Tag Archives: musings

Commodities of Choice…

We all make choices each moment of each day. Our choices range from minor to major and consequently, the consequences of those choices are realized whether positive or negative. However, many times when we are in the midst of decision considerations, we may not look far enough into the “future” in an attempt to make a wise decision.

This past Shabbat, I was listening to one of my favorite Rabbi’s, and he mentioned how many of us have regrets regarding our relationships with our children and wish we would have done things differently even as an honorable parent. And, though this may be the case, we have to repent from our errors and move on. Wallowing in self-pity and shame is contrary to G-D’s design of repentance and forgiveness. We have to forgive ourselves and as well as others. I was speaking to a friend on the same subject, and he mentioned that he has thoughts about things he could have done differently, and he was/is a very involved parent with both of his children.

Choices – life or death

Anyway, what about other choices? Marital choices, living accommodations, career choices, friendships, dining pleasures, worship communities and more. All of our choices whether demanding or miniscule equals consequences, positive or negative. This is both a natural and a biblical dictate.

So how do we make wise decisions? The older we get supposedly the wiser we get, goes the saying. However, I have found as a believer in Yeshua, the older I get the more I need His wisdom and guidance; and the less I can or need to lean on my own understanding.  I am clear on the choices I have made, and my current consequences remind me of the lack of wisdom and knowledge I thought I possessed, and as well as the converse. There are many positive and wonderful consequences in my life, as well as not so much.

What do I mean? Examples:

Marriage and family have always been very important to me. Initially, in my naïveté, I thought of marriage in fairy-tale manner. But, as the years have passed and failed relationships have cruelly demonstrated, marriages that are not based in covenant with G-D at the helm, struggle at best or self-destruct. Why? The choices couples make will either strengthen or destroy their marriage, their children, family and/or friends. Strengthened marriages full of love, joy, companionship, understanding, friendship are many times beacons of hope and pleasure for the onlookers, as well as those privileged to thrive in those familial relationships. The converse, unfortunately, is true.

Marriages which wreak of strife, bitterness, dishonesty, selfishness, sarcasm, and resentment are on a fast track to futility and ultimately death (divorce). Who suffers? The marital partners, children, friends, family and others. And, once an individual is standing in the midst of middle or senior years, the consequences of life choices may prove contrary to their hoped desires. 

Unfortunately, like my momma used to say, many folks today have a lack of staying-power. They quit when the going gets tough in their marriages, careers, diets or whatever it might be, because the heat of the struggle weakens or demolishes their resolve. We lack the desire or spiritual-muscle to depend on G-D to help us do our part and have the faith that He will do His part. And, those who do not have a relationship with ABBA usually depend on their own devices, which most times proves inadequate.

So again, all of our decisions matter! 

Where is our hope and resolve with our past, present and future decisions? Our hope is in the L-RD! Our hope is in the L-RD! We hear this all the time in Christendom. However, what does that mean? What does it look like? 

Each person has to answer that question for themselves as they examine their life and take stock of their beliefs, their relationship with the Master, Yeshua, and the practical application of their faith as the Bible instructs. Each person must reconcile their status as a sinner with ABBA according to His plan of salvation in His Word.

I believe this is a process and part of working out our salvation in Yeshua under the direction of His Holy Spirit beyond the verbal acknowledgement of our belief in Him. The basic tenets of our faith must be our foundation, our hope in His coming Kingdom, the presence of His Kingdom on earth and the light of His Kingdom living within us. Further, we must accept and put our faith in His redemptive efforts on the cross and His resurrection. Your celebration of your belief in Yeshua must be based on the Word of G-D and not man’s traditions; as well as we ought to fellowship with our community of siblings in the faith.

We all, myself included, have made decisions which have put us exactly in the place we find ourselves in this current moment. To deny that we did not play a role in our own current circumstances regardless of the positivity or negativity is to deny a basic fundamental truth. We are our consequences as a rule. Remember the rule, not the exception. To think we have innocently moved along in this life is a fallacy worth repentance.

