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A Good Seal…

Yom Kippur – the last reflection from our worship community. Again, the basic ideas of this reflection were taken from AISH and compiled by one of our community leaders.

Create in Me A Clean Heart Oh Adonai and Renew a Right Spirit Within Me

Psalm 51

Read Psalm 27 Daily


Al Chet Prayer

The Goal of Al Chet Is to Get to The Root of the Problem.  To become more like Yeshua and to become conformed to His image and Torah is a process, it does not happen overnight.  The key is never to give up, because He does not give up on us.  We are all under construction and a work in process and this is the time to do spiritual house cleaning.

We are now in the last of the 10 days of awe, a time to measure our spiritual growth and make amends where needed prior to Yom Kippur.

My Spiritual Annual Review Days of Awe Day 10:


“All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him.” (Isaiah 53:6)

Looking back over the past 40 days, I can rejoice because of the Ruach HaKodesh’s leading and correcting in my life areas that are contrary to what I desire and contrary to His Word.  Looking back over the last 40 days, I need to agree with (confess before) God certain issues in my life.  In the next year, I need to overcome temptations in my life that have held me captive.  I will commit to have my leadership or someone I trust to hold me accountable for my actions in the next year.

#40. For the sin we have sinned before You in the matter of extending a hand;

And for the sin we have sinned before You through confusion of heart.



I want to end with ‘Confusion of the Heart” because all sin is a heart issue.  We need to look deep into our hearts and ask God to heal us from all issues within our hearts that have caused us to sin.  Many of these issues stem from a wounded heart that needs to be healed.

There are almost 800 verses in The Bible that deal with the heart.  From the very beginning when sin entered through disobedience – Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

The whole point of the 40 days of Teshuvah is:

Ps. 139:23, 24:  Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

The Good News is He wants to heal the wounds within us if we will let Him.  Thank G-d for providing Atonement for ALL of our sins through the blood of Yeshua our Messiah.

Is. 53:5:  But he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises we are healed.

40a. For the mistakes we committed before You in extending the hand.

Ask yourself:  Have I withheld from touching things that don’t belong to me?  Have I stretched forth my hand to the poor and the needy?  Have I joined hands with wicked people?  Have I extended my hand to help in community projects?

40b. For the mistakes we committed before You through confusion of the heart.

The Sages tell us that ultimately all mistakes stem from a confusion of the heart.  This is why on Yom Kippur we tap our chest as we go through this list of “Al Chets.”

Ask yourself:  Have I not worked out issues because of laziness?   Have I made mistakes because I emotionally did not want to accept what I logically knew to be correct?  Have I properly developed my priorities and life goals?

In Him,

Dr. Dee

Al Chet

Shalom Everyone,

We have been reflecting on our walk with HaShem during these 10 days of awe and on Monday, 9/25 is Yom Kippur – The Day of atonement. One of our congregational leaders has been sending daily reflections taken from Aish as encouragement for us to look inward. Our inward reflection is a way to examine what we need to work on in the coming New Year. As believers in Yeshua, we know we are dependent on Him to shed light on the dark areas within our hearts and to assist us in growing to be more like Him in order to please Abba. Below is one of the many reflections we received. I hope you will be blessed by the encouragement.

Create in Me A Clean Heart Oh Adonai and Renew a Right Spirit Within Me

Psalm 51

Read Psalm 27 Daily

Al Chet Prayer 

The Goal of Al Chet Is to Get to The Root of the Problem.  To become more like Yeshua and to become conformed to His Image and Torah is a process, it does not happen overnight.  The key is never to give up, because He does not give up on us.  We are all under construction and a work in process and this is the time to do spiritual housecleaning.

#27. For the sin we have sinned before You through haughtiness/arrogance.

Definition of haughtiness:  Webster’s 1828 Dictionary:  HAUGHTINESS, n. haughtiness.  The quality of being haughty; pride mingled with some degree of contempt for others; arrogance.

Isa. 2:11:  The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

When you look up scriptures referring to haughtiness, it always refers to those who are rebellious against G-D and His Ways and contempt for His people.

Jer. 48:29:  We have heard the pride of Moab (he is exceedingly proud), his loftiness, and his arrogance, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart.

Haughtiness is a form of pride as well.

Prov. 8:13:  The fear of the LORD is to hate evil:  pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the forward mouth, do I hate.

