Can’t do FEAR…

In response to the shooting at STEM School in CO, May 7, 2019.

Yesterday a friend from CA asked if I was afraid to go to work everyday. Did I worry about shooters at my school? My response… No! Occasionally the thought may come across my mind, but I do not wake up and asked myself, “Will I be shot today or will one of my students, co-workers, etc. be a victim or a perpetrator? No! At the end of the day, my coming, going and/or staying is in the protection of G-D.

I can’t and will not carry the burden of worrying about someone viciously attacking me or my students, or (my children or grandchildren) each day! If I did this, I would not be an effective teacher. I would go crazy without a ticket back to sanity!

Needless to say, I am extremely sadden by the attack on our youth. I am grieved by yet… another shooting… another fatal victim… other victims who have endured physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological trauma. Each school shooting shatters our community in negatively immeasurable ways… nationwide with a long road to some semblance of recovery. As an educator my heart aches, my heart doesn’t comprehend.

As a mom and grandma, I can’t imagine the horrific grief of his parents, grandparents and others who loved and will miss him. My prayers and sincere condolences go out to them! He was a Superhero … no greater love than a man who would lay his life down for another. Someone else did this for us! Someone greater and waiting for all to call upon Him.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

The Crazy One

Recently, I spoke with someone I occasionally see in the lobby of my school. We began talking and before the end of the conversation, she announced to me eyeball to eyeball, “I was crazy!” Let me explain…

This woman, let’s call her Mary asked me what sign (astrological) I was born under…I hesitated and gave her nothing and then she asked when was my birthday. I told her. She proceeded to tell me essentially, I was a horrible person based solely on my birthday. I attempted to try and explain to her that she didn’t even know me, and that was not true… to no avail.  Mary explained why she thought I WAS horrible based on my zodiac sign. Supposedly, some man she was involved with had left her after she spent over $2000.00 on him; and committed all sorts of atrocities against her. As I was “listening” and walking away, she proceeded to announce in the office of my school that “I was crazy!” Wow…I thought! This woman doesn’t even know me, and yet I am being judged by my birthday according to astrological explanations; and by what some old boyfriend did to her! Hum…needless to say…I was baffled and amazed at this woman’s brazen attitude and commentary without cause.

This is my crazy look day! See those eyebrows?

So, after doing some personal reflection, I concluded that she is probably the crazy one and truly has the problem. Yet, on a very serious note, her attitude towards me, a stranger to her was a vivid reminder of the biases, hatred, and “isms” we have towards one another based purely on some superficial and/or supposed demonic belief system. Not to mention, that the Bible is clear on consulting mediums (witchcraft, astrology, etc.) as the source of our knowledge, forecasting the future and/or navigating through this life.

Therefore, let me encourage all of us to take time to get to know others, basing our beliefs about them on their character, and not the superficial matters which divide and conquer. Our society is so hell-bent on keeping us divided that we sometimes blindly judge others based on stereotypes or lies we read according to the zodiac system, fake news media or some other medium. If you get a chance, follow the link for a short and excellent read on the subject of astrology,

G-D has called us to love Him, others and ourselves; and when we judge, ridicule, condemn, and hate on others, we miss the mark of loving others by leaps and bounds.

Just saying!

Dr. Dee

Need make-up:

Trusting…It’s Hard!

G-D’s Doing

Last week schools were shut down in the Denver area, because a woman threaten schools with violence. I was livid at the insanity of this threat, and how it affected our students who live in a world saturated with violence. I was also sadden by her avoidable death. However, our children are the targets of senseless destructive activities; and on all days, it is difficult to hear and see the results of viciousness on our youth – all people.

I remember a time when school shootings were unheard of and the violence within schools was due to scuffles between students and/or teachers; and maybe some carnage from an outside force due to racial disparity. 