Let’s consider a few examples based on our choices and potential consequences. Fill in the blank per your understanding.

Negative Choices:

  • Treating others with contempt … [fill in the blank].
  • Refusing to provide for self/family … [fill in the blank].
  • Excessive intake of alcohol … [fill in the blank].
  • Experimental or drug addiction … [fill in the blank].
  • Consistent poor food choices … [fill in the blank].
  • Lying, stealing … [fill in the blank].
  • Sex prior to marriage and/or without protection … [fill in the blank].
  • Marriage outside of G-D’s design … [fill in the blank].
  • Divorce … [fill in the blank].
  • Lack of education … [fill in the blank].
  • A life devoid of a relationship with Yeshua as Savior … [fill in the blank].

Positive Choices:

  • Prayer each day and throughout … [fill in the blank].
  • Loving G-D according to the Shema (Deut. 6:4-9) … [fill in the blank].
  • Reading G-D’s Word each day … [fill in the blank].
  • Emulating the Master Yeshua … [fill in the blank].
  • Living faith via practical application … [fill in the blank].
  • Obeying G-D’s teachings … [fill in the blank].
  • Repenting of offenses to G-D and others …. [fill in the blank].
  • Exercising self-control … [fill in the blank].
  • Education (life learner) … [fill in the blank].
  • Treating others with love, kindness and respect … [fill in the blank].
  • Loving and praying for adversaries … [fill in the blank].
  • Strong work ethnic … [fill in the blank].
  • Fighting the good fight of faith … [fill in the blank].
  • Staying power and responsibility … [fill in the blank].

Obviously, either list above is exhaustive. However, regardless of what or who you believe in, we are all passing through this life. Every single one of us is going to leave planet earth by way of the death locomotive. Your money, status, moma, papa, kids, husband, wife, etc., cannot hold us when the death angel arrives. You, me, all of us will have to answer to the stranger of death. What case will your life choices present to the ultimate Judge?

Surely the ONE who has created all things can guide us as we wrestle with decisions.

Therefore, while we have today, let us embrace the love of our Heavenly Father through our Savior Yeshua, and repent of our pasts believing and living as new creations in Him. Let us ask for wisdom, guidance and insights on the decisions we make in every area of our lives. Let us seek the counsel of ABBA before making rash decisions, because we are incapable of fully understanding the consequences of our choices. We have just a little while on earth and infinite years in eternity. Let us be encouraged to trust and believe in our Blessed Hope who holds our today and our tomorrow. 

Be the consequence of your commitment to ABBA, so others will see the best of who you are in Him and be drawn to Him. One of our goals as believers is to live our faith as His hands, His feet and His voice. Seek G-D and He will help you work out your salvation in reconciliation with Him in all areas of your life. Finally, remember to pray for one another including guidance in decision making.  James 5:16

We are the commodities of our choices.


Dr. Dee

Note: If you find value in my musings, please feel free to share. Thank you for stopping by today and engaging in my contemplations! May G-D richly bless and keep you!

Artistically Unlimited

ABBA, YOUR goodness is running after your people, and your love exceeds the understanding of humankind. And, though, we are dreadfully sinful and full of narcissistic desires, you keep showing your love, grace and faithfulness each day to every single person on planet earth through your creation.

What do you mean Dr. Dee? How does G-D faithfully demonstrate His love to all?

Let me list a few ways:

  • Are you reading this post? Consider all that allows you to read.
  • Is your body still responding to stimuli?
  • Are you on this side of heaven?
  • Did the weather show up where you are currently living?
  • Did you have water to drink?
  • Did the flowers and trees blossom, grow, and/or provide food/shelter?
  • Did the sea continue to vomit food and nourish humans and animals?
  • Did the lakes flow and provide water and living habitats for various animals?
  • Did the air provide CO2?
  • Did the sun rise and set on this day or yesterday?
  • Did the moon remain in the heavens or did it fall to earth?
  • Did the clouds form and/or dissipate on this day or yesterday?
  • It rains on the just and the unjust indiscriminately…is this not the case?
  • And the list goes on and on! Can you think of a few examples?

