Tag Archives: spirituality

Artistically Unlimited

ABBA, YOUR goodness is running after your people, and your love exceeds the understanding of humankind. And, though, we are dreadfully sinful and full of narcissistic desires, you keep showing your love, grace and faithfulness each day to every single person on planet earth through your creation.

What do you mean Dr. Dee? How does G-D faithfully demonstrate His love to all?

Let me list a few ways:

  • Are you reading this post? Consider all that allows you to read.
  • Is your body still responding to stimuli?
  • Are you on this side of heaven?
  • Did the weather show up where you are currently living?
  • Did you have water to drink?
  • Did the flowers and trees blossom, grow, and/or provide food/shelter?
  • Did the sea continue to vomit food and nourish humans and animals?
  • Did the lakes flow and provide water and living habitats for various animals?
  • Did the air provide CO2?
  • Did the sun rise and set on this day or yesterday?
  • Did the moon remain in the heavens or did it fall to earth?
  • Did the clouds form and/or dissipate on this day or yesterday?
  • It rains on the just and the unjust indiscriminately…is this not the case?
  • And the list goes on and on! Can you think of a few examples?

The glory of G-D is evident in nature and benefits everyone, including animals irrespective of one’s belief about G-D and/or their current economic status. As we examine nature, we get a glimpse of the artistic, majestic and awesomeness of the invisible G-D revealing Himself in magnificent and often indescribable visible ways. We sometimes look at nature and take the beauty around us for granted or consider it an atomic explosion from centuries past. However, each day G-D’s handiwork is on display for all to admire and appreciate. And, may I add to love, honor and worship Him! Who? The Creator of the universe and the sustainer of life.

Let me ask you this: What other god sustains as the Creator, HaShem? What other god created the planets and holds them in perfect harmony? What other god causes the winds to blow, the seas to roar, and the earth to produce both grass and trees; thistles and flowers; wheat and corn? What other god has crafted the human body with such precision and capability? What other god has created all the variety we see in the animal kingdom? What other god desires a personal relationship with his subjects? What other god touches hearts in profound ways, protects, provides and nurtures? What other god provides salvation through Yeshua? There is none like Him. [Jeremiah 10:6-16] There is only One True and Living G-D…HaShem!

The sun has not failed to rise or set in all the years I have lived on this planet. The weather continues to impact this planet, which He controls. The crops grow and nourish both humans and animals as does water. No one can say, I am NOT blessed of Adonai! The very air we breathe is manufactured by G-D for He made the earth by His power and established the world by His wisdom. When He thunders, the waters in the heavens are in turmoil; and He causes the clouds to rise from one end of the earth to another. [Jeremiah 10:12-13] G-D created and sustains all things for His purpose and glory. Don’t get it twisted! It is all about ABBA, the Creator regardless of your stance.

Therefore, the next time, you find yourself roaming around outside; take a moment to scrutinize the great outdoors and consider the plants, trees, mountains, birds and stars.  Behold the beauty of the planet G-D has created for us. Thank Him.

Next time, you find yourself roaming around outside; with a grateful heart, thank G-D for the air you breathe, the plants which provide food and beauty; the water, which quenches your thirst and cleanses your body and many other things. Be grateful.

Next time, you find yourself roaming around outside; thank G-D for His consideration of you and be deeply appreciative for all that you have…not what you want, but WHAT you already have. You might find you are very rich beyond your realization.

Remember, we serve a great and mighty G-D who desires our worship, obedience and  fellowship. Get outside and behold the artistic landscape of our artistically unlimited G-D.  Glorify and reach up to the One true and living G-D whose artistic exquisiteness is available each day for our admiration and adoration.


Dr. Dee

Keep Praying…

This morning I read the entire book of Colossians, the letter from Yeshua’s Emissary Sha’ul to the Messianic Community in Colossians in the Complete Jewish Bible. As I read through G-D’s words this morning, I was profoundly reminded of the remarkable and incomprehensible love He has for His people. He demonstrated His amazing love through His son Yeshua providing redemption, i.e., the forgiveness of our sins and eternal salvation. Yeshua, who is the visible image of the invisible G-D, is supreme over all creation, and in connection with G-D created all things; those seen and unseen. [Col 1:14-16]

Rabbi Sha’ul wrote an eloquent prayer to the community of faithful believers that is appros for believers in Yeshua today.

