Tag Archives: death

Our Fatal Disease…

Are you prepared to die? Most of us live unprepared for death. We say we want to go to Heaven to be with the L-RD, but we don’t want to die. Or some may think by default, we will all be in Heaven someday…even if we have to endure purgatory for a while. But is that what the Scriptures suggest?

Since my son, Aaron passed away, I have been consumed with his death and those of my loved ones, Heaven and my own pending death. As a believer, we say we want the L-RD to come and we want to be with the L-RD, but do we really? Do we really want to leave this life on earth and be with Him or is this just religious babble? Do we really want to go to Heaven and live with the Creator and enjoy the plans He has for us that love Him, and if so what are we doing about it?

I can confess to you that prior to my son’s death, especially when I was younger, I cringed at the thought of being raptured/dying and leaving my children or not having the opportunity to accomplish my dreams, goals or see them grow. I worried about my kids’ salvation or them being stuck on this planet; and all the other things that weigh down a mother’s heart. So even if I said, L-RD please come, honestly, I am not sure I truly meant it at the time in the depths of my heart.

However, since my son has passed, and I am living in my golden years, I am consumed with Heaven. Even prior to his death, I read numerous stories about NDE’s (near death experiences) which I found intriguing as well as comforting. Yet, there has been a shifting that has occurred in my soul that I cannot logically describe or really understand myself. So many things I thought were important seem so insignificant. I see the Creator in nature and others more than ever before, and long to be with Him. And though I love my husband, family and friends desperately, they cannot comfort, heal or save me from my grief or ultimate terminal disease called death.

I admit I am frail and weak. The weakness and frailty I have walked in has caused much grief and pain. This is something I truly regret. However, G-D in his provision has provided me (all of us) with a way for redemption…Yeshua. Yeshua has provided redemption for everyone. Being a believer in Yeshua first begins with faith in what He did on the Cross for our salvation in this life and the life to come. Then the rest is growing in Him. When we have pledged our allegiance to Him, this is our preparation for death.

sea of clouds during sunset
Photo by Aleksejs Bergmanis on Pexels.com

Growing and trusting is working out our salvation. Being a believer is work…not works to get redeemed, but works (following His commandments) because we are redeemed. We are only redeemed/saved by His Grace. As we grow in faith and live out our faith in Yeshua, we will experience love, joy, shalom, be an example for others, as well as suffer various disappointments and challenges. But, irrespective of our condition as we journey through life, if we love and trust the L-RD, HE promises to never forsake us or leave us. 

As human beings we all have a fatal and inoperable disease, called death. We can’t run or hide when the time comes for us to exit this earth.  So the question remains, are you prepared to die? 

In Him,

Dr. Dee

Commodities of Choice…

We all make choices each moment of each day. Our choices range from minor to major and consequently, the consequences of those choices are realized whether positive or negative. However, many times when we are in the midst of decision considerations, we may not look far enough into the “future” in an attempt to make a wise decision.

This past Shabbat, I was listening to one of my favorite Rabbi’s, and he mentioned how many of us have regrets regarding our relationships with our children and wish we would have done things differently even as an honorable parent. And, though this may be the case, we have to repent from our errors and move on. Wallowing in self-pity and shame is contrary to G-D’s design of repentance and forgiveness. We have to forgive ourselves and as well as others. I was speaking to a friend on the same subject, and he mentioned that he has thoughts about things he could have done differently, and he was/is a very involved parent with both of his children.

Choices – life or death

Anyway, what about other choices? Marital choices, living accommodations, career choices, friendships, dining pleasures, worship communities and more. All of our choices whether demanding or miniscule equals consequences, positive or negative. This is both a natural and a biblical dictate.

So how do we make wise decisions? The older we get supposedly the wiser we get, goes the saying. However, I have found as a believer in Yeshua, the older I get the more I need His wisdom and guidance; and the less I can or need to lean on my own understanding.  I am clear on the choices I have made, and my current consequences remind me of the lack of wisdom and knowledge I thought I possessed, and as well as the converse. There are many positive and wonderful consequences in my life, as well as not so much.

What do I mean? Examples:

Marriage and family have always been very important to me. Initially, in my naïveté, I thought of marriage in fairy-tale manner. But, as the years have passed and failed relationships have cruelly demonstrated, marriages that are not based in covenant with G-D at the helm, struggle at best or self-destruct. Why? The choices couples make will either strengthen or destroy their marriage, their children, family and/or friends. Strengthened marriages full of love, joy, companionship, understanding, friendship are many times beacons of hope and pleasure for the onlookers, as well as those privileged to thrive in those familial relationships. The converse, unfortunately, is true.