The glory of G-D is evident in nature and benefits everyone, including animals irrespective of one’s belief about G-D and/or their current economic status. As we examine nature, we get a glimpse of the artistic, majestic and awesomeness of the invisible G-D revealing Himself in magnificent and often indescribable visible ways. We sometimes look at nature and take the beauty around us for granted or consider it an atomic explosion from centuries past. However, each day G-D’s handiwork is on display for all to admire and appreciate. And, may I add to love, honor and worship Him! Who? The Creator of the universe and the sustainer of life.

Let me ask you this: What other god sustains as the Creator, HaShem? What other god created the planets and holds them in perfect harmony? What other god causes the winds to blow, the seas to roar, and the earth to produce both grass and trees; thistles and flowers; wheat and corn? What other god has crafted the human body with such precision and capability? What other god has created all the variety we see in the animal kingdom? What other god desires a personal relationship with his subjects? What other god touches hearts in profound ways, protects, provides and nurtures? What other god provides salvation through Yeshua? There is none like Him. [Jeremiah 10:6-16] There is only One True and Living G-D…HaShem!

The sun has not failed to rise or set in all the years I have lived on this planet. The weather continues to impact this planet, which He controls. The crops grow and nourish both humans and animals as does water. No one can say, I am NOT blessed of Adonai! The very air we breathe is manufactured by G-D for He made the earth by His power and established the world by His wisdom. When He thunders, the waters in the heavens are in turmoil; and He causes the clouds to rise from one end of the earth to another. [Jeremiah 10:12-13] G-D created and sustains all things for His purpose and glory. Don’t get it twisted! It is all about ABBA, the Creator regardless of your stance.

Therefore, the next time, you find yourself roaming around outside; take a moment to scrutinize the great outdoors and consider the plants, trees, mountains, birds and stars.  Behold the beauty of the planet G-D has created for us. Thank Him.

Next time, you find yourself roaming around outside; with a grateful heart, thank G-D for the air you breathe, the plants which provide food and beauty; the water, which quenches your thirst and cleanses your body and many other things. Be grateful.

Next time, you find yourself roaming around outside; thank G-D for His consideration of you and be deeply appreciative for all that you have…not what you want, but WHAT you already have. You might find you are very rich beyond your realization.

Remember, we serve a great and mighty G-D who desires our worship, obedience and  fellowship. Get outside and behold the artistic landscape of our artistically unlimited G-D.  Glorify and reach up to the One true and living G-D whose artistic exquisiteness is available each day for our admiration and adoration.


Dr. Dee

Keep Praying…

This morning I read the entire book of Colossians, the letter from Yeshua’s Emissary Sha’ul to the Messianic Community in Colossians in the Complete Jewish Bible. As I read through G-D’s words this morning, I was profoundly reminded of the remarkable and incomprehensible love He has for His people. He demonstrated His amazing love through His son Yeshua providing redemption, i.e., the forgiveness of our sins and eternal salvation. Yeshua, who is the visible image of the invisible G-D, is supreme over all creation, and in connection with G-D created all things; those seen and unseen. [Col 1:14-16]

Rabbi Sha’ul wrote an eloquent prayer to the community of faithful believers that is appros for believers in Yeshua today.

Colossians 1:9 Therefore, from the day we heard of it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all the wisdom and understanding which the Spirit gives; 10 so that you may live lives worthy of the Lord and entirely pleasing to him, being fruitful in every good work and multiplying in the full knowledge of God. 11 We pray that you will be continually strengthened with all the power that comes from his glorious might; so that you will be able to persevere and be patient in any situation, joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father for having made you fit to share in the inheritance of his people in the light. [ESB]

Are we praying for each other in the same manner that Sha’ul prayed for the community of Colossians? Are we modeling the profession of our lips in our homes, communities, workplaces, etc.? Do our lives represent fruitfulness and growing in full knowledge of our Master Yeshua? And if not, why?