Colossians 1:9 Therefore, from the day we heard of it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all the wisdom and understanding which the Spirit gives; 10 so that you may live lives worthy of the Lord and entirely pleasing to him, being fruitful in every good work and multiplying in the full knowledge of God. 11 We pray that you will be continually strengthened with all the power that comes from his glorious might; so that you will be able to persevere and be patient in any situation, joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father for having made you fit to share in the inheritance of his people in the light. [ESB]

Are we praying for each other in the same manner that Sha’ul prayed for the community of Colossians? Are we modeling the profession of our lips in our homes, communities, workplaces, etc.? Do our lives represent fruitfulness and growing in full knowledge of our Master Yeshua? And if not, why?

Prayer, I believe, is one of our spiritual obligations, which draws us closer to the Father, strengthens our resolve, and keeps us focused on WHO is in charge, as well as reminds us of our fragility. I used the word obligations, which might imply a burdensome duty, but really prayer should be a want to, can’t wait to, need to, delightful and fulfilling time of loving and communicating with ABBA. 

Prayer is a communication vehicle, which molds and empowers our relationship with HaShem. Prayer is our means of hearing and being equipped by ABBA to do His will. I believe that we must focus on prayer all through the day and night keeping ABBA first and foremost. Yeshua was very clear about prayer prior to His murder on the cross. He told His disciples to always pray to the Father on His merit and authority; and the Father would hear and answer their prayers. [John 16:23-24] Yeshua did not say to pray to Him. We have this same promise as we choose to be faithful to Yeshua and follow His commandments.

I also read an article from the Messiah Magazine, Issue 27, which First Fruits of Zion publishes. In this article which recounted various near-death-experiences, one individual who had an NDE found himself dead and before the throne of judgment. According to the article, the man was surprised by G-D’s mercy towards him. His confusion was resolved when he began hearing the prayers of his community through the angels. After returning to this realm, he related the exact details of the prayers to his community that he never heard before his NDE. 

I have read many stories about the experiences of those who have what’s been coined NDE or near-death-experiences, but this was the first one which mentioned the profundity of prayers and actually hearing the prayers of others; and G-D displaying mercy based on the prayers of others for the person unaware. I hope that makes sense? Whether you believe this story or not, I believe our prayers are vital in this life for those we pray for irregardless if they know we are praying for them or not. I believe when we pray according to G-D’s will He answers those prayers according to what He deems is best.

Therefore, as we pray for one another, as well as ourselves, let us pray with eternity in mind, full of love and G-D’s best for each other. Let us pray that we will grow in faith and application as we navigate through this life, and let others see the fruit of our following Yeshua, so they might be drawn to Him. 

My prayer for us: May the mediation of our hearts flow from our lips and may others recognize our commitment and love for our Creator and Savior through Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ. May we humbly serve as members of G-D’s Kingdom in ways which please Him. And, when we fail, quickly run to Him with contrite and sincere hearts knowing that He has promised to forgive and restore us. When our faith is weak and the burdens of this life overwhelming, may we ask ABBA for help to walk in the power of our comforter, the Holy Spirit knowing that He will reveal all truth to us and strengthen us. Help us to live demonstrating our love to You, ABBA and others by keeping your commandments. In the name of Yeshua.

Let us not be overwhelmed by fear, but in Him walk in the power of His love and mercy.

Growing in Him,

Dr. Dee 

Men are no good!

Men are no good! They can’t be trusted! Men just want sex! They’re animals! Men are worthless! You don’t need a man to take care of you! The hell with them!

Have you heard such comments from friends, family, and/or co-workers? Have you paid attention to how men are ridiculed in the media, either blatantly or subtlety? I would venture to say we have all heard the aforementioned comments and many more; and we have been entertained by such foolish and degrading comments. Now, before you get tangled in a tizzy, the focus on this blog is about our men; husbands, brothers, sons and/or friends. So don’t go writing me about the injustices inflicted on women. I know all too well about the mistreatment of women, been there and have my graduate degrees with honors on being mistreated!

However, as a mother and grandmother of men, I want to know, why as a society are we hell-bent on demonizing our men! Think about it. The depth of the question is beyond the scope of this blog, but the evidence is all around us via media, within our work places, churches, synagogues and more. Instead of celebrating the great men in our lives who are doing what is required, we dog and degrade them! Should not be!