Marriages which wreak of strife, bitterness, dishonesty, selfishness, sarcasm, and resentment are on a fast track to futility and ultimately death (divorce). Who suffers? The marital partners, children, friends, family and others. And, once an individual is standing in the midst of middle or senior years, the consequences of life choices may prove contrary to their hoped desires. 

Unfortunately, like my momma used to say, many folks today have a lack of staying-power. They quit when the going gets tough in their marriages, careers, diets or whatever it might be, because the heat of the struggle weakens or demolishes their resolve. We lack the desire or spiritual-muscle to depend on G-D to help us do our part and have the faith that He will do His part. And, those who do not have a relationship with ABBA usually depend on their own devices, which most times proves inadequate.

So again, all of our decisions matter! 

Where is our hope and resolve with our past, present and future decisions? Our hope is in the L-RD! Our hope is in the L-RD! We hear this all the time in Christendom. However, what does that mean? What does it look like? 

Each person has to answer that question for themselves as they examine their life and take stock of their beliefs, their relationship with the Master, Yeshua, and the practical application of their faith as the Bible instructs. Each person must reconcile their status as a sinner with ABBA according to His plan of salvation in His Word.

I believe this is a process and part of working out our salvation in Yeshua under the direction of His Holy Spirit beyond the verbal acknowledgement of our belief in Him. The basic tenets of our faith must be our foundation, our hope in His coming Kingdom, the presence of His Kingdom on earth and the light of His Kingdom living within us. Further, we must accept and put our faith in His redemptive efforts on the cross and His resurrection. Your celebration of your belief in Yeshua must be based on the Word of G-D and not man’s traditions; as well as we ought to fellowship with our community of siblings in the faith.

We all, myself included, have made decisions which have put us exactly in the place we find ourselves in this current moment. To deny that we did not play a role in our own current circumstances regardless of the positivity or negativity is to deny a basic fundamental truth. We are our consequences as a rule. Remember the rule, not the exception. To think we have innocently moved along in this life is a fallacy worth repentance.

Let’s consider a few examples based on our choices and potential consequences. Fill in the blank per your understanding.

Negative Choices:

  • Treating others with contempt … [fill in the blank].
  • Refusing to provide for self/family … [fill in the blank].
  • Excessive intake of alcohol … [fill in the blank].
  • Experimental or drug addiction … [fill in the blank].
  • Consistent poor food choices … [fill in the blank].
  • Lying, stealing … [fill in the blank].
  • Sex prior to marriage and/or without protection … [fill in the blank].
  • Marriage outside of G-D’s design … [fill in the blank].
  • Divorce … [fill in the blank].
  • Lack of education … [fill in the blank].
  • A life devoid of a relationship with Yeshua as Savior … [fill in the blank].

Positive Choices:

  • Prayer each day and throughout … [fill in the blank].
  • Loving G-D according to the Shema (Deut. 6:4-9) … [fill in the blank].
  • Reading G-D’s Word each day … [fill in the blank].
  • Emulating the Master Yeshua … [fill in the blank].
  • Living faith via practical application … [fill in the blank].
  • Obeying G-D’s teachings … [fill in the blank].
  • Repenting of offenses to G-D and others …. [fill in the blank].
  • Exercising self-control … [fill in the blank].
  • Education (life learner) … [fill in the blank].
  • Treating others with love, kindness and respect … [fill in the blank].
  • Loving and praying for adversaries … [fill in the blank].
  • Strong work ethnic … [fill in the blank].
  • Fighting the good fight of faith … [fill in the blank].
  • Staying power and responsibility … [fill in the blank].

Obviously, either list above is exhaustive. However, regardless of what or who you believe in, we are all passing through this life. Every single one of us is going to leave planet earth by way of the death locomotive. Your money, status, moma, papa, kids, husband, wife, etc., cannot hold us when the death angel arrives. You, me, all of us will have to answer to the stranger of death. What case will your life choices present to the ultimate Judge?

Surely the ONE who has created all things can guide us as we wrestle with decisions.

Therefore, while we have today, let us embrace the love of our Heavenly Father through our Savior Yeshua, and repent of our pasts believing and living as new creations in Him. Let us ask for wisdom, guidance and insights on the decisions we make in every area of our lives. Let us seek the counsel of ABBA before making rash decisions, because we are incapable of fully understanding the consequences of our choices. We have just a little while on earth and infinite years in eternity. Let us be encouraged to trust and believe in our Blessed Hope who holds our today and our tomorrow. 