Yet, in today’s society, violence, shootings, and mayhem seem par for the course. I am overwhelmed with the evil and sickness in the hearts of those who choose to wreak havoc on others. I am convinced that we are living in extremely dark times, because of the wretchedness which we see and hear over the air-ways constantly. However, even though I seethed with anger and my heart is broken over the pandemonium in today’s society; I attempt to embrace G-D’s Word that He is completely and totally in charge. Honestly, I struggle with that notion…and I’m surprised that He has not wiped us all out!

Still, the Bible is clear…G-D’s thoughts, ways, and love are beyond our human understanding, and in spite of my limited perspective, I am not in charge, and I lack the clarity on the various situations throughout society. If one espouses the Bible, then we have to believe that G-D has this, and will soon redeem his people from the madness of this world. We have to believe in our FAITH (Yeshua, Jesus), even when we do not feel, understand or get angry about those things we can’t change or perceive. We have to endorse the notion that G-D’s love, mercy and grace are depended on His design for His purposes. He uses ALL things for His glory.

Above all things, I believe in G-D the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and I desire with all my heart to have a place in His Kingdom, now and in the life to come. Yet, as a temporal human being, my heart is troubled by the violence and dooms-day activities we all see and experience on a daily basis. I just don’t get why people act the way they do, and treat others with contempt. Now, I know the source of evil, but people always have a choice to do good or to do evil. We have been given so much by our Creator. Yet, many of us act like spoiled, contemptuous, ungrateful brats! Actually, we are all guilty of acting like brats at one time or another! We are without excuse for G-D has created us to innately know Him and to choose Him over all others.

Nonetheless, we fail in many ways, overtly and covertly! Why? Because we are limited, frail and sinful people. We need a Savior! And, G-D in His love and wisdom…sent Yeshua, so that we might receive His bloody sacrifice in our place, and live according to His commandments. So, though I don’t get G-D’s plans most of the times, my job is to trust and realize that even though I feel anger by the saturation of evil in our society; I have to trust and believe He truly does have the WHOLE WORLD in HIS HANDS and He’s got this! My job as His daughter-servant is to believe, trust and obey…I’m always working on all three.

Just saying!

Dr. Dee

Note: Pray for the believers who are being slaughtered throughout this world because of their faith. Pray that the evil will be snuffed out and that there will be Shalom in Israel, America and the world. 

G-D Bless!

2 Adams

A message by Alan H Johnson

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Shalom! Dr. Dee

Truth Vs Unity

The older I get the more I am shocked about the idiocy of society and its hell-bent ideas on truth.  Recently I was watching a video which spoke to Truth Vs Unity and the narrator’s comment suggested that the two cannot coexist. Truth in his opinion cannot coexist with unity, because truth is relative which leads to separatism. But is truth relative?  What is truth? Whose truth?

Truth from a biblical perspective is based on what G-D has declared. And… I realize there are certain tenets that various folks choose to disagree on as it pertains to what G-D said and/or meant. But, at the end of the day, G-D’s Word still stands as true today, as it did when He first spoke His decrees to Moses. So, the problem in my opinion is not about truth versus unity, the problem is in defining truth and defining unity in order to understand the correlation between the two or the “unity” between the two. But again, this is even relative… each person must decide where their standard of truth stems.

Truth according to some is relative. Truth varies from person to person, from situation to situation, circumstances to circumstances. Truth is selective, and inclusive according to some and may originate from experiences, philosophy, psychology, astrology, various spiritual writings and more. Truth bubbles from the depths of religious ideologies or the lack there of.

Unity according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means the quality or state of not being multiple: oneness; a condition of harmony. But, what does that mean? Has unity also become a relative term in our society?  Can we be united and yet think differently or independently? Should my thinking impose my truth on another or can I still live in unity with others, live the truth of my convictions?

I certainly don’t have a pleasing universal answer, because society has aggressively moved away from biblical teachings; and many march to the beat of their own reasoning and thinking. Unfortunately, the Body of Messiah has divergent beliefs on truth and unity as well. Therefore, my beliefs, opinions, dogma is and will be frowned upon by those whose beliefs are contrary and/or just plain argumentative.