We have moved so far away from the principles of G-D’s Torah (His teachings, laws) especially in our marriages that many women emasculate or belittle their husbands even sons, either intentionally or unintentionally on a regular basis. Sometimes, emasculation occurs during the dating process leaving some women to wonder, why has the man ghosted them! So, if you do not espouse having a relationship with the Creator through His Son Yeshua, you might want to stop reading.

If you are still reading, marriage is G-D’s design between a biological male and a biological female; and within His design, He decided on the roles for each person…both equal in His sight and joint heirs in Yeshua, but different roles. Read your Bible. (Ephesians 5) However, regardless of one’s position within the marriage husband or wife, BOTH – (I am speaking to believers and followers of Yeshua) are required to love and respect each other, first submitted to G-D and then to each other. Yet, G-D told man to love His wife, because He knew men would struggle with the love part; and He told women to respect their husband and submit to His g-dly leadership, because He, G-d knew women would have difficulty respecting their man if He didn’t do or live up to their expectations.

Admit it! Many of us have extreme difficulty respecting our men/husbands, especially if they are inadequate in some way, including the bedroom. Thus as women, we can speak very harshly to our spouses in ways that wound them deeply, and in a manner which does not bring honor to G-D. G-D expects better from us and with the help of His breath, His Spirit, we can and should do better.

Some of us have been raised under an umbrella of criticism of men, because of negative female experiences. Others, joke about the “stupidity” of men, and are oblivious to how the toxicity of their words hurt men whether spouse, son, or friend. The media slams men due to the liberal notions prevalent in our society, as well as undesirable actions of many men. Now, I get that every man who feels emasculated or small has not been verbally abused by his girlfriend, mother or wife…but that is not the point of this blog. I am again, speaking to women who claim to love and serve G-D; yet, WE have failed in honoring and respecting our men in some cases. And, though in the heat of the moment or in the “fun” of the moment it may seem justified; we are called to always show honor and respect to our men.

A study was conducted in 2014 by a neuropsychologist named Dr. David Lewis. This study demonstrated that men experienced more physiological changes in an emotional experiment than their female counterparts. This study according to the article in healthyway.com, men feel emotions just as much as women, but are less willing to express these emotions openly due to societal expectations. Seriously, do we need a study to explain this to us? G-D’s word is clear on the vileness of the tongue and the necessity to love each other. (Ep. 4:29; Prov. 15:1; James 3:2-10) Any feeling or breathing human being is going to experience emotional currents both good and harmful. The expression of such feelings or lack of expression may be different, but emotional feelings are part of being human. My point, contrary to our stance on how men may or may not feel, it is imperative as women of Yeshua that we treat our men with respect.

Listed below are some comments, we make intentionally or unintentionally, especially when we are totally and completely enraged with our spouse, fuming with resentment and/or full of self-righteousness and bitterness. I confess, I have made derogatory remarks to the men I claimed to love. It wasn’t a pretty picture at best! I regret the disrespectful words I spewed in a belittling manner, and I have suffered grave loss because of my sins. Thank G-D for His forgiveness and learning from my mistakes.

Emasculating Actions/Comments:

  • Calling him degrading names. In a loving relationship, there is no room for name calling. Men have feelings too, and to tell a man he has no courage, a loser, etc., because maybe he is not dealing with a situation per your methodology will cause him to feel insignificant as a man. Worst, hit him with derogatory sexual remarks…duck for cover!  (No physical violence of course.) Words bring life or death to the listener. Harsh words are a breeding ground for the evil one to infect the relationship with bitterness, hatred, anger, adultery, and death (divorce).
  • Pointing out his failings. Like us women, men are well aware of their flaws and do not need us to point them out or attempt to change them. In a loving relationship, we have to “love” the things we hate about the person, because part of loving someone is loving the whole person. If something is really an issue, then take the concern to G-D in prayer, and ask Him first to deal with the matter; and then to help you speak in kindness if applicable. And, remember, ladies, we spend an excessive amount of time and billions of dollars per year working on own our flaws. Maybe, we should spend just as much effort working on our inner woman.
  • Rescuing him in a conversation. This might happen in a conversation with others and you jump in, pushing him aside and begin to talk or argue for him. The fact that you intervened may cause him to believe you think he is unable to talk or defend his argument. Let him talk. He is a grown man and does not need a mother. If you are having difficulty keeping quiet, politely excuse yourself and take a moment to pray and adjust.
  • Criticizing him to family/friends. Keep your mouth closed! Personal matters between a husband and wife ought to stay between the couple, bar needing some counselling for a serious matter. Otherwise, criticizing your spouse because he doesn’t put down the toilet seat or eats with his mouth open or whatever, only glorifies that which you hate and makes him look awful to others. The point…don’t badmouth your man! Like momma use to say, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all! Besides, many times when women badmouth their spouses, long after the couple has made up, others remember and view him less favorably.
  • Humiliating him in public. Arguments are inevitable. Couples disagree. Keep it private. If one argues in public, and the man retorts too loudly, then he could be labeled an abuser or the cops called. If there is arguing in front of the family, dad, brothers or Big Mama, then the issue escalates; and again, others will view him negatively. And, besides ladies, think about your reputation as a follower of Yeshua?