Prayer, I believe, is one of our spiritual obligations, which draws us closer to the Father, strengthens our resolve, and keeps us focused on WHO is in charge, as well as reminds us of our fragility. I used the word obligations, which might imply a burdensome duty, but really prayer should be a want to, can’t wait to, need to, delightful and fulfilling time of loving and communicating with ABBA. 

Prayer is a communication vehicle, which molds and empowers our relationship with HaShem. Prayer is our means of hearing and being equipped by ABBA to do His will. I believe that we must focus on prayer all through the day and night keeping ABBA first and foremost. Yeshua was very clear about prayer prior to His murder on the cross. He told His disciples to always pray to the Father on His merit and authority; and the Father would hear and answer their prayers. [John 16:23-24] Yeshua did not say to pray to Him. We have this same promise as we choose to be faithful to Yeshua and follow His commandments.

I also read an article from the Messiah Magazine, Issue 27, which First Fruits of Zion publishes. In this article which recounted various near-death-experiences, one individual who had an NDE found himself dead and before the throne of judgment. According to the article, the man was surprised by G-D’s mercy towards him. His confusion was resolved when he began hearing the prayers of his community through the angels. After returning to this realm, he related the exact details of the prayers to his community that he never heard before his NDE. 

I have read many stories about the experiences of those who have what’s been coined NDE or near-death-experiences, but this was the first one which mentioned the profundity of prayers and actually hearing the prayers of others; and G-D displaying mercy based on the prayers of others for the person unaware. I hope that makes sense? Whether you believe this story or not, I believe our prayers are vital in this life for those we pray for irregardless if they know we are praying for them or not. I believe when we pray according to G-D’s will He answers those prayers according to what He deems is best.

Therefore, as we pray for one another, as well as ourselves, let us pray with eternity in mind, full of love and G-D’s best for each other. Let us pray that we will grow in faith and application as we navigate through this life, and let others see the fruit of our following Yeshua, so they might be drawn to Him. 

My prayer for us: May the mediation of our hearts flow from our lips and may others recognize our commitment and love for our Creator and Savior through Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ. May we humbly serve as members of G-D’s Kingdom in ways which please Him. And, when we fail, quickly run to Him with contrite and sincere hearts knowing that He has promised to forgive and restore us. When our faith is weak and the burdens of this life overwhelming, may we ask ABBA for help to walk in the power of our comforter, the Holy Spirit knowing that He will reveal all truth to us and strengthen us. Help us to live demonstrating our love to You, ABBA and others by keeping your commandments. In the name of Yeshua.

Let us not be overwhelmed by fear, but in Him walk in the power of His love and mercy.

Growing in Him,

Dr. Dee 


Yeshua is the LIGHT of my life!

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep your righteous judgments. Ps. 119: 105-106

The noun form of the word will according to Webster’s dictionary means the mutual ability to decide to choose for oneself; strong desire or determination; a legal document stating how one’s property is to be distributed after death. The verb form of the word will, according to Webster’s dictionary, means to bring about by an act, bound to, to decide as by decree, to give or bequeath (to hand down) something in a will. Thus, when we say to ABBA (Father) of all creation that “I will follow”, we are in essence not only speaking an action concerning our choice to obey by decree or decision, but we are declaring our “death” i.e., death to our desires and determinations based on our self-idolatrous nature and desires.

Let me elaborate.

A will, a legal document exercised at someone’s physical death, is the distribution of personal properties and/or possessions. Therefore, as believers in the Most High G-D, once we have accepted the Master, Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ); we are to die to our flesh and will all of our earthly possessions to him including our loved ones and enemies. Consequently, with the confession of our lips and the belief in our hearts, we have entered into a “legal” relationship with G-D through the blood of Yeshua and sealed by the Holy Spirit. However, legal and binding, covenant is a better term, because covenant means doing your part irrespective of the other person’s behavior. This is very comforting for those of us who know the L-RD, because unlike ourselves, He will never fail or leave us. And, with our best and most loving intentions towards G-D and others, it is impossible for us to walk in G-D’s type of love 24 hours each day. Thus, why we need a Savior!