I believe the truth is spelled out for us in G-D’s word with some room for freedom such as a choice between chicken or beef within Kosher laws (minor choice for some, tremendous choice for others). The point, I believe we have to first believe that G-D’s teachings are valid and from the One true and living G-D and are applicable for our navigation through this life. Then we have to decide, if it is THE universal truth which guides our lives. If we believe that His Word is the one universal truth, and our handbook (the Bible) is for holy living, then we have to choose to practically live out His design for our lives. We have to believe that the Bible is G-D’s inspired Word and that He sent Yeshua (Jesus) to atone for our wickedness. Living our lives in such a manner draws others to HIS TRUTH, HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE. Living for G-D does not glorify ourselves, but glorifies and pleases Him. I believe that is our utmost purpose – to please our heavenly Father. Are we always successful and do as required? You know that obvious answer!

If we differ on the biblical principles of who G-D is, His love, His provision for His people, then our truth is relative and our foundation fluid if we are believers of His Way. Again, my belief, my canon. So, how can there be unity, if truth is fluid?

If unity means the state of not being multiple or oneness…how is this possible on a small scale, no less a societal scale? Seems impossible! But is it impossible?  And does unity mean thinking the same? Can I think independently and still be united to my husband, friend, or neighbor? How about on a less personal scale, politically, socially, etc.? But, then again…I guess it is all personal as it all affects our lives. Each of us must figure out how we will walk in unity with others as we embrace the truth of G-D’s Word.

Again, I don’t have the answers to satisfy everyone, only my own personal beliefs which direct my living and love for the One who created me. My beliefs allow me to function in the truth of G-D’s Word as I understand and experience His love. Living for G-d supports my attempts at Shalom (peace) with those around me. Am I perfect? Anyone reading this blog again, knows the obvious answer!

My challenge to us, seek truth in love for the One true living G-D, and then each other….thus fulfilling the two greatest commandments. Truth is not relative as it pertains to the teachings of Adonai (L-RD). And, unity in love is possible if we are willing to respect others right to believe what they choose.

The decision is always personal.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

G-D’S Toolbox

Message by: Alan H Johnson

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Dr. Dee

Introducing Cecilia Coats!


Welcome to my PODCAST, RegardingU. My first guest,  Mrs. Cecilia Coats is a mother, teacher, author and artist. Listen to her story.


Dr. Dee



Ready to call it quits?

Ready and eager to call it quits on your marriage? Ready to throw in the towel, because everything isn’t perfect and does not meet your fantastical expectations? Then consider the following.

Lifelong commitment or a covenant marriage is not what most people think! It isn’t waking up every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It isn’t cuddling in bed until both of you fall asleep, peacefully every night after making wild passionate love. It’s not a clean home filled with the sounds of laughter each moment or the joyful sounds of children/teens serenely communicating.

Marriage includes but is not limited to someone who steals all the covers and snores! Marriage sometimes includes slammed doors, yelling, and harsh words.  Marriage at least between humans is stubbornly disagreeing, and giving each other the silent treatment, until someone decides to relinquish with hopefully a tender heart.  A tender heart which has healed and desires forgiveness both ways, but also where each person is accountable for their actions.

Marriage is coming home to the same person every day. Yet, coming home to that same person should not be boring or dreaded, but coming home to someone you know loves and cares about you. Loving as I have said so many times, means loving what we hate about the person, because it makes up the whole person. Folks, loving means dying to self and doing your part all the time. Marriage is laughing about all the great and stupid things you did together.

Marriage is about dirty laundry, unmade beds, messing garages, burnt meals and boring sex. Marriage is about the great times and difficult times, sickness and death. A marriage that desires to please G-D is about helping each other with the hard work of life! Marriage is sometimes sacrifice and selflessness. Marriage is about shutting your mouth sometimes, instead of spewing nagging and contentious words! Marriage is about cuddling with your lover when life is crazy and only tears flow, because words cannot express the anguish. Marriage is about making time for each other no matter what and much more.