None of us are perfect, but as women who believe in Yeshua, we are commanded to respect our spouses. (Ephesians 5:33) And, though there are many other ways to emasculate or belittle our men, we ought to make a concerted effort to honor and cherish them. When we fail to honor the men in our lives, we ought to ask for forgiveness, even if we have belittled our sons, brothers, or other men.

If you have always honored and respected your spouse and others, then you are blessed and very special. For those who struggle in this area, ask G-D to help you. He is always available to hear our prayers and help us to overcome those sins which easily beset us.

Just saying,

Dr. Dee


Yeshua is the LIGHT of my life!

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep your righteous judgments. Ps. 119: 105-106

The noun form of the word will according to Webster’s dictionary means the mutual ability to decide to choose for oneself; strong desire or determination; a legal document stating how one’s property is to be distributed after death. The verb form of the word will, according to Webster’s dictionary, means to bring about by an act, bound to, to decide as by decree, to give or bequeath (to hand down) something in a will. Thus, when we say to ABBA (Father) of all creation that “I will follow”, we are in essence not only speaking an action concerning our choice to obey by decree or decision, but we are declaring our “death” i.e., death to our desires and determinations based on our self-idolatrous nature and desires.

Let me elaborate.

A will, a legal document exercised at someone’s physical death, is the distribution of personal properties and/or possessions. Therefore, as believers in the Most High G-D, once we have accepted the Master, Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ); we are to die to our flesh and will all of our earthly possessions to him including our loved ones and enemies. Consequently, with the confession of our lips and the belief in our hearts, we have entered into a “legal” relationship with G-D through the blood of Yeshua and sealed by the Holy Spirit. However, legal and binding, covenant is a better term, because covenant means doing your part irrespective of the other person’s behavior. This is very comforting for those of us who know the L-RD, because unlike ourselves, He will never fail or leave us. And, with our best and most loving intentions towards G-D and others, it is impossible for us to walk in G-D’s type of love 24 hours each day. Thus, why we need a Savior!

Dying to the flesh is a conscious moment by moment endeavor and is accomplished via the magnificent inward and outward working of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). [1 Corinthians 6:19; Ephesians 1:13; Titus 3:5] As believers we need the power, guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit because we are weak, frail and our hearts are desperately wicked when we seek to live apart from G-D’s teachings. Therefore, when we will to do G-D’s will, we must ask the Ruach HaKodesh to assist us in being willing vessels for His purposes. We must have a strong determination to follow the Master regardless of the cost. We must decree to choose Him and entrust ourselves to Him. When we choose to join ourselves with the Master, Yeshua, we will experience Shalom and joy. [Philippians 4:7; Isaiah 35:10; 1 Peter 1:8&9] When we choose the Master, we will never thirst again in a spiritual sense, because we are created to innately know Him. [Matthew 5:6; John 4:14] Instead, we will begin to bask in His presence in this life and more so in the life to come.

G-D chooses to operate through willing believers to accomplish His will on earth. However, we must remember that doing His WILL is an act of our wills. It is a conscious commitment with maximum effort. If we seriously consider the Scripture in Matthew 7:21, Not everyone who says to me ‘L-RD, L-RD’ will enter in the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven; this should propel us to live as obedient servants for our heavenly Father. 

Let us remember to willingly lift our hearts and our voices in worship, praise and prayer to the One who has created us. In addition, let our wills exemplify our daily death and burial with the Master, and let us run in the newness of our life in Him. And, when we fail and we will, quickly run to the Father in prayer and ask for forgiveness through our Savior and L-RD, Yeshua.