Dying to the flesh is a conscious moment by moment endeavor and is accomplished via the magnificent inward and outward working of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). [1 Corinthians 6:19; Ephesians 1:13; Titus 3:5] As believers we need the power, guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit because we are weak, frail and our hearts are desperately wicked when we seek to live apart from G-D’s teachings. Therefore, when we will to do G-D’s will, we must ask the Ruach HaKodesh to assist us in being willing vessels for His purposes. We must have a strong determination to follow the Master regardless of the cost. We must decree to choose Him and entrust ourselves to Him. When we choose to join ourselves with the Master, Yeshua, we will experience Shalom and joy. [Philippians 4:7; Isaiah 35:10; 1 Peter 1:8&9] When we choose the Master, we will never thirst again in a spiritual sense, because we are created to innately know Him. [Matthew 5:6; John 4:14] Instead, we will begin to bask in His presence in this life and more so in the life to come.

G-D chooses to operate through willing believers to accomplish His will on earth. However, we must remember that doing His WILL is an act of our wills. It is a conscious commitment with maximum effort. If we seriously consider the Scripture in Matthew 7:21, Not everyone who says to me ‘L-RD, L-RD’ will enter in the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven; this should propel us to live as obedient servants for our heavenly Father. 

Let us remember to willingly lift our hearts and our voices in worship, praise and prayer to the One who has created us. In addition, let our wills exemplify our daily death and burial with the Master, and let us run in the newness of our life in Him. And, when we fail and we will, quickly run to the Father in prayer and ask for forgiveness through our Savior and L-RD, Yeshua.

PRAYER: ABBA, Father lead me up the path of righteousness and I will follow. Father, I join my will, heart, flesh and mind to your will and desires as I walk in the salvation bestowed on me through Yeshua. When I fail, help me to quickly repent and turn from my self-idolatrous ways and focus my will, heart, flesh and mind on You. Help me to walk circumvent before you and others, so that I might please you with my life. I love you L-RD. In Yeshua, I pray.

In Him and Much Love!

Dr. Dee

So What’s Happening

Doc Speaks
My Musings

Mar 5, 2022

So What’s Happening?


It’s been awhile since I have written and life has been full of twists and turns. Yet, by the grace of G-D, I am still here and possibly in my right mind. The pandemic has made all of us  a little or a lot of something and I am no exception. During this pandemic, there was the threat of losing my job – gratefully, I am able to continue working remotely. My mom passed away in December 2021, and  shortly after her death,  my “what I thought” was my forever mate,  abandoned the relationship, which realizing now was best for both of us.  Yet, life keeps moving forward and no time to get stuck in the mud of “woe” is me or sink in self-pity. Yes, healing is vital, but I believe in active healing. More about that in another post.

Most importantly, I have much to be grateful for and this is where I choose to hang my life for G-D to see; and hopefully He will  use me to help others. Today, while it is today, let me encourage you to choose life in ABBA and His way of loving you. Choose forgiveness towards others over bitterness and hatred. Choose goodness and mercy, instead of meanness and pride. Choose humility and meekness, instead of arrogance and domination. Choose agape love, because all roads lead to G-D. We choose either life in Him or separation from Him.

What do you say about what’s happening in your life? Let your heart sing to Him and He will respond. Remember, that which we worship, we become.

In Him,

Dr. Dee

Ready to call it quits?

Ready and eager to call it quits on your marriage? Ready to throw in the towel, because everything isn’t perfect and does not meet your fantastical expectations? Then consider the following.

Lifelong commitment or a covenant marriage is not what most people think! It isn’t waking up every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It isn’t cuddling in bed until both of you fall asleep, peacefully every night after making wild passionate love. It’s not a clean home filled with the sounds of laughter each moment or the joyful sounds of children/teens serenely communicating.

Marriage includes but is not limited to someone who steals all the covers and snores! Marriage sometimes includes slammed doors, yelling, and harsh words.  Marriage at least between humans is stubbornly disagreeing, and giving each other the silent treatment, until someone decides to relinquish with hopefully a tender heart.  A tender heart which has healed and desires forgiveness both ways, but also where each person is accountable for their actions.