Prov. 11:2:  When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

Prov. 13:10:  Only by pride cometh contention:  but with the well advised is wisdom.

Prov. 14:3:  In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride:  but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.

Prov. 16:18:  Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

So what is the “cure” for haughtiness, arrogance and pride?

Humility:  Definition of Humility – YESHUA

Phil. 2:8:  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

James 4:10:  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

1 Pet. 5:5, 6:  Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder.  Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility:  for G-D resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.  Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of G-D, that he may exalt you in due time;

Matt. 18:4:  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

To walk in humility is to die to SELF or the ME, ME, ME, I, I, I syndrome.








Matt. 23:11:  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Matt. 23:12:  And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

28. For the mistakes we committed before You by being arrogant.

The trait the Torah uses to describe Moses is “the humblest man.”  Humility is a key to spiritual growth, because it allows us to make room in our life for other people – and for G-D.

Ask yourself:  Have I made others feel lowly in order to raise myself higher?  Do I dress and speak in a way that draws extra attention to self?  When walking through a door, do I usually go first, or let others go first?

In Him, 

Dr. Dee

Good Husbands…

Sometimes we feel …

Recently, I read an article titled Why are all the good husbands already taken? The article was pretty interesting and thought worthy for all the single ladies out there who might be asking themselves the same question. 

As the article stated there is a dating paradox: Why are all the good guys taken? Why are my friend’s husbands such amazing people and the guys a lot of us meet/date all seem to be missing something? What is that something? 

According to the article, all the good guys are not taken. Being in love, loving someone and being loved by someone brings the best out in us. Have you ever noticed that especially in the beginning of a relationship? The individuals have a certain glow and even look better. I have noticed this glow or radiance in men who are loved and giving love. Their countenance is beautifully transformed. So, according to the article a guy in a loving relationship does have something that available guys do not have… and that is someone to love.

G-D created us to be in loving and harmonious relationships with each other, but especially our spouses. G-D stated in Genesis, it is not good for man to be alone. (Gen. 2:18) Therefore until our hearts are massaged by true love, first by G-D and then a loving mate, it can appear as if all the good husbands or men are taken. The human soul is meant to open up and connect with someone else. And, yet the human soul has to desire to live and love another.

Loving someone brings out the best in us. We feel alive, more vivid and our personalities blossom. It feels amazing to be loved and in a relationship that is mutually satisfying. In a loving relationship, especially a g-dly one, we feel free, more confident, content, beautiful and complete. On most days, the world seems wonderful and our marriage is our home. Remember, a harmonious, g-dly, loving relationship is the focus of this blog. 

Obviously, we can share love with family and friends, even our enemies; but until we find that special someone, we are incomplete. When a biological male and a biological woman come together in the wisdom of the Creator, it is then they can begin the process of reflecting the image of G-D to each other and those around them.  It is imperative to remember that we are created in the image of G-D. Loving each other is a form of loving Him.

Remember, you can’t shop for a vehicle in someone else’s garage or shop for a dining set in someone else’s dining room. Nor can you expect someone to allow you to use their debit card to pay your monthly bills and expenses. (Exodus 20:17) And, you can’t compare the guys you date to your friend’s husbands, i.e., g-dly husbands. 

Instead, be your best self and recognize some single men are incomplete without someone to love, just like you might feel incomplete without someone to love. In the meantime, set your standards high and stick to them; and live life to the fullest as you wait and desire a mate. Give your loneliness to the L-RD and prayerfully, your wait won’t be too long.


Dr. Dee

Friend or Foe?

We normally think of blood being thicker than water, especially when it comes to family. We hear the adage that family is the most important investment; they are the main ones we can depend on though we know this is not always the case. In Proverbs 18:24 it teaches that Some “friends” pretend to be friends, but a true friend sticks closer than a brother. (CJB) Another translation: Friends can destroy one another, but a loving friend can stick closer than family. (GW)

This Scripture emphasizes the devastation of a fake friend  and the profundity of being the type of friend that exemplifies stick-to-it-ness. This brief blog attempts to look at the latter portion of Proverbs 18:24 in relation to those we call “friends”. We all have folks in our lives we consider friends. What is your definition of a friend? Let’s consider…

Some of us have virtual friends…FaceBook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter or whatever other social media platforms you might find entertaining and/or fulfilling. Some of our friends are work-buddies, gym-buddies, synagogue-buddies, church-buddies, bar-buddies, shopping-buddies, neighbor-buddies, and the list goes on. Some people have folks around them as the Scripture suggests that just want to be with others for the sake of stroking their egotistical cravings and/or maybe to receive some tangible rewards. However, what is a true friend? I described types of friends, but what are the characteristics of a true friend? This Scripture brings up jarring points. One, some friends just want to destroy others or are not true friends…posers; and two, there is a loving friend who is more loyal than family.