PRAYER: ABBA, Father lead me up the path of righteousness and I will follow. Father, I join my will, heart, flesh and mind to your will and desires as I walk in the salvation bestowed on me through Yeshua. When I fail, help me to quickly repent and turn from my self-idolatrous ways and focus my will, heart, flesh and mind on You. Help me to walk circumvent before you and others, so that I might please you with my life. I love you L-RD. In Yeshua, I pray.

In Him and Much Love!

Dr. Dee

Be Not Afraid…

War and Rumors of Wars…but the end is not yet. (Matthew 24:3)

In light of the current events between Ukraine and Russia the times we are living in are continually changing and becoming extremely darker. Evil lurks on every corner, every door post and everywhere people are positioned. And, as hard as it is not to be afraid, that is exactly what we must strive to be and do because of WHO we belong to. 

Life can be very stressful and difficult when we constantly keep our minds and hearts embellished on the mayhem of this world. All areas of our lives will suffer, if we allow the evil of this world to supersede our faith in HaShem. It can be tough, but we cannot allow fear to overtake us as we watch evil, corrupt people attempt to rule and thwart the very liberties G-D has bestowed on us.

My mother recently died and being there to witness her last breath set me on a different trajectory in my approach to life. For many years, I have suffered with abandonment and rejection issues and as a result the one thing I so desired in life has eluded me. However, with her passing and my advanced age, I am realizing more each day that my lack of faith, my fear, and my deep interpersonal issues have hindered my ability to live a fulfilling life as G-D has intended. Ultimately, I am responsible for my response to ABBA and acting on what He has proposed for me. Those whom I have allowed to hurt me were tragic lessons and many years of wasted time wrapped in some happy memories. Now, I still have time to walk in His worth rather than the negative projections of others.

My point, as the adage makes plain, LIFE IS TOO SHORT! We have to stop worrying about all the “things” and choose to live, pray, worship and serve others, because we only have right now.

The families and folks in Ukraine and other war-torn countries or those in areas where extreme weather conditions have devastated their communities did not plan on enduring their current hardships. They are in need of our prayers at the very least. Not to mention the plethora of other calamities, ills, genocides and the list is endless, so it seems.

My encouragement to you, the United States is not exempt from any calamities that could come our way. Therefore, while you have today, prepare spiritually and prepare practically. Enjoy your family, love and forgive them, and put petty matters aside. Folks that have hurt you, choose to forgive them and let go of all bitterness, rage, hatred and malice. These tortuous attitudes only destroy you if you are harboring negative feelings towards others or yourself. I heard Steve Harvey say, holding on to unforgiveness, is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die! Profound – chew on that. 

We are made in the image of G-D and we need to act like it. We need to have an attitude of gratitude and constant worship in our hearts and lips. Live each moment trusting and knowing G-D is our banner and strength. And, if war should come and destroy us all, we will arrive in heaven a little bit sooner.

Be blessed and know WHO you serve. He is the powerful and amazing G-D!

In Him,

Dr. Dee

Today, I will be grateful!

The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less competent, reduces feelings of relatedness and gratitude, reduces their ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self-centered. (Author Unknown)

In a 2015 HUFFPOST article by Lindsay Holmes, she penned there were 100 things we could be grateful for. I suggest there are 1000’s of things we can be grateful for if we consider all that life has shown us currently and in our previous years. 

Materialism is a tendency to consider physical comfort and material possessions more important than spiritual values. Thus, if a person believes that things are more important than spiritual values or having a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus); can a person ever truly be grateful or content in the moment?

Regardless of where you find yourself in life as of right now…happy, sad, rich, poor, broke, sick, single, married, homeless, etc., there is ALWAYS something to appreciate about today! Today is all we have – yesterday is gone and who knows about tomorrow. So, why are you thankful?

Here are just some of the reasons I am grateful: 

1. Messianic Believer and saved by the redemptive work of Yeshua (Jesus). I could end       my list here and that would be MORE than enough.
2. Health
3. Sanity of mind – at least on most days!
4. Family
5. Friends
6. Enemies…they help me practice kindness
7. Strangers…not friends yet
8. Employment
9. Food
10. Clothes
11. Housing
12. Transportation
13. Place of Worship
14. Weather
15. Living in America
16. Living in the neighborhood of my choice
17. Freedom of speech
18. Entertainment
19. Challenges
20. Wonderings
21. Opportunities
22. Etc.