Marriage is coming home to the same person every day. Yet, coming home to that same person should not be boring or dreaded, but coming home to someone you know loves and cares about you. Loving as I have said so many times, means loving what we hate about the person, because it makes up the whole person. Folks, loving means dying to self and doing your part all the time. Marriage is laughing about all the great and stupid things you did together.

Marriage is about dirty laundry, unmade beds, messing garages, burnt meals and boring sex. Marriage is about the great times and difficult times, sickness and death. A marriage that desires to please G-D is about helping each other with the hard work of life! Marriage is sometimes sacrifice and selflessness. Marriage is about shutting your mouth sometimes, instead of spewing nagging and contentious words! Marriage is about cuddling with your lover when life is crazy and only tears flow, because words cannot express the anguish. Marriage is about making time for each other no matter what and much more.

When the honeymoon is over, sometimes marriage can be challenging. This person you love so much, chooses to make you feel loony tuned, insane, crazy and thoughtless all at once. Loving someone is not easy! But loving someone is worth the energy and time invested. I beseech you, bar abuse; do not give up on your marriage and loving the person you decided to make your lifelong partner. Again, it is well worth the effort and pleases our Father.

Yeshua calls us His bride. He put in love, mercy, forgiveness, sacrifice, effort, time and death, so we may have life in Him. Consider your spouse, if Yeshua delivered so we can have life and steadfastness in Him; certainly, we can extend love, time and effort to our spouses as children of the Most High G-D.

Covenantal marriage means upholding your vow even when you are ready to quit! Think about it. Yeah, you may be ready to quit, but don’t! Seek counsel if needed, but at least attempt to do your part to uphold your vow.


Dr. Dee

Today, I will be grateful!

The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less competent, reduces feelings of relatedness and gratitude, reduces their ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self-centered. (Author Unknown)

In a 2015 HUFFPOST article by Lindsay Holmes, she penned there were 100 things we could be grateful for. I suggest there are 1000’s of things we can be grateful for if we consider all that life has shown us currently and in our previous years. 

Materialism is a tendency to consider physical comfort and material possessions more important than spiritual values. Thus, if a person believes that things are more important than spiritual values or having a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus); can a person ever truly be grateful or content in the moment?

Regardless of where you find yourself in life as of right now…happy, sad, rich, poor, broke, sick, single, married, homeless, etc., there is ALWAYS something to appreciate about today! Today is all we have – yesterday is gone and who knows about tomorrow. So, why are you thankful?

Here are just some of the reasons I am grateful: 

1. Messianic Believer and saved by the redemptive work of Yeshua (Jesus). I could end       my list here and that would be MORE than enough.
2. Health
3. Sanity of mind – at least on most days!
4. Family
5. Friends
6. Enemies…they help me practice kindness
7. Strangers…not friends yet
8. Employment
9. Food
10. Clothes
11. Housing
12. Transportation
13. Place of Worship
14. Weather
15. Living in America
16. Living in the neighborhood of my choice
17. Freedom of speech
18. Entertainment
19. Challenges
20. Wonderings
21. Opportunities
22. Etc.

There are many things I can be grateful for under each category listed above and more. There are many things in your life you can be grateful for as well, and give G-d praise for His overwhelming love.

Let me challenge you/us to consistently thank G-d for His goodness and His provisions with a heart of love and gratitude. Today, I will be grateful for this day! How about you?


Dr. Dee

Note: Photos – No copyright infringement is intended

First Year …

Well, I finished my first teaching school year in Denver, and approaching my first year living in the Rockies. They call it the Rockies for a reason!  

No…but really, I have enjoyed living in the beautiful state of Colorado for the most part. I have desperately missed family and friends from Georgia, but life in Colorado has been pretty good for me!