When the honeymoon is over, sometimes marriage can be challenging. This person you love so much, chooses to make you feel loony tuned, insane, crazy and thoughtless all at once. Loving someone is not easy! But loving someone is worth the energy and time invested. I beseech you, bar abuse; do not give up on your marriage and loving the person you decided to make your lifelong partner. Again, it is well worth the effort and pleases our Father.

Yeshua calls us His bride. He put in love, mercy, forgiveness, sacrifice, effort, time and death, so we may have life in Him. Consider your spouse, if Yeshua delivered so we can have life and steadfastness in Him; certainly, we can extend love, time and effort to our spouses as children of the Most High G-D.

Covenantal marriage means upholding your vow even when you are ready to quit! Think about it. Yeah, you may be ready to quit, but don’t! Seek counsel if needed, but at least attempt to do your part to uphold your vow.


Dr. Dee

Do you emasculate your man?

Men are no good! They can’t be trusted! Men just want sex! They’re animals! Men are worthless! You don’t need a man to take care of you! The hell with them!

Have you heard such comments from friends, family, and/or co-workers? Have you paid attention to how men are ridiculed in the media, either blatantly or subtlety? I would venture to say we have all heard the aforementioned comments and many more; and we have been entertained by such foolish and degrading comments. Now, before you get tangled in a tizzy, the focus on this blog is about our men; husbands, brothers, sons and/or friends. So don’t go writing me about the injustices inflicted on women. I know all too well about the mistreatment of women, been there and have my graduate degrees with honors on being mistreated!

However, as a mother and grandmother of men, I want to know, why as a society are we hell-bent on demonizing our men! Think about it. The depth of the question is beyond the scope of this blog, but the evidence is all around us via media, within our work places, churches, synagogues and more. Feel free to email me with your thoughts.

We have moved so far away from the principles of G-d’s Torah (His teachings, laws) especially in our marriages that many women emasculate or belittle their husbands even sons, either intentionally or unintentionally on a regular basis. Sometimes, emasculation occurs during the dating process leaving some women to wonder, why has the man disappeared! So, if you do not espouse having a relationship with the Creator through His Son Yeshua, you might want to stop reading.

If you are still reading, marriage is G-d’s design between a biological male and a biological female; and within His design, He decided on the roles for each person…both equal in His sight and joint heirs in Yeshua, but different roles. Read your Bible. (Ephesians 5) However, regardless of one’s position within the marriage husband or wife, BOTH – (I am speaking to believers and followers of Yeshua) are required to love and respect each other, first submitted to G-d and then to each other. Yet, G-d told man to love His wife, because He knew men would struggle with the love part; and He told women to respect their husband and submit to His g-dly leadership, because He, G-d knew women would have difficulty respecting their man if He didn’t do or live up to their expectations.

Admit it! Many of us have extreme difficulty respecting our men/husbands, especially if they are inadequate in some way, including the bedroom. Thus as women, we can speak very harshly to our spouses in ways that wound them deeply, and in a manner which does not bring honor to G-d. G-d expects better from us and with the help of His breath, His Spirit, we can and should do better.

Some of us have been raised under an umbrella of criticism of men, because of negative female experiences. Others, joke about the “stupidity” of men, and are oblivious to how the toxicity of their words hurt men whether spouse, son, or friend. The media slams men due to the liberal notions prevalent in our society as well as undesirable actions of many men. Now, I get that every man who feels emasculated or small has not been verbally abused by his girlfriend, mother or wife…but that is not the point of this blog. I am again, speaking to women who claim to love and serve G-d; yet, WE have failed in honoring and respecting our men in some cases. And, though in the heat of the moment or in the “fun” of the moment it may seem justified; we are called to always show honor and respect to our men.