There are many things I can be grateful for under each category listed above and more. There are many things in your life you can be grateful for as well, and give G-d praise for His overwhelming love.

Let me challenge you/us to consistently thank G-d for His goodness and His provisions with a heart of love and gratitude. Today, I will be grateful for this day! How about you?


Dr. Dee

Note: Photos – No copyright infringement is intended

Book Review


It’s been a while since I have written, but life has been great, not without challenges, but all is well! I am currently rereading the End-Time Devotional Kiss Me Again, by Jamie Lash. This is one of the most powerful devotionals I have read in sometime, and each day’s reading is a life-giving and life-changing “KISS” from our L-RD!

This book is birthed from 40 years of being kissed by G-d, ministering His love and truth to millions via television, speaking engagements, newsletters and books according to author Jamie Lash. Her interpretation of G-D’s message of love to His Bridegroom is HE is the divine covering for His bride in these last days. Lash’s book explores various verses from the Song of Solomon, and reveals what she believes the L-RD is speaking to His people during these End-Times.

This book is rich with insights, encouragement, and truths in a transparent and realistic way, in order to point the believer to Yeshua in all things; and to ignite and/or reignite  our dependence and devotion to Him.  Lash has decided to use the analogy of an umbrella to demonstrate how G-D covers us with His love, protection and so much more through His Son, Yeshua.

Listed below are the first 5 Umbrellas from Lash’s book.

  1. G-D is present even in the dark times.
  2. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) love is your umbrella.
  3. Yeshua will meet you in the secret place.
  4. Rest. Wait. Trust.
  5. G-D’s watchmen will point you to Him.

Read the book! It is worth the read and each “Umbrella” is deeply explored.  Each day you will be renewed, encouraged and compelled to trust in Adonai (L-RD) with all your heart, to do good, and feed on His faithfulness.

My prayer for us:  Abba, (Father) teach us how to embrace You fully in our lives and to turn our faces, hearts and attention towards You. Help us to remember and walk in Your love and salvation through our Savior, Yeshua all the days of our lives, and keep us close to you. Thank you for being the G-D of love and trustworthiness!


Dr. Dee

Don’t Worry Be Happy!

Don’t Worry Be Happy!

Do you remember Bob’s Marley song – Don’t Worry Be Happy? The point in the song, regardless of life’s challenges, don’t worry be happy! Yet, how can I be happy without faking it?


Happiness is based on what is happening in our lives and joy is the sense that all things are working for our good, because of the salvation we have in Messiah. So, inward and outward happiness is coupled with joy, and in order to walk in happiness, I/we have to practice many things. Listed below are just five notions I believe will help us be happy.

Be Grateful

True gratefulness exudes from a heart full of thanksgiving for all things in our lives from the smallest of things to the unexpected miracles in our lives. Just the fact that you can read this post is something to shout about and be grateful for! Have a grateful heart and mediate on all the wonderful blessings which surround you each day.

Be Light

We are called to be light to others; to share the GREAT NEWS of love and salvation, and to model love and kindness. Make someone happy by being kind to them. Pay forward in love and generosity in someone’s life in ways which demonstrate the love of G-d.

Be Free

Sometimes I feel strangled by my past horrendous mistakes, and I have to really look within and question my faith system! If I continue to allow my mistakes to imprison me, then do I really believe I am forgiven? We have to let go of the past, forgive ourselves and believe we are forgiven. The past is really gone and there is no way to change it, NO WAY! So, why do we keep torturing ourselves with re-living past blunders AND relishing in the ancient hurts? The choice is ours – keep sinking in the horrors of yester-year or walk in freedom and newness of today?


Beautiful is Creation

When was the last time you sat on the beach and savored G-d’s handiwork? When was the last time you hiked through the park, or gazed at the stars, or listened to the melody of birds? G-d’s artwork glorifies His name and reminds us of the lovely home HE provided for us. Get out and spend time listening and observing nature. Relish in the creation G-d has made.

True Friends

One of the many things I love about my mother, is that she spends time with her friends on a weekly basis. They do all sorts of things together and often times she will fly to different parts of the country just to spend time with her friends. True friends are very hard to come by. But when you find a friend, spend time with them doing some fun things that will ensure happy times.

 There are more things to come on what can make us happy, but ultimately, being happy is a choice. We choose to be depressed, sad and miserable or we choose to seek life, love, gratitude and wholeness.