Be the consequence of your commitment to ABBA, so others will see the best of who you are in Him and be drawn to Him. One of our goals as believers is to live our faith as His hands, His feet and His voice. Seek G-D and He will help you work out your salvation in reconciliation with Him in all areas of your life. Finally, remember to pray for one another including guidance in decision making.  James 5:16

We are the commodities of our choices.


Dr. Dee

Note: If you find value in my musings, please feel free to share. Thank you for stopping by today and engaging in my contemplations! May G-D richly bless and keep you!

Shame On Us

FreshPaint-grave headstonesAnother brother bites the dust! I am so sick of seeing the many black men who have been shot and killed.  The radial violence perpetuated on black men in our society is seriously a major issue. I am personally outraged by this continual pattern in our society.

Terror, violence, mayhem seem par for the course, regardless of ethnicity, gender or religious persuasion. If it isn’t someone being shot, killed, raped, thrown over some bridge, then we are privy to the massacre we just witnessed in Orlando, Istanbul, or other acts of mass destruction around this globe.

It seems to me that the world is exploding in hatred at exponential levels! We are continually force-fed violence through the dramatic sensationalized videos and images from the news and social media. The continued violence that society is consistently bombarded with on a daily basis is ridiculous! And, truly, I would imagine, unfortunately, that many folks are being desensitized by the consistency of our societal horrors, and/or simply don’t care.

Shame on us! When one person is destroyed, we all suffer! When one community is violated and their misery is paraded on the world stage, we all suffer disgrace! One child is thrown off a cliff by some delusional person, we all worry about our children and our hearts cry out. Bombs, assault rifles, knives, whatever the weapon of destruction suits its predator, its victim(s) suffers as a result. And, of course I could go on and on, but I think my point is clear.


Yet, as I vomit my disgust for the violence, which surrounds us, I am reminded of the One who ultimately is our deliverer and the healer of our land.

My heart aches! My deepest sympathy and condolences to the families who have had to endure such horror! G-d, please help us! Join me in prayer. Our hope is not in political madness or laws…our hope is in the ONE who can heal our land through repentance. All else is futile.


Dr. Dee

What is the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day?

Every last Monday of May and each November 11 we honor military personnel. On the last Monday of May, Memorial Day, many people have festive celebrations, including barbeques, music, fireworks, dancing and more. Veterans Day is on November 11, and for most people this means a day off of work in America at least for most government workers. However, many people confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day, or they just do not realize there is a difference between the two days. Both holidays were established to recognize and honor the men and women who have served in the military of the United States of America regardless of branch of service. However, there is a difference for each day’s recognition of military service.

Memorial Day was originally set aside as a day of remembering, honoring military personnel who died serving in the Armed Forces for their country, predominately those who died in battle or due to injuries sustained in battle. Veterans Day also honors those who died in service and is celebrated on November 11. However, Veterans Day is intended to thank and honor all those who honorably serve in the Armed Forces or military during wartime or peacetime. Consequently, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living Veterans for their service and acknowledge their contributions to our national security.

Photo: Fort Smith National CemeteryFort Smith National Cemetery

Unfortunately, war seems to be a necessary part of living on earth. There is always a battle between opposing views, good versus evil, or real/imaginary rivals. I truly wish there was shalom (peace) throughout the entire universe and I believe we were created to live at peace with each other. Yet, I realize people will always be at war, because the jihad begins in our own souls and is acted out on various levels, including world and civil wars. And, until we love our Creator, ourselves, our children more than we hate our enemies, war is imminent and consistently lurking. Consequently, war brings death, loss and great sacrifice in the name of peace (or perceived/limited peace) and security for our borders.

Did you know? To ensure the sacrifices of America’s fallen heroes are never forgotten, in December 2000, the U.S. Congress passed and the president signed into law “The National Moment of Remembrance Act,” P.L. 106579, creating the White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance. The commission’s charter is to “encourage the people of the United States to give something back to their country, which provides them so much freedom and opportunity” by encouraging and coordinating commemorations in the United States of Memorial Day and the National Moment of Remembrance. The National Moment of Remembrance encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have died in service to the nation. (Information taken from, ReadWorks.org, Internet Accessed: 30 May 2016, http://www.readworks.org/passages/what-difference-between-veterans-day-and-memorial-day)

I have family members who have served in the Armed Forces for the United States of America, in addition to family members who are currently serving just like you. I am proud and sadden by the sacrifice our military families endure and the service of the military personnel to ensure the freedoms we have in our country. Today, this Memorial Day of 2016, between the eating, dancing, laughter, fun, fireworks, and celebrating, consider pausing for prayer, reflection and remembering those who have died serving in the military for this great nation.


Dr. Dee