Tag Archives: children

One heart beat at a time…

To say that life has been challenging would be a tremendous understatement! My emotions are all over the place…up, down, sad, excited, thrilled, overwhelmed, annoyed, ecstatic, depressed…all at once with many other emotions as well. I am not sure if I am navigating or just getting by; or if I am being pushed or led and/or all of the above.

If you have read any of my previous posts, you know that my youngest adult son, Aaron died on October 19, 2024 – suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He dropped and died walking with his fiancee early that morning at a local park. To say, my heart was broken and devastated fails to speak to my dismay. 

However, in my grief then and now, the hand of ABBA is very evident and provides the comfort I need to continue on the path of healing. Writing to you, helps as well, though I may never hear words of condolences. I miss him every day and think of him all throughout the day, and oftentimes mask my grief behind smiles to keep others around me comfortable. 

I have noticed that sometimes people are uncomfortable with a grieving mom and I truly understand. I am uncomfortable as a grieving mom, but this is my burden to bear as Yeshua heals my heart, one beat at a time.

On the flip side, I was recently married to a wonderful man who has proven his love and commitment to me over and over again. I couldn’t ask for a better husband and devoted companion. We have shared troubled histories, but we have found true love in each other.

Briefly, we met about a year ago, and got engaged about 6 months into the relationship. He is well liked by my family, friends, my Rabbi and folks from my worship community. He is my dream come true as I have struggled to believe that G-D would bless me with a wonderful man given my history. I am grateful and look forward to an adventurous and happy life in the sunset years of our lives.

So, in addition to my deep sadness over the loss of my son, I am extremely happy to be with my b’sheirt (soulmate) in a loving relationship. 

So my dilemma …. I am so very happy and so very sad. Most days these feelings are compartmentalized, but other days one extreme overrides the other and feelings of guilt on both ends attempts to raise its guilty head.

Yeah, so I’m human and the struggle is real! But, G-D, creator of the Universe through Yeshua the anchor of my soul, is my steadfast path to healing and salvation one heart beat at a time!

Just saying, 

Dr. Dee

Trusting…It’s Hard!

G-D’s Doing

Last week schools were shut down in the Denver area, because a woman threaten schools with violence. I was livid at the insanity of this threat, and how it affected our students who live in a world saturated with violence. I was also sadden by her avoidable death. However, our children are the targets of senseless destructive activities; and on all days, it is difficult to hear and see the results of viciousness on our youth – all people.

I remember a time when school shootings were unheard of and the violence within schools was due to scuffles between students and/or teachers; and maybe some carnage from an outside force due to racial disparity. 

Yet, in today’s society, violence, shootings, and mayhem seem par for the course. I am overwhelmed with the evil and sickness in the hearts of those who choose to wreak havoc on others. I am convinced that we are living in extremely dark times, because of the wretchedness which we see and hear over the air-ways constantly. However, even though I seethed with anger and my heart is broken over the pandemonium in today’s society; I attempt to embrace G-D’s Word that He is completely and totally in charge. Honestly, I struggle with that notion…and I’m surprised that He has not wiped us all out!

Still, the Bible is clear…G-D’s thoughts, ways, and love are beyond our human understanding, and in spite of my limited perspective, I am not in charge, and I lack the clarity on the various situations throughout society. If one espouses the Bible, then we have to believe that G-D has this, and will soon redeem his people from the madness of this world. We have to believe in our FAITH (Yeshua, Jesus), even when we do not feel, understand or get angry about those things we can’t change or perceive. We have to endorse the notion that G-D’s love, mercy and grace are depended on His design for His purposes. He uses ALL things for His glory.

Above all things, I believe in G-D the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and I desire with all my heart to have a place in His Kingdom, now and in the life to come. Yet, as a temporal human being, my heart is troubled by the violence and dooms-day activities we all see and experience on a daily basis. I just don’t get why people act the way they do, and treat others with contempt. Now, I know the source of evil, but people always have a choice to do good or to do evil. We have been given so much by our Creator. Yet, many of us act like spoiled, contemptuous, ungrateful brats! Actually, we are all guilty of acting like brats at one time or another! We are without excuse for G-D has created us to innately know Him and to choose Him over all others.

Nonetheless, we fail in many ways, overtly and covertly! Why? Because we are limited, frail and sinful people. We need a Savior! And, G-D in His love and wisdom…sent Yeshua, so that we might receive His bloody sacrifice in our place, and live according to His commandments. So, though I don’t get G-D’s plans most of the times, my job is to trust and realize that even though I feel anger by the saturation of evil in our society; I have to trust and believe He truly does have the WHOLE WORLD in HIS HANDS and He’s got this! My job as His daughter-servant is to believe, trust and obey…I’m always working on all three.

Just saying!

Dr. Dee

Note: Pray for the believers who are being slaughtered throughout this world because of their faith. Pray that the evil will be snuffed out and that there will be Shalom in Israel, America and the world. 

G-D Bless!


Spring break of 2017 came and went, and I never got to Denver. (Read my earlier post) But now, I am here and enjoying myself with my family. The weather is amazing, the people are friendly, and I am so happy to be in the mile-high city!

My friend-girl drove me to the airport and I flew out of ATL on Southwest and had a very pleasant flight. I met a nice young man, and we chatted most of the way. I spent my first evening walking around downtown Denver. My family lives in the heart of downtown Denver, so we walked the general area and shopped at a couple of stores.

Day 1: My son-in-law took me to 16th Street. We hopped on the FREE shuttle (city type bus) and then we walked for blocks and blocks looking at the sights and chatting away. Today was an awesome first day in Denver, Colorado!

Just having fun! What a blessing to just have fun!

Dr. Dee


By Design – Hello World!

Just Musing!

Well, hello to you! I am ready to dazzle, impress and/or bore you with my musings about whatever I feel like expressing! There are so many bloggers out there you could be reading right now, but know, I am so glad you decided to rest your eyes on my blog and open your mind and heart with me. I enjoy writing and spent most of my college career writing (most students do); and I continue to journal on a consistent basis.  Blogging is another way for me to express myself, share some exciting news with you, make some new friends, and have some fun doing one of the things I enjoy.

I guess you are wondering by now, who is this and why should I care? My name is DD, short for Dr. Dee. I was born in Oakland, California and grew up in the Berkeley/Oakland area. I lived there for many years until I went to college in San Jose, California and finally settled in San Jose with my family. I moved around living in various places in northern California, Colorado Springs and I moved to Georgia in 1999 in an area about 20 miles east of Atlanta. Once I moved to Georgia, (talk about culture shock), I finished obtaining my graduate degrees as a full educator raising a family.  I am the mother of 3 adult children with 3 grandsons, and currently, I am still an Educator, Entrepreneur, and hopefully retiring soon as a successful blogger! LOL…no seriously!

I came from humble beginnings and the first in my family to obtain a doctorate degree.  And, though, I have several letters behind my name, which impresses many, if not most people, these letters really indicate that I am a doer…one who completes tasks! I am truly a hard worker, fiercely loyal which has proven detrimental at times, but I love being who I am as I continue to grow.  I am grateful for my family and friends who find me adorable, and support my efforts. But, most of all, I am grateful to our Creator who gives me life, and life abundantly!

So, why am I writing this blog? I write to each of you who finds a nugget of truth, challenge, encouragement and/or love to help you travel this path we call life.   Let me challenge you this week to look for good in someone who grates your soul and then challenge yourself to get over it!

Just Musing!