What will you choose today?


Dr. Dee

If you found value in this post then share with your family and friends. Thank you in advance.Be


David…A Man After Him

How could King David be considered a man after G-d’s heart? Didn’t he commit murder, adultery? Wasn’t he a man of war and a liar? Yet, he was considered by G-d, a man after His heart! Interesting! I had a discussion with a friend on this point the other day in passing, and I found my efforts to help him see David as a man after G-d’s heart, futile. So, I decided to dig a little deeper to discover what made David so special in His eyes.

David is the only man who bears the inscription, a man after G-d’s own heart (1Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22) The name David in Hebrew means beloved and anyone who has attended a Synagogue or Church knows the story of the boy who slew the giant Goliath. Yet, we also know that David was a great and mighty king of Israel who also failed miserably. There are many reasons why David was called a man after G-d’s own heart, and if you compare the historical background of David against the ruling king prior to him, Saul, you will see why. I found three important universal reasons worth sharing.

David had unwavering faith

Before David slew the giant Goliath, he declared, The L-RD who delivered me from the paw of -the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said to David, ‘Go, and the L-RD be with you! (I Samuel 17:37) He had to depend completely on G-d in order to go forth as a boy to fight a giant with a rock and sling. His complete faith in G-d, pleased G-d. G-d desires our complete trust and faith in Him when we face various giants in our lives. I believe having complete faith in G-d is being completely convinced that He will act on our behalf; and being fully committed to His process. Is this easy? Certainly not, but we can grow in faith if we choose to believe and depend on Him.

David was grateful and He loved the Word of G-d.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name! (Psalm 100:4, ESV)

For I delight in Your commands because I love them. I lift up my hands to Your commands, which I love, and I meditate on Your decrees. (Psalm 119:47-48)

David is credited for writing over half of the Psalms, which are filled with awe, gratitude and a deep love for G-d and His Word. David, though riddled with failures as a king and a father, sought G-d’s face. David modeled a man after G-d’s heart, because he understood who was the ultimate King and Sovereign over the entire Universe. Who is Sovereign over your life?

David Repented

David’s infamous sins of adultery and murder confuse many of us as to how this man was so honored by G-d. Yet, after David committed his evil acts, he repented. David did not make excuses, but boldly admitted his failures. David ran to G-d and poured out his heart to the only One who could forgive and redeem him. Psalm 51:1-2 are the beginning words to David’s prayer of repentance to G-d:

Have mercy on me, O G-d, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! (Psalm 51:1–2)

Psalm 42:1

David had a tender heart, unlike his processor, and this tender heart and deep love for G-d, I believe, earned him the epitaph of a man’s own heart after G-d. David had a soul that panted after G-d and understood his weaknesses as a man. Fortunately, G-d does not judge and see as other humans do, or even as we see ourselves. His judgment is based on His divine purposes, tender mercies and love.

We too, are riddled with failures, lusts and all matters of evil whether we choose to admit it or not. Our experiences on this earth have clouded our judgment, and often times have cloaked us in an egotistical self-delusional fog. Our hope lies not in our own devices, and grandeur narcissistic efforts, but in the One True G-d and Savior who came that we might life.

Now, I know there are many of you who do not believe in the salvation which is offered in Yeshua (Jesus), and certainly that is your right. However, for those who do seek His face and choose His saving grace, then it is safe to say that David left a model for all us to consider and to carry out in our lives.

David’s life must be examined in the context of the time he lived and the purposes of G-d for Israel,  and not from a current New Testament lens or self-righteousness. Therefore, for anyone to think they can intentionally live a life of lust, murder, and debauchery, and think they can just ask for forgiveness as they go on their merry way, miss the great example David left for us, and miss seeing the weakness of this king.

G-d is never impressed with the outward appearance of religiosity. He looks on the heart of a person. He examines each person’s motives. G-d, I believe understands our frailty better than we do, and I believe because of His magnificent and incomprehensible love for us, he willing forgives us when we seek Him. I contend, that we are all a David, weak, frail, in need of G-d’s mercy and strength that only His under-girding can offer. However, we too can be a David when we walk in unwavering faith, gratitude, love for G-d’s Word, His salvation plan, and repentance.

As always, the choice is ours. Who will you choose today?


Dr. Dee                                                        (If you found value in this post, then please share.)




