness in Yeshua.

Today, I lift up families, friends and our nation, the USA…please according to your tender mercies…bless, protect,and squash the evil which is seeking to kill, destroy and steal our very existence! In the name of Yeshua I praise you and humbly ask.



Who is this?

Who is this?

Greater than all

Winds, seas, animals kneel.

Who is this?


Hidden in plain sight

Closer than breath

Breathing in life.

Who is this?

Creation bows

Trees bend

Bushes sway

Waters erect.

Who is this?

Sits on high

Peers below

Earth their footstool.

Who is this?

Sustains all life

Inanimate as well

Manages all

Let’s evil roar.

Who is this?

Prayers are heard

Aromatic, recorded and considered.

Who is this?

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh

Embraces and delivers dirt.

Who is this?

Longs for excellence

Loyalty, faithfulness

Waits through tests

Limited by self.

Who is this?

How long before we know.


Image result for heaven


Let Your Spirit soar

High, low, in-between.

Let Your Shalom embrace 

And comfort the needs.

Let Your Love

Envelope, seal forever.

You are Emperor

You are L-RD 

You are the true Ruler of all.

You are attentive, mindful, compassionate, just.

Righteous, holy and host.

Words are fleeting 

Few if any…

Your Majesty

Your Glory

Your Amor

Your Honor






  Majestic King

Yet, you consider me.


COVID-19 The Blessings…

Praise His Holy Name

Lift Him up and behold the glory of our G-D and King! The head of His family and all the earth. Lift Him up and let His Name reign and be not afraid for He is good and desires to demonstrate His love for each of us.

Why are we so afraid and consumed with the affairs of this world? Oh how we have preoccupied ourselves with the activities of others who hate G-D and His people, especially with the hype and disasters surrounding COVID-19, the election, violence, scandals, and more. 

There are so many commentaries about 2020 that it is hard to keep it all straight, no less who or what to believe. So much more negative than positive to say the least!  Don’t you get tired of the “downers”, “doomers”, “gloomers”, “haters”, “violence-whores” and I’m sure you could add to this list. However, this blog is not about the wretched and the evils which attempt to torment our souls consistently on a daily basis! This blog is about and a reminder of the goodness of our L-RD.

I just want to list some positive personal points about 2020. 

  • If nothing else it has deepened my appreciation for my family and friends. I had the opportunity to see most of them twice this year and that was a true blessing. See, we live in various states and countries, so seeing them was extra special this year.
  • I was blessed to buy a townhouse in the summer and that was a real blessing! I have had lots of homes and lost them all for various reasons. However, G-D blessed me with another home I can call ours…the L-RD’s and mine.
  • I was invited to teach at a middle school after losing my position at an elementary school.  Initially, I was worried and upset about being placed in the right teaching position, but G-D worked things out better than I hoped and prayed for. I am also working at home, so I am grateful that I do not have to commute and I am grateful to work for a principal who believes and honors her staff.
  • Gyms were closed for a while, but they are back open. I put on some “COVID” fat, so I need to exercise. I am so grateful to get out of the house and workout on a regular basis.
  • On Friday nights, friends and myself usually get together for dinner, Torah Study and discussion of social issues. I am grateful that we did not allow COVID-19 to keep us apart and G-D has blessed us and our study for being faithful to Him. We’ve even had several new guests share a meal with us and fellowship.
  • Family Chats have also become part of our norm! We ZOOM from various places in the country in order to stay connected. Seeing family and laughing is so much fun on Zoom. I am grateful for this technology which allows us to interface.
  • My health has been great for the most part this year. I did, however, hurt my knee between the gym and missing the stairs not once but twice. My knee is on the mend, but it has been a process. I am seeing a physical therapist who has really helped me. I appreciate him and the work he is doing. I am grateful.
  • I am also so grateful for more things that I can name including my ability to think, write, read, see, hear, feel, walk upright, laugh, cry and even embrace boredom at times. Also, for all the provisions G-D has afforded me during this past year, including the very special man in my life.

So yeah, just like you I am so OVER COVID-19, but COVID-19 nor the ills of the world will determine my perspective. G-D as always proves He is greater than all the evils and mayhem of this world. We as believers, must believe He is greater and He will be with us always because He loves us.

If you have not received Yeshua (Jesus) as your Savior, L-RD, Redeemer and brother, you are missing out on Salvation and Shalom in this life and the life to come. Asking Yeshua to come into your heart and rule your life does not mean we will not face challenges, but He will always be with us every step of the way listening to our prayers, protecting and guiding us.

Are you ready? Ask Him into your heart today!

Much love,

Dr. Dee


8 Ways Praise Delivers You from Evil

The state of affairs in the United States of America is beyond anything that I could have imagined. Violent eruptions seem commonplace…mayhem, hatred, bitterness, discontent, sickness, loneliness and more. People very close to me are depressed and distraught about the election, the pandemic, isolation, loss of income, loss of life and so much more. On some days, it just seems like life can’t get any worse. 

And, on and on goes the world. What can we do? We are helpless in this evil world without the help of Yeshua. We can pretend, cry, fight, shout and even die hopeless and helpless, if we believe the lie; we can overcome anything without our Savior. We must depend on Him for our strength, protection through His love and goodness. 

If you haven’t noticed, this world is extremely dark. It is easy to become wrapped up in the ungodly affairs spread via the media. It is easy to worry and fret and forget about living purposefully. It is so easy to focus on the diabolical and forget that in spite of the wretchedness which surrounds us, G-D is still on the throne, and very aware of all that has attempted to imprison our minds. He knows and understands better than we do, though we question His thinking…at least I do.

However, regardless of my thoughts as inaccurate as they may be, I still trust and love the L-RD and desire to please Him. I get scared, worried and depressed about the state of this world like many others. But, I attempt to keep my focus on His promises and not on the lies and the monstrous happenings in this country, which are trying to kill, steal and destroy us. Is it easy…you know it isn’t! It is a process…an arduous process!

Now there are folks much greater than me who are praying for this country and the leaders we find ourselves stuck with. We all must join in praying and repenting, as we seek a miracle and a life-stay from our Creator.  We cannot entertain the thought that we can continue to submerse ourselves in national odious behaviors or personal vileness, and think that G-D will be down with that! I think not!

G-D, Yeshua, I truly believe loves us more than our limited brains and hearts can even fathom. Yet, He is just and His patience with our foul living cannot/will not be tolerated indefinitely by Him…remember the epic about Noah and the Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah?

So, what is the answer…keep our eyes on the L-RD and listen to Him. Be sensitive to His leading and instruction and know that evil has already failed. G-D is our Ruler King and His WILL will prevail. Stand in faith and when all else fails, STAND… STAND FIRM…Ephesians 6:13.

Much Love,

Dr. Dee

It's Time To Take A Stand! | Anne Graham Lotz - Angel Ministries