He has called us to be fishers of men.

How many people can stand and say, I have a friend who is more loyal than my family, my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother? Who can truly say this about any human being, other than Messiah, Himself? I know folks who claim this to be true. They have people in their lives who are closer and more loyal than their “blood” family members or their spouses for that matter. And, though I find this commentary astonishing and disheartening, I am not surprised. Assuming this statement is true, practically speaking as believers we are called to be friends to others. Therefore, what should our response include?

Obviously, as followers of Messiah, we live the best we can to be loyal family members as well as loyal friends. There is no competition between the two. We can be loving moms, dads, sisters, brothers, etc. and at the same time be loving friends to those we love who are not related to us by blood. Call me crazy, but I am a staunch believer that our hearts are big enough to love a lot of folks at various times in our lives, and then all at once, and into the future. There is room to love all, not necessarily loyal to all for obvious reasons, but the ability to love and care for others, and then to be the friend you want others to be to you…this is a worthy possible feat. This is the biblical principle of the golden rule.

 I just finished reading the letter to the Colossians and it is one of the richest letters in the Bible which exhorts us to practice our faith. The depth of this letter from Shaul to the Messianic Community in Colosse is beyond this blog. However, the following verses summarize the practical application of our faith, the kind of friend/person we should be and more.

Colossians 1:9–11 — G-D’S WORD Translation (GW)

9 For this reason we have not stopped praying for you since the day we heard about you. We ask ⸤G-D⸥ to fill you with the knowledge of his will through every kind of spiritual wisdom and insight. 10 We ask this so that you will live the kind of lives that prove you belong to the L-RD. Then you will want to please him in every way as you grow in producing every kind of good work by this knowledge about G-D. 11 We ask him to strengthen you by his glorious might with all the power you need to patiently endure everything with joy.

The richness of these verses are slathered with practical application on how we should live as a friend, family member and/or responsible g-dly person. We should be praying, filled with the knowledge of His will, live lives pleasing to the Father in order to prove we belong to Him and strengthened by Him to endure with joy all that this life has for us. Our lives must be bathed in Him so that we can be a true and righteous friend. In addition, as we allow ourselves to be filled with His Will, we fulfill the commandment to love others as we love ourselves practicing forgiveness, honesty, bearing great fruit, exemplifying who we are in Messiah as G-D’s Holy Spirit directs. 

So, let me challenge you (me as well), as 2023 is fast approaching to examine yourself, your loyalties to others and your growth in the Messiah. Ask yourself, where are your commitments to your friends on the Richter scale so to speak? What harmony and g-dly-gifts do you bring to the table of being a fantastic friend? Are you an example of a possible worthy feat? Are you the friend you would want someone else to be to you? Can folks see and hear G-D’s heart emanating from you?

Figure it out, do what is required to show your heart to those you claim you love; but more importantly, be the example of who you claim to serve. Do it unto the glory of G-D and be that loyal friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister. 

That’s all I’ve got!

In Him,

Dr. Dee

Zeal for Life

Click on the link below to learn more about this outstanding product I have been drinking for many years. If you have questions, email me at

Never Oblige Want…NOW

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the fall colors, crisp cool breeze and the roar of burning wood crackling in the fireplace. I enjoy gatherings with family, friends and the laughter we share. The beauty of this season is a blessing; but, today, I miss my mom. 

Thanksgiving was always about spending time with family and friends. As a kid, we had huge traditional turkey meals, laughter and fun! Thanksgiving was a time when we expressed how grateful we were for all the L-RD had done for us; and it was time to relish in those blessings and squash family squabbles. Yet, as time went on, holidays with family and friends changed. Life experiences either interfered or destroyed some of the precious times as the years progressed.