Life-long Resolutions

What are some of the goals you have for the next 6 months or for the next year? This is always the time of year when many folks set goals for themselves. I set goals as well. Some goals I’ve achieved, and some are a work in progress. However, some goals in my opinion, ought to be life-long resolutions. Listed below are ten of those life-long determinations I think are important.

 1. Free of Worry (Matthew 6: 25-34)

Worry is a waste of mental energy and accomplishes nothing. Worry is very debilitating and hard to overcome. But, with much prayer and effort, we can learn not to worry, and instead walk in faith. Many times that which we worry about NEVER happens anyway or at least the results are better than expected.


2. Pray (317 times mentioned in Scripture) 

We have not because we ask not, and when we do ask, we ask amiss or based on our selfish desires.  (James 4:3) However, if we delight in the L-rd and allow His desires for us to line up with our desires, we’ll find our worry will subside among many other things, and we can be confident in G-d who hears and answers our prayers.

3. Count your blessings with a grateful heart

Dwell on all the wonderful things you have or have experienced. Focus on how much G-d loves you and your family, and on all the ways He demonstrates His love each day. Be grateful and count your countless blessings.


4. Stay active

Commit to get up and move more.  There are many ways you can commit to staying active. Start in ways which are best or fun for you. Consider parking at the far end of the shopping parking lot to get effort steps in. Grab your spouse, kids or a friend and dance to your favorite song. Walk the dog, jump rope or join the gym. But, choose to stay active.


5. Eat Well

Pay attention to your eating choices. Eat in moderation and limit sugar and salt. Eat the minimum servings of fruits and vegetables every day, and take whole food supplements. www.mybailoutoption.com  Make a decision to eat to live and not live to eat.


6. Hydrate

Drink plenty of water each day. The Mayo Clinic recommends approximately 109 ounces or 13 cups for the adult male, and 9 cups or 72 ounces for the adult female. I follow the guideline of 1/2 ounce of water per ideal weight. So, for example, if a person weighs 150 pounds, their water intake should be 75 ounces per day roughly equivalent to the 72 ounces . I’m not a medical doctor, but based on my research this seems to work. www.mybailoutoption.com


7. Smile

Pledge to smile more and you will feel and look better. Smiling will also help others to see you in a positive light and smiling spreads a little joy. Smile even if you do not feel like it, because regardless of your current situation, if you think hard enough, there is something in your life that makes you smile. A smile is a small light of joy. We have been called to be a light in the world.


 8. Show love 

There are many ways to show people you love them. Figure out ways to show others how much you love them and do it. Commit to spend quality time with your spouse, children and others without any technological interference. (You know what I mean…TV, tablet, cell phone, laptop, etc.) Be the positive difference in your homes, at the office, your place of worship, and choose every opportunity to show love.


9. Listen and hear before speaking 

We have two ears, so we might be quick to listen and slow to speak. (James 1:19) But, listening must involve hearing and understanding. Try to listen and understand the speaker before speaking. Choose your words carefully, and in the mist of conflict attack the issue and not the character of the person.


10. Celebrate 

Most importantly, get in touch with the Creator and be a follower and doer of His Word. Depend on His love, understanding, provisions, and teachings to guide and direct your journey. When you fail, acknowledge failure, and ask for forgiveness. Once you have sought G-d’s forgiveness, keep moving forward in the purposes divinely specified for you. Believe that G-d loves you and desires the best for you; then love yourself as if you believe G-d truly loves you, and love others accordingly. Celebrate each day the goodness of the L-rd*, your life, your family and all that helps you fulfil your purpose.


Dr. Dee

*Note:  The “o” is missing for G-d and L-rd as a sign of respect and honor, for He is the Most Holy G-d, the One True One, the Creator, and Sustainer of the entire universe, and He is the Uncaused Cause. By leaving the “o” out of G-d and/or L-rd, it makes the distinction that I am not speaking of an idol, or any other entity, which uses the name “god”. This writer is referring to the One True G-d who revealed Himself to Moses as the I AM. In addition, it is my belief this is one of the ways, I can fulfill the first commandment. The first commandment directed believers to honor the L-rd’s name. Therefore, by eliminating the “o”, His name (HaShem, G-d) is honored, if the paper were thrown away, burned or destroyed in some manner, as well as for the benefit of online readers. It is this author’s intention to honor G-d in every area, in traditional and non-traditional ways as directed and led by G-d’s Breath – the Holy Spirit.