My baptism into the school system challenged me to rise above the obvious and explore below the surface. There were days I thought I was going to pack my two dresses and return to Georgia; or just lose my mind at the very least! Many nights my king-size sleigh bed embraced me by 5:30 PM until dawn, and upon waking – realizing …off to work I go!

Many days, I cried, complained, whined and prayed, only to wonder, why I moved to Denver? Teaching was extremely hard! But, thank G-d for friends and family who will put up with the same complaints over and over again. Yet, without the help of Adonai, and His assurance that the move to Denver was His will, I would have lost my mind, my health, my job and anything else in the path of attempting to destroy me.

So, this blog is dedicated to the very Savior, (Yeshua, Jesus) of my soul in this life and the life to come. Adonai, again has shown up and showed out in my life in marvelous ways, and I am truly grateful! He helped and is helping me to get settled in a Shul (Synagogue, Messianic) with wonderful people who embrace a Torah-life style committed to loving G-d, each other, and embracing the salvation of Yeshua as prescribed in the Word of G-d. The love and companionship of those who have accepted me has been life-giving. G-d always knows best…even when we think we know better; and His anticipatory love is surprisingly overwhelming and wonderful!

Yet again, work was extremely challenging at best, as well as tolerable. G-D brought me to the right place to grow as a professional and as a person. My hat is off to the leadership, my teaching partner, and other colleagues. Their support and encouragement helped to make each day a little brighter in the midst of mayhem, rebellion, pain, hurt, good, growth, and noticeable positive accomplishments by the end of the  school year.

This school year’s life lessons have cemented once again the resilience and endurance available to us when we lean on and into G-d’s grace. I am excited that the year is over, but I am grateful for the experience and G-d’s management in my situation and the lives of my students. I could not have done it without Him, and the love from family and friends.

My point… without G-d, the One, True and Living G-d – I am nothing, weak, frail and afraid, and at times – enraged! With G-D all things are possible when we trust in Him, even when I/We are blinded by what seems to be the obvious.


Dr. Dee

It’s All New…

So many new and exciting things have happened in my life, which have kept me very busy and distracted from writing.

I moved to Denver, Colorado in mid-July, (2017), so needless to say, I was quite occupied with moving preparations and settling into a new place and job. I am still settling in and getting use to the new area.

So far, I really like most things about Denver, especially the people and the healthy lifestyle. I am excited to see so many families out riding their bikes, walking, running and enjoying all the free events. I also really like the friendliness and helpfulness of the folks I have encountered. I am amazed at so many things to do, and at how many people seem to always be outside. I had the privileged of hiking at Mt. Falcon with the staff at the new school where I will be teaching Literacy. It was the first time in all my career that I have been involved with such a team building activity. It was exhilarating and tiring! I absolutely loved the experience and getting to know the fellow teachers!

I absolutely hate the congestion in the downtown Denver area. Between the traffic and the construction…it’s just not my cup of tea! Freeways are crazy, but so was the traffic in Atlanta. There is a lot of construction, apartments, townhouses etc. to accommodate all the folks moving to this area, and the rents are extremely expensive! I am not really sure why as the salaries are not that high.   I live in an area where there are mostly apartments, condos and townhouses and to my amazement it is still very quiet! I am so grateful to live in such a very pleasant area.

There are so many positive things which have happened to me since moving to Denver, and to try to name them all, I would leave some vital details out. Most of all, G-d’s hand is evident in this move and for that I am eternally indebted to Him for this new adventure. I am excited about the unknown, those hopes and dreams yet realized, and my contributions to this society.

On the flip side, I miss my family very much! I left my mom, my youngest son, grandson, a niece and a grand-niece as well as friends in Georgia. I miss them very much, but I am committed to staying in touch. I also have a son who lives in another country along with his wife and three children, and I miss them as well. Though there is physical distance I carry them daily in my heart, prayers and thoughts!

Like Abraham, I have left the familiarity…

Just Musing!

Dr. Dee

Free Gifts of Love

Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.– Tony Robbins

Interesting fact – wealth is not linked to happiness according to the latest research. After accounting for basic needs (food, shelter, and money for the basics), wealth has a relatively small effect on well-being, though many would disagree, the fact remains.