According to a recent article, a study was done in 2014 conducted by a neuropsychologist, Dr. David Lewis. This study demonstrated that men experienced more physiological changes in an emotional experiment than their female counterparts. This study according to the article in men feel emotions just as much as women, but are less willing to express these emotions openly due to societal expectations. Seriously, do we need a study to explain this to us? G-d’s word is clear on the vileness of the tongue and the necessity to love. (Ep. 4:29; Prov. 15:1; James 3:2-10) Any feeling human being is going to experience emotional currents good and harmful. The expression of such feelings or lack of expression may be different, but emotional feelings are part of being human. My point, contrary to our stance on how men may or may not feel, it is imperative as women of Yeshua that we treat our men with respect.

Listed below are some comments, we make intentionally or unintentionally, especially when we are totally and completely enraged with our spouse, fuming with resentment and/or full of self-righteousness. I confess, I have made derogatory remarks to the men I claimed to love. It wasn’t a pretty picture at best! I regret the disrespect I spewed in a belittling manner and I have suffered such grave loss because of my sins. Thank G-d for His forgiveness and learning from my mistakes.

Emasculating Actions/Comments:

  • Calling him degrading names. In a loving relationship, there is no room for name calling. Men have feelings too, and to tell a man he has no courage, a loser, etc., because maybe he is not dealing with a situation per your methodology will cause him to feel insignificant as a man. Worst, hit him with derogatory sexual remarks…duck for cover!  (No physical violence of course.) Words bring life or death to the listener. Harsh words are a breeding ground for the evil one to infect the relationship with bitterness, hatred anger, adultery, and death (divorce).


  • Pointing out his failings. Like us women, men are well aware of their flaws and do not need us to point them out or attempt to change them. In a loving relationship, we have to “love” the things we hate about the person, because part of loving someone is loving the whole person. If something is really an issue, then take the concern to G-d in prayer, and ask Him first to deal with the matter; and then to help you speak in kindness if applicable. And, remember, ladies, we spend an excessive amount of time and billions of dollars per year working on own our flaws. Maybe, we should spend just as much effort working on our inner woman.


  • Rescuing him in a conversation. This might happen in a conversation with others and you jump in, pushing him aside and begin to talk or argue for him. The fact that you intervened may cause him to believe you think he is unable to talk or defend his argument. Let him talk. He is a grown man and does not need a mother. If you are having difficulty keeping quiet, politely excuse yourself and take a moment to pray and adjust.


  • Criticizing him to family/friends. Keep your mouth closed! Personal matters between a husband and wife ought to stay between the couple, bar needing some counselling for a serious matter. Otherwise, criticizing your spouse because he doesn’t put down the toilet seat or eats with his mouth open or whatever, only glorifies that which you hate and makes him look awful to others. The point…don’t badmouth your man! Like momma use to say, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all! Besides, many times when women badmouth their spouses, long after the couple has made up, others remember and view him less favorably.


  • Humiliating him in public. Arguments are inevitable. Couples disagree. Keep it private. If one argues in public, and the man retorts too loudly, then he could be labeled an abuser or the cops called. If there is arguing in front of the family, dad, brothers or Big Mama, then the issue escalates; and again, others will view him negatively. And, besides ladies, think about your reputation as a follower of Yeshua?


None of us are perfect, but as women who believe in Yeshua, we are commanded to respect our spouses. (Ephesians 5:33) And, though there are many other ways to emasculate or belittle our men, we ought to make a concerted effort to honor and cherish them. When we fail to honor the men in our lives, we ought to ask for forgiveness, even if we have belittled our sons, brothers, or other men.

If you have always honored and respected your spouse and others, then you are blessed and very special. For those who struggle in this area, ask G-d to help you. He is always available to hear our prayers and help us to overcome those sins which easily beset us.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee

Note: Image was taken from www.duckgo/free images – no copyright infringement intended.