As I am writing this blog, my heart is heavy because I am not only missing my mom, but other members of my family who have passed from this life. And, honestly, I am just lonely for them. I spent a good part of this morning just reminiscing about some of our times together both wonderful and not so wonderful. Last year this time, I was with my mom while she was in hospice and though it wasn’t a traditional Thanksgiving, she was still on this side of heaven and we chatted and laughed together. Sometimes, I just wish I could talk to her. 

Yet, even in my sadness today, I am extremely grateful for all ABBA has done for me and my family through Yeshua. He has done more for me than I deserve, and I am humbled by His great love. And, though I do not have any family in the state I am currently living in, I have friends who care about me and that helps tremendously when I am feeling down like today. But more importantly, I do not weep as someone without hope. And, I am grateful for the comfort of the L-RD.

Anyway, the point of this blog, love folks while you can. Hold on to the people who matter. Make time for each other and tell folks how much you love and care for them while they are in your midst. Don’t assume folks know how much you love and appreciate them. You know what they say about assuming.

Let me encourage you…get over yourself and let stupidity and bitterness go. Get over differences because soon and very soon they… and then you will be gone. Enjoy your family and friends like never before as if this is your last day together. 

We only have now. What does your now look like?

Enjoy your holidays!

Dr. Dee

Uniquely and Wonderfully Made…

Human beings are animals, not like dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc., instead, we are uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of the living G-D. All of G-D’s creation was made with His wisdom, His creativity and His unique incomparable touches which are visible for all to see and embrace. However, humans have not only been made through His wisdom, but have been created to house and acquire a portion (a very small portion) of His wisdom, knowledge and understanding in addition to all of the other cognitive properties we possess. Animals are not on the same level as human beings and though they should be treated responsibly, to hoist an animal over another human and/or a relationship is a violation of G-D’s design. 

We have been so beautifully created by the Master Creator.  Many of us fail to embrace our beauty within the framework G-D has designed to intensify our relationship with Him. He has created us to be vessels of His love, wisdom and understanding. He has created us to be His “tangible” presence in the lives of others. He has created us to worship and adore Him. If we love G-D, we love others and treat both accordingly as the Word directs in Deuteronomy 6:1-9.

We have been taught that our emotions, wisdom, cognitive abilities and understanding are seated in our brains. But, is this really the case? We have also been taught that the brain controls the mind? Hum, does it? Who or what is truly working within us? Is it self only or a combination of good, evil inclinations, the illumination of G-D’s spirit or the disastrous influences of the evil one and the world? Or are we a cosmological array of atoms evolved from some anonymous collaborative litter floundering through this thing we call living? Are we a hunk of dirt with a spirit or are we a spirit housed in clay traveling through life?

I personally believe we have been created and we are wonderfully designed by an uncaused cause who loves us, desires to fellowship and make Himself known to us. I personally believe that though human effort is involved, wisdom and understanding are gifts from G-D and housed in our hearts. I do believe that it is the mind that controls the brain. (A blog for another day.) I believe we have been specially designed to demonstrate who we love and to love others accordingly. And, yes we have a propensity for evil and oftentimes we struggle between doing what is righteous instead of succumbing to that which is evil.

I did a word study on the word heart and I was surprised to learn that of those who have had heart transplants, a significant percentage report not feeling like themselves with different preferences; and some have even said they have felt like another person was living inside of them. These reports have befuddled medical doctors. Huh? Like near death experiences are these accounts true? Can we believe these accounts since they are the words of the recipients. If the heart is the seat of wisdom, understanding or the lack thereof, as well as emotions, is it conceivable that the organ for pumping blood can also be a spiritual/invisible working entity person specific? If we are truly spiritual beings having a human experience, then why wouldn’t this be true? But, I digress…

Estes Park, CO

According to the Bible, wisdom is a gift. (Job 38:36, James 1:5) According to the Bible, understanding is a gift. (Daniel 2:21) and G-D has put wisdom in the innermost being of humans and given understanding to the mind of human beings. (Job 38:36) Further, though wisdom and understanding may be bestowed on us to some degree in our inner beings, we should pray for wisdom and understanding in order to be G-DLY led in all manners of life. (Psalm 119:34) 

One of the greatest biblical figures was asked by G-D what he wanted, which was almost like a “wish” from G-D. This particular biblical figure asked for wisdom. King Solomon who asked for wisdom so that he might serve the people of G-D, in order for him to discern good and evil. (1 King 3:9) WOW, what a humble leader to look to G-D in order to serve/govern G-D’s people. Did you get that? King Solomon realized his leadership was over G-D’s people [not subjects of his kingdom] and thus he desired to serve G-D by serving G-D’s people justly. Amazingly awesome!