However, in a study undertaken at the University of British Columbia, Professor Elizabeth Dunn observed a much stronger correlation between positive emotions from giving money away than spending it. Interestingly, people with less money derived more happiness from giving money to charity. This fact is exemplified by many people such as the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and is the foundation for many who practice a life of faith. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and the Savior, Himself are most admired for their altruistic nature.

Giving money, giving one’s time and helping others creates feelings of love and happiness for both the giver and the recipient. Data from published documents suggests … volunteers have a lower risk of death than non-volunteers, as well as lower levels of depression and increased life satisfaction and enhanced well-being.

Now, I realize that some of you are skeptical and think this is rubbish. However, giving of money, time and/or resources is an exceptionally spiritual and powerful act which benefits the receiver and the giver.  It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

Myriad numbers of people have made a lasting impression through giving, and in turn, received reciprocation of their love and kindness. In this blog, listed below are gifts of love more precious than momentary gifts and available to everyone who wants to make a positive difference in the life of others.

The Gift of a Smile

A warm smile is the universal language for kindness. William Arthur Ward

Smiling is a universal language of warmth, friendliness and invitation. A genuine smile can literally change the attitude of a downcast person or change a negative situation into a positive one. Smiling costs nothing, but impacts lives beyond the value of dollars and cents. Have you shared a genuine smile today?

The Gift of Actively Listening

Cell phones are like a third hand, an appendage that is attached and constantly monitored for our immediate response. Technology has its advantage to say the least, but technology has also rendered active listening null and void in many situations. Next time you are out, notice couples at dinner, or folks on the bus, train, plane, people standing in line for coffee, or wherever you find people; and notice…what are they doing? Checking their phones, talking on their phones, texting on their phones.

Yet, when we sit down, silence our phones, and look someone in the eyes giving them our complete attention, we are providing a gift of love. We are providing a gift of time, respect, care, and demonstrating that we are a good listener. When was the last time you silenced your phone, and actively listened to the person sitting across from you?

The Gift of Time

Flying time or time flies is a fleeting resource we can never get back. Some of the most rewarding professions are spent giving time to help others, such as doctors, teachers, fire fighters, etc. However, routinely volunteering, conversing with someone who needs counsel or just needs company; spouses spending quality time together outside of arguing and doing the routine things, benefits the giver and the receiver. Giving of one’s time is a vital gift and a gift that will always be remembered. When was the last time you spent quality time with your spouse, child, parent or friend where your time together was the priority and not your cell phone?

The Gift of Sincerity

Insincerity is rampant in our homes, communities and everywhere we find ourselves. Many people have agendas, which only masturbate their narcissistic desires. However, modeling and displaying genuine honor, honesty and strong character is a gift of love to those in your inner circle and beyond. Knowing and being with someone who is sincere is truly a gift of love that makes lasting impressions. How sincere are you, and are you known for being a sincere person of character?

The Gift of True Love

I believe we have been created to love and be loved. It is our highest calling to first love G-d, then others and ourselves. Sensitivity, compassion, and understanding towards others are wonderful gifts of true love. However, tough love is also necessary. Tough love from someone who recognizes a pattern of apathy, failure, especially from a g-dly parent or teacher, etc. requires some constructive feedback in order to grow and change. Someone who has the courage to lovely admonish, truly loves or cares for us and our growth.

Tough love is about seeing the greatness in someone, and encouraging them to reach for their highest potential, instead of wallowing in mediocrity. Tough love requires a response – courage from the giver, and humility from the receiver with a willingness to consider the constructive feedback. Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed. Faithful are the wounds of a friend…Proverbs 27:5-6

We are all capable of giving gifts of love if we choose to walk in kindness and love. We make choices every day as to how we are going to treat others, and thus how others will perceive us based on the gifts of love we display. Let me urge you to share the above gifts on a regular basis and make a difference in the life of the giver and the receiver. Remember, the greatest gift of love is to change oneself. Choose to generously give gifts of love.


Dr. Dee

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