The wisdom of this world is lunacy and contradictory to the purposes of G-D’s will for those who are called by His name. The depth of G-D’s love alludes us and we oftentimes walk circumvent to the dictates of G-D’s instructions. Instead, we clutch onto our narcissistic impulses and the world’s values in self-idolatry, again counterproductive to G-D’s desire for His beloved. We serve a passionately loving G-D whose patience seems endless and gracious. We are bestowed with an abundance of love, grace and mercy each day from our Father and L-RD.  Once we get a glimpse of His love, we ought to do better according to His will in all areas of our lives by obeying His commandments. 

Wisdom and understanding are gifts from G-D to humans in order for us to use our free will to serve and love Him, and consequently serve and love others. But in all of our knowledge, we need His wisdom and His understanding in order to serve Him in ways that are pleasing to Him. Our idea of good may not line up with HIS idea of good. And, since He is G-D, we might consider learning and applying behaviors which exemplify His will. 

Knowledge without wisdom/understanding can be obtained as a cognitive process.  We are created to understand basic and/or complex information; and we have a choice for our proceeding actions. Animals can not think analytically, express, evaluate, synthesize and respond accordingly using free will as G-D has proposed for humans. But wisdom, complete understanding and the practical application of “good” over evil is one of the ways we are set apart from the beast of the air and land. The test for the application of G-DLY wisdom, understanding and knowledge is obedience to our Creator, ABBA through our helper, the Rauch HaKodesh (Breath of G-D) according to His Torah.

My point, we do not in my opinion truly get how wonderfully and uniquely we have been created in G-D’s image.  We do not fully comprehend how much He loves us and desires to be the priority in our lives, thus why Yeshua came. Yet, conversely, we do not understand the harshness of His wrath at our denial of Him and all He has to offer. Our Father is both loving and just. My tiny glimmers of His love are my hope in this life and the life to come. He is Echad, One, the TRUE living G-D who has provided access to Himself through the love, mercy and authority of Yeshua (Jesus).

Belief in the creation of human beings, our uniqueness and being wonderfully made, as well as living in an aesthetically pleasing environment nullifies the notion that we exploded from a pile of matter. Look around at the beauty and complexity of nature and then consider the beauty and complexity of others and then yourself…we have been undeniably uniquely and wonderfully made. Imagine a world if we truly believed each one of us is uniquely and wonderfully made.

Musings in Him,

Dr. Dee

A Short Prayer

The Handiwork of G-D

Dearest Abba,

May your Name be kept holy among your people and your instructions fulfilled without grumbling and whining. May your people who are called by your name cherish YOU, respect YOU, obey YOU and honor YOU with all their hearts, minds and souls. May your people be the salt and light in the earth as you have demanded; and may you be pleased with the service of your people…for YOU are holy and worthy of all praise, honor and prestige. You are love and there is no one else who touches our hearts, provides and sustains like YOU. You are the G-D of mercy – not giving us what we deserve; and the G-D of grace offering us the gift of forgiveness in Yeshua.

Today, I lift up families, friends and our nation, the USA…please according to your tender mercies…bless, protect, and squash the evil which is seeking to kill, destroy and steal our very existence, in the name of Yeshua I humbly ask. You have also commanded that we pray for our enemies, so ABBA may our enemies be moved to graciousness and resolution with others as they see your light and hear your beckoning.

Today, I also lift up Israel because you said in your word to pray for the peace of Israel. I pray for your Shalom to surround them and keep them safe during their various trials and tribulations as they war against their neighbors. I pray that lasting peace will be realized for better living conditions for all. 

As you know, there are wars all over the world and rumors of wars; famine, disease, and all sorts of devastating situations. And, though I fail to comprehend all the matters which are heart wrenching, I trust in YOU because you are still in charge and handling these situations as you see fit. However, I pray that you would aggressively move to bring healing, peace, forgiveness and more according to your will in the name of Yeshua. May your Kingdom come!

You are the G-D who sees and knows all things. Please move across the land of Israel, USA and the world in ways which defines who you are and impacts people for your glory. Thank you for listening to my prayer. I love you L-RD!

In Him,

Dr. Dee